7 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY THE LEADING Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL DRSS SITIS jA SPEfCIATY A311 S. State t. SAnni Arbor, Mich. A Fountain Pen FOR REAL SERVICE One .that comtbnest utility aWith.good look its Sheehan's Leader for $1.00 Al Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches 3 Diamonds Offce at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ae Arbor. Hors: S te 11:30a. i., 1iio 3:30 and 7to 9 P. n. JOSEPH C. WATTS I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. \Vit110111ltliilln, 1to "knlock"oil aiy- r r r r r i r r r r r r r r r i i Etrda seond llclass 1ma11111at the Ann11 Published daily (?Meedaysecped) during~l the collrge leaat t17 ast Wahncglto stretBliphoer892. Himerpheer76. Managing Editor CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS EDItTORS. Aletic........Clener E. Eldidge Ne ............ Lois 1). Stiebay Ileobalce.l .... Chars iE. Wistad Muic .........A. H. Ortmeayer Woter...-....... Effir J. Arestrog lli[i'OIitAt. SAFF. 1111g1 .Alrn Frankli C. Paris Athur C. Pound. ASSOCIATES. Gorgr A. Osborsa Harold C. Ssit Ferris N. Smith George A. Barses Rbrt H. Cacy rak J. Clark Hery F. Sebaulte IHery A. Mntgomery D. F. Steenso John F . Wore Glnn ID Brdley Floyd1 H. Jenes 1101 V. tll RATES: $l.5e pee year, or $.a it paid is adeasce. Addres: WALTER R. ANS Business Manager, 236 S. 12th St.. Phone 849 L. ER IIAY. .\ARCII 23. gol. Editor toiay-ROY v. LULL.. CALENDAR 11.\ 23-Wi. onsi- \ X cigllldebaie. ilciar. 23-Banqiel of Engineering so- ciety at Cook House. ilr. 25-\Vr.lryoii iiil lectre ore a'th rlodist..church, 7 :30 1P. 11. Wh'litiiore 1ake. :gain Thle DaiLly ake. pleaure i, lane rioassin shIowing their cofidoe ii the uitimtett sucotcess oof the lib hiusi.e. It will lentireri that the gill wos ol- right and ucioditiotia-tere lvii.no ptrovisoifor oiler ise forte tmoey ill case11the cbhiloiuise lrojet failed. 1Thli is le sor of opttimism11lthat scceids and n ttioros,. ieirecator goiii wis .he 1hi11 a real faith ohirhinoil ony hope1s 1hut eliee.. Ior is tii cuiiii- ectiwiliotuccecid. It is spirt ani ie- irmiinaltionith lat 10111. Andthi. spirit isresect1mongiothe1111111n1 iee adithe alititoi onti.e. Altougi the formatli requests.1..for siuscr itiont.hlaie j11s1 le pitt to go iut, tiery' tmail hitttg ii oide ar re begining to relie Ite jne 01111 of a cli house and thieir it- esn iis iwidestrear ad sicere. New,. of osuchici. is edcoremietsloft teplan stirhia.. hicve beei voted lby the diifferent cases hurl orgaiation aroiund tie cmpus arlie just the sort of hng'thatotimuliatrs activity among the a1lii. All the mtoire effective i it whient college 1men111ae actially w.orkng 11111 rdl the ediin ttvieiw. 'Te tmtoral efclien t cl i hinghus..i ftrgreate thon the realize. ree..c t fitii y olggsI. o iccIj iictcctIairr tiattif leiwantstoliacrrunge acietrthat wilhc rallyv excitinig it itight ot le ai hadtiditeato ubrigti'Itdianiatitrlach icaici ack 011111match tmin a Idual cotet w ithi Joitity Gaorcis. INTIERESTIN(; 1ficIE'IN(; 0F FOR STRY CLUB tune11taloten 111masc lost ight tic take ciivanitacge ifIthei'pelsure iii hering eProf. Jotitn 1R. Ale, iiitheteni- Ptrifessor Alic0len a complleieon01 01- 0111111tf ietuo sp1tetd a yea' iithe south11. While i Floriia le 11ad11te 1pporun1t of seig the proess of cyprtes tree Ileriig.attutntsualy iteretigmitchicd beinig emplttoedito lprepa1re the tree.. for tie ittrket. It oas 11n thisitopic 111h1attrofeor len spcoke1111c with ithle'crea't ionof te'firetry depat~cr- itentlthree yeariago ind'tiithe cmuitg ofi PrcofsorceRoth a111dcaitiumiber of Icr1 0 tel luets,..alteiithe' cigdownei has keict pcei ' 17iictivities101itohrth. The prormothttIle cl. whlic Imels ccr c o 1.wieekscons71 itofcclexerece rtedccbiy t11'e11memiber. tUtualy7they aec'pcric'ice.. cfl the' 'tiaclii.ciiti g helat .istimme, cnd a ostho.f tetit trel'emptloiyedc igtheig ivatcactittio otho it the goverrnmient Iforetysevce, thee ar1' tile t gite' profiablc'taiii... conissliree ofucihut c111lt irty- li tud oienctst,witliilieiteluch argrttncxl year11. 11111111y cppicationsc htaie alrc'adti 111111civdtat rofesor Roth i t a iloss aito tlilheree iccaccmmttiot tit' tioe pctiive stdetiwvieithtey r- ri c. IHowtievecr, t 'tis ttdrd th ilcde- par11 tentt.whicis altreadycertyi 'high. LIT1 SOCIAL LEADE'RS. Sociatlliy, tht' od lit, treleaetr..Nol contett'itw1 it toting held 1.o ig 0smo1k- er titti0111 cita..reepitt uton cnd ctanee alecdy' thisxyer tey a'r' 1111w planig a liolgitt Whct\\iiitoe Lke. 'ntdla second r eceptc ttion cal cidcne at Bacrort Bacttncue'ts.at W'hiitocre Lacke' have c le- ite quiite tie tititgictely'. tittievery-- one ' It. 1 bci such a ig luctcecss 1111hat te lkcwarcd. At aclassio itetig yeterdacy Witht the' 1anqutlet lt Whlitor Lake. tile recptionitto be' gieit B1arbtior gymtiatter the sprigVacation11111a1d11s00111 morlec'smoiikccrs.itatare beig plnntted, te lcss of 19We5wlliiisoon11estalist its reputaton astutu died.a.sociabiylexrodg fecty. 1Work doinetcfromildittiot or manusiitcrpt. Woiik calcid fortad de- licered. Phitite 249J. V. i. Stmith, ieal Eoscate (f1c, Roocmti?2, AtllA- biir Savigo Batk buocke. 2-28 DESERNEI)ilRIICTE 1V010' lEVIlERN' 1111111erolti11 cudlience cissemitlediiiiil Univiersity hll lot iigt to joincith x~ the nentilers iii the Uiveoi.'rity' orcestr itt a tribitte to Henri Ecn, te orgnizier andth ncittcor ciithe iicliorgyniatiol. Tliiiorcretetrals11n11mlies iwere rce'iet withi warnsiapla~iuse,. iletiMesscor.. ILockwoiouiian11111 11111 ilt.he oloito of le evenhig.bohiutlacrneid ecore. ''Tceiorchtorc, it ii hoped, wil1 e- townil. Citier li. ri'.. tirectionct i toasudetostrotoedi 11111 a permtaetitocr- chtestrai fr .tilt Arbor is no01 aicn- summattlion tt 111 111 t neessaroiy'troundti islfoh fub'itt ireamsi. Ito1playig lst night caiuseid great plesurie. ITe flucint 1and1 meiiuious oEuihuieti ovrtreews elateid with acishitic feel- ingf.whilhe the "Ruty' llas a..vs pulayed witht surprisfing cash aitelsirit. Neee before hias..tle trgiza~ltio laiyed ih'i such a refidtentile, icty'of Ill e and11 cetainty'of tchntic. \'ui Mri. Ernt cm o rwardiecichtcter- firmtheii' ietlxt'11111Baladeiuacdcut l-11 onaueise. he' iwas. kretelwithiiround1 upon riiuuueiof ailauseil , whihd mas11toe1ur0 hue f atuc'hightpdice he 'holiiini. theli affectinuiof Ilii oclmuialpblc TIhc'Ballaideiubeougti out thec'full beatt ties cof his Itone-a toneciwc'chtielyithe i ani conjute ftomt the itum~iiuiet. itah- igitsoiundui like lh ice eofcu a side of vi'iols icilhc onec mus1 ical mntut o c thetuerrnug andc efforte..s tecittic sictn to a studcentilof telioi'ctlit ut seemtias matigic. lBii ottthin' cxcllence ol IMr. Frito styli' there' i no nte ecOfupel lativ.eeci1111ent AuitArborucog tcniiztceec mus iianshi. fastitsibte wit highly approprt'ia~'ite s ian aknowldg- mteattofiAnutiArbori' dciiitoisii.high piesict of the'at 'lie' folotistis iitics..oftheincom if theiivetu'slity aorntdiiithe Uni- rersity Ncws- ,ciir 'rc' iteretintg. par- icaryat tilimtute: IDrinig tile' clleehear'c I9n'n10- tlti' nt recec'itsfrccot stuets'tofev.,at ticelUni- werity cif i icigut were $111118.17 hiccitmcudn t itcluednt ionly..matchric chiauges liii' lie o tict.ummrsesoniut ciilso lie feeo canigedi hut 11111ratoty- cutnd gy'uitiiuut locknhers, nditclomasutt . These fundishoaid oqihe11 o11110 -tuchci f lie exipensesofcltunrie 1 y1117fr tht c'year whiichtamutd toeh i$59.95705. 'ice fcotmt iicc.'inoetcio erintig, oachfioim interest cclithi n iuic'esiic'fundini ithin s1t1111treasour. RECEPTION 'iOl hi..SYEI0S. I A reception ll bile giencthin' mebters, ofl the IDeutsiceVeceit, Vcchtteiicy' Macrcht 28. at Bacrhouuc yttltoo.icii. Pc- fesor Sanlei7wliiispekokniP tie itub- ject. "Gercmtani'Mui," a'tiutnh w- ie held houer. i I i CATCHERS' MITTS W~e ate equipped thisspruing with absolutely liceitighust gr1ade lin of Mitts ever mtanu- tactutred. Mitts and Pricea Foliate Spalding's Perfection, $6.00 Spalding's League, $4.00 Spalding's 0. A. Mitt, $2.01) Spalding's Amateur, $1.51) Others at $1.00, 50c, 25c and 10c WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. 1 i COLLARS havte a shthry yo1u ouiht to loel Thun Arreoucuarkicneaosolargest csocitenttof style. lridsu ear- iic-' fabrics anm t111 c1 refu1'l iiv ctc nifully' .Iiuuik andit can 'hue ; oriceF.Ishowiuu . 1thant theire'arc'f Ct ie sc'.ht tli uinich 0. M. M~artilDl ECORFUNERAL 01ffic 209 S. 4th Ave. Phone Ill. tesidetie 302 S. 5th Ave. Phoune 114 AMBULANCE ON CALL. 1 I 1 it is b ttsr t >I':th c, 13tt;-cd01ts atttetmpt it :' tlulit i 111 S. L. A. COURSE Sousa's Band MARCH 30 UNIVERSITY HALL RUN TO THE CO-OP. W ATCH for the New Department to be added to our store, beginning Tuesday next. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THIS SPACE I 1 1 t U is I IC (J i i z 9 r I ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tra.IlsAa'ems A an .A-hoe' Going Northa 9:05 a. mo. and 4:35 p. m. Going Sooth t:20 a. to.,11:h:5 a. m. and 7c51 p. m. J. Jt. FIRY, W. T. WILLS, Oen'i Fans. Agent, Agent, Toledii, Ohio Ann Arbot' Mtah Bel] phuone 1il5-Ir Hotte tiatmi 691 XLCHIGAIN CEiL'i 'The NI5iagara Falis Routae Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains Bautl-8.18 a. i., 2.40 p. hi., 4.55pa m. .0p.em.i1.e5p.nm. Locals iEas-6E .0a.m., na1.10 a. mno.05bipe. Throgh Trains West-2.ut a m~,,7.58 a. to., 9.18 a. so., 2.33p. sm. 10.t0pem Locals West-22s a. em., *8.28 a. m., *1.4 p. m,*10 p.,sm. * (Ecept Suda.) Connectios at Chicago for St. Louis Kfansas City and the Wont. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor Buy at Uhe Co-wOp [)ouglas Shoes WAHD.R-TheISoema 218 So. Main St. Gym Shoes i7Z XAZ AA4Z