The Mkichigan Daily A\NN :ARBOR, IMICITIIG \N, I"RID XV. M \RCI30, iol frg.XVI.: No. 13('. EDUCATIONAL. MEETINGS PROF. BATES APPOINTED ARO NOW IN PROGRESS ON ATHLETIC BOARD ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION FOR SOUSA TIS EVENING Interesting Meetings of Schools master's Club and Academy of Science Today-Opening Ses= sions Yesterday. YesterdayIornin0111g 1alag 1111101 r of professolrs and11schoolmaste01r wee11 hand at1 10thefrt 00es1011 of tie clasical con ference il Sa1rah1Cswe1 l A11e11 1a1ff ThLaiscashdheeir11 1011 1(111 1 iig at 11110 meeting1 andi many-011ntretinot1110ines- 11000 of 11101111011 10011)Alleno (f 1C111 cin)nati,1Cl1r111f Ripon1c1ll1g(,11n) sidesi Professocr(01011 of the Uni150100y of Moichi igawwas1111te reiding11111f151- cer.i ath1100 titiiCnipal101111 inf Ray C'iy, XIiac] 11/to f Ietoi, iclaailo khelrwoodl of 1Criniif 1(11.Iatnd 1Prof. f" Iii'Oge f Ysilntitook impor1j11- 11111 11ar110il the1 1r10111. lii the afternoon111n 1511ry'itrestig tuisin the1preparaion or ftbhesttfy of the priofessiioswais .iutsd. Deans re1p1ctiedetosments.oNext yealot tis intne i ocontini t he1110 s11m0p11s iumfcois- cussingthe 1ahe of thse t 011111 11i1 Dr1ke sandl I fillonof the 1111 silit 10 the speaeo. loficers f theiSooltmas- i i)call ram1(i 01,fst XotiI i Theaofractionsginl i l here1111 (11ring 10111111tingo theiiittl ts tcrsliiiil remindone f a1thre1ring 0ciritcis 'aitoo 1111i 00almo 1t ip ibIt e to 1 o(Ifalc 0111011 ielAg al l , Pro11f i 1113. 1Boss 1111101010 chi 0111Agric1ultural111115cllge was1gisingclitck o 111irdoilsinthill Inelcture i" oil 1he3physical1ttlai ((- torlThelecue a vn yto I (111 uheol 101oosn :o o'clciiin31111n iriy\hailo Thi pi~sroram I 1011111da 1110geonsrci iiti . ' 1 -itc'tiol ispoit ofsiMod- ernihouhot.Pof.Xohnui'l. 1 1111 11111 _. (IsltinadMrl ~uain D. iiT111e odore de LagnatUnivrity ofn 3.l heo'ktoiX ill e Cil.IPes ident-. G.Lanca11111riilickClic"".is ftern~loon,114(1.(Pock, U1(iv01rsitohll.o P~tliiti Th1101111 . 111 hllirityl Atiteiinto les00111110f t1e1classicli helid at I 1:0 in SaitaitCaonelli Antgll hall the foulowin o gramO w0ittsill I ' gis-n. Presiigoffic.of.Pt1stdin -1iCap11110 Univesityi of Chica(o0 TheicAuoiograp11 hica01110 lement( in11 I'ti i terCatur 0111d ]ac iio(in.. PofIii andtssai Iciitss 11Pinin.Dr1 Sm 1111 1.iitlfers, 11Cal if 311111111t 11N11mal ThiiiTe1eth Sieof i Coirlll([isfro 11oh1son'slo ni y f(111iscs Nrank ii.Potter.Geneva igh110111o f NewVhm. the( P it ot XX 111ofaICoititeg111Proes- s o . Pr f.i o cl.i ole. nierit C l es B.100uiNewi lcomiiiiPolsfiverit 0111 11111 01111110 a ltiili eth iso1n,111 iver- c1 siyo 'eiga t (t i 1(1 cli Ostciii10 i ( [loxic lprsnittndn tel cof.(nllsao invidco handcitoo 1he11residing1 oicrolnit i da afeo on anyquesioisswhichthy oliiiitiiton ha iscusseIdo te lassicali ci oer- enc 11f 100fliiid toimakeisugst10 the cpleased to ussi11heParoi istr tso it elInt r (n, o o ck1 111i Lec-i t.XXtureo m F, physialiaotiiiiorytio 1. illIypro. ciatn nTermllCon-1 dluci itiity. 11. 1,. 1Curt 1s. M ihi Pits 01( cultra l otege. I I 1 X _. ThisUe sof he tuaongCur- rtintale1 tNi c hol~. 11 tII.iNiii rttolco 111 toi i1iiI ciiootc- 111 coti Meetig, ifthe1Bitish A bocain lfor thl ci osmo ic SotfSc ienco(llstate by stuereotco.of. HtIenroy ItoCNo .Toilh(onto'ncI Reiremtienlotti I'sc 1011Xd"tRelatotoNthe1Physics Sith lvt college:(oPr-of rCifAv Car XXe111111 XX lolla n iti c Normal o- The pIoguramsiorthel iifoi iiomeetongho olockin ti mmlue 1111 11111rfTpoomis11 Chairiman. Po f. XX'.-NTXV. linsait.Anma Alc (ConSttiedonralolge.) Law Professor Selected by President -Angell to Fill Vacancy Caused by Professor Pattengill's Death. Prof. I-leery N]i. Itatos. if 1111elkoi idl- parlllti 10iottent,(h(11een 11pp intida itetiberii if thelto iihisic hoard of control by Prs- I)\ the dealit ofltriof. Albert II(. Patton- gill. The p1es0de1t111iteid Profososo Rat111 to flli te oitionils011110ti1111ago. lost n1g1t. "I have ccptcctheisosoition temtpor- iiiieved of it1later." siio'e.101 I JOH11107tO'lilO OtSO. I NS''RCTC''[VJIX .CC RR O(N BIRDS BY 101S1081lRI3OX'.S 1111L 11% I1 I st lI oh ln d t tl11,((1.oil ootot.' lll' Ilse bard wll pioably e1101l (01 ery 11teresin ecure woo- 1(iiYici ia rtot l-t 1a1new1chit t 0001 r1lot e eninfhO iXctheinew11physc- Prof Ilnry I Bats gaduaedro llot eorXX 1hebitc100m0 (f Sli liiiliteciary de1111t11n(1 ofii th01 l ii 1111111y Prs.1. 1.B rrws f h I ((heaccpteoaninitatitocofilesltiwas"Fa-to mcilt Fa1ciyu;niird I a large 111d1IteraitoI ine lwipac(ce n Peiet ;arw a ceceade Chilcagos toidiis o. 1 Ic'hts ai ys t0aken ii steesly (f birtd(s 1a(1(1111eir cus tos (1111 iie. aMichias legalrepreisenittis itheiti was tc fth.geaetimot cli s issiig fro the iiccolap (so fi the1 itakse nup sithi expla 11tiininthe hbitsofi till Xl s as. lol son sini maniy commonil b iirdho, 0 wa stuplemnt ed'til iiito seakuig iof 311'lixotngiplaces of ifeo BIG LIST OF ENTRIES hs iiiitil ikilflrs.sPtorai OeoI(1(Barro F OR TOMVORRO'S' MEET groatst titttiloot fill inllithe summers ________ ciais in .North'ussericateroe1beoig coti- Glraham and Curtis in Shot Put-Low so raivo ciifew\ of theopermannt resi00idet Hurdle Event Open to All Classes X 110sfypcel hoesreii.((s it -The List of Entries. slsoo lcsitgiiioI100(t~ wssith thso fsttil'e 10isitiucli to" objects. YtoeIdaiyi iaf tinon XX 1101101011 - Itappes toi b istit i ve tscfssr ustintoug of111e(1on1 thecflootriidue tc 1he lrge' - iniclor 10N>Illuc 0 10he i l ey cutriosit inumberiIof e1nt1101s0forthe(itg t istrcias l oin111coiceruisn iso heciuckois (hat111it meet1 iiwsilhtakes 10plhce tomorr1 00 ow litn-oir10esdainthesn1111 ti1111theults al- ine. 1Tito oseceofsothc Xl"1(men1ftr1(11oisngiie000r111 iist o 110ltialned cler- temciit maloss iheIoutc1m0(11xc1001nolyut it igrssl o1101at111isoais. doist fish situneily)-e"ery classonoilliie 1PresietsBarrow(10s soke espeia~lly ca ps hs enltered. Althtoutghi hes n t h e111 01iing' of birds(ho riithirt plum-' frehma sui haet (11 11 (11 heil vnall'1 1ge, te Iag atush owetos'-i h0 ios' great 1(1n extent ((ii o 10 s ill Ic divididia- ongiso m tanys thiuoso i s o stositn'" thc 1tosid.I Toe-lgrotto clse htamntssosf classs0111cauesmoeiehsino net ii(ki((0 nd 111 osf birds11 doped a 10s r i nnerlusuits 10 th11111 111p- i tha -sio-in(ote. s itcantioIyXc slita(til c 11111ers. frost thc fcemale 111011 suri(110thssperiosd Thei siloycevcut u;insich tsc "MI'' mcntof feeincliii" touolo" It wa si-uerlst ig "i1ii cli(ompt tc he re'005la adiwesoi the to l sintu hei manner( of10(0 isili-oi((0sf 5(o(t(50 (011 ctemsof hdistanice 1(111 itake 11(0i)he iirbhummsingu" lstirdswo sticklien ic appeiiaranti'c isi-sidci a11 sprinhters t1111 lois il anh situcuire Iheadi ito the thrttl .101 0111r (0to ake a liii. Cach ds is 10 f1thlii'huit"r00 loungster andusolt nt i considentuandotsiillso promtises to beli en1(11guvs 1uscthesssoi. osf thcutistoInutcrestinsg osoiuis if thoc Prid0eiln t tills cluded hiilis cc- sost cirlwii ti lt ideistossitg usetrobist say- Popular Bandmaster Will (jive Additional Attractions in To. night's Entertainnment- house Entirely Sold Out. Ssiosassnd iis bandsh sf ityillay(lels isill gtoo It coc rt a t U ivrsc--ity ihl this eveniigssonills'Stuodents Lectur asocsiatuinccsusi. 'This o ('I as' band- uilastot eis si-its adinsg to Iis linst'i ms cians - tsosshat is (wI lltlo 111lll ill' 5 tlin Xuss til 11111W1ealil. Ofth s ooss ils esonisiot :Ai- bioo Ims 1ilversit,.itch ear1 11 'sl't(111 oilare (11111 vriteticohnti sissis isis ((li fabeth iuit ~l ll osor tIrsosii '1511)' yen- Clri s weitllt'knownil hiie' as til'rnsss t wof'gr uat Isislisss.ibut(lithe 11 11ug ii women swislc oesouther 11(0 vo. Sat for (Ishei eotti i isi s old ra id10yti s-i hedy n oda totnditgXioom1alo52 ,,o tatable. ii sii1 i li t It is re ak bl o lisc lY i ii iiil mitisis oldss uspos teaisirass ios aind il~l enth tsi s iof is ii o(((5.( ori manii'.yItorssith(1Illstaos bandsl yet thue Postowriitts 5(110s ppeasanSitherec isn s Ocheta hc-i siluusso ii-Stnsisits g he weoresslls newtomerlswhsillbr(illi01nce gloxing wods n isu softMashs12:tis _, b'teaStls Js .is silleds Orsuchsista 'llaII yesteday.ssssstile lsicho bad ma s'co odsi i th Ils" bton0ois' in(ti(, a o.(Tc rcioc s marched out0011 anh lt.eiedsith i el ti insl'tumentscst the to allery.oh ']'hen, iike a1 grea tht echaStll hub sillThisi (s. sic ll lciss have calt orhssitum mois.A thk Nfiststril S ta irsrt tie SoevrCte iS wihibroi-htI3Cai' Theicshot11(11ill1boc onothsci featutre evnt foii-sthieosies Cosi's lattemspttohbreaik till IGrahamii il comtutueants oh aChai ill ai (ttmptto il11bac1k tse laureoshsle The fori tc-lardil dasillwills losot Sone0 bIcause01fsitnieligibitlit), ntuh plalices souhvib co seolycontuesteid '(s11(-e- haves beccin tiliihe ist . Sev100lntimenvill tile, result. 111Th lls ulettieiven'Ittwoill 1(e1repeatedi ito this mtliwoitlieveyone etoligilet. As onitunderticlssmenttwos-oo bll ot-cdcito omupete ini tIis eventt last wee-k, the fnscorierosoill pobaly- be tchanlugedl. I [Bistuul atdsH odlgenishave en'utereditromt use uupcer classes loud ibotiha-relreportecd Ias o stolover (1010lowst oicko. 'Thec'fulllhot 'of eies as o (0handeid ill to DlirectsorPitzisatoickla 10 st osvenig is 110s fols : (Continued on page Z.) iug that it opecbils it hacs clinic souls its toi sillv this year,0 iolugogclsoc seton its tralspi. rintg The bafiitenon s ion0'51(0sioftheso caiI- liii) of Ssucirce 01101t1011111lrsgely j XX sts - odkewasth 1cneof otis 00 iii th i scuss5l5ion of0lroutine and11 tec11111 fsthscKll-ohclasboi t1ittsn0 i((5 h i stooy oha quesions. ITodayis programuiis ls it os-c-sng, when(1 the1( Juiorhhll hts as- foltlCows t: l ttsembt"ledhisalhmst nne undred c IstIrogsot Is a. Ill.-C oun citto o lotheIosiswteI sown-ishe(Ls- eHouse. itisosui1 1111 li s of/setiio onituasuti ('0 ilibiic t s liii eI t lll sulcceii 11 s n uose r o toil ssui0 01(l cu 'roso, it'smery ussway. u XXo 1th irsItime lsitce toc Sphtsicl 0l0bills'oXX-.151oloy- IRossmso2,sreturnd tsthuivhrssiyso teCr tiivsru (ot 11111, suthic i ng eo rphseg isittt losuii (1(, 5 11111o ('.1Prof. lAi thr loor, huhew me 01icliillihs (( i icii hl(0ohuuic lit builas mo t excelleth talk 2 m01ccoitntile~l l biofthe iol00og ita11151titsariusitudett ativitiesliaoilshis tush till 511 he ScIhoolmasterscilub reiltIio It its'dentiaid uivltssity ie 1111 XIesdcti uoosuciliseachsit 1(0001yr.i opsuki thesoother1facuStysssi os 3 p. i Jsit sessoofili thieii 11sect its olsissho cei hi t ere1 st ill situ knosi - of "eoo' py an eloy dof t 11 "tis- -ti i ts'eoedgie (51thic studt.i l sisitof it i i seo n 111( sit iiut 'as' sc'ui ce' ii it 0110oii11disus afis 'I diio ts o (s(tereu larih oasst- miiicipai 'l iiatr osupieso tWest lectured "Xrtie" Pouusdsai tih Ilauk"Schlti' 0"ao ro m Oltihthird 010t0- 101000wtmedicatl buisldis in. ipromui tatlls Ft 11 Tonight. So usa's Band Hniall Ht ] n ii