THE MICHIGAN DAILY w - I t .^. r^!r" ^.rw 'i 'v' 1^M'r Wt^r~^ r1", ^v r~w ^V "5, 7 1 ilockifig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Colon Toledo,;and Co- lumbus PEA NUTS Finest Quality Roasted Peanut-; per lb. t14e. Salted- Va. Peanuits, Bleached per lb. i5c. 2 lbs. for 25c. Peanut Brittle per lb. I sc. ___ We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-lbs. Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts for leas money than any houae in this vicinity. 214 South DEAN & C Ann Arbor Matn St. C .Michigan THE IPEMOTIONS TO [ILL Now Ready ,_ Y - . f + 4 j '-N '_ &^ / :1}/ir A . A A. s : e l. , f Vi'n. i1 i - f + / f f ' + de , r"i., 6n7~ ^HE 5 [$. E. CLARK, 32-1 °LFFIUBaPE I adoisslin a issone ftimne.Thipsiandl- Camps Matin of hen ho~h po, t i.New Line of Spring Hiats Really Fill~s Itself f t~iiFist ii iottatpts n tssiO i Very Fine and Dressy. F. J.SCH UH t 1 sineL tt le.n w,1 w71 ol SANITARY PLUMBING ,t eO nle >t i oi ittitItloco ,irth i-n e' noutustiSeetThem A SPECIALTY Ltigal orttsttpstisqtttt.¢1 JP a J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. sold h hoetrseverrys Srew ,,~ Lindenschmit, Apfel & Co. BAILEY & EDMUNDS I__________________ Zportin43 iGoods 1215FatiS Lieberty Street.. HAS . RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? R A N D A LL You can procure from him a coupon entitling yoo to one dozen $ 1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for se in the Michigan- ensnall for $3.0. PH OTO0G0RAPHER1 l Suits and Overcoats rsnim'~f~ti~fnnn Buy Direct and Save1 Mensre $1 600mop$8.0 Money. 118120 1E. Liberty. _____________________, The Stamp of Superiority e es UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 15 / p sho s in lte whitenes of th linen l isito es Egh PpeTo/c o ierdoed toits ttjt triht" ' ostarcling, Th s ihtPp ob c o leetg of (Oo c111), Ni iit L :ill; > , / oOmfortof atrl l fitin shrt collar,dto p. m ROO C i~ei i hal Cubetached collar .and frayless-eded cttffs Are the Largest Selling, Most Popular, Highest- liolti,[i tlite iscii:i (p iollilt i tt as we trn OettOnot. The only superirit Grade Tobaccos in the World ThLaw11 oc ial-itub l av/adnc under tian over othes. (Goo1 puatt-oi [ ie Pit ci' Aalemylot n illiie Thursdaysend yort washing, isn't it: Every pipe connoisseur, the world over, knows =Marchi 29, i utotke theece oithe liii one or more cf these tobaccos; and knows that in potionied o itt teli16V.r yL~nr Prol.. . Plierso 111will seak to higher quality was never produced. heLofC.blM.brinchiof tiheN.A. 1 . .'117 i. 4th Ave. Bth Phons 928 He knows, too, that a good pipe, Wednuesduai-, ?iuicli 2, at 7 i'loek. iii seasoned by and filled vwith one of ERoiomi20. tew in teteciltititbilig o ln ciiAt Pes(ostel a ILAT lii Sulied. I. Il ie l~l chily ee & Sitiderc),printes of te liltigo thsetbacstismobetter ftanyte liDaIuil, Fle Alumntus, Ilasder, oss A bet-moeofgr ecia u~t o iinfotthll. the 'Technic, S GA &I j $, i ohe, lyII11IIE iA QIfE.C. A. lhanboo, e., e. are priser - to the stidettihlodk t1t7 I,. \asllst I [i LTo ..u [iNIltl iiiitlie iIluloicton street. f .~ 15 ..Jj J C Op br5 i ie . iver liuc ulutgl fi. Arran e-- - -iii li Icc lecsltbufit. -etg- Sits ltesscld, 25c; t aes o J LTAxa-Fitest l Ds k Wile mena du 111in rai h impleeid, butilFller & OCosntor. hi ti ~ L -h ill iltiliti . ol1£ Lnd - \ 1 - -it rerleetil isleli t u lltee, all Lhe le_____ ,e ifor imtu - it:. noit=,y o._ i liii ls ho hleli not e liiye in-ugiifed ilIIldicils ettuite elvet kisses a - - N r~~m-their iitetioiiof timg soldtisee some da l.nextCissilg's. $25iE c s ire ii i ht itit"t~e embieriioftieicomisttitee, if itssille ________________$ 2______________ a H sv 45c.tise IMPnERIALWOE Co ifle [uui'igt.FetiIesei i COOK lHOUSE1 ' T .a 'Sti.n Trkl, -i iliio Oi Illi telugis tt i l nstt Curt ouse Square 11 - Lthli Vidna"i lte istior1y iof Iteelus. Professor s FRTC ASS IN ALL BRANCHES O- I tittiLChtEiCtT A.C. uiltlu litu andilEfier swill hbe 200 $2.50 $.00 10Cnl o e o 30c " 3. 5 M~ild i .:n and 1, 1'A.i-Steam Heat anssIEevatr All night srisce 10CndePwe.o * 1 ~ ~ '1 te otitz i t lieoii presetlln1111will respiildtio11toasts. 'ik- SsNDA IINsNERS A PECIALTY. 5c ach 13 Cettper Hour < l vfc~niti ,TT.-rkl ci. e,, iiiitlill b e icued teI once. sr~p~ ~ .Save Eyesight, Money iti _r,____ rn.2! ac.-and Trouble 1aIilir~rVRTe tFemaniti-.lleiciilthainkt.crneri eSave aW~ak Down Town -lst, i u .f Pct9oeilti ti d .linishet, swill tpeti loe Get our Watches and Jewelry AN it a.Oi olrlt mut -.repaired at the Right PlaceARO GS a