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March 25, 1906 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-25

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Makers of Men's Clothes.
All the latest London styles
and fabrics for any and all
311 s. State St.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Our Engraved
Cards and
ae imice fo us by a
metopolitin firmi
famoisalike for the
qiuality of therxxwork
a ni ditheir original
sty les We11 glidly
qiote y on prices on
any branchI of this
wok an slowv sam
Sheehan & Co's
Students' Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Watches, Diamonds or other
personal Iproperty.
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargains in Wates & Diamonds
Office at residence 3i F. Liberty Se
A~n Arbor.
kiour$:Scto 1i:30da. In., 1tno3:0an 7 to
9 p. M

l~tda esconed casnine ,ciiiei ati iher.ntercorllegiate Notes.
Arbr ohoi' ien.
Puiblished daily (Moniascexccetd)idoingien 'thlet-iviersity of Ilicelcerg has re-
he coliege year, atitc17 inst Wasinigtn e eue e ulil o t
streilt.securephonenew bnilimeiphofor7ii
stret. trlichee 8xa itnir oer l.ibrary-, which coiniais iiore ihani700,-
Managlng Editor. CLYDE L.DEW ono volnices.Ovelice cniy miles of shelf
Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS space iarcieiiiredl for iliebooks.

p.thleics.........CiarencerE. Eldridge
PNrews....... ..Louis 0. Stickney
Exchange's... ..7 Chars I;. Winstead
M uscn..........A. N. Ortmeyer
' in ............ Ffie J. Armstrng
inlnugh lien Franklin C. Parks
Arthuer C. Pond.
Gorge A. Osborn liaroid C. Ssmith
pFerris N. Smsith Grnrge. Bariners
Rodibert H. Ciancy Frank J. Clark
Hleery F. Schulter Henry A. Mostgomeery
D i. F. Steeson on F. Wuorz
G lene I) iBradley FlnydII. Jenes
Romy V.Llli
PRATES: $2.50opirear, or $2.00 if paid is
PAddress: WALTER R. HANS' Business
Manager. 236 S. 12th SU. Phone 849 L.
S -'\l.\Y ASIRCI1 2 , c1n06.
Editor 'lonlac FERRIS N. SM ITHl.
M\ar, 25--ii1I)r. IloiglicS. ridclt
iol le PIu'iiv iiy.uati 'piscriial
church. 7:in ).pIel
\la r. 2\,\ Cileyain (Guld lecture course
ntii lechodesi clchei7:30 V. Ill.
l~efore'Y. P.l.lC.iAi
[ivi icii Oratioriical assciaioniii
Viar. 21 Ireif. F. .ScotitlieforecPhil-
oliigical isocieityol die subjeci.
liTe enhlcei is fClniiiiilltVl'
,sigins." in1omniC'. IUnivrsity hall.
7:30 i1. cIl.
ii '.271 20-Siufot an iitIrel shoe- t i
Scholofl itucli.
11 cc nc 29Jiiiiir libnqeite, ILaeIlouse,
v\ liiinore hake.
Ma.2--Sessions iii lie Classical Cciii-
frnice. Sairah Caswell Ancegell hall,
1 30p. Ien. anil8:45 1). Icc.
Ssionuiiofi ihe tPhysical andnlChicim-
ical Conference. Chienical Inborn-
tcr .2 p. iI1.
Ioint esiloiif itic Classicacl anei
:Mocdeec ilanguage Coiiferecnces, cit
Saral Caswell Angell hall. 8 p. ci.
Addressc by Prof. \V. B. Baerowes.
li)fte Mcichigan Agriciilitr'lcol-
lege'. oni ihe subectl, "Bued'." Phys
cal labioratory.8hp.in1.e
Mane.in-Sosa's, bandn S L. A
-onre . Univeresiiy hll, 8p.Inle.
t'cicecul sessioucniofitie Mchig'io
Schcoolmeasters' lubi and \ichligaii
Acdenmy of Science . niversity
all, 8 :30 a. Ino.
Sessione of itiePhysical aiiilChemi-
iccil Concferencce. Phiysieal lalioca

hJtaccentof cthle Nainc1al haiencuoii
he tee hiletic .leamu tie hKeniicekyiveirc-
Scity Las'u-witodrannfrou thiefiteltd of
intheclegiate sporti. The1ctinc a
icati he the hodo f lcurators at7 i thirc
rcenltiisemi-animnal esin
T1ic heltici leislahoc c Ias pitsiciccl 1
proiingthtlcanccistuttt oftc any tttttt
vit or i ieschltttl. il orpite, oun
gniltc if htazintg, shall ltc ltttenntctoice
ltha ntat lriempisediccc'lfrcnttc snorie
ttatt sx cconthcs, or bothi.lli. heceads
of-ntutr fschccls whic lsiccly
If Ice Ilancs ccf ilhe prescentt Glc'Clubl
mcantagers gcc throccughc thire vwIice acrc
tilliocllccf 1a11l iNincc aleti le1ccClccb cmem-c
icer iccct cc'ce cecelt iiwcek netieciJcce.
A list ofl cl livingc ccclnli c's-ftecb
istot elcing preparcedcc . aancc ivitti
cci liccotly e lsient t ccnam ciig tce dacy
cce ac genceral re'tcciccccia clciwh itee
Wrillcecrobcably ice'a mlccccccicciict'spea
'1c i'Fi iecsityof Illinici pccbliccationi
the I ilicci. chas .accnevv heacdincii andcis dlii'
on f theccestcllege pucblicccticcns inc
the wectibtitclappecancecandclicn t'e
gencecal qultyiio f iewcis aciiln. Thelt
cclle'ge'cdaily publcciiocns thrcucghcout
the' middltle'wect havcin ccecctl itime
snlc marktccelddeveloient andccl nows
this cc'cticcnticin th1c'frcict ranitk ol
10IL. IParcici, 'ccl's slat alf-mlr
hacs cccde c ccciddacct itce invsitacincccof
thc' Amtericaccc cctmciile e' com'ccce ci
meimbercc ccf thcc' mice'cancceccect cthile
IllympciicancgamesatchIeilcns next mconthl.
He' htas wn cclt'eccli cilein ccte iiee-
ccllcnictem eets Icce tcccceciars ccnd ins
also Iceect ccmemb'ccleof tc'he'calerelay
icam ncihei'Pennsylvanciarela'yccmets.
His\fsce wctccillt'c iccsthesiccetthe rally
Nilecrciln actlcs resumced ipubllicctioccn. Tlie
pper11c asiuspcendedilcc beccicce cclconflicct
increcgcard ticcdeci of conetrco lewen
th ccbocrdcofcdirecctcrs ofltce incier candc
ai hccardcf ccccl'cc ctlculicctinappciiniteil
icy line rcgentlscf ltce'unci'esity. 11ce
dilffereces eem toli hccvccxceen p aicheci
np~ icca c eme cceiincg of t1cc ccccrcl of
regetic. cciilhcarmccy cbetweenthe pcocx-
Ce's tha't 1cc'scecci" cccccn'ecl.
lihe'facicltcity atlicn'nesoc chai licceidtup
with lil venccgeanceoc thliii' nfc cec
chiancges iccl ootbacll cand fcotblll cii-c
istationt. Inc ca'iedccntmectingc i t s
voeito adcptcciiasc aciwhoicle etrulislaid
dcoiicc iy ltce 111gNieconccferecn c t
'Ciccagolstfcll, toc deducct $c,ooo fromc
Ictche aa i f 1Dr. I. I.. \t'lllcttts. to

Oct \a'ch 14,4execisiwriced cccat
ilthe 'ivrcciti of llliisl commicmoatrn-
ing theicthirty-eightihianiesar'of hc
foundng o01 iha ccieritiinicc16f8.
Iheciaticfoteinticciecollegicate' ccecil
lig camionshci cips Icc becatycccl-c
Is I upion ascc Xiiil , accciitll1 iak'laccc
inc te Coclccmiac Igc'tccccclcccNe,' York.
'rhIe hoocts ccu1che elmccinr littl cl witll1
Icofe c ccccccicc ldurtce'iccncadin ctheii
fias iftee'mcinutcs.
'lhe r'e'coendctionscc of hc ececci
focothacll cniferece h iave hect iadopited
by lice facuclty cct Nrthesrtern. lie'
v'ctce iias uiccccciccc ccoctl nier 11111c.
Aithitongli lie appropichricticccfor acetlcrics
111ee is iindeuacteis'yIanc o e ti' c acllci
requ~cieentcds ofchatdp artientcciltlie
stients hli en iccgiltic undecltandc
icy' secci tmembieisof te facuiity- tcai
if lhcy' ciilldleonccsrcte tccci tce-yicdicc
ac basebalccl iemthecl ltiy' ciill seetha
theci esc'sacrec'mccleiisprovided.
'lie' .lMie'sota ilycciis cauthoritslice
heldi at (Oberincat checlime ofcc'ccllie an-
11111n ccl'c ctof mie' Northen Oraccioriccl
,iscnice. forcce 11cc iciclc fi'cc pefecin
the.cccrc'iccI ccilcieagsicin.o 'indccii
hecide upoilih cnc. Miciganctcas cie' cf
thin'ustctoitakesn' tilleiidacoa cc it
fcrmnc h a nhnrs011 v c cii eitI intii oa torycl cc
and1illy lo cic caorc'ian' cizaionhas bccnin
Accordincg ito ctatistics ccmpild'ci lt
lie J. C'.lcuccuc f Wisconesinthclaver-c
agec'suden'tt the'.,calhcouihc he' mayc be
Srsilt for551lieathlicli' , bylieli'
iasler tcnt celscciiin icallciroudc
hyic cc ile c cillltAti stahtisicl co'm-
paiso ofeccccIc cscccmn'cc'cs coi thei'fresh-
men tilnd soihomore,'sill \\icccisie. Yacli.
otues cccleighltheight.lthe'githillof tlhe
hici ck,o m.iccepis breadcthicofcshcules.
legs. stiengt~hiof ger .ciiip, icucg cp-
ac ity i alcseis lexhctiithacilofi the
Crcnel sinciccu. cc-hos' lg ,icciyis
111 .;I M AN 1,
Thaccolclege atmosphere mcisI cdcici
Itl ecamcetl'all iisesnes of cle sCyea
wei havei cutile cviience. acihsmmxtie
addstohIC listofcr'' uls acufe ln i t
is iposile for1'(cehie alitcios dcto
wihsan il thciiie c iulue cci of iticthelii
chili ofcinterluc,candiithei'waring i eth'ci
ofl spring.c.']'his is thei'story 'of lie tcc
siudentiswiioccquittlyicleft Xciii Ar1lic
icst Peicice ic ancdicccit ale nie-wiicg,
ei-ne-li''cccc oaih.cicg Ccnaianccity 11tIc
scliethe le t chapter in'teirc ttoriuy
Aliii]enicicthey' hopetoile ive 'hai'ilcy- evei-c
'Wh'itcey rla cJ unioen gier acd
AdiaciNisbitth, cc sudient iic e'Scool of
Muhc bcth. olif Ponia~~~c, ki ci.. wientmar-'
rilud ltn\'WindcsoCcc.(canail. tcc iday'ilc
inc the ight schoccil.


W~e ace eqiuippied this spring
cwithc abolitelyytenhighest
ge-ache hie ohfhi inn cxii- eanee-
lachtured. -
MSitts and Prices Follnsow
Spalding's Perfection, $6.00
Spalding's League, $4.00
Spalding's 0. A. Mitt, $2.00
Spading's Amateur, $1.50
Others at
$1.00, 50c, 25c and 10c
The Bookstore Thai's Never

aremadehe ck est ie rccoor-f:s
fabric s.uc etpgipel Iwhkt yt
$1.50 and nmcce. ClnuettEvening Dress
Coat Shirtsace te best you nan get
0, M. artin FUNERAL
0. ii. JarillDIRECTOR
Ofiee 2011 S. 4th Ave. Phone l9d,
Rtesidence' 302 S. 5th Avc. Phone '31h4
When a Man
ttses poor soap, his face
rebels-becomes sore and
irritated. Soothe it with



Our New Department is
We purpose carrying a line of choice and nobby
woolens, and are now ready to take your orders for
Spring and Summer outfits. Styles the latest.
Workmanship guaranteed. Prices right.
We have secured the services of G. E. Mitchell,
cutter, of Detroit, who will be here every Tuesday
and Friday from 1 to 8 p. in., to take charge of the
nmeasuring, cutting and fitting.
Call and see us. We will consider it a pleasure tos
show our goods.

Trs.is 1 Leave Asp:,. Ar'bno
Going North 9:05 a. in. and 4:5) p..
Going Seothi7i20a. om. 11:3t5a.im. andd7:51 p. m.
J.. KnItY. W. T. WIL1LS,
Ge'lCase. Agenti. Agent,
Toledoe, Okhco Ann Arbar; allele
iellchodnes i35-ir Hamseaned698
"{Tieopra Foils Route'"
Chicago Buffalo Boston New York
Through Trains East -.18 a.cm., 2.4l p.mse.,
4.55p. im.,.30 Sp.im. 1105p. m.
Locals East-el.5a. in., *11.10 a. m., *5555 p.nm.
*8.3e p. in.
Through Trains West-2.l7 a in~ 7.58 a. in.,
9.18 a. in., i.33p. in' 10.20 p. in.
Locals West-224 a. in., *8.28S a. in., *1.40 p.
in., sill p.,in.
*(Ecepst Sundays.)
Cennections at Chicago fee St. Louis
Kansas City and nice West.
W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor

__ _ __ , '

Douglas Shoes W A. ' =T~- "'v'- a 218 So. Main St.
Gym .ShoesWA j-n ne a

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