The Mlichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, M ICI II(A\ Th LSI) I :\l\RC'H1 27j,1912(t j"OL. XVI. BIG FOOTBALL GAMES ARE NOT ABOLISHED President Angell Says Michigan Is Not Connected With Plan as Was Reported. "As far as Mlieliess is cotered, the report is wiolly false. We koosenoth- g of it.' Titus spke Presidenti James B. Antgeii ist ightt sshestasket whether \lisiigantts t 1ttt lrestiof it uove- mcmt obolislI bitt'foothall gattes ttot- abytiosa.betrtesnutMicheligtn, Wisotnsins and iciiao.ThIie whosle plns sssgien idealittsvartt titfStttdays Ci- Iie geGrdutitiitrtotIDownier of \\'jsctttsitthit ti td ttat lie htsd sti- ceededinitttcitg titer large westert tniversitisa ttt stpendti g itterolleg- iaeatltcsfr isri ottofaott two tear, tie report wstg'iet sotte cret- eneuti Ptrteset Anigel, ittsit i- ttttew mdtesuchsi aesiv1te sttttettnt. Acrdineg ttti tereort te faetity rripresrnttssts otf tethiree shoos si- eti'-jitertsatd,\tltthgatttChicago an \israittsits artringtt o wsark ott a schim wthichriirif stttttte ss ismenssthat hess tiret collees sil ot steet Ott thegriiro net faI ichieiga,. it slclaim rtreprese ted 'by te late PrfssrPtt tgiinatuguratt-ster tie di-atisfietdtsith terst:os sf ts' reenst "rlfttI Istlmnttee tre ealsiy wosnt ous cr it ietpops l~Iitso. 'efalsity tof te entir's'art itseis Ia .itlts bythe st'fstt'- SI'fAR Ii I V \tL IllR 'sXIA 'LViECHICAGO Word comestrom tsttChisao tuni'ersiy tittt\Viiisis crack'pilis'asitetsr sill assti picsa diretr al~ts tt srInas ititte. tLerpttrtest ItomssCicago that ieiwouidnot bteisatilsIto tttstrtettate o ti t spitng quattter o ott unrstslofibeig' htereimutch initn Ithisasttdiesa s. ditg sill bite o al~rtti ttert tf att aits Prhamr thrtowttsandis i Qsgy star quiter-miltrittare likrwsetrbehnd itt ltherstuttiestr ar etwokitng har int preparsationtftr teir er attittttios ats ritclssrof'thesitsntettqIuaitrer RiiiiiIi) sA'lt'Ri').Y Thsinulfancytrtelss lay of te Womanist's ILeastue silis'e gisetSstr- Iay evenitng March 31. blis ay Rcs- v~kis ci.matntt ofllte soiali comitt- ee atttnd tsitsit itsisa teasyomptilted al 'tr'llgset ts ftr Ils'e rt. h~iss Car- ey iplrsdent f te-ee tss, santd Miss wichtrill i begits prtompitly t 8 ro'coc. hist ytar there wis eitis'tttarmsittstnce iotse galier, tnd etoleg' somsens til aeisi idtfatt elndtas. etiisir tig in arbourgrstllssisttt, liyose of ih rus tofte \Vsussst's iLeague. I tit V tit B ia 'tons ladetr of te group itaIdiostess of tes'ven'ting. 'The tsmbrs tof tetroupttsinvtitedi their gentttemetnttft ritnsatdiaots fifty'cos- ties wee re snt.Dtanctring satste forml of etr ta Iitmttt he tsmsusi beisg CORRECT ION Owtingtg o asmi tsutsdertstsdigfor whiichlTh''e Dii'sinstot wa to blisamsise, t ws erosieouslyi sttesd its Snday's isiuethatiWhitneyPtalloW egieer. tatttiIls,"AdiI Nesbiit,(f teSchool ttl _ lsic, ihadsibests tmarrid ott Fridiay. iTe repot s 'notst psblishetilss asftr ias Itllarsefullyinvitsestigate'd sansdfottnds to its' tipiarntly tte. It tesed orst yesterdasy thatt tiersswas asolouttely io tothitints st orssy' ihtisirer. 'T'he Daily regress exceesdingly' te anntoyancre whicls hr saffsair'hsiscattsedlso isl. Prssll sitt MIiss Neshitt. Rlesolutions of the Unibersity Senate on the Late Professor Albert H. Pattengill Dilytty o51weeks sgos tsrmttsinthiusia Iiiswotktinithei classm.Iintatttttt" roomsto exriesoutr stossowfli thesits ltwotrld otf itsrstrencoutr'ttagrmet statihsoftecolleasgtte wtrustdistslrte I ri te onslas sll oingistt"'f t' liissns himiisef to its iby tmatnyyyeraf rctsersfulttas1k Itlet ftl te Illsnr ttfihislsife comipasniosiip.'Tsnighs i trsr t treme ts tt'ttthe ioftthelrs mantylltitts againstso express itt a fewssossssstas esst ssa igtwatrhiat mtttttim 1a11 ean ioi see cani otisser'of ltssadbou va11 tl twe"it and'tt I le sftuttnttts sees" silesice give uttte'ance srto t ittr s sttlirttuetsandtitilleagueistrate ipr esst tess that iencomspasses is Itsterdethiof a tiitde' lrugged I tttbtes tid ltftytmat- of Professor Psttessgiiiswe liste lost a htttsd. friesnd whipa lstsbeeni atpgssire-tandiaaletd- ''swas g'''t.eacrandtttroutttgh er; te stilv'ersity listslost anispisasrig teitsytworkttsottttittysyet '551asweitth ands helpful tcatus.w'is canit rinisd easehits sttdetis hestg'v'isundyigimspuse ronly consoslastions i inte tghti tt hfr it'ststindlt'ariiin itu ''111111 chra'tctr srosughtsitwetin situ ons . liteis tfottittf the ictis s in Albert H'ensdersonstPatringilli sas btsrnst rs'sis'stfIGIee'r'1 'rammait'r bttier is as Ne'wr Lisibon, Otsegoticiutyts'Ness tsis ttwedgitos ritbril's1)1t switraer for'ksPehtiary' 26184. ii e tiedtinit stite st tirssttreaitgs'sftte sitsats- AinniArbior455rnt 16 iso.Helitarmtiteir'rliecs's're il'otve"diatei tr parts le of Ntis 1England scestyes tern l dassit utl itetand a twie app riatitot tof gr'andfastser eig lostin tConnsi etisut, te elits Ofansitu 1ri'"i'it'c thits aitd hissitatesrnal gransfahe lrs it Rhotde lhsini I litertradthis liapspircitat InlandshZillsrerisyisisvantaesweeIs'sitSlit imtpateis byltexasmplelrytsaiCthnt rn- stasis His irsts rducatiii sssltbtinedsistiiitt'sitibyith lit'sgosiofhisttwn'It in st' counrsschosioaneitsis ishostsand tilte tiSiome 11o1tinsifs sucitt s a stunsheits sssitiitirtistixttenhe bese stilts tech r tne51r1111hitabllits tinjuge er himiisefisking sitrlesosf ussrof tie ilhiitiviuil puil~is 'igty t''teitima1 te i unruitly schtoolstof ther nesiiorhioosd, this cii' itis tit tsprect'isenss.Ile shires'hitsssong pthysssiqueandsis tinit ii fa ss tsil-keeeronothe Ilassss bteftte hiiii ing detrinasitioss 1o sursetdiwere mastilso i itiogll''itandttlwitt Sti'htistii- miore hielpftul i tsnsbooklea''rnig s or'''-1anontitts Ie w sstle io tll hoittach st peiece. Intsesi syeis le ostenspes houi'' ttltihe1timula1 ttii sttdtwrk, jus hist sf this atditaisnits sndtthits sits ilui sus gsti''nat1111 u111 Ii Iapeali t thei tsil i- lessonss secisr''diiint s uest Itss rall 511111 ii issudsh tii 'listha t rd it I uc tugs. wherece'isakssessorindciseio tespintha'tipromedtsi ss t sctionand mseantinstat ailutitlIst 18is 6oh i trnesd tal lt te t p stsilits iit lilt'- 'tiant WshiitestnSem arysas t WViitesholto o tflittit tlistemberte5hou'Sssnt it i Ness'Vorks. To yprsatttter lie tsughts cl'ssrotiomsteqsiet riit iteliststsattcn- for somtsr sissihsss iilslaercounty, lhi'ion'intthelit'ait lrat blemis sstof ihi'igan, ressirsting o titer theis t~s-tasisationiourills lisssioso accuriacyi twnSi emitiarsy agilt His cseoas ofs though' li tii un'w 1 11111ses sf thtte prepasrsatiasionfr colegesw'ss howe'vs'erisiti tsasi e ostiteatre,'othew st'grsp osice nmssritersruptesbyitesahisnsg-if pisithlit'essnit is It the (itetis lan- ste say class s interrupstissthos e'sgulilas' sirteItfetlig itfor5wotilstoue periaes swhicht erst e nin'st'sstg iis artshopsos sbeisontti its'aysturs'It's' knsowledgestrenigtheniin ghsamituios usmases itie1higturnelisiation auass tivigimsts'elf-command iiuiandslf-sui otissngliis' rihtan sit tl. iiTht schl confidenice, for intseestsrliusryasitas tisters ssthis ha' tsi sbe uotstts usshittilds later, dificlcstiesa set red otilyitseen eaeItsjoitiad ovr'lur tllrers Iis resoluistons asisiharsenhes sisuoseuswitha tiluleisossititsssgtiit . hillsti After te'achinsg t'o st i t serm ssis s is 'ucl h:lauirlSear5by ityea'srhis'v mr A0cademyishliteSirestinitsth sringofthsalithtillusua111itspii~irsti, mortthaniti 1864. atsudent at11CosrtlanditAcasdemy. a'desie toimistll'e'this stesdinisess Itf sit-- iwsert'tsis as aitraced'ibiy'teuresencepe and'ti seaut 'ittitmanisiasgm't'le itt asSl isle Stsa uter itt this tilassasudeciofthe its ampu~le antut yitg tsksssof lt'e wihose sdretioss is preparedssisitlf frhu..rgddsciliasrinexat'uin111 college' antdtuhi ssomuchsiftheittmtortetaindstcrittinalitdiemaitittg'of lehonstile sasdsvaned workl'sthat itswsIabledisiitsbesItishat sitch tuldido. lie wasatsthe thin saustmn osthtiltfolloinstg yearsto samelltite sutfrisen 'tashillsadvis'orte. "ilt siter this'Un.iviersiy' of Municinis S hissuseitis uissiu'' t osltiiiim1on1111thIe sophoour. hunthear tals te tali , passgstg 151s1tIlls tioitesisy' snitti tllliet oron s, thsleice sosusit mansit l)s hadis ital- tdistrite g 1 perp11e5itis l f a the is ilites, fttr readsy'coeoss'to ksnow 'himselsitnsitot tth kethalie (iItlls it stse ands sihows'thosesal isitietts tha t ecomandliedi sotbir, slitsI ays itetis rtdinuwhtu himselfcI spsn us htla Schuss ait iandhsfel-usready t1psh ai teslstrongiandIleadsthose lowe-sudents;andfro nit titt cy till a thats citsedihils utic;thelear1nscs test chits ago tsrlitsedi ithlsst~ii~ilitsit s iscomitsy oslveusm heearedsietacis sit rse- sasdinig o its infuseneicreaising itsustutd-afetiton'lan111 'r'tiutue'.\Whisi usesflss.ssmtaking's'lift sore fuhl of morses nsd1 itsai a 1 I 51 1111 s tstast sisnsiss andsisntsirseIs o it ssissi5isen it udiesiofsttde'tstshroughou it thiss sisdestss gutsig tee ressf tsf'stongicouturiusy u are dooig suasck it iithatie nauruse o thinesunsitsy lie losvedsIn hisnhss r Sto ind and tuhosutul wotrd,'t thin sprintgof51868 trfosr radsiSots a mtiteruts protilchit ia15sturdy' presnsc, lie wstspruinilof thi n Ail rb~ oe highittheiftushniseSisfsa s t''st 's 'personliy. schooltush seredinusthisS capuityuhiitund susowsthit 1frolutit utheyts''"'thueed aftrc' tseieginig of hin fll I tsem iit rshi tshamb t isitionbyhi tilalied itott 1869p. Ieinsthelnscseit'susas assistants iesed ndeavoritu professor of (GreesndathrPnish iilte \s 'Cslegeti and'is'si 1iend Pro 1stfessr usnes uhtdlavsing'Iis scoosl sork, Ptusnill ws sihhisiistdenrtts, euntredi uonshissdtises isssisiscmbersof wissihelpul and siit asitsetin. lit totk tis facully.s'This nsxt yearlie bsessame 'a l'r"'e'interest iivetilssi-yassfat irs, asisiitS ispofessor of (Greck. romisltsed'nh usligs ltis t urtn isuassg stlis o 1889pshut osrethin title of assS- ip ls tush psiiltes hlutig ilets ciaten prfsssoriecomssing 5ats'e sutes' it tiideals f high aand snIdshlash iplt, (isate professor of 1Green.atdshopedt coni tilniusal o' protgrssan The detasaof IProfessor Psiiscsgii's 11515olullsnutli ithuidepsthsitandt life amsong'sitsteednthsot detsins is.Hisls ties'nghuof ldst ttw'n characie serers carer s s mad.tisssp ot theimpsiortansti t srkeditostthusiltsausctsr f theUn'ui- lile thsisathat consssueite timecof versits. i s iseIenitotneaofIits bid thin teachert'a' constituteh tssisduty. si Thitsadminiustraivesitboard of thei His atentions to thist little things, thatihtserayfitcutstwas thlistulls of Iis so easaiysdrop out of hun mesmory atdari titu s ush estiosisndsthaftr ius es- that ake so lstunepace its the anals ais Sshniuu i tse twas forssomtesuya rs its of the ess of usithiss devotions to hischaimsn.sIt hlistsposiionslit showd us'' h yaits ls id antd folowedststt l d 'ihauac. Thee stds' tund that lie, as stict, accurteli h l- ed its er wst i uthotis l , heiith rghts this"g i inte tactfttiw y, mi hlpt lusse ts 'st w oI t oi i lookit tillan ftswa'ds'd,'o e'tem aill11 suureilltif Isis's 'uso ws~ isey wth s il s tet a- tion, tha, [ouchIs tiethua's dhi or we ll scarcelyknow1how sany 'tougs uslen twere tunedt itihut i gh iecin how manitttyst sotit"''eirs' tep taidi 1F11'1mo1s1toftliSsttithitslst tev yearsthhelhtsibtinuchaismanaosttiheha irs d hat wsit ite s' 11 tti"ng issis tut ans th mo tlspt w i )anx11'etist'f ti-st eashieto sil itas betn's st par1s~ing'. lDat by day ~~~~~~its'gv lrn l nsrtn n of itt aruuts tsfists Ise as aBe hnesey inas ttndtthtortitotugly ' etssn t. l way r a11 I it I1111its li at t'stt -'t itlne s it-'kednittigetlyu'otr' clean wholesomeI sporlit' iin'lwhich he 'tttthou hits awyfrm th lesre f tilils T hesil i tions i ts'e ls' thl l'a smust h e ast- tan 's't't'ti 1 la osfantI 1 who1 i' tea it his slm'tsi en'ttt n ti It'll Is t itth 'ttabors o lieumits whorlh the st dens fltcom elld o rspet, i hsi'ett himp ts tt y' sttnew itelistse. is 'ttt- to fr en cetf 1111 al asit il shuts Iats-sll dts andweelsau n tshm. I ac h-i c on ofittitsi It1Stle l( t m tn. tttstitlovable ofinteresut ut eirI or te ih hithtng."51 W his n st ll sis 1111sa, iw t ltowithIt it t ist te r o b ith tthitt. 11(1i i sits mie tq aiy wssjustilt fr it 1 a widmws inelsst IionIthets litieoftt''e shly' iis'ssi siilst iiitttB Iti h ditt s an ande uhding st " hitm s y'o ttfeitsmenc lus t s''ias ' Iratt 11115 5111i t to iveis i list' ss'sss'thei tsuo itsof his xper- eit'ncie f'siand f siuslrn t M n fut ss'f.eli but Iul ii tii " tsf acoun illos. 5s is pe cusississt scl ri sttssi li'sto'r iss tlth ' ssi-l stis ,55hisla e ciattio sfstausris t- fillliesihis fehings orth chrststll erlhistt hrit in ourIsiuccissfesashis ushessn situnwavett ingiisly lsts thu it us us i of'is fren shi hils a1fetion hits wamthtliiof''s sen titet',w' i ch esits"' yhugde atin atll sstclush it se rfts lil dtsittesti 1a1n1ti ih ony tosetht 1rall Inede hit u l fu lly nol-, is wit nteey' st S. L. A. NOMINATING CONVENTION SATURDAY No Candidates Are in Sight-IByILaw. May B~e Obtained at Office af the Secreary. ilie~ ftestudens stsh ctltsssll ciat It'l la l be1 teI sil t S tra soin a sltl itItion t l st ft hisoffce t is en toa llstsit offies ad ntgp liialy hits ilt stcopd 's. snotis wicts h (iesso s- liasstithsty' jis tstpr ite dsei'' all5 t'p tt'. LAI', RO.P1 TT,, ,1J setcItdarss Schools, ats Chicalotlast. 111111 ii ttProfessor Wtaltto tofsPurIdue Prfeso I A.I. 111lerttH. as J. 1 . I n h n a lcir;'s ss ' - sstttkiss helesi s ofeolcsar shis motn i th' ttis'eat ov ' wit hemsss i ss' ohs''enatius 'ssis ts kIesnt hitcou slshwis llei s st and s' is s t tan heett instss mi ddl selstwe ' stt isi hed is sured thhergetdro tnay of isithat u' i s ~g col's t , it seemesds i i ts , an obs s taletsiitisthy ih o progress. sasuhihs sis sie'or 'Sswi ll mints eh n frgati th1hearts I hlniil sth it~ '''hiss' his i tshits Itse oit'iest'of his wlubsovetColege s toltitt he isi uses irng ssnd ir s h li st' it t lt' rguar metig sfit(' Gse it hfte s is 1111151ar iasstsis".aliapeir oit s'"Theu s' teialioft e rishs' ' Lant guIaigshi stetcshtofithe Iih ltrtrbiri Irish littera tue itie st , a d1 te11 'f hts' lit of 'llle i 'ssatu ssand 'th the it'eilan i rsoft .it'scivsti ofhIs'' ishtit-' wiihi s h r' tistlsteh 'li t"'Itseha sta~u-hle Iis'. 'in tha'is'ir'ctsois this o sgily ista scnst .'oms ed Of fctiltse and advacedsh it sssiis' intth dearmetofhis s ,ndrht 'u tierthsi'Sts'y'oftt ttes' andtt lit'ra-tS tr silliis t'su'iestits's'' ri gih nto'-is Ises th i itue. s isii hnlsi. litis iuusls fixedl. 'hesy iare leIft ii r esiemo- Sististreais urer ofs'h h I ls'ttmhstsie s i' brnt estss~s' t s ss sstttheytavhisne muc to t send sutirth at ii twill takt; lac ,she 'stsih ssis' i i isi tu' tills'1 i ng111 at,11111 'slo hi, and et esst a i We lOur toh wfe ml ilerncla 51Codia in itati itor hlt litrsiteto S isnt' st si Isis ts5 5115 iit tlesistr- chsssugs's . lists sFulais onie iio stehs rwthast msithavcosolti-tlieit' nadms oulro h ~dr conoltin prngng ro1te5em r ss tmansuitsisand1151hieturtsP his evenStru siP a swell-spents ife ts Ii sro his smissuss' . n' 'Die ' hh s pr 1is .loke comusfort to it the ts knuow thsis als foriss d to withhuhesure n tits aton grieve.' ftrselioiils sc Stshh iiuus101