The Michig-an Daily IO.xvi. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY MIORING. _MARCH 2. SCHOOLMASTERS HOLD CONFERENCE THIS WEEK GREATESTi MEET OF SAO Michigan Schoolmasters' Club Meets in Ann Arbor o Thursday, Fr- il dy W NYand Saturday. 1(ji G R RE 'hiwek Ana Ailor iS to hinvadd_________- - hb a Ie'toll of school tacheri. Sern-' victory foi gti abd toiuiilvmmgitieeon jtltn((hIf Relay Race Decides the Big Meet in (t unl foi u(11(111 sweeti lountigsfreshtitifonto Favor of "NeverQuits"-Captain ig te Ihe Nomtland spistrsofotucetin.1 Ramey Again Reduces Half-Mile+ r dr.Ii. all'(I thtese till c0111 togeterft 01 Record-Goodwin Sets New Mark I odgtl arospatsof thi state2toattth e it in QuarterMile ("11 11hu 1(11 1011y1ititinullieting ~i1~of the lich \, 11.nl12 i lit o be.he ld ho , ..11111 0v I, '['hi tclay Fila dip (11Sturdy (ot In i meet et n llortrlsng' te arsty I hudl 111.h i ltee Stecil 1ates (12 iten1froil c onts.G re- lhl 1 1 d talom of "I lolitta all points t1in SMic igt ond the1111 (((((1 1(1(1(trll 1ro 111(1 5 11star1 anth of2 ,nmdIever ill attndancis expected.211 ggtcgtiolast l h byaoainofiottlN(1(11ctt 0 (1(22 201012 olis;t lt 10000 \s ON l d.11 hot As ide f othe1w li 1021confreci es02 tw1o(1pot;.lellia11 sc1 re beinlg N't52t to oo 5 x~r ' liii Illr itrdI which (ill ho '2111 in Sarah Casw1l011 10T11111eto 111111 11p111a111(111te \hN 2101mi :Agel(11a11 dringtii"ewd1ay1sind 1ven-Quits."11atertey wrotllpoiti. loho rat yostilitt by fiiling cloe lp spritI rigs,2several ('e 11trtaimentiots av0beh~ iitd, 11111ghttit oo tittil at thgionig 1011001 Rmiy in t111halft er(111 ing1 "Spidr" po itetI On 1Fridayit iaf te onlPIes. of terlyrc crt ood: Ra2ikI110 1101 inetit ll((1te itilt 1( lit was digna110 111( cing1 I. (liOi Thompson. of the 11li stil 4 o1111jo 1(1(1(111 1121 -17. W t utsad r- a i a ot been1e( ter1d2111(111(11100 tw1l(e1(1 '11 l .iAtlf1111o'c lck(1 the iotlilad iesr' 1h1(1oin t f i tst and r1ec tobreak- lNext in t1122 y111112 natio na f l ier- SIetnktDui (11 illtivre 2alcotth oitti gm aticig.l per1 ormancte:?, the(it m1 etol ast ntd'igh om cwst(111 511u .(( 1hIt ofGloo dw1111 , w1ho l Theloli w ilheafr e o nc04t1or1mem eIttb Threerecord tieleb (lietand Iao terlS hn.o dwin',11 01 g reat1 21024r tt sialtitt p t ie liestti 211n11 in(001101111itl hll i i ed11(211 ,111i m rsbig rg tpin 1111 11 1 2111 .telt Illmoreootig lt 11(1(111n1tha tie toan p 1ac 11 ,\,coirk. ha'220t(11lie th qur rd heone-lap a111020112. ln o ne 110 ndt 011(21 (1 .1Livings o took T he110(1 ri12 i, telns fo iill't- 10I 20~liwso:04 -,iill the ofo ttad dsthriattied T11enor111ner saredth1 lireuetedt Thursda1y3 foreinoon SandoarnooIn(1211Citil 51111111 11ea1 ofnecu g t h ydetigtoh00 11211 1 04 1op litorthenginditsp Itotn (ii 0 i clock rd to a0' 1 1. 10 ii ii'. tot o01(1(01 c(111 o r elay I cIhi t ion g i' . fo r-m i leC0 oleuistro. il 1 Chem ica l ul labora- yigo1d pace122by 1 (i t s. ndttC oi tti 11121ompllidot0 Ionranthe tillk whordills c110n1 1110c2. eenng Jin lasia rad iltd ieht l i ll e(w01 'sii recortdt St 2)ime omaefot he to engtinobe lastiyeartla tyrot C. Frda atenon--onernc oltIsod ttWe bfo dil tltit cration 1112 itt petior ilt i vrthe1111(1 1 a1ityf sp1rint- ttiond; cheniir. t :3, n hyicl 111rt t iofi s rec9ri- n oi eek o ater lie1011 rin04fro frLowma fiHll wh ouwaIt o rtyii'- ht ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ me lie Iraiitni 1111 t l tt Su i'.2 1 1111tin itflt.I oA11s tattmeetl oto en.1 t t 11111ace,0 (nd1 Bisl t ook21 '1(11 me.(1:0: W. H. Bit OSli I~t11k '. 22o1rd 11( r1 '1(a'ined t-sto lmints util the02 f lr t ' yar sdi 'iothedst ein1 }2211 , seol on d. lt TUlltilf illiNitAICOUTI vrit ettw ek a o h n e w ihircialytc te w rd' eoddure tani t :590111 -5,io ititn li stftinglionehis fai0tl 2-unto r the(lot r 1112t ilWhtnsIhe111 hlenkdo 11110 a y o r n ot' li i o ra oa o o g t' 01 i enea re o rdii tl b enit'h11 11 o o o lyail 1 20 1 h u n t ipw h (It e d 1110 Ib e .fo r h all e, t10 1111 m lit 5 '.t o t 'tilihasiev 0r fouebtr thnto wo f iott iethou n1111 C ut 1011 It 1 wa1gi ve nu 11 dro- tca 101 ipl Ao o unii tlin';" 111101 . i Br11 o ok, ofg tson 11talfou itn- lap ino to tc . -Wth ing' o vtotl iio. lil itut itsteotll ci''iton :I Iet t 100 Mto s [ko;froo iiis e rtaroy 11011 ti l r wsit 1011 1 't iror oilheiiwouldC re-b Tsheowresti'.gim a tIPbe twi n rah om i tigl it 1hi(f1aclo tad t1 for1 th0 it 101 ttiga ot 1.11 t 0 1ilatinsoopo t ts Ilpiodit-o ttto i 1112 1111110v 1101, of tt pitya or e boltt vro eaw ie h a - atsnin o heco dtanayoh r oice wh seprncpl ccpaio s cc unin 0 u a ietof h i ewt ephd eetill111 11110 o 101ol ronIttelk 2 nogr 1 Crostitts i 'won t ' tPole v in c nionut 0 with0113 m111 n011 ifalt 11011In ineet asi wa intntvl fetta fis tw fal a d th co et, hr ig B s op t 19012X 11(1. iah. WISCONSIN DEBATERS FETED AND BANQUETED p' President Angell Gives Reception - Toastmasters Tender Banquet-- Debaters Attend Meet. - -- -- - -- Not o1111(102' tut' SW isconisin deiteiro rZIne 1110a11 co11ri of 4 to1 3. given a loyal wolcomeo by i ithuioence puoe by tepin~utg oui t f ltl-. w itch listened to ill duo atellttl'. l he 012151 teore2110 llidlhaveo hweetretedtoil llitiltill ecpt'lionlii atrorlv. Pre~tsiteit:Ang"ol 1limt'h I-s n the foott111iof :0 u-i-go-itt. of ttlt 11ivtrsill at1 i11 hom Ilodgoti sktimed t h 0111'.s about11 IIo'lock 1111' Oltiti' (if teIle ,Ithl- oil ctIk a tainov any 11111 11t111ai-aotoenjoyaCl et'' in and 1 wontithe Im11121 uCdI esIi thI nlllii tfD lta11211a1eronit 1(gave 1(spre1dtot if ame',,men Coton se- hnoroith1(3 bat1r1111histfu1cion tO-~ ltotfailed Ctotpl itt. Posn 2e to ig itottntif Ito '~l o1in th c otttin in 1)21 lodol11(1 te lst itttesterdayilat 101tig~yle ~rT011111stilbsie iIc run1dvelthduintI a 1-1c11 nav iht-c(tillslithanuto-ouc ti o) :fiti61121121Thifirs21tha101overan altoithllmoou fpswee lafd, ri th sticit100ntsthootghly apprecited Striesi.1 fill' 1110g to rdt I 1110 lt6 aiandtil ;s en1live1ned1. iit c neslotiti aittti otifico ond tl hic 01n1)rsare tol call filo(iritttthee tooow. K. Stone, a mtetmbeorof Itoe Pensylvahnia t1ea111for itoe 70210eaosttnd111111101of steclod toe iwo-utile a ttlucofereceiO came f rom oOrcha11thakIt'e-s- Stteondltoe mt. Bristol, ihird.illimt, .04 3-5. ult-Coo, first; Dulal~p, secondt; 1h01d. lDishtbnce. 46 foot 6 i-2 oarrlo 10h'turodles-'Alahcoinson, 1011. sconde; 1Yost, ituirud.'Iime12, -2101 tigh hurdles-ilolgoti roels, seond ;itl lhootsout ird.t )5 3-5. Sctore,;.3 r-mile r111in-tGoodw1in, fa second:iL 1iinugstonthird . 'ime-, rile'--Raicy, t irtoot WSaldectt. tEldrid~ge, third.111112 1 :,82-5. tied foroseconditth I ight, 5feci vault1--MarneCotftrot;1 tint andt tidorl s cond.uiHeight, 10 foot., ding conttoot--Curotusloot : Gra- 0r(10--Ganrrtls 120111 (itlount,- larrols. Golodwin. iBristol, I ot- .felll d attoy's icinuuu. 021213 champui~ionshidp race-19o s (d~rnt. Ratty, Kahtle, Goodl- lfeated io8 tengineeors. 'lime, ti it f t t 1 F i cheint actedst oa iu~stmasteroadtilll(101 iporn thuree Iichiganl1 11011anodthiree Wisonlusin men.1 thle letoasts (2000'a0 "Ohur I(iicsis,'lot-sitlcttKennty-. ''tercollogite Relatitons." (G. C,. ''"ToeGentle Art lit Iloeuate,'- -uil"' ':Sddotics atSWisclnslit J. lIi.SI'a-- echka. "Cotllege Clubs : 'Ithir ' sos and ''toCollege lout ta rodut,"Cloen Illtderm~ati. ''Our Almua M«201'''r," IISchrtatmt 'T'euoBadlgors 12000thou takent tothe 'Never-Quils' vs."I torseluo 1(10" met.t T'hey left fur Matdison on toe(0:50 102111 ash tight. t2RE SII iFISIC SlIKIR. 'Ihe frt' dcsmi11(125)oket' the110Cooks ltHuse last unight wa2s largely 0attended. Dos. Moleurrich and1 CHubler 1(1001)0s- riot uinug thoo 0a(01-1(a101of Itheev'iniig a1nd dliscuissedtheiooqueistion of ant "honoo system.":'This Iltteor (0a(221111sidered 113 toe class early last fall, aid thuc systemt a-as repudtliatedt becauise Itoeclass noultd nlot 211000ho roptort cusstooi (100ho oke tuo agreemnt. For se1-eral yoars past it tao beeouthetocustom ofcuotorinug classes in 011002 ho 0a5system 113'whichu all in- spectiont of examtinationis is elimnatetd and 1110 class pult 01on ' ittnor to aol honeosly. Nt lt tueod of iteir papers 110e3 woltethat t111(1:hadineterbive1101 1B1utihe facuiltyottitie ttoe. 'They demabnduth al t h to'.sostall police tbte exanminttions'.todroport lily infractionl of theo agreemnut (0to 1committee comt- posed of memOibers oftohe2class, wboso dilly 11 to inveostigthe ite case021111r00- ommnend pniushiment for theocuclprit. 'This year's class halkeotnou this last re- qluiremntandtIh11wfaculty refusoedho accept the 53y1000 nithoutti. '1hle Cx- aminations have conseutuly-obe ehld ini the presence of thec instructors. lr. Mc 'uirrich said that thue systemt wa2s comipuls'ory at IPrincoton, hut Itat toe nouildiliko ho se tht' classes bere adlopt it voluintarily. 'T'hecre is little donht as to the bencfit of the syostem if tdopted in goodl faitho and fatithofully ad- ministered, hut mniy of the non can- not sec honor in roportiuog a classmate. A number of those whoo opposed the mneasnre at tle Iast inoclilog say that theoy will he neutral if 11)e natter 00oni1s up again. scor-farrels 12t111, s2, Ramt- Im, '*- mlaketa 21 lil t temntl more 1010than iii ounce a year, and thatone000was5itebatie aWhitciis il gtreat demn.and2(111 pra(00- thirdclasses to 111puuthirreotrs In thhio (11(11f1001eil ys. o Itote incharge of his lifte I h oIIIstome(Ift(l ott ic11(111intetr'tme011formti andththtseoso cciies 210e:nowl work- Cof 11110 ohack-fate comuedy arc morethtan cloplicatedd o et laborotsyotemsinto h110 o1ylotf 11 teItectuireodtltlto11000ing 1o geotsttsto 1'511flollow- Ohio's tilteastd athwi St prse titndtprtedict thetouty a0t~t fiantial osteent t m11027 cicl~lyt 19withu a 11211schotduleo (f 12- e tp111le. a hutihl tccssfl peitrfornuouce:- ho haul 11ithoit1a(Iery10(e 1)0h1ursawit couting awhtu ich '.a112011 recomm~nd~otedI ______One______131'of 1111-eht buck14.auth wing daiio- 11201113-an)apprcioablteicreasein the hb ttiiommittesoIf aInumberoht'of societies INS'lIRI, .SI;:l' 851.11 to ini testoleas to'bhoen signed11 forthe tork'(If thu ounants.t)1211 new2nlu e 10110 msted in it2111adinistration.i This sowand1111112 1ersatltly) 11111cleverites'. accunt 20is (01ryne boon tee sschueduleist idd to twolarts, the 01011115 SlhNDAY\S' I IfIR Nd eepcedt d oh otepr a1 suirprising IIeorthiof 1)001 ((1)1c001)first. 1110 huting 'urtnutloarfinancialh state--l ou nluti (11111 / litertuf iDetrouit, Ilho intsall andoun ii)such) o '.ysteell speciallyv uttb113accounuto. and theiocseconted0a 'lThe01e111211set sale ftotoeSin- pleasedolas arl'0.11aud~ienceIt 01heucSinu- c01os t semsand in 1thiopinion of ?S2r. toet uothe110assetos010(1liai ulties.111101i11011)stret how Ilill (openonI110Monl- foniau shbIo'. Iastbeense~Icuredfor this Birook, 11)1s fielodis 0o01 of Itoe mostrimbs metodthis 2ltarrangemnlt of the day moring ati oh ' cluock, at the School occasionu 21011will appl-nlleoo-cal 110( pruomuising ini allinutrshial work. actounuts i seven scheulesooeacht 1)0010ofSMuiu. Ihte111a)nagemnt cull thme andotreiginal tucoptioio'. A hbigh trib ute aspi ooutheItonew' detould han 112)thoepreceinug one. Itis'. atentionu of their lprospectiveoauduuienceo 'IThe rohtarsal Itha 2011e110m(00 than course in)'book-keepinug anod accountilng.0oarranugedthatano a ccou001n1'ts let byto ItheutaItitt the seut' 1ing capacii'tyof sttisfi ctr) aittare 01sponible,11forthe d- It commences120w(h1)01t1he2buisnes'. college 21)1 city-in doe country0'coil fioda place Iutht tall us limitd andudurge theneces- otim0ist1ic10proeictons of the manage- 102102 off, furishes10 oa)0101)hugher grade ilo the scelute, and1thus)1'.a utnifutimii)s'.jIsill of seletinug 102(1st )101102met. lt The nilumber ofI general atdmius- of mcnmi, 101100001duug to te speaker, tonmof statemnts itl l resulti.lilt stale 'The 101rngemntus Itor this Ippular siuons ablady- sollpoinh to alarge a1- ha.s a s-ry tproming1future hefore t.mlof1Ohio 1021 alroaad de )010it com)pulsoriy entertalinm1enht aoeoomleedanth00007- tentdance otihute eening'. of Slarohi28 T'- ou0110(0fu~rnishes. a sorb.-of training for all ciies of the first, econd and thingpoints to 20 attraction better than and 29.