T'IIIz MICHI1GAN DAILY ______ llockinlg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS IEXCELlEFNTC TC'hIN SEEV:IC1E You will fid Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union IDepotstin Toledo ,and Cu- lum bus S. E. CLARK, 32, Campus Martius j Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH- SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHIUH, 207 E. Washington St. MA~DE-TO-ORDERlISfTYS REGAL SBO[S College Mere \4t r1 Irt )lo . '. ~R.A.]I.thOealMPteSNthatge 0iilE IA 1) treet lre The Right Styles in Men's Spring Clothes Tci 1 luing thiatnew n ri tght will be fotttdrlhtre nom All lines gireateri in varet y antti rl pricepte n ttiequtal duali- tiesnt Iiii )Wtouted iiny other sltre. Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits $10 to $20 S Top Coats - - - $10 to $25 Rain Coats - - - $15 to $25 MEN'S FURNISHINGS A spleiiiid showntg ou li'(lus Nev SpiiiigSitu s, Neckwear G1 ves Hoisiuiry attdlUnderwear. I MEN'S SPRING HATS Th liew svhapes is black atndcoltors are to be seeii as nu tiil Up-ino-dttene'ssitsurediual ity are evident tI Iiieghotut. REULE, CONLIN. & FIEGEL FURNISHING "DOPE" New Colorings IN SHIRTS IN NECKWEAR IN HOSIERY IN HATS IN CAPS I IN COLLARS New Styles y w jBAILEY & EDMUNDS 4 l HENRY and KYEK portin G oos 121 Fast Liberty Sret- HAS.. RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? 'RA N D A L L You an pocur fro hima copon n~li7 y u s e dozen $159 Cabinet Photos and an extra pictre for use in the Michigan- Yncnpouefohmacooco toyotoensian all for $3.00. P HOTO0 G R A PH ElR Sisad Overcoats ( -nim rnhni(n nn Buy neDirect and Save o Meafsure m$6.00 to $28.00 UUo UIs iInIII5CompsanH Mne.118-120 Ei. Liberty. r AMAN'S Alma Mater dlstin- guishes hime no more than his cigarettes. Men, critical in their, selections, smoke b ecause of their origi- (nal and exquisite flavor, and because the y find that flavor uniform day in and out and un- equalled in every point of highest quality. 10 for 15 Cents \ By mail Jostaid-If you coonI got Aut d i~tteCoso at your dali-Nt ttndzje fit tn; 7gefot Oily; S otoeliundred ALLAN RAMd9SAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New YorkCit UNIVERSITY NOTICES.J r-lilt 1"itt t0 ti ittiolt. '- h ltC i titit t 14 (tiltckt t)- X11I pp Ci 1111< 111 t . list- z_ )1 't 111C. nicrst all Fidatiit 11 I t ( tuf wk Wit l lul (lite. ;pir A I'1111 ) titus of ios u Stitilyt lilt22-24 is prtessed, 2 5c ;trousers, toc. r& O'Conntor.tif ii [tfIontt eterfroit i I ilt, Itig e bricks residenite, Neell itra titrtrily.,Addtlres.hits AK, nii litts tand juiott etiginteers ittleav irersfor J. Al lassttppes Si UstditiShoip, 6t i . Willittim t. tf i The ~.Builders of theWorid / need Brawn and Brain, ' whether they are Building; //Books or Building Business. In the whole wheat grainl Natuire has stored the material ___ for building brawn and brain- = _ but the white flour miller gives " you only the starch. You can't build -- muscle or brain out of starch. Iii Shredded Whole Wheat you have all the body-building elements of the whole wheat prepared in digestible form. The Government uses it to build soldiers at West Point and sailors foi the Navy at Annapolis. It is on the "training table' of eveiy college and university. A food for the brain-worker, the outdoor nan and the in- door man, for any meal, for any season in any climate-a food to grow on, to think on, to work on, to live on. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms. BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The Biscuit is delicious for break- fast with hot or cold milk or cream, or for any meal in combination with fruit or vegetables. TRISCUIT is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nourish- ing ansd appetizing. Delicious as a. toast with bever- ages or with cheese or preserves. mti lg ttw-ti ichiteligant crds. Ptii ti itopr, 721 N. Utirerty. oil 'I TetAnn :arbotr Press (fortmerly-Par- htr & Sliii te' pitelrs of the ihigani -retI littio-titi tbahll, the 'Techntc, S. U. A. ihtantdbookt, etc., e., are lirintiri ti te ttleit uotyeq-17 E. Waslilig tol tiireei. if 11181- 1 lii ;ick rpin, on Statetrtie Iiis - t Fti indter ilease re- turnt lititlcPaitdireceivt eieward. 2-a3 The -"-Vital Question Cook Book" is sent free for the asking. THE NATURAL FOOD CO. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "It's all in the Shreds" ALWAYS AHEAD IN MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING