THE MICHIGAN DAILY "~ '""~THE MICHIGAN DAILY., 6. HI WILD GO. eela scit lass ssatt rattie:ai rt hecolgeyar, at 17 East Wtashsinton~t LEADING ITailors et Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL DRESS SNITS A SPECIALTY z ft 311 S. State St. AAries Arbor, Mich. Our Engraved Visiting Cards and Stationery ste titadec for tus bya imetroptolitantitt r its famuts alike foi the quai tfthe ir sork tndteir btsoriginal styles.We'l1lgladly p gt tt ouprice.s oSi aity traitl. i f ttf (his svork an]1 shoe sani ptes. Sheanr Go's Students' Bookstore sitr'et. Beii taste Ssg t. Hase tphttte 76. r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW rBusiness Manager, WALTER R. HANS rEITiiSORiS. Sthtsis..........Ctarentse 1E. Eldridge rNes.............Loais I). Stickney r Exchantges........harles I,. Wntttstead VMasic .........A. it1. Ortmeyer r Voe'a ......FIfie J. Arsmstrosg Srtti'5'SSS5IAI, STAFF. Stttgtt Alten Fr'ankinstC. Pars r Athau'C..Poausd. rASSOCIATES. Getorge A. Osborn Harolid C. Smaith rFetris N. Smsith George A. Baras ilRobert H. Ciancy Fr'anskJ. Clark rHenry F. Silsulte flensry A. Mantgomery o . F~.hSevensoan ittthS'.Witrz (ItGleS DBadiey tFlotydti. Josss r Ry V. Lult rRATES:t$2.asseyeyar, ar $a.0a if 'peatSis adas rAddress: WALTER E. BANS' Business rManager. 236S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. Edisar Today-FRANK J. CLARK. CALENDAR- 'S[ts. 26 N'esls's'it ssGuidlectuires'iis ist \ittlsst churtcihs 7:30 p. i11. L'ssss2;s'LettttitttD.s1tsl ) lc~at NScthotlttfs1\1S. stit is it l iti tis e .i 'S istti lsi eit Wh itt iss' ts'tl sit't ts li It isi< stkten islter istlnts at t i ls trcktam'willit t etit st'Wiisositof. Its sitBr ittwe re si td litite tlt-. letic11listnagelt forithey ut artneesl s it tiCsIt lt r tisast s]dlt('S''isstttolle- hlfstofiotrsteismi tatlaias' thssother half an isthteamti' sll eni'ividedtss thei cls d intrsingiltetest-is'Andi etvery I stude is- W ii ,'.ole te iii lis l ie hear1111 the usoe ofi t heit houtilt cllsii i ls sitigss sho" ut s icinhss.s. W womb]1 like t't .cc tses ollit le p i a so sssst p irediortu I cts titi iss ta ledsa is s wo ld itecuetr'l a ity n eoyi I ('tcam tustttt in t it s ti titt C"B ig Itfs" hion s'enc st'd tihat 'and it t it is i l s t's'ameishotldt no ie t t thei is its (Situ tilendtipuss What'.; the itttt 5rtit tieti ll iv i t fcttit t lieiown s Ithe ad is, l iotothse CV iottlo1 "ht e ic tthi'Sis. sle's l sl] o tillais icits ( its 'stssst'sissti ]lul sial's l.T ht hre lttrw l run sfirsolt stcht wisIts Arcis (isl se Netisha 11klto ft. \,Nitlit th 's q ttt reIut its ii i t i, ru'orit ng in gteat form t l t'155esentit it . lihssit tls rturned frotill e w Ytt orki'l, whsitiss lik it ixyyaddsh inhme t5t helsdststsu ItI's Psti e clthtll de 5ftn' a It te tei for t is lieuash, a 'nd tt'tt'no ther sleie iea Ittle I li t s itItise l pil Istet. H isthn iitw i ts tra int stillrornilt'5t6 tttt 5 elli ns s prs pesltivSisint si al tchssi.ce tt s's o , (heir t'h'lity .Bo m n 'ut'll hpat cist enl t worki S hou5(sltsl ,Iss w iit Hult ' sco 'te.tG iitz ls li ke kItiteft raer hnrs -amrG T h iere is lttite d t s thIt "hill" 55555 wl sitthesho put, but there stcsi- id rbe interists iiteets'is no s t ereiiyt isle lostl hersprit y.ii sit s te siletedsI Issisi iini he it it6 mtt sit in conditio hu 1115 l Sold wn sit ile'hurt le't its stu ngtut t a tr 'sardit iet meydut lif ar 'lstnseiet hi.Shashuldttessgets 'S'dec' andtl''i I 'iieksssi w'iill 1bi' stes fo ts' listst its'this s esnthsitoi WaS'tld'ct is it ttter co'tsionsssitan M- Kittits.hstswe'se, atdsh sittiials it'c- sosnt. Cataisn Raise rill rs ttsy is'uni ssit comsparat'e5tae, lits sattigot lfter ets'is'rldi'sreord.-Ritisis'2,. 'Gtr ret 2(i. AltuissghltCoesasiu Rosves sill ntnsre- pets itie ihistr's'e' s'sof intw wek inse,,tlistwo thiensvil's'igit e'sery' isit of tels' tsiatii(tisdsestiih sill is'v'to ilt. Dushltiirtd.-Rasme'ys34Carsersis2'. W\iths tiree'e' sit 5venlyi tmsste s Ma'S ,st''BiisopitlIstif ut ithet i'osis Valtheueasuds isys isst5of tsediffi'- cultito predict taItieiRsases 40, ('tr- res 3. Oitspast iserfosritatsce s stdle sol silti he use cllssei ontestsss ichsisstill ies Rameyst'sa sl sitf43 lii 37. I ''I lt's"t' s'suce'isintrositsnsssg Curtis ascnistetslytoihtIs i tu pastIsis. sotls1 oin1515t. If isrsitmsisltsit i apipie'ar;tathoilt he Is'reat te' Clseofthes'eguarevntwlld(el'' Jsoe' ftr kasis' sls, e ets stlsiill upin te' sitoetiewsill depenitshii inls result f tegeu etmeteese'5sildit 'Sate risitttgymnatsimit. SWihsis chisi taasGrtsltttt rstisilu trll (oodintt. (Carre'ilstsney' 'tdtRowesits' rels't'g-5 grg tion looks5'oodtutuwin;jbu'tsR lits also"stlts esieh 5 CBor-it Raimety. \'Siths Garrels ism list ingsss the reati sties'.the' real cpe'siteam wtt~'ill haemtagtorioutsee'a tby te'its ltttte'sitt',l matrsgnt of one po int, andsilt'e ifisal itstretshol eaottl17 t4(1. ASRILi POOP, PARTY1'S Sil ilk I'S'\\S''S' ST CHA.'NC'i 't Gratntgr'i siril 2.sill itse15helst se'so situ clss -theiia''ualuts A'Spri iFootl pat v. ' rilte' pr'og i'iam 5sill ietheis'hist. oris' seniortlass' 'Cree'.'' tslrget'heet 'sisd clssrs t s-iT.oimiatk' tsaffai las stiesstful aspossits' sussssusstunt Ftiscesr ssillits pltyed sby rangetr's fish orhestrta situ Fisiher proiise1s tput on1 a ss'sgrtssss i isii sill imatk imusre- membered' is's1 is itlatssmtetit'ssthei thile ares porinsg its'-u'mits ty5'iol lawssooI an sdigthug it 5widomt teiriisiclientsi'. 'Tiiktss's'e lln stlt andsmsttisbis'prt-u cusredslfroms st Itheflst'wig: 'eA..'ills- sli. ibong . I. 'Alles. .'. Sencer aitd i. DSi. Oititiie. T'he1us diucas'wori.-Typeitssings of slli ihsin s oe' promptlyiisandt ps'r fectl) . 'Worki-icsiones'from d itatsions or mansrit'5. (Nti-it caleisoI ad c ivrd ['110110itttt i 240Ji 1. '. II Sih iReai ltIts' iOfficss'Rioomssso. (sitn 'S- stor Stav'ings ltutk blocki. 2i-25 Try P"helps' Perfectionss choolae stffs ands chipt at Csihiig's parmiay. ft itc Ul CATCHERS' MITTS NWe aet eqstipeditiss sit., awith absolutials tise ltahs It s, d it lusts I 'S is es 5 5 'toi act ured. Mitts soil Prices Folloss Spalding's Perfection, $6.Ot0 Spalding's League, $4.00~ Spalding's 0 A. Mitt, $2.00 Spalding's Amateur, $1.50) Others at $1.00,50c, 25c and 10c WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. C. E. BARTHELL, Law and Medical Books NI't'SVANDit SkiONt) HANDi. DICTIONARIES PRACTICE BOOKS QUIZ COMPENDS OUTLINES, ETC. Cash or Exschange for your aid books. C. E. BARTHELL Phooe 761 Fousa lonsg tusses'thus' artistic' sigunill Sp.CiaI r[ iceZs 0tt 5 lrst sitthis Camipus ehilliessmsighu ts's'e Le th r P1 h u eesitquetioneds', it-niit. o til as t. h Leatne r t'i I chim thmslveussshiss'' brokiensforthin IticIsisngre hit. Fuss'year5s thit onse's hiv bes CH I susisSEALsLsssitsasickyrmne fteICliiseus' ! 1IC}i h~A E L 1etruelsehterse. Ist its hu esnee vrJotlApril 1tI s thopeI sisal tiseoldtiisIstll hue sit-e pard that thesits will s 155151alafoth sitils heiir tle C55 leasisI our t 55' ts''s- DARLING & I1IALLEAsUIX ornedhatin hs tandtivespier s'ITe camp ihs 224.226 5. State S55hiel5s aresue alr tso tse Ilieart sofesvers' J L f r s 325 S. State Street, 2d1 Flits Aoo Arbor, 1Mich1. (our Face Tells it's soft and smooth and free am irritation, it's a sign you he the healing VILLIAMS' SAVN go L. A. COURSE Sousa's Band PIAKCH 30 UNIVERSITY HALL' RUN TO THE CO-OP. W ATCH for the New Department to be added to our store, beginning Tuesday next. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THIS SPACE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Teakiris LeerisAcri Arbor Goinsg Narth 9:05 a. m. ad uit5p. m Goiag Soaut :2 a. m.,11:3:5a. m. J. J. KIRBY, W. T;,, WILLS, Ces'i Fuss. Agent, : Agene, Totledoi, Otita Ass Arboar; Nijt Belt iihone 135-isr Slams issasts 698 I6HIGAN CENTRA Pts ,Niagaraa.Falls Prrv* Chicago Buffalo . Boston New York Through Trains East--.18 a. i., 2.40 p. it., 4.55 p. m., 9.30 p. m. 11.05 p. m5. Locals Rat-S.0ai. m., *, *4.St p. s8.36p. a. Through Trains West-t2t's a,, 7.58t a. m., Si9.18in .,,10.20 p. m4 Locals West-n24 a. m., *8.2t 'a. 'm., *1.40 pts m., *61t pm. *l(xcet iSunday.) i Cosnnectiansat ChicagosfoaStI. Laus Kansas City and lbs Woei-, W. W. CASE. Agenit, Ann Arbor Buy at Uhe Co-wOp I f (.,GARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA- BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST,