The Michigan Daily ,;b O.XVI. GREAT BAT rLE BETWEEN PICKED TEAMS TONIGHT Keen Competition For Class Relay Camponship-Archie Hahn to Run in Exhibition Race. M ichigan tack foloers hve viced anprecederiledl intert tite ig special dual mee to e held tnigh~it adtindtti- cationis point to anttevnxx larer crowdi dvaii tiaxtihicatitendetdtitithe varsiti ist. ''Te sca t sale for litthmet iegni sist rtay aftrnoon t 1:3, atdilest la beeti sold Bfor i tgt ery liddle that tnumbteriwxereithien. Iwhlesthe met ttwxas fist x arr gei itt was gentirals iithogtt atmotg those tnot ltheinside tatthllaifahirt wetsou lbe it was foufnditwxhat Iattrtrtggle ci- a ii lxbeteet Rameti ai (5Garrels int titiing tete'as,'Istudetxs ibegat tod 'rethuitic alttetprtspec of see-t ixg the gteat iod xarxity mtee practi- ditinal iterest of beinog -iacia-l contest.f an loimbctingxttasex-taxi ext-widt uniiquexeue s.liii tscaxpc tis feel that heir taleuno atcan-ice to xi tonight£ :itu they hiate ititilldiitle siit cf ligtxi into theirxDieni 'liei'fatrsx of totiglht' tmeetatee may niit would behiftxfieult to slct Clii-ottne geatexi attr'tctin. Prblaly liiatilidelilgt theiiictowxdimot ilxxi he le wretlig botitb tetwxentCurtis atd Grahamit'heIlesidhi six Co' is againigoigotigri iy for the ecorinxitheI hot lxiii aut as le ix itt fairly gotd shape ax ext'record is notxbIesond the realmixof txxssihi.tit. It woixdetx hea cs' aitash to cillii' faill of aco ciii xs to ick te witner cf the cl ass relay clattionsahxip. As has beenxle caeicfo the last fewx'years the camioxcship fer 19t7-o6filxxiireminixtin lioencxgineerixg deartmenett,ut tere ia gory grave quetxitt ato whtheler tihe ottg tiusi'ill go iii the seitor-xor ts tixixerti ixittii I xiintite setii- fnl: twoxi weekiagc, the juniotx-r etgii-- cvr; exx ick se li xtay xxwiters, havi-- ig practiaall' is goodxi aitixtrn a the ci xich oxext xxti lliiit opoets lat year. I1tt'ser ixwheth le timxe cat forilxe cos itxxxiitle tto9 it- "giexirsthe juniotcr textsiwasxin ixa saly de moraized cxxotdictixn ithtltStear ii- ablei ictto xxxio axcoittitof a lxxiileg, xxni (is stferxxxiifrxxiiiheieefftcts of his thrilling xxii recordt-bretkixg race witi Rowie a extw ttmints lxiifore Wiiti ceervthixg i ir xfavoriithe sphlutiomes fudtixeir dpret a iii ilrters raller li' :rty, xiii the 1907oy cixixiers itwrc dow c a-tndtiiout 1 Tt satmxinigxt the sici6 egineerscinix othelitgt txrout ii le finacts cxyidefetitg tei fresh laxs. 'lie igoo xegieerstwotltecamptiio- shiptwlxiy earsxagobitt thywere xx- fortiit tough ticle cxatioxs before r.'Cxxrxxw aildetextcuxts. Nwi lihex figretrhaiiihey -ax'e-'igood cac' tio flukte ti forTier treviots lss.The relay raxce xxli lxeoccitt heitifirsi eets oni it the gam.t xxac wichthrliietns to rival il sesicioixalimthe igr'ailCoe-Rocxxe race cci the v'rsity tet is txat beweei Goadixinx anixd Scheinti t ilthe quarter- tite. In the tmet two iweiksagt Goo- cxicinfiatedicihelink, lxibut itme, iare thti t hey othx hadxitic xxii relcyiraxe,' soonitafite 'ciiidideciedi toilafc iiefirslts xiii' andonieihaiiflis ciii sritithe.ic finihI.xoigiltxill bei-thisfilitriecl o- por titytito st-e 'iMicign' sxquartr- mixlrs i arcexxhich xiiile foghlt tutu statt ii sh atixdi iich mcxcix-ic uhini (arrt:c' itttrcreordt Iof :3 - Icingit ticr ro x~kn. crcit- iHahnu, Amtericc's chitf retre- sexttivie to the bOlympictegates. xiii appitear before aix Ant Arbor crod for tie first time sinice thxe-arthy oxtidoor toet of 1904. IHahtillxxiirutn itta spec- (Continued on page .) MICHIGAN'S DEBATERS WIN GLORIOUS VICTORY OVER THlE WISI Vote of Judges Stands Two to, One in Michigan's Favor-- Great Enthusiasm Character- izes Contest. s:ite hl to \\iiii-iian clltc cci- debat rs \ c c g\ cu the ccciiii y l i cte of t\ccl l. -llo ccciii si ii i brah css a xiit-i' or- tecc nli c iii ofi ii hei deccisinc adix n to the cirtc i v(ci tuponi the lomt ot cii c cn-rac liiic the PETR Hft HRt-iAMt wsR0avi-i C.HOU iD BEN GREET PLAYERS MADE BIG MONEY CONSIN TEAM Report Made to Regents Shows Two i Performances Cleared Nearly NER JOHN H. WALECH_.A ice HanidcsiofMichianLast Nigt. ictos. Hi day."ci S iiadI li criii so heclt~ re al pcaofocc f on eryal h r h.r gran isttin tht imter; cof tpressingi tl toi leave ccxii Lasigai i oshedithutis \ r deiepeti rret s he'lx 1 c-c ci toith s sudCil s 'il f andh ill itertt d. c-nsie-il. it ''butal boxuri, ccflDeroit, 'oiiiiici ui-lce ,o cl1 1e - ititti iiiti tl(;o-naturied ci l iii I - iii I pared tug theii ciixciii ccillcc niul g o etr hu -Orgaxniztdxl -cictcg wcas a fiiatue ofi iii xx'cii the dhebate,- laIevaAbrcixtsncxiiead-ii ii c i sills. itig the rooutig sectciin. I igciiciuap- ri c xtcxisc- greestedi 'iic'iigcisc 'il~tns he W lxii thilci' e '; o tiheiCathcii-ex cIi icc -;tit( c edt ai x tree ndii u s ccix- - Ise- ' - - t Mtichigct te s wetcri' 114as ccc en roi ini eniicouracgingx IXiscoiccixci i l the ic iII, caxuse- of tle: 'ellohats dcii htiic ltukedci c il hopelx'ess is wt elu all a- oyMA fa-o h xtrcxhtii. Thits cii ci ttots s rl a con n vesy cutorabcli oittmct cii uponbyc hecicc c ouxtsider's, ciii e aI onsderbleticie pit ft h x ali dxic.iii I c these''Itix tx-ire thei- cliebaitig teamsix of 'i cclii" iii hate Agriclturalx C ol(sic-c' 1-hisiliiiN rmal'ccciii andToi''cldo Cc-cte-cl igh.cciiit Th e it; iof thu ' i'i ui ea eae wxre cteli decriii d- lay lx- l hhiici Ji ciii 1 h--I sog.S cxx'of i cc cci xciw 'oxas onico ixpuic iin Debingii Teamcii WhiichiMci De eatiatx -st 1 L'C r cis i I ciui ( fc i Iiii ' Iltlt.V in t eIi ii i i i 1S us- t eunin":hpinct ccf ciii ? : il' 5 i ii9ic iii(ii ti - it-s. ,l'< t oi lii-~iat crc lac iliai c -iii- ' ri ' 'liii ic-icc 11cct)Tt)1 'c<( Irl lidii ii is ci rat ')c Un- I'll W i<- the i11C'11 trt IIIc l IIIf' -orc;ti1v "IM EI'Cfl trI j }'.7 w c IIi- 1 (i tII( h Icis c-si tc cciii - isciiisiii ild thtca-ice a e cin- W lci cccc ccthetchag f i tici- tes nd w s asoluely im cc~i ticaihe.. ke emeies1Vicon iuiadvocactetd fir k-Sli-il 'il-At A or l iicc dc-is-ic c-s to tlie 'is ili co ven io . held atic di ls.ii innl on ofIlk' ciii A ciis iofiithe evc falouscider told ofth ii- isi~i f IN Mich ciga dlei on ast Thousand Dollars 'lie rpotemadeiibhi heitEntugishc te- icc lxx-to h cucoird if xregtsxiyes- crilav revicled chex li ic-cutfact ha ciietcimaciei-x$c27.12 ascci ccri-l oni heci' pcc l rfo hacwgve at \; y TheP- thiiala ls a iou cx- to a siidliti frot ;x i l u omcic ccity. ProfctrPot 'i rei(itccidi ccaimccc i-gisre cit ingmmesfteFenthu depairtmient. JonG icutrxt asxapointe ix iri i cxic '' ic G c-itihfori the reaiii ndierti itso titi c ii uni tte pigvaca-i io iiirdrth c hc i nkea teih-c ei tetriiiorhis ticalth. IPrxci JohntA. frem ct 't-is 30 ix n ic-r tiat Ihic-icc iseen'c Tliii lift-suret'oilii nting c 'of ciii cte Dr. A. J. ayr co ore 'ihl. wxhch his fcuiichal-s precsntedto-i cte lxtciioitiit xi ctaici, tesacicepitsd eucxirccucxilitheci mciii xii cixprii cut its eit-it chis The' followxiic-ing degrsescce gantd: Ba clorcciiiiArts'ii lix lix 'i. IBenet, Crnk B.tutk, I tutL.icaI ( ii is, 'Markc W, CorrelliHary Sftrclii' Marttthc C fGrimesc, GeoiegeLI Jaect, tusiLeiaP. Mans nxiitcHarey KR ti-ecc, lxxxix T. Itctipletlu Iuct i ft G.xTown(cyiiired cick \i VSillaxiii MasteliiofxArts, Iraix cisE.Clake Dcto o Pilosophyc~xb Theifolloihns-gcoimmcitte-cs cxerecaix potinted: Execuitist-Preisictnt Acel. xceients Dentc dBarou; ince- ifuginsicxCcxieitacccxi liiilitieraiyauth situ tuixut school--Regen-tsilliiandiciBat- houri; enigineeingict xicchol --exts iDeani acciii tcher;ixi ime ci clih ixctl,tdentali andxii xluc-Rtigci ts 1 rhcixucadh Sawvyer. Tihtaflshtc-ietiingcof telird lixiicliwas ihld cclast-exxningxinticeix musu-tm lee- tri-exioom. TIheutbconsi ccsut cxf ui- sitrsity stdent;swoxacre itiesteel i hued ilte utand hbiginningwitt-iht xweek acftr neixt xiiW iiet xvey Fridacy eeninug icc thelii AN;ttuletiri' roicic.freotmx7 to fS. xxiii i ithee Proifessor Woodcul cr oters sho are xiniiterestedi still letucee cciisixnsu tilte of i lrchsucis-. lbhe-discucssiocnt of birds as xxthis-are eixpeteto ccarrie xwiii lxe tken up iic rerieancii imigrationccilii lhe sixchetdi andi erecrded-i. Alii stdentisi-hoiarecitiicresed c x ugedxticctenthecxile ctueitcs iic reriitoi keecpiinicloserxcochii lwithtu rl t e xxtii-c cuekt-ci reli-sil ie ino mettncg o ccc i- count- of'the :ccimiisocf Scitncec- ci I Ite Duingthli cxxxx cticci Prux fccor xcin icduohes xiii gie lx- ter-sting ccre cn iii dcli ccxi tnight lieufessore iWocciiileturisd oni thexi motrieccuuuuthic irs aroc utd Annxt AirboirflOiwig iccthe mil iniuter man of tiie umigratorxy ins lucie reuredh eary somie eof themixerlier thicnt thi- records show for the last tenty-fivie tyears. I 1 gel se e. rccii cxnc Ei c° cip Id it (, ii -d th cjdg s f theu- ixiui t aishe - ifcietsi cis>,ci cci xx-liiiimech fitr i'G~ si- I n icanxxiinte iii of the ciii is ccc tic- "ic- it Theliii i uxic ii hxxc- i-cc hexi u t spokeix'asxxfoilecix°- - aiccuixc cxxmeanc the I hii iiicituciciiisxsithi whichi IIis cou tr xxx ' m 4 cusini mit theiii rtiiclititac so lc -!ta h e d tm igact t-uasIstxcx admxxirableic hel i si torsjx an hicfitx iii j lucd lith iitpopcii h ie of thi ctcxi stiijxliii -xxiii I of-th andtch e lie uctrdhei rextedi l x ons xthe icocii MOV I I helie-ce Iiuuihccxx cillxxhis xrebuttal c i d x malxlcxc c-Indi ii liii c xx e l iii ii cccxid I v i I hi,-,i-cciii ; cx c. cclxi A tci-c hecic ii-- Curtis and Graham APPear in Wrestling Bout Tonight l ibci" ic er-i tonciighut xcIi xiiithiit it t III".II I ,; I w5 i-cIIIcccx11iii iciciux iii i cuuuxciug its featiuie, n an c c i s c -c"tl m s 'hts'' Curei iii Jt xiti rh m e m n .1)«ll st t ii tm htfrgh boti. shicis ixtichei ethcieh hiatt-i xxxi hamxxiilxii x of the III I ; is b t falls cciut ccof ti.xeiicuwi cut for po x- xiint lc a- eliti cc-icc ati~1G fi l bo t ccxx(tl ii cccx acc IIihe in l" ct- ap s'!cxili cciii hut mi rt ntti it c. Th hidfootbll cptainand lix 11)xc l ciat -il cgciicsi iach ti c u i ll thei 11 relty rae°, iand cthe ciiiuxof chi-l IWl d cd ciihe-rce. I lxthei-siclich-- - xlO rt,, \i i u accfarmerit ooa- ciit ;nh ty c;u ti1c c-},c I);1-, t ci is Iurig tx patfi- toutx am xe t ccccx h cc~d a i c lltcu igit hasxx cc Je cci j