THE MICHIGAN DAILY and ~~~M 401 Lerin Price aFo-C lle e+oy BteinQliyL For the college hoys, we are showing new Spring Suit? of 104 411 , b te"College' brand. Satpten aei h o-oc fTo Ask . M.SMIT stye. Lng cats ithdeep side vents. Trousers with peg- OF Ask A. M. SMITH A ~~~teps ong codeatshewith ptenpad.ntetp-oc fe i Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block os ndwieatth hp.+ More real " up-to-dateness'' in thtese suits than any clothes a B :: w~e know of, and at a big saving as compared to the merchant . ' tailor's price. FR-AT' MEN ATTENTION! I Wse are exclusive sellers of RSehe 10C 1a ilable pee of real estate +iv c near the camstland in r ery respt:lst ~l ..i 1) lieS he thlogfoesa fraterntity. could lse pies- ++C leg.rn5C oh s1)net l oouse for a felw yeara. This mutaltbe Colege Bra deClthe "a sodwithlinllit days. We 1have another site V.or ri 11a1 eanl be porchasediclearly, also loase + $15.00 to $25.00PiPs new fraternity house for sale or for rent. nueR if interested 11a11 ai once. G.3J. HALLER & CO. I ' r-- -- a . r -.. -- - -a- - -aa a+ -a +- ..+-+ --r~ .rt-+ ao--sar - a -. ; R Campus Barber Shop-Ob O). A. MOE, 705 N. Uni' ersity Ave +;t The Ann Arbor Savings Bank b i r++f+vi rt Csatle Capital stoch, $50,000. Sarplus, $200,t0t AGnrlBanking Busnesn Tranacted fIG fiNl-I,AP RILAAY i.NIVGiRSi'l'Y L'B1ThAnAroPes(fmrlPa A.G otercenaS: Chas. E. ieocta Prenn; W.0DARGL O IF T t,1II;D) AT 811(KANBT ker & Sntyder), printers at the Micitigant Lar Harriman, VicePrets.: 1tt. .JFritz. Cashere aiyTe____,InadeYot Bse' nd y (.onitiiiuetifromispage otie.) At a recertibanuteioflt-ttUiver sity great hook as football, the ITrclttiic,S r Rowe's1Lundr1c110inSpokanIt,.\\assit ovtr11evnty C. A. Ihandbooka, etc., etc., are printer- Crick( Neoc Pone dt Bel Phoie that otorsvotk titay lot lotgun1n1111itisit 111111 frl ont-ony colieges lteto the studetiIody 117 E.VtWash ill'f Thomas Rowe, Proprietor tarnetsitiet w eeck. Iffli itiilrondget oItorst 11 arioiitttleiltliardl Of tile ton street. tf N v hoe5BelP oe457-L, lat weil 1111101a1sss~int 511t i ith \iro -1.1.A ais 1)9 55 iho spoketttlit ",Te tl rseo. 2t; toues o P handoltled inissileteett t enof on.1011 W it Funtis lsof t .theU illersity Clib; itlr" O TBE FARlMERS AND NIMEHANICS BANK tlu cc e tt0i 11 flitst1lii't.itii GiT oloet, it (1 o111"Spollsnlilt e l ityIs___ MAIN AND HURON STREETS l ookio'011bo it1tltatis itofool I liii graltt,. 111whto haveoetolot lt 01 s jl~l o s Capital, sloa,00,lurplus and Prnftts, $65,000111 oIlto tlit,1(1 ogiisiis Ioi (itoo olt ot ot 10 ot loans a Onneral tBanhing Itasiness sod Pay O-ll l)ilioi'Rtotlwftia10r11d i1101 illiretstitursnslttlt todt tti;s Ass.tegnc tPiaepiunArl .tas o oaitryo cerd hmi aifcoytioiga aifcoyNw itiscertaintatnoonwillbetakendefeat. (prices. Fuller & O'Conntor, 61g E. \'Vii lhe Celebr-atedi 01lo isII n tot oghottoo havet0111 txcei llnt ' che istintiol on I oftinog tholodoesti tactstreet. if 0. ihan1110 or a firt o r 1 a' 1selond p late. graooduoa tte set wentot-o 10Judogt Norman11 il- BLOCHI cdy Cr[R[Uwll.he taktn for Pock. igto. tof.Laswrence. Others well HFldretli's genineltsrvet Ikisses at ttvo ho 10d000000.amidI0 n laI11fo1th sh iti trven I ,.9ioo [to J1pliotr.9 iiiat 0 MAN.N'S DRUGJ STORE, liliga ioa5: t MA N'iRU SO E ohse 111011\51lii 11011,to convl'ttincjirectoor18( \Amooog. tile univetrsities wthirch SENIORS-leave your ordlers foot otooi 213 S. Main St. itozpatriock thoait eycoot iteliet til lead 1it tin mbript at1 t-eibanquetore ~igoasteinlsanooak0011 lrtoArnoooo lois nAY go ooo khosot ides EtheselFre llhllteiHarvaorod. Michoigaono.Stnfordi a1111Ci- jewelcrystore-. if - 01010111rod itt .Ste tvo or 0B oot-on0ian inithoc agro . Ailoloot-li 0100011. 1D. Sherwoood, ____ Italian, German, and of American 0 ehnrdyardi bsh, ottolPinchl or is presideti.and11 W. H. Staoiley of Will- FOR RENTI-For tile yeaor, froto MauatreA liisi h ilghl 110111 liay be tni totois 15secretary. July f, igo6, large brick residetnce, ovel FOtR AL.L STRINUtED INSTRUOMENTS if 01i0wok lpreviouos itl lilttilethoe furnoishtediandolpleasanotly situated. Stilt- Bret REIASONABLE PRICE~S. tamleaveIIs makeis itIpraictialy etrtii Offiilo6 M1ichigan scetls soltd only able for a sorority. Addroess, Boot AK, PUR tChAatLE.SO tohi iey canotcaopturo- a lrdt or secoond.iti. Ye cStohdeint Sloop, 61t I;P. Williamt City. if ia SCABRE&SN114 W. Liberty St. ANN ARBOR street. S enioor laosoandui ottar ls - and sATil NGH11, PST't1'p( lease caliifolr J. l1. pities. if 1lOST-Ladoy'sgolod watcho andtifoolo. Ezvoch Dieter-le .\9INOUNTS TO $lo~aooo0111FP. tUniversity or campusl5; name tit 1111E Embalmer and Funeral Director Cap .and11gownv pictres of senioor rates. tlate ini bark. Rfetuornto 1130 Oaokando. Abane-alated dyonih 'hil sil of thoe le Proof. Albert B. \We oaooe caps ando gowso to fit t stoudioo. Rewvarod. 27-29 Amuac alsa unldyu tgt 'otenllwavos fildit tileioroobate- coort Ale-xander & Co.. I letotitg block, tool- 210 S. tto Ave.: Rlesidence samoe v'sterio. Thoe esate owhicht is estimtiaetd Glasses replaired. ttuo 00. nn rbr. t $ioooo is left Itotewioow. Tocre Shirt waists moade. Prices reasonabule. Eyes careftully fitted and tested. ___________________ are to chilodreon. 708 S. Sitte street. If GEORGE HALLERI Maili St. ALARM CLOCKS ___________________________________ A $1.00 to $1.50 Da IFuolly CO aat~tead OarDotllar Clocka are the best smnde torthe mosey. Fineo watcho repairiuog ( J. L. Chapman, 206 5. Main St. O F R S O F RD X O D ON[Y LOANLO W'. J. LOURIM -h As,. 01:Olto o urt l1i10010 'uofloors soootloorew Y oilC.A CH1 ltttitO; ':30 too 11100; 0 1 0 0too80 1. astueao Sc toty Canfdntal FINE LUNCHES rep iteoo iorr 11i11oTUritttl. '110 O& I I RITolti-lCianeteosaooo 0C 0. I 000 oltectolCi{ars. A comlllllOb trll . Weaea en4 also for StAIr & SCIAFhr'b cooate O N-BtONS. . E. JOLLY. S*to St. o CentralLnes PARLOR- CARS . SPALIJING & BROS. ott Itlicilol htlo tt 1 1 51001e . Bal, Lawn Tennis lFoot Ball ry Roque (olt(Qaoits et Lacrosse Crouet imlpeentstor allSponrts ,- . For 0001. 00010rI. o r0 n It spadtns cs i,Aela 1= 40, oouti Oaa flall 01100 0-iis Iii(. roi V h "t l rl00. 'rentv saol Ouit ""L /J 001t SIlo ol lo 01IIcoi Spbor ablditng' Is lrukot. tOut tolol isiilllllll. so010 10 a o l ii lo l l l o ol'o 0 10000000sa l 100111 sacI lli,1 G~. SPALDING (5gL BROS 'crl 0C.i1 ."lt , nu I+r 10 c 001x Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY 1111 iCars ol Ihtoiftoll ".0 111ca110 ohclCastoili o Il.ll. ser ;fus tl sto:a0ll oow.olto '1lllt r ooal sekt -vto f o 00o'o In-to .0 1 s., then [ (wftoo ,11'01010. E SILKowbnttcii- ntu n FLAT CLASP GARTERS ers re. ~Bymalt ,,t . ,arrs ttaraa Is m. rt scr~cC ore raitlphoo bo~sooonrr. IRST NATIONAL BANK Of. Ann Arbor, Mih. I. tinlnPres. tarrison Saabe, V . W. Clarso, Cashr lal, $10.00. Srplas and i'r110t0. 40,00 OEORGE BISCHiOFF FLORIST You co.gotn.a Hot Lunch At Tuvttl'a. 338 S. State BILLIARDS POOL HUSTON BROS. 312 S. STATE ST. TOBACCO CANDIES i . i , ' ORMEN AND WOMEN THEY HAVE ARRIVED Fine line of low shoes all leather, all shapes. Up-to-date exclusive designs CALL AT WAD(-OV[R SHlOP And have a look. ,,,~~ 1I1 South Maln Street. F Capt7 I Chuoloo Caut Filo.on-o otld Pl.rto Chapin St between Huron and littler Ave. Phurto nBoow INSTRUCTION FREE- J1 o all 111 ivelote 55 o-asoay lessn as000y5u1110 1 il '.,I The University of Chicago The Utivertsityuear is duvidedhito fourl quarts, hiunterSpingo Suumouor aund An- tmno. Admiussion s graunted 01 tieoopeuing ott neh, 011.Januaryad, April Id. Jane pitt. antI October 1t. Graduafe insraction is offered, inthe Gtnraduatue Sotools of Art aud Litera- tures and thle Ogdun (Gradaate)i School of Sctence. Professiounal instructionu is offertd in tue tDtvinity Scthool thor Lawt Schlool. thoe Rustl Meioal College (aoulitiaed), and thu, School of Eduecation. Summoer Quarter 1900, Jue uM10Septemuoer 1. Flest ter-mo:Juune 111 Tity 291; Second Term: Jully Oh Aogast 31. Registeatiton is permittedtlfor the entire q~uar- lee orefourttherfuterm. Full and reglar li-edit is givenl for worhkhnt-. Spuocial courses ar1 offeed toe teachIers. st nfrartsfon1address 14-0014 1 M 'I Lits ! Medics ! Homoeops'! Dents ! and Pharmics ! If you want a copy of your large CLASS PICTURE, you will confer a favor by ORDERING NOW. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED Phone M ich. 893_1 AILFXANDER & coo Herrazg 8k. 64Ham. 367 I ALL THlE NEW 1906 KODAKS Are in stock. Let us show them to you. E. E. CALKINS Dris ist 320 Sosuth. State, Street WE AMPE-NEVER UNTDER1SQLD---GOODYJ$AR'S DRUG STORb~