THE4 MICHIGAN DAILY HIALF-TONES LOAN and :l WA GE COT ES i MNY L [ND ZINC ETCHINGS 0". W GErL TH So ~siIiIi loI Fnslt or C ollege B oys mid. . O Vat Rti i Mevi tor the clegre boy°s, w e are show ing new Spgyring Suits of K tbe" College " brand. Smart patterns made in te oll notch of TW rt 5v1 15ncyc al ..". :11.":. y..1.: .,,:> :1 M ca tIr, aita 0111 LO111 1 0100 'ln. ..100, 1.00 ~o 4S O At Rrso rces$1U0000of M, BARBER S O $22000nGnrlBankin ransacted T11 S11S51110 UNN, 1 b'lts SlO II tpS 111(.ONI/I titit. h Lt-( : . ldtI s open 1aced1as1111. lrrl1155tcs ns. C. Ilisloll Ir 11 5. I.1) _____d_____ in ni l 1111 let ()l. 1 b car c 1ee c Trojonowsi State St. Rowe's Laundry!, Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 320 N ift Aes TB!EIFARME1RS AND MCHANIS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREEIT Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $6,000 I\ 3lD ,poits l ;!arml y lj IsiI 11111,o re1i111 11 1 j. at 0.00 0and1 upwardss F' H. 141c sl . as1 11 .5 ' II t1+Ss TLO eNICelebwsate MANN'S DR~UG SF0RE 213 S. Main S. Italian, Gierrni, and of American Manufacture sOR ALL.I sreNsisi IN. IdS 1N1'4 Is tt RE1ASO5NABLE IIS l51,. SCHAEB3ERLE & SON 113 W. Liberty St. ANN ARB1R10 Enmoch Diete-le Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulancr-Calls at rnded day or niht. P1h1n111414. 1At111. ilhm . ttt ALARM CLOCKS - $1.00 to $1.80 .0 Fully spi t~y J. L. Chapman, 206 S Main S. Hot Lunch At TuatiB's. 338 S State BILLIARDS POOL HUSTON BROS. 312 S. STATE ST. TOBACCO CANDIES The University o Chicago 111111. lvt ito lisivided o~III1Iho, 11u111,rs.11 Il'ifr ui ng1,1 1 1. .1111mid11.1111 lure a1111tie IOglenl(i~ollIIalII 1111111 11 Science. IProessilol ilslllIflIonisII~ItlIII in h vnt ti ~ hoo11 001111a1t1e111 111111. t111 .11111e I. Sep~ellber . Firs term:l 1.1n 11'11 Iegistratilo 5 is15111111 Oed th etre uar ter oroit t1r11 rter . C III. 1,111 111111 it is il-ell tolewr oelpell1111 Sl~il l5Ires arr11 lotered tflr teachlIes. Por InfolrmalltInladdrless The UNIVERSITY OF CICAGO, Cicao, ill 111 11 l I defy,-calld 11"The 111N 11,1111111 1111o1111d.titIts ill 11111 1111 imlor11111 t ces ciretlllyis tted 01111 telteet. PRICEd10iCENT 'ia for11111111 alpurose 111 n 11 co1 i c -e I iI fs terl cIllIe il I'51andI ll II 11 pric1. Duler ti O11o1or 19 FIAt l co AT11 1111 I 111 u e II 11of the-. 101111 lllks II -11I 11,aste\hhc eitw l ad th m1 .1.11acntis an ndlen e. I 1.Edelllli 1.111111 itedby AME E.SULIVAN I c 1l IIacrai 1 etan fc; h oiey h s thry le h r nd I, se eard I111 PRICE 111 1 0111 CENTS 11 hc111>V It 1is 11wIII,11cd ht11h11loa11f1ltt11 prosIects.1T11 ItI&I(I fr V r 11 II cL aR, Mai.St.11 A . Y. SA A. J. RAIL W A For 1:1latet1d1a:111111l . lot . rah 11Rosto IIli one t i 11 111l1iti I fBorn t I p e rfeelto c \ Col lel Bl imore-III I10lslm.: W 1.11110 +11 1Il 1 11to l1<ii (.I 1 sI11w s { I Y , THE OFRSOFRSFOR, MEN AND Wi -911111}- 11 .11111 2.1 011 .1 112,Ill 1111 14 ' 1111. 10111111 1to Alp11111 111 II11111711and111 5 1001111ve 111,1 a-. 21-27 o10111r2k111lr10 o u1 vI PURE SILK we 11111111e111(1i111 1!j ]ray thel10ir