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March 23, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-23

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The Michigan Daily
ANN ARBOR, lTlIIll \ IGA N, I I \D:,MAClt 23. 106.

V01.. X\JL

tix. 124.

fig Hurdler Thinks His Team Will
Deeat Ramey's Blunch by a
Small Margin
tie 11010o x-ow ight wouildxilrlenlt.
ap11a1 I Johan}, 1111 grively shook
Themee itilhecloclx ,fi that lx am
,:rao -ov r1 I ili %,C11h11111 The
!rie i' ix 11ol1 1an ,1thelivelxx points11
f~r h~itven wil gie usa vctory,
-1 a liilxxxiii xi l the renlt of hei me
xtd:cd iin 1, 11tink 911111meet
kI11 t; Co d I rx i 1111111(1G) Ii
- xcon . Carels ()1 lxir ixixxxxl.
r < G oo id, lm- (R)xlii (1-
1R0 -xixill ,Cox (R)1 hi11
(iii lic i le -G odwn1(1 ) irst,
Shd (lRxi "-cond1Ste1iixixxilI third.
xxx-iile- xiixx lxR I ifirst. \ xxieck
min, c~ine (R (irdxc
["Ixat aliii ( R i)ilirst.I.lxxiuc
t k ) cond,11i1 hp (Gtth ir g
Forcing, cntest iic l xxxi(R) histxii
Re xixxrace -_(:xxxiiis'iivlnint.irci lat
xi;ru rm i s CaptaIiniiiilxui ili il lx
ttx lii lxeer-(x xhih xx ilx upset 1h xxxiii
pxxii i s dope.lxxiRaieylhas i-gueillithatx
hie te m/ willxx w ill by lwo i ntsxx x ilcre
cxii lxx 111 lxxisxqu lllxii- t ha isil
team xxiixx xwxi of th ha me.111iiii xl
event to thexii meelt whi xxch i xxt ofnlc
Kar Zw x lxxixxxiii xlnr il egaein a i e ce1
recive liv ipints xalxxihe xlsxrxtfresh
,ers beenc c hampirx i on ofxlix exill xieixci c
tov in the ira 11111r/seioirxilxxss Ifresxhx
man willx evurixi himsilf iol will leen-
gretelaurexix li'xl xxxiradlecwi ix-peteo
kaird'xxs off i xice lxhisatx i l l xxx re- Ii
Itxbegisxtolix xiaifxithex sohomover
pions ii ixxilhxugh xhi slix eorlpo-
ablx hxavxixx lightlyii 1 tronxxxii teixioxiho
spirix a-dIthiril y . p r xic m 13 re -3.
in14a lxvict 134rly. ixMe xa xxwfile ic iliexgin
sce cxxx'xiembiexxsi ofix the exiori eagrl

intexrclxaxs xxxct, i li e thxat le will
notxigivec thicralay cupslhis Six exxr. Ix
that cxxase eAthiletic Associatioxx will
prcoeextthewiinxer- withx similar exips.


Cheering Section to be a Novel Fea-
ture of the Contest-Records of
the Debaters -Result Is Doubful.
Oratricxx xi xhicixxxiiifor lxx i ' vxxcxl
xlxixxx toixighxt. lx" cilntiasmxi xi nxxiiixx-
ignme lx other 111placesx xlave ledi thi
secion. lxx -x xxxia i xillxnoti he lark-
xx~g Vix xi ltheldehaters are 1147t- pc ak
ineral i11"11,i ntersti ng;.'x ix hleii exii r
xxxix -lxix ssxi ti onlix -lix ii thtlxx -x
.t slicce-ssx lix lxxx xxi xstudxenxsxxwill lcdemon-
ixng is, lx"Rxeso ix lved ctatthreshouixldilbx
roa x ratesx.x lix ixxpx c xal illsp or h
G. . I-lxxx lixxx 3. IH. xix xix-lxixxx 11xx(1 P.
1-I. Sd xxiii a dxxx nc wh i xi xi x l lxii prex -
sen lxiici ;a reT .SimsC. Li
sktc ofxixx ix lxxtwoitxeaix followsx
Groweiii .I -I iiclx xx is a lis xxxia
I xciisxix illixxi ivr i colxiixl en exeto raxi
to ll xxx xxxxx xiichsbe xxxxxxxxxi 1111 o
ixelxxxe lul lxix ix xisxa xxiier xof 1111111-
xof Phi 311111Tau, thexlattr ein a
honorx r o oxratoriuxucxal xnxidebtixixxxx lx
xxx.x I ii 1x'X Ieulxxxliixxx sx lxxi x
t xx xlrlii

iie was xitr ioith roo) 1Crdialanc
is this vear mankinx di tor ofixxix theli Dail
lxxeaiii.. e isalso xxme berxx th
--d~i 1 xxxii txii xc-xux- ix xxsoietyx xexi of
Ph11 i x thlx xiay scet.Hxa
nevr b for egs- ge-cillixanxx iiixixiiiix -
xxxe ix- lix x
Plxxi 1or dxxxnb lxxxt i x lxx lx
schoo ofta iy lssox~ o ~i
lxxxii Uxiverxixi ofxihi ganili i n 1 i 90C.1oi1
combiinedxxix x l a cour . Recevedihi
A. i;.inxxx looix i ndx \i llreeiexx B
ii roSll. - Has been xi I i act lxxix xtes xrii
oraticalixx ontestsiix i ncelii el enterexdliicxii
xxxix. Tol: xpar xxxxxxxxxxxxof191111

debatei x 113 03.lIn 1904 xxiii xxmxxmber
ofx the Cexl Leagueii cdelaingxitcxxx,
whlii xiich lxxxio ii 31 xxxxxxxlInl 1906
wo lceoil lthe1111uxivriiy11001
whic lxis t ix lx xi xxWisxcxnsin 1Marcix2.3
In t130oti wasi nomiiiint xx xoxogrexxsIby
xlix demcratxxxix lxxtyiifxtheilexxiventxis xi-
lxxi ofi Inidl ina lxlexiixx-fi Io-xxixxxx-
lxxx' clubixandxaisliatexiexiitox of Law
1+,rnii IiM. Halixail isxal ntivlxx of
iigan bornlxxiixx i x xneeecxounty lxxn
xIx lx xGiaduixted xfr1m1H1lly high schoixl
ini 1897. I5 taingxxcomb lxined itexlrary-
lawx course.x Rexxcied A. 1 90 g4 axid
xxi xxcixx lxxi xegreexx iigoi lx,-xS
alerat oni i x Centraxl Lecaxxic debinxig
teai mforx1134.lxx 11304 iwonx univxersiy
-xsateIicxicil Itrxstaxelprohiitliootcst.
Ill Igo; wasxni Cenraii Leaue xxea

Venerable Timepiece (ioes on Strike
--Confusion on Campus - Jan.
itor Lutz on Warpath.
'Choselstudet;xxioipulifitix n thei li
the left shoux lderior whoxx lxxxiii in
who wearilllax neat1 silveriii r> ii abbit'
at itheiproper fouxxxiinil in x<xi ix' -xi
,n ea s xTexiii ol:il li ;, mx i c -
the xiixxx hatxhlilt-c i- ibrry -Ickiii outiiof
xear andx iclix riingcrrcl. 'iieil
xliii xiii ix l xine, ight beli li lxxnough
out xof iear.xuii xi clarigixi tx the
11111 ome an iilxicix. xxiiiixiixx x l oxi l. c 111
oru dpar, ixlassei alixnotxxalwaxs hldhi
whetsixschedixuludi 3111 31 lxxi lxxmxtime -cc
ihl doclk,-xli lxxi witin iie tix iilxiflxthe
ordl xxiiithe c-llxxi iixingof f ilisc xx ix
scixcrxl o1her thingxsxnoxxihlardiiofxbeforex
inx ichiigxan'.lxxhistryi le}Iarex con-
stcxaxlof stikinxg six tiesaii ire
elxtedtod-axl atet o twe i x lixe, liid
nuhtioomixoxntiunxtli lxw ixutsefire
clockiwasitucauseixx il] conluxion in
the -clssroosxxix yinliidulx-
watex pai ntxl~ly orx lxxx l ckd-ito
qiuirementxs forlxxflodiiislxaimexixsxifixsus-
tenanxxce-,uopxunedutheir eeslxx bewxicider--
mentii ihecnithe famliiliariclangor ile
toi pealforth.
wur exrion wr xxi hisel ile
foxre a furxaxexaxtxlix. loelixy vigi xi
seeraxxiluuurx11p1ini thexblfryI ly xig to
locxtc thifc fxul.lx ieItscexnued to i-
tixatexxhat uxthieurxe was xxixmethig xlitte
sixiicxxatixxxiaboutxitheuafxliri xiir xhecu
he- waxtxchdxivrxtinxg liie- mxcdhaniismx
eftthic belfrx texlock sexemexxxii xxi eak
1lin aix olpxxxtuxxuix txsike I wrxoing.
iIc deccaxre-cxthu-t le wiicllin anxi
ifh xcantlcx atexu thle xix lxxxiuvie xr- xson.
cixolo- iindluhalxearflxmysteryxusecinsx lo
xoverxarouxd thexcamus, whx lx:ile t-exsix-
tox cxtchthe ldx. clockxinxCi is ixldxieni-
deav-uxors lxi lx- gixddy xafter-iali of xuar-
vellous axcuric.
There will lhe practixallylull cxge woxx
for the Yxale baeball teamti lus yea.
Can this accounxt pracice bcgxan over ai
month laler thanxxusual, anch as yet xii
general call for caxndiats has becin
araxde. Only nembxers of ash yearix
team nd xilfreshimieniwithx expeicoec hac
'1beeni raled out
1 ihexcCUniersitiy of VirginiaxxxciinIfromu
tJohxns Floinxixixu ux-rilx- i a udeae

ithe stubject ofi which xxxi, "Rsolvedi.
r- that mniciipalies shxouldicoxii xandi1op-
erahe their own railroad."


L I.I 1.\!A1t. 1 3U 11. \.ll.. ll Cl Lt.-. ' " . y \.. " i . ai :ra a i. a.t "aa.. .1. " . .. .. .. J. .y.

t ... ..

Johnxx1-1.xxlux-u iii 11 IisxalmemberxixiinxIxV111place xon xteam iwichl i ch NNlxxxlx frxii oxxixNorthwestxxernxaxndiClxi-
xxea' chirmanix oifxx hcelIlux iidux-x'r lbiarx.l I lxxxit 111h32. xxasistanti to thex-pxxxir
This is lxxxfirstintericcollexgxx iixt hc . Clexment x M. 1-lldixixxxix Wasx lxxi in ()fxithucConxixxccxionxul churchu Xxix xix-
axix 1J1o x int .baes xxdinxxxhue loxcal Ifalxxxi ; ii xx xx ~ehis lawx' xixgreex i ixixig'es: J iuxge xxiiiy 3V. cxxuxim u,
ixxxi axiid xxiiuxnivr iy xxxratoricl coxxxxests . o10. N a iu lxeamini cupx xii dgexxi . V.x lxixonugI lon.iJohliiiHIlland.u

61)1if'XlPCIxlx \113ix33SMICHIGAN STUDENT
-3 ixucuxg iifitheuseixla cla sliiwasii CONTRACTS SMALLPOX
port ofi the capx and gouxidu xoxxi 11c. Chester Perkins, '08 Engineer, Ser-
Iltuxin heliii sicxuxssinxwichx lull uxuci 1 iously Ill--Four Other Students
isx xinuax io dli ii xc xix-exxmade: Quarantined With Family.
ix-ixcli xesuxxltd x in a xliii Ilxiiwonl battle__
betxxc.eenliitxxhe ixclas adxonxuuitxx'x After
sOn ixiucxii xlxxxn' ix ltiiiox cxx llxin niiicixixilxxii' cilh'tr cx ixlxlix. xxc8 xiul(x' a xxi
lxaxi becen spurangxu onixtlii inieucxasi- quarant iuinedi ixic xuxixihiuxix atxlix xroxoms

xxiw-i el laxanuetiu at itheixCouok I ixusue.
I'. 1.I- inciux n ii oh. etit , and Proi -1i
fessorsx Coolxeii.xPItxexliiianixllenixu ill
1ix1< addresses. xxFioi llowinxg xie thxe
toastsiwich lToastmastxer1 lMiarmoni will
cc ocey -esiW.J. miii.
lix 3ixexuxYo ung xixinecc--1.11T1-Hinch-

sxxxbledxi, xthcrcpxol xxias accepte.x
thexir repiort.lixhxitthx.cliii;iappolrt inmentx
lbe rxaisedhfirxxxix2.ix o lx$2.7,tuhex iminiuy
lti he laxxiex iin h ixhanxsofPxrofessxor
Baties, fi in il xxxrch in fxlheIluXixch-
thic treasiurer of theucnxiiieccxxy.
FrxaikixJ.1Bxaxudino, xiii ala
sthudentin xxthe xxiiiersitly xx1894 indul
x1595,wasiieientxlyxelectechdief of ithc
ChieroikeenioninxxOk~lahomxia. The
goue rinmiexnthowievcrcixies not recog-
lize !llxuliiol lxiii anothexr itxix lnamedix
Rolgers. lUponi iithe xxxincmbet ofthue
office fxal l h uxix ofsginixg trxaxsfcrs
which xxiil gixve titixlexto$i oooooo ixorthx
of landus.

i , 313 lastiCxlixux xl ixi lxx- I it 1 :xxiiix

lll~xcx' 3 i-xiiiix'- liii clx lxiiicxlii xilix x xurx CIxxx 1 ucx
has incebee coninedtoi l. l lii Coolxey.
lix- esay andxxux Dr.itxh r iixiiiiil asi al d . \ ,hatsI xlix.il - xiix. W
huallpo of thcr ol d-fah i one tyeuadic i xxuxuxu le ch iaxi 1 u ixu Ir-R.JiD.x al mer.i~x
Cu- s w re pae ii iiuxlx stxrict liii ii IPxoill Jacobll I ighix xi. ofithle deixaxt-
wxhuie 31 xtericihiasxbeenxx caxxxiingmiiix xi lhae ixharxeiheueietinig of hxe Ixnler-
as xusual. I lxleali (311fi' Xxxu'cxxxiner atonl SocIiexty oI f /Zoologists, toxiehe led
stxateillast cevexingixthatxitheidanger ofxliduringithe ummxxuner of19307 xiIBosion,
conltaion li lxii xx u x xi isxih, oxteresn ht l xii Yixxxxaxxi 33axhingtoxxx. Tiis is
fei, i axupeixsxnsiiivliiisx u x xxixxitedPe- he xrt xxeianmeeing of ithc lnter-
kinxsxxinxx hr becaxiexsxxioixuxlyill. natiol lsocetyi.

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