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March 29, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-29

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The Michi0'ganDaily

d'oL. XVI.

No 1i 29.


Classical Conference Today Pre-
cedes Annual Session of Mich-
igan Schoolmasters Club.
prominoentOeductors froim all over the
country a wi be gusts of the university
for the onext fIwsaysit 0te forty-irs
mingoftiiicihiga Shtooliasters
club andtgnesraleitucatioiial coferece
whichr is to opra todyini Sarah-Caswel
Angell it . Ther -essios will cose
Saturdoy Nrly foutrlhuoret soot
mien willtt1tohtrifor the meetings. As
te tubilesoos ttroug-tout tte state
are holding-tteir sringreeess this week
otitortuity is givent for te atteisaiiee
of imemibers of high sthoo facutities.
The sessiostsoef tte Shooiiiasters
dih(to" notthegii titilitotmisorros, ti
imeetng todasy bingi'a classical coifer-
seice, Prfit st.OiS Whtineis tresient
oft the Schootmtasters lbt, sanitfotos-
wg are the (ter ofhecers: Vce-tres-
strt, t~itls Potuni Atists.ausig;
seretary. LousP. JocelvALsnn Aror
treaiiirei. Suptt Joshinip ivirttsMt
ICtussii ITe progran foruntlaitssieit
siigotlceP rois Frasirs W.o5IKelaseyi
L Iv rstso iti ii titss iiicta
f.o LtsihnSis i Its Cu HighSitoo,
in5Tn -fars55&() o toi iiie aistcss
GereR wittt isyetCithihsc-isotl.
rit Cnrisl Ihits shiool roft.isif 1,
)OClo ichtiganr rStte Noirmisl esslege
3. lisi n inLt tntuese rits
Altlen G.iHarknes-s, sst iBrsinsusivtorsitOs
main,;inBsiti:itSichestri suitCuers
sirt sit luittd withs ts rrstreopt i)
Dr- Gesorne Itt Alen.C iessitssof (iii
,;.Siuuiti kiciei iitimnI tiip5 sl
litsttd irthtstereopticoi)r-isis T,
W .1 laklsRiponsCllee Wiseosiis.i
i. Thei"MoresAciet- it t ui ssit it
Aktents: oe, s ha .Irsit5t
Prof. Litisi itC as isisversit osrCi-t
i. is lthe -ks-sir-stasCompte Poem
Principlaude A.rl PI serodrand
ltas-ess ih shool.i
Afte ritiss s-iion 4-,s'closib tre-
sidigoffierPrf \.L4ItD'OoeUnit-
Siimtposiiiiiliiie isvalits oIlierarii.
andist aris iiar4s itassicait stieisisas a
ri-eiusrisssfir tsr stdiy siof ite rs-
8. Thtudyiofrt reekanis stinsit
a tPrepaiaiounsfor ttudyofs Medsic iie.i
fDr. Vitr C Vuigantlesn f tted-
pasrtitentitof imeditcsiernduitsrer,-Uits
o t isiussctsit ttDr.Vsiglirits Ipa-
sr Dr.Charlsts. sde Nsancreetrn--
fest sof surgeryC Unversiysof Mieth-
to Trhe utue f ttHuaniistie Suiis
'il tierpar eit of Mte-
iciii.sr.tt Wiber t IB,1itsilae, sesaof
itthhootsoathtic surclesteolege, Uni-
v ersit of PMichtian
tr Te nsle f t ttusiistie Stitiies
aaPrpra tin foritheliStudytof itE-
-giiieering Hetut C. Ssiter, trfessor
of inavsait airehiteturiei tnisrrsit of
2. Disciussionsof Prfessor Siiters
ater. CGrdnei SWil iliunt, professor
of eiil tindtthydtratlc eigeerig, Uni-
versity of Mitcehigan; Ceorge W. Patter-
son. junosr professr f eletrilen igin-
eeriing, CUnirsit of Miethigan.
3. ite-minuiiite disetssions of this
subtjet, sindf te oiltions reealed
by Prinial Swans aper (Nos. ).
'Princetipl F. L.BlissDtrit ftUniersity
Sethool; Supt. W. G. Cbturs. Battle
Creel; Principal J. T. Bisop Detroit
Eastern high school.

ur ttu xii tstssMs'ri iscriii
vesig sesisin, Solosik. Pitesiding
officeri.IPrf Pt inl iitrs Cnivesi-ty
ofiti ittn
pIc Traitiontssrs it ltiss literture.u
Drt Gs rgLssltsitiivrstyo
hi lstlici si li C itsit I i
CUpon te Lega-l cns-m (f Modtrnii
iiiop uand--iisAmessric. Pintf.isepi I.r
tirtkie C Uuierits f Pttic it
AttheliiClsiof hesesssiuuitsei-at -
tnigte'confer-iesteresinsitedr tots
omettieiparlor sitn tfisrIttsflsirits
metih iseaer skis-tir officers isfsthsti
Sethsirsasteri s'lbsuit isisesttrof tir
facusltsnfte uiesirityi tei depurt
MOSiti os f astirernt suitmstirniisa-si-i-i-esI
tichispseus thes lii tuat itmetig- f the
Schoosslma (sts clsbte op~eingsis- i
shuus f te Oilcihsits PrAuademysof
Sciencir silt astosielie ilit Ssietsts
fruitsall overithr t st iltlie irs en5tt
and ndiction poit toard-slare--n-1
tenanc. Te l ruucomitte iswsi
lisetsh tttiti- ini-chsiteia--s-Its-
JacobRits aiti-siPsoti-sit ICC.tRussl,
Iroft F.C.Sirswuuomiei snitC. C. Aramns.
7'tree tsais proreamis as follos:
1 p. sit-Councsss i rsitisg. iss-is5t ic-
z p. nis --- isis it setinsug of re Acds-
-5p. list-Oilcrisiss of sectiosia s fsl-
Its: ia-Od turte roim.
hsi-tilaboritsry.iui /srstg-tRooti
1. C uusrs-;i t lt siiis - itsg teo-
-rth nd G--oiloy -s r-i Olisetsuiltsrei
ruuuu San sitary Sirnre-PPst lcitlist
r muth Iisitftlstrs nlsts si nis itbuil-
8 lists.-AddressbI re siest WXi11I
Oi i-s tiuuis I(ilustr t) Pitsw lee-
isise rouuui physicaltlbrartorysest
lnneitl tefrs te reisidetilts ait
drssamkr- willb ili tei histo
logialitabotr , iris is s tir u islinsg
4:,30 5 5 lrsting of 05scionsits iisamte
z p. iits -jisises sisnotihf le biologial
contfirinci of ts Shotmastirs' chits
sndtir sincis offssesnce techingisof
3 p itt-Jorit sissiof ts sctionof
gesrorphy aid geoogy--sandlofte see-
titus rf sauniitty siince irodissss
mussssnitipal iateisuspilie sis We st lctr
i-isosts.thuit stury, sits sediscial buili-
There till tsr-sitsFriday eeinsg ses-
siuuntits acounsst iotthe concert tby
Sousa's andinitsCvssersity- sall.
9 a. sn---CsUscit smeetig.
to sa. i---Genieral bsisess mteetig of
Acaesmyt). tBoths its Mussemsslectr
C. A. erkinss.swho for seeral days
lissbiesensconfnedli-illsmsalltox, is in-
trovfingirptily andit silt soosi e ale
to attend classes.

astern Team to Appear on Ferry f
Field May 22--Complete Baseball C'
Schedule Not Decided. t
- i
Tothe slr touisand.;of lhutl itchteigan t
uptstrers sshos lstse tessnsanxioss fr
ears ts see. Aiichuiganssi meet asi esterit
ntithtio in ithitleticste annunosseentes
hit ai bai sbalt5gisse Ihas tbeessarrangedi
sits Asmstert us haitirisyfully kim-d
isrst lst si ssit eud ine f thebetshco-
lege teasisnu the east suit ussodifiatedA
inny uts- suits uingiths ~e etire se-s-
ills lgtaumeuu I with tmh t irs nd tot
us PPW siscon issi i unatsssit robabriley
it h srutsItbael is siretin he uabandonued
usr this)yeaus t last.If itPscosinuI
dts nt ill sirs dates the Michittgan
isthe sswouldh hi-iss lieitsrtiter hiadly
deplitedit hasitnot sit eastrntgstiltor
-lso equalIst st itiben s red.rsi
Ih hrause sicstilts definiutes sr-
rangedt sesterday, isill btsrayenTuue ' is--
Ins, OiMay situnFistsy Isiel. kAtthat
isse te kissherst- ts swillhe nmking
a tututntthus usest theituserut)ysincludi- -
us-g gamtrssuits Chicuago, Itutos andul
tet rstseitititeisasul shIi Ptnch
Sincre-the PWisconisii te:uluiavlistbntsi-
patalydelredrctocff. teseballsstth
schedhule- is- i-stltritsciitri. IHttuseser,
beisides thur kAmherst gusur tisri uill-
pralsytin-hr six contess uills Cisag,
thurer us itllIIiois, usoswit COberin,
an six~ gameu- s i tee suth.
Milers Will Meet Hial-Milers For the
Championship-Teams Picked-
Meet Will Have Features
ir-tsir eidintg thi s- sstrsck etuusu-
tiirrtslhiitthenetnext Satrdsuay ight
wsill result 5 i asefiste tleriofonf siuuueut-
ace htes-enuthus-umilerssasntdte half-
milsers i -(situe-sstrelrasytrae. 'Te
sars us each disasnce hae agreedsto1
rust suisd it siill he iterstisg to hish ot
wichietdsistsanceelus t heter mune-ap
isets Tesmile tiusi tiill he maeUft
f Cue:13 2-:tosue :1345;-a-h
oniey, 13 45 sint tillh:14 his al-
it3 3 Its stciney. -14; Waltek, :4.
Printsblits rustsmtreimpttat stto te
contstan ~itts thastste ustiots of super-
itsity is thus dinnert u thih tinges otthite
outcrome.r Bothtasavtiue agred that
thie mens ottthus losing temsuyatue inti-
snit fisttheircorquerrus Tis thids fsir
Insb tsret t stttitha iorosiertion.
ClI-sriathetesuswIo failentI sto ki ttu
evasty-std evensthe svarsity miet wtuo
Iav usnotsion ansit Pt are sworkig harrt
getig itulsapte fist this meeitYcster-
edau someusof te atlete swetec sle to
get oustoor sforura-light suitkoutu, ut
te sift groundsus tresetetd anthig more
thu-itas litte jogging around t it the tutu
Of the disanceentet.Rowe, Ratmey,
Dullt, Malonuey,lRitharsonantXWest
all took fairly- long russ, ush Maosey
was the otly suse wito eturedt near
the trck at erry fili. itditng this
so soft as to tbc unftit for use, lie re-
turnerd to the gymsusatd thets followed
te exampulehr of the noters, runnsig on
the sidewaslks.
Chuss-ssusssiwss out ant for te first
tisse presentedl sit optortunsity Of seeng
hint work out-f-oors. ArheiHalh,
twtos sas alsos tskisg a worrkot, coacted
Bowmsan. tIanu itnsusg receiveu ort
yesterdtay- tustle ilt stutvbs-cto sit
until April 3, willthremasist here iutit
Sundtiay, raisingsunder Kecite itpt-

XWiththle wiesathuer stuowingsgoignas of
sprinig, :Director Fitzpatrick hsopes stow
(Continued on page 3.)

Theresi-itt te sasle f tiekeutsrthe
ioutstatntoncer todavasnt tomio rrows
rout 4 to 6 p. i., st S. IL. A. oiffice, La
is-versityIsal.t o hecn etee orut
te studetss.atnthe tPulc this foltwu-
ng -statr-eenI is mtdests nrnutsingthe(Ii
-ice of tickets;t
Single amstios-n sstw itirdat, sr-ri u
tResernedt seat liel-k tauntder -nun si- ev
-esrieitsesason' tushkt-,goodulfr resusi'asu Irt
tenr rutcourse, fifty cns.on
Reered seat chek tistmembtlens onfSo
lichigsu -Shioolmtasters chitshaldisg adi
ingag disttiisiont tcekes ifty- cents. -gin
Sesasona tietkets, witih reserved se-us fsr m
renmainduer f course, $.o. I -
Atl seatsssiittltbestrdout unti dsunasfter vti-
lat tictketsisurig tttadigroom usout s -
sill tbr issuedit I$.0.o
Enraged at Suspension of Football 51
Cardinal Men Make Madison Ring vof
With Shouts of Derision. li
.Msadisoni.PXis.. iAhsrcli t.- -~ecial.--fer-
'lue stuientit-tboty o eu sta ste uier-
sity is us ss rage.Te thursltetic coummsasit-
ied nutftefaculty- lus t-nectto recois- e
stuntushthi susspensions sitfcuotasltfotone CsIe
yesar anduto h ow barse alltsst rackt suitd
crews athlieito ns stin sue if ithry'sre "
sl-rs~porhug. The trerommitu-tndtastn yrs
wi Ihs adtednsi ithut inn iss ntingshut
camsssss thissafternoostun I in dictesma
thseir idisgustIaItheis-cousnf the fatesty st
commisutthe us recomms dintcsg thinsbosh-ligo
wesss nt teufootballfor i yer.o
Pirsstunr sf te tinsistea shinclresi
that it suiltPracticallyt-he impstossble fr siut
tse Iteam Insgo aheadtuwiths its trisnisg S
stnt chomphete inthie issescolegate seel
undsser the circsumstanuces -Thus-saembies t
of te crewyicIneixtpeted o Pusris
patenu thissregataut Poughkiteelus ilso of
talk the ssames s us Nrarts sit of thusPl
athetic epaetsrtmuents aii P sotsiutnite- y
tesd for iussssssul supot uo n sr thinfot-n
al deatent. si'0
'IsT itousansui tuetts sow(-(s]ithtirssuas
indeignsationu btsbuturningts anieffg of Prouf Pt
.P. CITrner amis ostts-rouis-hurtsrhs
Its fronut of thin- symnsumissssu tufd
duuuassy represenstintg . C.. Outssso wst
hangedt fros t itree stildhburesr-t he R
Psarsaue stsartednth iePMendotcsour us
te frsaternity- sectionss by twsensy sudets o
brasntdishing revolvers ash totgus. Its
tfiten msainsutes Practicsallyte estire sut-
teitboultwssitsline, sousisg:"Desthst
to te fauslty- i-Io aboishes footaS"tt
Fle first stepphisg Plsceewastro. F. g
Vs. Turers house a
"When ceans sirhiais fossutt ' was r
"WhX~tei soil casitIsvuenaucitesitgsme,s
he repied. "tthIsisbest so rottesn forS
thec last test yeais tht it s imsposssble
to Purge it."s
Proftessoriurne srst words isere mstel
witht hisses and shouts of "Putthisui ss
te ake.' Prof C SSichter rntused c°
to sake ass apperanseiAtlDen iiBrse s°
htousse the dstnrai d:ss
"Isunderstandutthinsestimaests of titse
crowiditto iefor football.I hshalt curtes es
thtise sentimssents toithur Iaciity t teD
text omeetisig."s
The sob then siarcedr aroundsu the f
townsgthering sp oodens sielssth
fessees art other burnasblne saterial. Tle
ire udepartmnst iwas aledtut o ex-s
isnguishs Professor Tusrners effigy as theC
fissues env-hteloe it. 1
WEDIi~)tNG OP Mt4Ct- -
The sitrriuge of Mkary- Christisea

Stewart, '04, uand CHarold IHooker, '04'
Eestgineer , of Chieago, occurredthsis week
'at the homte of the bride in Saginaw.,
The couple will reside in Chicago.

rge Sale of Single Tickets for Sonsa
Concert Indicates Popularity of
Renowned Bandmaster
tie extranscatesualessfinn tiens- cesuretsb
isi susa' baudtin Uivesity hallt, ttrhnsi-
_ntig,siiaes thastithinumbemsill,
Isst yer bees unsunef thunms ut iopult r
ltse S. Is.A. coarus.trustInhli
s sthes"Isrets cing"usf Pmssius
Ishis bandsuthas behieIsadunsunrsy
nat city of theUsnCtier Stunes snt
us Iis ltourusSioustnuahs ilsIettany snt
iedt type- ihn-usof -eo trutndhehisalurays
sa fosunut ofsamusingasites-ns i ns
mtisuiu. IOhne nf thismstns I tiiitiit
the is-tlteicidents relastdibythis-n-si
idutitr curedtuur uitg Iis lstitour
"Dtsnurs daugthsn-It-thslayIrutill~?
ar-i Snuusas rutthus hoas--i-uce,
ushapee titsto beInn s is-aOs .
"I elive he oes" nsswseredhte
suits-dyufablhutsht I ssthiksleurehit
rs sidgt!
Appear5tt i- it SounrsI tomorrow igtiI
ssistrolesuswittsr luss Je-ussrtt trus
s.uMss ElzatuehlSchiller asnt Irbtslu
M-iss Jesanette IPowesr s ifticusintsg
oinist s tiust-55ret ur-ndurom s aunstsris
nuts slushy sunab rounsethis-tutsige
soim asis nt Pluksh in5Berlin atutu
-ioso in ais.Shw sit Jutchimus
us si-sunswhot ss orutir: Stun has
greati genussounthe iousiIn ndsisuil
akchemr k. hues I Pmwer.;has
tied thetins in sis ne cslrhlullmumeI
tung ins New Yo'rstst dyunitsurh I(su-
hut ,icheiubtis-atIthus Na5trussaICostn,
rv-atmory. tUosnt sarrivalinsBerinit
nusuimmed itsl tistedthin louyalitoc
-uttle sshesrn tainmantssuneptdithliiias
tupsilionuthis ossnusStunpltaydsirsh
lits itsthth rustsc SrBeniorchrui ,n
ics is-s iuder tiheupershlrecsnsitins
fJoachm.e his 1 s- ourguanizatrussnusfts
styedfrt ustheiser.usu fPusstir issu
sits csissnIsertin shetsvinit Ins Iaris
acuireu-a-skisswledges nf sins Irinruh
hetosis and si rnterpstinrs.s Ci hrsus
ys of turn "Shens moretfci isliy un
la-iugthur sioin trun snsspuil I thave
er lusts
Vliss Pwenrs playdut ua nsnhbrsosr
ssi nus snt stnruts i iIinrintsnt
irihtis. h usticalRvisss 1)onf en
Tle insutanutPluissoes sress-tur uo
seu- thistsinugs us this fst notes o nf
tessueissoisuss Cuncrt i russ isunor sins
tush of the uastsir s reusvesaledh-. All
roughs ter suitfussanceushu ie held her
nuiesurn spelundmrst Sie tplswsits
nra est Inns duipassonlutshassherself
iwasy iisnsuntd VsWillsese site rnes-
lerer thus umost sdiffiutworuks of lbs
iusoussmsitusrs Artstunt istrumiett
eesesltoIns innestin tint restditiona ci
isasates Zgssueu 0 nu'inwas Superb."
Piss EiztuethstsSchsiler, coratur
uprsuo hisase nof thosse brilianut vocesr
sat are unertsbisast in irintratig yet
ympaithte this suaistytaintledtemsse-
easily o thosse sonsgs ts-t sdemandssdazzl~e
>f executionu willspartculasr empatssis
stios ighs seres Piss Sehlsler is An-
:ricass orts stu artlstshadi unsutionsusit
ten the est teachters of Chitsago nit
News Yorr. Justhturns-reinsolmrtursht
igers sre sissy-btsreslzedtftomsathis
,act that at the Meropoista n sopea
ouse, New Yort, there s trusy stn
isse.PtsrcellassSernbichetansutht uf
uddnly- sie were to ndrop o utsf thu
Cosnriedran uuks it suswo tn ulenxto ins
ossibile 5o replaser-hter.
Hderbiert Csarke, corneist is this sos
it D~r. XWilism IHrstioClrecl-
rsated norgansist suitescomposer, antat
he age of threers -spsayingtie rums
and fiageoet, at fourtueen, he uas on--
duicting stanrhestra organizedt by im--

self. Alt this timte younig Clsarire ws
perfectinag himtself as tuerformer out the
(Continued on page 4.)

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