7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY"- ' ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 6.n.Us WILD CO. 1 1 cla scod lss rttratth i n Published daiy (Maadaysexcapted) durig TH thecollege er, at tutp7East NVashingtaa street. Ball phone 892.. I tnaai phona 76. LEADING Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS Tailors - cahaogc-. Athlics.........Clrnc . Eldr-idge News...........Losis 1). Stickney Makers of Men's Clothes. lltTOtRtAL STAFF. All the latest London styles lugh :AlenFranklin C. Parks and fabrics for any and all Arthua C. Paund. occasions. ASSOCIATES. George A. Osborn Harald C. Smtith -Ferris N. Smith Gerge A. Baanes RIbhat H. Clanay Fraatk J. Clark U DRSS UIT Hsry F. ;Schaltta Henry A. Mostgomtery U K 313 1). P. Stevesons John F. Wara Glen DBradlay Floyd It. Joess A~ SPEICIALTY ]toy V. Lull __ 11RATES$.$lasspea yar, ar 2.00 it paid is advanc. Address: WALTER R. BANS' Business 311 S. State St. Manager. 236 S. lath St., Phone 849 L. Araen Arbor, Mich. Base Ball Gloves Of Provem. Quaality Ive ct4eil i 011 pal-soi llhcotnvitnce you that Spadinig's Gloves are far sttpe- rior to othtery itt de- sign, duality and workntship. The favorites tltis year are S A TV'RDX:Y. \I ARCH 31,. 1906. Editor today-FLOYD H. JONES. CAtENDAR. \iIa _1I ast day11for-senor ]its-to ge & Coos. \1eii It- ititress-by ish-topt C. D. VIlt- ias. Icl ian halti,6:30 5p11m. Ap i l-eect lecturec by Professor Dalliy ioairdtleach at Oyster lav at 12 o'clock( 0today. rial. lThey hav1e tie meril thai they bring all the tiiitii.of le 110 (111.1s of1 11111i11teesitedilltie-iiattrit cait he icctaknfor graitei t 11111 iliili iorkc isef out to a Satisfacor form. SC1ISI1ITES ARRA\NfEl) FR IAIR-CUTTING (Con~ltoliledi fromi page oe.) par11ticutiilaradthey ifeel firmtly convitced tha any-. plan1 hichidoeseet suitch ~ 1111111resitdgoodelati.ntotoleimilae fitith Sie doeel ethat thesefor conde- class-siritiand wlteseat toisteone of th cntetsl-ndcigratify his .cs spirit ii al pere.cly-legiitcit manintie. Itis ialo iiiined to kI. ieep o0111aly l>emteiiiof of 1111 con11es1s dcevelop in11o 111r11athletic featurles. Soic scheelli hich 1111-c iciilasc mc coldinersttemsictvesiiandiiatewichiii they couild coi.dutct ttemelces a get- T111he c-etail-. of tese forc plinsic1ave iicubit ir ii wort11:11to1te geeal coitte I to'lclk tis cafterlon, At that time 1111elentire eeries-.wiill li worked.out. theetais. iercfecte, anti the mtteee arragedlithai it iimay ho this fternon'swo 1111ll e-stillished The i sub-coiiittiees w1110 haive- hccdlthe perfecing o f iietaitlsiderteirlisuier- visil ionace;:Tagof-war, CaieaiCoe, Cx, litiiil.ciiti tciimeralciroc, Cai- 111n11 1m lce ,cLtropltc lelel dus ll ci calilest. iCha.iranri us.ihccc.- Ricl, Gr- haln:re 111rac, Chirmlilnl.Stev-ienson11i, PENII NG ([ilt1-OLDS FIRST1 PRIAIlN.RIES Till-first tlel-iaties wic-ecliiforc till selIetion111of ihe fecig ieamitfor ihs e-~, iT'hursdayiaftrnoo, ii the fencinga roomlt Iltepil. The resulti yeas that rerettniiShtelitnadlCok 11111 tleirerihtto 1disipucte wititheci cl-illntctiii. Cradlie SatdactintdtZcltisi, thiri.riigh~t to thtc ptoitio. The ots showed iciicci~cnidraleiproemenilc t over 1110s1 of 1ovccrc-lacs, Itaid the coeit threecccill gice lie teami a hard figi. Ecery fternoiioniati430 colle-icscill1 tak pelatce 11cc. eltit1c-niciiie-. .of iie poition.1 lAnyone eiho crescti coeis1 Tisc is helast.cyear fori Grale an11 Neiluiethi.bctinitis eiors. Gradle, lie pceiident of thefeinciig clith andelcp freiu rueariaccc haclhel isicplace e(ccsce.ul Incistcs.opoioir year. y) defe-atiiong uaoccki ie etatlichehimit- se11111101pio feicr of lieunier- Sidai1oh eginoerlie secotidlmnem- ccc, mate dieaIc i is iicfrshmnauyear. lie is 1111e1of le imosct exietfoil tanlese1 andlihasiccide CEdle- igt hardfor ic positioni. 11e1111at tliencd of hisicsoihomorecyerci tndhasheld his plce ice le. 'Thece three cccii cill have oe of the hardlest lightsiniithleir career ihei they citdShetoic. Breetont aicilCook.1an11 the olccoice ic awaiedl icithccosider- cblce interest. iThe three iceni ch cii- yiyceicill dcccl inithe iiac for fr-c. sec- ondil and thied p11-.cii ontc teaici NOV'il, PLAN SkG(;ESTED lFR-tAROUSI NE I.,EEIfSLAIN)RS The folilwing letter hasi le-cn reciced b,. Hiugh Allein, preidle-nt of le 9Mich- ig tiUnion, fromtia vyountg lachy, t r- cii gradutetiof (lie univiceriy. It is reprotduceecibecause of de csggestioncit i cottais, whiich is at least cworthy of reflectioct. The lteler cottaincid a chec1k for le cbhilitisic futini. "The Mihigani Daiy- 16fhMacht.1i conltaiins anieditorial Icocrnig Prof. >ucitingtlilii-o1111r fioimiCiciagi 1111 hipobbleliss-to-I tie le-cic cit. 'Tie articleaikle.'is tile 111t51111om eay iof caliniig Ithce attnionililof tilieoleio.f te statel to the 1f(1ct ct liey- hcue tbll-l re-ting1111l the retige of the 111a1titili other unlive rities,. more- actice atici bit- ier endlowearc raenlli iniiig ley-i-upi "Is thlure inot -somie cci> I titkite- a plan thtierilaps1the Cnoll 1111V le aile ti car c ar r 011 atciftr >yerAIch11- ganlhs ha to111111 isu1sin; cl-ar ,cirgc-i>- tecauseI Iithe ciutire tias not, 11111'aliliimpotanliii tquliestoni of ieep th t tiell egi-laituieI ciilli 11o cc how ii- 1111111111 thleir ciitinct- lcoideler tis If ttis-i rom eaiiI-ch lislitrill i thei citate circe-to ptie-ilt Ia ptiiin ti 1hir li particutltrsenatoci and11represencitative-a-c inig themiitociwork forciiddei aproiria- tionsc foIlkepinig -suchi men11as.Pofessor .9l.Catgihliii.ifthisuet1itiiio u-er-siniei ic ev(e-c>-stidenit inieach11dircnd 1111y isutceleci. Moreoii-r if XMiciga ci-.ui hiedsen wh realuni-.i ofi ciitheaui-g v1er iit Iouldle 11111uetousetioir-l inle c ith. fhersIateieprelientativies TrydPsenas tPeresut iiolahe itief sT nioatcoulditcgalltcngsyds trts i grocsiofist ricsadreanagec cosidt isprec rs ome o;thacrsptoe. ticller plOn ottor.ble h no 708iS.rStatestrgetnte vletkse t Cutshitig's. r I r yc ol CATCHERS' MITTS A Wan are eqiuipped this spring with absolutely tite highest gi-ade tine of hititts ceverinanu- fatetitred. Bitts and Priges Follow:I Spalding's Perfection, $6.00 Spalding's League, $4.00 Spalding's 0. A. Mitt, $2.00 Spalding's Amateur, $1.50 Others at $1.00, 50c, 25c and 10c WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. C. E. BARTHELL, Law and Medical Books NIOW AN[) SEC-OND) tIANO. P X.==Finest Buckskin, $3.00 Iii refe rrinlg to the diif~iliedi and11is- X L.-=.White Horsehide, 1.50 tole corcrespoiintig secretaryiof lie Sti- 1S51 .==Good quality leather, 1.25 dntIeii cturarsc-ida tionil,-our ecsitemd Others, too, at had thlie foloin1g: I ir. Rotbeurt-. of till 8.t omm liiiiittee -annioiuicec that 111(re Sousa's. ilband (cncert eft. Sheehan & Co's Siuchis ufamne! Students' Bookstore Tepaso h omte pone e.1ii-.consierati~olof alliundericclass- amuch,1aill ctipletrlli guta Nli. there -t SpecialPiricesOt ' li bobetosbogtuhreil Leatne r rillows cnldh ~ie oeeypsil cee Includin10(1ntsts. ii5nt ithe comi ttees haveii~itt M ICH IGAIN SEAL, 1,11 ikedi long 111101faithtfull>- oc-ethle Iate ld ace taiketntmany>- tingsgto Vrtil Apr1l 1st 1.111 idicrlhio..i he il-fitcloti lh of AT hepincollg 11u11 ciliilibe- ciiwill d1e to ue tored1 0111 after sev-eral cear;. (f exper- DARLING & FMALLEAUJX iteen Illi thtte hpresent ilatis scoutld 224-226 5. Stale St 1.e g11111citiefiilconid ~eratiiitc atnc a fair DICTIONARIES PRACTICE BOOKS QUIZ COMPENDS OUTLINES, ETC. Cash or Exchange for your old books. C. E. BARTHELL Phose 761 3235S. State Stet, 2d Floor Ann Arbor, Mich. ,hick Lather "eansy and lasting, is the kind )u need. You'll find it in the id reliable ~~ TCVILLIAMS' HVN S. L. A. COURSE Sousa's Band Single Admission, . $1.00 (reserved) Season rickets may be reserved for remaining five numn- hers of Course for 51) Cents. S. L. A. OFFICE HOURS, 5 to06 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The S. L. A. Treasurer will be in his office every day this week from 4 to 6 P. M. MARCH 30 UNIVERSITY HALL TO BE WELL-DRESSED IS A PLEASURE Let us enjoy the pleasure with you by mak- ing your clothes. We give you the style that pleases YOU. Our Cutter, G. E. Mit- chell, of Detroit, makes a special study of young men's fashions, and will cut for the most fastidious dressers. i 1 ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. TreaIn.. Lesve Ann Arbes' Going Narth 9u05 a. im. and 413.0 p. in. Going South 7:20 a. in.,11:33 a. m. and7:u1ip. in. . .T. KIRBY, W. T. WILLS, - Osot' Fans. Agent, Agent, Toedou, Ohio Ann Arbor, Mich Balt plianttao5-Itr Homo phose690 \EICIGAN CENTRAL s The fNiagara Falls Route' Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains Etast--8.1 a. an., .:.S p. sa., 4.55 p. in., 9.30 p. is. 11.05 p. in. Locals IEast-6.05a.sm., *11.10 am i., *4.05 p.m. *8.36 p. Oi- Through Trains West-2.sc a os,, 7.58 a. io., 9.18a. m., 2.33 p. in. 10.20 p. in. Locais West-2P24 a. sn., *8.25 a. in., *1.40 p. ms., *6.10 p, in. * (Excaept Sunays.) Conneations at Chicago far St. Louis Kansas City and tba Weal. W. W. CASES, Agent, Ann Arhsr Zshe CO0OP. S TORE Kindly call and inspect our line of Spring and Summer Fabrics. ' Ir c GARS, TOBACCO, -CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST