THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY THE MIC-HIGAN DAILY. k P E" f 'Ae4 Int d a sconad cass nmatter t theAnn ilk* , tc Artbor iPostoffice Publishetd daily (Mondays excepted) during T H the ncllge year, at 117 East Washington The (clt)tratLhl a COO ltis Is S I N"Scott- 1igh beoethteyii II it IWorl.'rhe ex-- LEADING Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. [FU11 DRESS SUITS A SPECGIALTY j311 S. State St. Aanrx Arbor, Mich. The golf season is nearly here 11n now is a good time to overhaul your clubs, see what new ones 00u need, and come in and pick theim out. A good tune to re- paint old golf balls, too, A full liue of sup- plies at Sheehan & Co's street. Bell phone 892. Home phone 76. FI Managing Editor, CLYDEJ.. DEW=- Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS Athetist......Ciarence EI. Eidtidge News............Louis 0. Sticntey iExchangen. .......Charlet F. Winstead Music .........A. It. Ortmeye Womaet,.......Effie 3. Armsttroncg FODITOLIIAL STAFF. Huagh Alen Franklin C. Parks Anthur C. Pound. ASSOCIATES. GeoreaA. Osbaon ilid C. Smlith Ferris N. Sm~ith George A. Barnes RIbert H. Clany Frank J. Ciark Henry F. Schulte iHenry A. Montgomtery I. F. Steen,son Johna F. Warz Getni) Bradley Floyd Ii. Jones Roy V. Luti RATES: $2.50 pt, pear, or $2.oo i paid itn advntce. Address: WALTER R. HANS Business Manager. 2361 S. 12th St.. Phone 849 L. IICRSI)A 1', Sa CCIl 21).1906. dior today--JOHN F. wuRZ. CALENIDAR. .M1aI. 2g1)-Sitifoia min1istrel shots at Sc)hIo)lof AMtiaie. Alar. 29-Jtitor lit banquet, lake H-ouse, Whtiittore Laike. lar. 211 Sessions of tic Classical Coo- fereice. SarahltCaswell Angel) tall. 1 :30 p. Il. aind 8 :45 . Ses.sionl (f ltePitysical and ChemI- calCton~fence.IICh Ientical labora- ttC>, 2 p. 11. Joit sesionl of ite ClasOsicIIatitd Sal odeiCII anguage Conferences, Ill Saraht Caswell Angel)lIta)), 8 p. nm. Address. by Prof. NV.1B. Barrons (If the MSichigatt Agricuttlural col- lege, 011nteisubject, "Birds. Plys- calI laboratory, 8 p. lm. IC[a. 2(d-Autiial election ittiversity Yotttg idlea's Chtristian As.sociatlioll. NIIIC. 30-Sousa's baitt, on S. 1L. A. courseI. t:niversily tall, 8 p. ill. Genterall aev.iorl of theC'Michigan Schtoolmtasters' cIIIb)a01111ichigait Aca~dem~y of Science. Ultiversity tall,. 8:30 a.Ill. 1 renlI'epressiontoth 1e diaprot1)Ilioni of lhetudenIIt bodyast aillitself entiriely tmtitntnrtntablC :butt it ii~te nitural outlecle of ie radical actCionI of lhe fac uthy. t twill take )pear 1o remtove 1111 brealchthilat as lbett creael between facilty anttlstdetts bh lis affair The --fcllvty ae carriedtl )t1hleir programt wtih at hight hadtlad ae cast asil 1111on1stdentIotor ad hoest. Te' cttmpiliietie h as leettreceived ithIle spirit itt whlichtit wall) gli. lTe athletic IIatagetettaisttle cot gratutlated lont aran.tgig t basebtll gmtei twitht Attherst. IThe iteralt ithlis colt lcatLies itttefact aIt M ichiga Ias 1no t et11an1easternt tamto the,1 ltdiamoncd since Co rnetent a n IIilte'rest smet -years ago. .A good gacen)l ets stte ort eoe~rctc, a Amhtlerlttill b1n aistong g .gregtiontto ClAnn ror. SINVO)NIAC 'MINSTRCELS SCORE BG; SUCChSS Te'Sinfonia fratrnity Sordtlat wel't tcsa't'x su ccesatwitlthleirmnte shtow 'last ee'tig atttt pleasd) atlarg atudicet wiltth nCxcCCedigy'clver pIC- forman~lc. lTattitstrslr o pr aeel twhIih t gave rnto thettcva'rsaility of Alxandettt ar Stca AtgtrtScttit andttt Irc It)tttlE al lhett as end tmttn. Thsolsweeeccptionally ool) ad 11e onlyI coant 111 tbefountd is tat Mttt Iaer1e st tawiof ltlhem. JceIBerr, solotsdal1( 1)ll trea' dsere heatytil pratat orthirlelaorts. CG.. 1' lecering tn ne is diretI ionlthte awiticimsi and jests of te blac-face artiss iwere smoothly11) 111d)effectves' gie. The stgel'at rangmenlts115atttclproperC- ties 11d1b1en c ti ristically cocied ttd gav cottsideraletote to teIperforii nth.olo tea'Killecn broters wth~ their 1111sict)alspecilies trae easily ltha bast ft'Ittre, adtttheir wor1kawotld cott- pareCvtay favtorabl 1with1'any) vaudeilt stt to he tseetn tnt atgood circuit. Joec Smitilthellacolorcd a ca rnd winitg datcer, wis tee))receivcad, adAtgtst Sctitd as "Stmibo oil Scltttidt''gv at sery clevrmoolotgule. Oto llo .1CC attd Fred Killeenl affordet opporttnit for at good lu~ght wit teir skit, The Funny Pair,"teir cork biglthamors' acceptile a tts wsaanot0overtaone. "The Rehear sat- as a concldig felt tre did not1 attaint the igt st,'tandrd of te oter arts (f teprogrmtladtts acio ws a t rila forcedCaldla riticial. Al in atI, te Sintfoiia mintsre1C)of last eveingII were a'far ahelada)of atlaprt- aiu ((IlstempII~ts of tis organlizaion atd nmade atit eveigs eteranmoettlwhict coiltdbostsloflmanyl hIig-clss feaurs. Thtc general) crdic semedcI ts beth1a1 evideitces of amlatrisllte re agreebly absent a1n11 ta t teitatagemnis to1 be conlgratullated on11aniiexceptionlpeitr formantice. 'The sutsaited itieres of te auldienace was very eidettanldteir heatipl~tau~tse ttindenaids for ci- dces told of te scess of the mlistrel. The perforimanice wal))-'e repeaed at Ita'. Schootl ofi Musia thtis e(lath 0.liiand anonetde sirintoi ay e ry ,L U11) coser avititttepaalear of t wl aictedl anid tiglt sI tanad paerformtace call gratify tlthe xcalICltatnsi attend- intg. There atre some last et) seats -,ill) 10 be oltlaintedtl Ithe boxoff1icc.The programlI\vIaswtcat)iedlotaIS iiblisItea in yesterday's l~It ls RI CI"PTION FOR Pt, 'aYRS ,leatsanlt gathlerintg. Profeassort Staltyc g'a 'ill enIttininta~lk on1"German Msiata Iatar intthelaeva'ning dantcintg wecre st'rt'ed. NE T S{t.'I''l IZ IS (W.' past lfs' years SMltsI WellltIs ise a sotvetttcant helt) ine1 a thil ye1' ivs' upt h ighdaliso ths o t yeas.TheIov. cottIg'a aptureycaf s0etal Thit i de1'clntainsta muchilar bokstill'sIor alrt atoilre. Intercollegiate Notes. 'Thta'nttveasity tofiKansas is thv till bttiltdittg sail) bein1 sh111ort llnd i ail) betrea y fo otccIuIl ancy11 by1111 t lE 1 The tw~a'e ttfotr11111at Illt~a 11 s eittsupied wttt t he111111)111alitocacysof chat e is in foo)tbalbt sno ippt T a uto isfa r- tttaIls'aa')ta)l,)as itl i paedabythe cocdis nt th tenenc acitto degeneateal pitto mgeatt alitic ls'po rt.Th elcino catnhs dem'a'dott IlauortIis.Itha111111ays seena s ua 111to aeylec ltt atin) immed-t itelylat te csl~lt Nttltt' -season, SIndlila 511111tinc m ae tons ir t a t tte'"M loot tilt' dh colas' tiit i rttet) ll-ditng1away a-ltic lnlthere i agi c k ptta'ientinta(its' holly dottl maklles tsarottuctttcis lms. bily in a111 citcal1111 I an5 yu mas1s10' ~ me t . 'C' i s 1111tr'a tiatd sIiClt E. C 3 ° t$,5{ .y CATCHEIRS' MITTS Wenire equlipped thin spring wiati abstolutlytyhinhigher t gridelite of Mitts ever inanu- fiet tired. Mitts aod Prics Folios': Spalding's Perfection, $6.00 Spaldlstg's League, $4.00 Spalding's 0. A. Mitt, $2.00 Spaldings Amateur, $1.50 Others at $1.t00, 50c, 25c and 10c 'WAHR'9S* The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. C. E. BARTHELL, Law and Medical Books NEW 'AND SFA"ONDIT IAND. DICTIONARIES PRACTICE BOOKS QUIZ COMPENDS OUTLINES, ETC. Cash or [xchaige for your old books. C. E. BARTHELL Phone 761 325 5. State Street, 2d FHoar Ann Arbor, Mhch. f Students' Bookstore __________________________________tics:_ - S siltn atf te ttPhysictha tl ('Itelo' Special Prices 4on t cat)Contference. Phtysicatl ltbora- L.eathe r Pill owxvs lS113i-1bast rday (alt'sattior Tits tt gel Lea he' cpntl gown1'11measureC5sl Aack Inclading & Cits 1fIICIGCAN SEAL CApri) t-Adldress by Bisopi C. (3. Will- lulls. 'Slechillanll,111.6:30 iP. Ill. VestlI Apr-1Ist :Cpril 6-Perry lecture by Professor Xfoltonttl Chicagot. Newb lerry hall, DARLING & rIALLEAUX Cprtl 6--sociationl bant.til.hcllillatl 224.226 5. state St till, 8ip. mH S. Le Al. COURSE Sousa's Band Single Admission,, . $1.00 (reserved) Season r ickets may be reserved for remaining five num- bers of Course for 50 Cents. S. L. A. OFFICE HIOUPS, 5 to 6 P. M. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The S. L. A. Treasurer will be in his office every day this week from 4 to 6 P. M. MARCH 30 UNIVERSITY HALL y f 1 BDe Fair to your face and your 'face will be fair and shaving a pleasuie. Always, use. WAM 9STIC Our New Departmrent is T A ILORI NG HOW DOES IT STRIKE YOVU? We purpose carrying a line of choice and nobby woolens, and are now ready to, take your. orders for Spring and Summer outfits. Styles the latest. Workmanship guaranteed. Prices right. We have secured the services of G. E. Mitchell, cutter, of Detroit, who will be here every Tuesday and Friday from 1 to 8 p. in., to take charge of the measuring, cutting and fitting. Call and see us. We will consider it a pleasure to show our goods. ..he CO-OOP. STORE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tre~a Awn Arbor Going North 9t0S a. em. and 4:35 p. em. Going Sooth t:20 a. m.,11:aaa.nm. and7t51 p. J.3J. KIRBY. W. T. WILLS, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Agent, Toledo, Ohio Ann Arbor, Mich Bell phonte t35-it Home phone 690 ICHI6AN CE~NTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route" Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains East-8.18 a. mn..12.40 p. m., 4.55 p. mn., 9.311 p. m. 11t05 p. no. Locals East-6.t5, *11.i0 a. in., *4.05 p.m. *8.36 p. mo. Through Trains Wet-i.07 a m~,,7.58 a. to., 9.h8 a. mn., 2.33p. a' 10.20 p. no. Locals West-no4 a. in., *8.28 a. mo., *1.40p. M.o.0 hpesM. * (Except Suehday.) tonneetions alt Chicago for St. Louhs Kansas City anod the West-- W. W. CASEI, Agent, Ann Arbor .: CIGARS, TOBACCO, CADDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST