THE MICHIGAN DAILY [ or Art and Skill in Tailoring Call on~ SAM 'BURCHFIELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURONf STREET The Best Wool Serge Cap and down At $1.75 from Swingout to Commencement At $1.00 for Commencement Week 1 his offer is extended to all Senior Classes, or individnals of clases wvho leave their order with usi before April lot. Don't (delay. Leatve your order at once for the vie y eG a 'p vaid (iwa ever worn by a z raduaa lng cIassof the U. of IM MACK t'8'%COMPANY ..... MONEY [QANEDP On WstchesDi auans Jewelry and 11ll0Hih(Clss Chattel and ColIateral secuority. W. J. LOVRIM 10)4 4th Ave. oppasite (curtlHonse Two dooraseoth of sew Y. M. C. A. Derve fC, oenr; 8:0o11:34; e 3 Ito 5; i to 8-1. Business Strictly Confidential i _. _ I rWI AM V& T Ir"I A"4 HALF-TONES and ZIN ECHIGSAL LEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN ST. Lower in PriceI Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH Advance Styles in Spring Clothing Now Ready. /11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Black 1 Youngs Hats, Spring Shapes. "tNone Better Made" STATE SAVINGS BANK - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wt. J. Boeith Jno. V. Sheehnu oIlf11' riOGIEle moshi prmiet oel f the physicias CAN O U IIDANCE l. Arnold tDe. V. C. Vaughan l'I.'iCT 'I'IN 1(118' Ct'(lL'SI(ofitwentys yeoasago. anid took a very Ni. If. Vur toho Huorer prointet part uil ai'vinteili esii tablllisht- Glaigervs PcI iiil fiir' Daociig itill NJn. Koch trof. HItS. Carborneto hehilv 1cdprmeta ls C~ .Ziiieaaii Christian Martin Thle hiio ptic atiltyx has lveen Iiiii1i ii ooixpp-d loiel t vlie M e i . iDon'tilut iff oinili _________________mak___________ ioiiggreiatprparationis for -tilenithteit nivii elsity. 1elass0 eplvtig iaiitttterschiool. T't- atuitol practitiotner,' iorse intthlie.hotti I)ltillg tile coiitais e t faultytIoiiitile tii forrevtiiit' lesons : (Genitlemenvs, Prescription 11.1110 tielhospitil miii eollege iee Ivoto illege lwiil \cy seres of lectures ont$ 3: tidies, $2.2 vii l it i l i 13. latt hlolepthlic thie var~ii iou tpases of ithbercutlosis, thi . - - C ombine physiis hauveltkent odvantagof ee a imltinlg to imaki'e esubjectsisiciusseid lll.iLNiI a 10111 n-acd ath no bl .'uul lsii cou1110s t stl i p t e l atestii M ai dvancesi ofIIIgenlerai l ieretv he sell e ctureiwilt li i n n lce. w e tl ei. 110xlju g nt i e ctvintii he iiintmeil sc iienetlv.'glaii'facutity lie ,veiii i thelii iptieto lect lu r iiiir iiom 'ofi il0,iisi to i ii on 111 isto trustlo ii ililil0 h tie r~*to uy callig ielti when lulliu i i l lar e a de10111r1oneMin I 011.ne0'ed11 . 4I. Jefe i ve. 23-2(1 of h1 i isicarp. 11ou 11re 1areful t iicidl SI. D..iof lie Clevelan o m Iitteoptic camus.5111 and 111iii liwillu liiedil lla1vo1- ie sti y1111011 10 on1111 iiill ind. \leil oelllee'. aid by Prouf. I'. II. lilly after thir i duelivees .- Dn )letiay111ursilf lylpiriia'Satisfao yta tilotittg at satisacotori thei presciion ilililliiir. We cci 1lii iikee.llvsti.a ii prloll ~ I C , ices. lFatller O'Cottnor.61tp1;. \Vil- Dliiteuiuil'iroiii 11 ig. 1,I1 'l tI_,hot i street.t 10 t" ii sic a i' icily a, rte,'' P i ''Z I driusiitheiilndoeil mani 110 ' 111100ip i itred ii usi everyC 1ilti in his C.lievi.landul pract ice is h(I-s- Glasses repairedl. day= arialuiliiu proioiii f i " ass lite cheat i. le i v esidlent of 'Tle IlD lsa iyii reei.ptioi thi ol ()"-- g11 Eyes carefutllyfittedt and tested. T r1 ii.lelOiioiState 1111111coteitici'l'lii'al iiig let teer1from CG'orgei' hs, tpresidlent GEORGE HALER, Malti St. QmoARsY widei iisly knoii if thte'lectuirera uponto it lpubiilicilibrary11. IOfficial 'oh6\Michtiganc svals siilid only sulictelaliubjects. anillieis a sillful Dr.L udIi g ll i d111111e.ide ly.'5kniiownt Yeiv Studlett Shiopi. 611 IE. Willioit Ioea. 01ii uuulatisi ad.iti oic ofi Germani , i s lii. street. iSeniioit'lais anid juntiorv -laws _______________________________________ Seva i lecturees ainilclinescs iare given i l ialiicitati of teI lirml.iliiutie Socictyv'call lfor J. \I. pipes. if eaiihi day ftrotmIApreil 2 to April 13, miii if hDetroiit, icedl'lDetrollitin his talit' the programit foir these,.togete ih hooh 'il( Sa lsur. ildl isill i]ec- 11)O 1'--\lMotday, \March 2, lady's potrits ofItile lectiurersv avie liein is- oe l I II i e hall ii.'ues iay, i nrh 'oldl watch. Nooe n' gravins l tt ack of s iiin 1. oivesity lCitlle'titt whiht an 27ealtPm.r(iotl"D ilttlelac vi ae.I .i' gr toi.iAlphia Cli Omega attd be tbtedl iiof e 'Or l e uI,. inr ii l ( il i ter i'lu i''iiu' I Itake phi.astile receive treiard. 21-27 T r:inn Arb ..i:\e Ap or. iiiinviai iy i li Arbo 7frieds1an guess, t Ihichli re wllb dniiitii Cook l: itose. lRoomi 72. 2 24 O yti eeto ieszdprri o rne' c eayocisr ilster B13theiate r.7fil sa ayr ffuns ui o h eno a pi .NOS-ev orodr o \ l veir saacd oihei ve- oolpaty1ad rcongtilo11 pub1111 lii upiath ~ o IOste i ise ioit'sh ild is t'o fll' " l l 1 f f I FINE 1LVNCHEBS W~e carny thte1largest lineof TURltKISH, DDMNES'l'le & I MIDI1lTI) Cigarettes an(! Damesl ie & eiporedei Cigars. A complet lineiit allsmiiotIcnatices. Wenarea e ra for Deselsot & C~O., LINKMSAN & 010. and5 PtIES, alsio for STIAC..Y'S & SCHAFFEE"l fine chocolate BON-BtONS. R. E. JOLLY. Stat. St. Ohio Central Lines PARLOR CARS on at llis betwleI'l 'l'uuediiand 'oilisilis. E legiant oerriiParlrtoCar's15with first-class Cafe Servie betw11e11TIleldoluutsiliand U, of M, BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. SPALING'S ' - OFFICIAL. ATHLIETIC ALMANAC FOR 1906 A. C. SPALDING Q(aSBROS. Nen York. Chiicagii Phiildelia leanver uSyracose SMinneapoiis St. tiuia Buffalo (ICi'cinnotii Bdoston Kanisoas('ity Sn nFrancisco Btaltinmore Piitshurg Washigton New OrleansistItea ilCas.n.iltiuao, 1E1g. Spaidinga euataloaiiii of oil athletic sptist niulied fri'e tiiaiiyuaddress. D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Spoeial Cara to DIltruil Soa.lm.,uandeery tiwoliiori.unt1l18 p. im. Spiecial Carsto.lack'ison 8:30ai., and(,,ery twooullrs oatil 8:30 p.m Htiur loeatsenrvli'e to Dei'rouit 6151a . m., to l:15p. si., then 11:15. ,rwi-llourtoeoiservice toi Jacksioni7:151L. mi. to 11:15p. M WAITINGiOtilOMt. iiiiiiiiSi. IWESi' lFitAiN. }' !I S I d r k 1, .r , 1 FOR OYSTERS STEAKS AND [HiNT UJNCII[S Everything FIRST-CLASS Open Evenings BOTH PHONES 467 New Spring Goods!. Suits, Top Coats and Cravenetts Hats, Caps, Shirts and Neckwear SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS OVA i i Brighti lottlaispiGartersaoutwarineery oherrtkidthreeto one.leyaiinmidenof PURE SILK wi-set ii' noiczedtcotooad ihi bto5senitsa'pir. No oiiennganter ias the 1 iitesjlltclasp, Fan comfrt andilong wer-initiupoo BRIGHTON FLAT CLASP Poeer Sspendeo. M,.aikers c FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mich.. E. D. liane, Pees. tlarrison Soule, V S. W. Clarkson, Cashier Capital, $100.000. Surplus and Prefits. $40,00 UEORUE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Chole. Ciut Fllowerm anrd Piwn.ts Chapin St between Huron and till1er Ave. Phone 8t0 KODAKS INSTRUCTION FREE .Co 'all111u11haseCreiasimany lessons is you uant. WADHAMS (t CO., 121423 Main St. i Lits!l Medics ! Homoeops!I Dents! and Pharmics!I If you want a copy of your large CLASS PICTURE, you will confer a favor by ORDERING NOW. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED ho i.89336-J ALEXANbER & CO.Henz%,1igBlk. -Ai i ALL THE NEW 1906 KODAKS Are in stock. Let us show them to you. E. E. CALKINS Driz, lst 320 South State Street mmmm r I I I'VE AR)? NEVER UINDERSOLD---GOOD YEAR'S DRUGQ STORE~