The Michigan Dil AkNT ARBOR, INI If G A\\ [Ilii. RSDXN Ni M iC]il 22, ())0.r 1,1.XVI. NOc. 12 WISCONSIN MEET CANCELLED; SPECIAL CONTEST ARRANGED Wisconsin Track Team Refuses to Make Trip-Ramey and Garrels Choose Teams For Record-Break- ing Meet - Championship Relay Race Will Be Held. ''e i tsappoinrtmencrrt casedi irethe anc 'Meecl tht t he r -\iwso-in nl" 1thpriospiclt fseing tie gre-tet mtcNchedin WIaeran 1gmnasr-im. (CaptacirinRme y credlGrrrcs hiarreCcoe teams wihichillr-itcontest agaist cach othr c Satrr rrr(l h in ll1a 1birg seci resrdayrimrrrrrirg DirctorB1i1r( c1eici tefrllorwing telegram rfoma Gradrurrtrrrnage r Dow)rrrrcrcr1\Ncrori- NAisoiirr. Ncr r.2 -Cr r l ce I Ia)rr: r crrornt orrfruncrrairtylh tr rc rrream ricried ti ghtrr tio Irntrer 110 meuni I rl ctrs onI-rrr ccorrrrrrc ari rcccrrof Cc l rrrerrrce le1s1 ruspeid GeoictlIrni ccc wrrrrro blamerfrci i udn eiin \~irdirl \itrrrcrrbirrrrrngcrsrrr on :At r a rr rrrea r rrl rfdi rfcrrrthe rackr mee. ith I rrianar a rdcrircin. rcrr si themeenwth he Nooierrsirw.s o c Ip rr dir m lsereougtrrrrcr-c r-cc -l esic citherrirc cicrassciatrrionIcrostc 111c- ill(isurrrsiro r1he riscns irrrreir wod rrrr han ico ncNeracechratc actin i cr-cc-icr eisc o n sinrrrc merct wcs gested a dlmet ci cnrc tcc aithler es o Ily n cc iI. he ide cws- e elriparccc cito ccsetarsrforc the cnts. ch emha vr-c I Icr i ccles n irst, se cd ancr irdrcic icaces ccil rrr rcun ric\: r-- r c ccrid r-,cas incnyregurr-crrcmrrerrrrtci. c Therteamrr crrrticri tr crmched cr\r\" rc-men ccwchr can rt r cca gcreat ic- cc-t.r. ic cn rce hoc tc isrrrrrn o ceioiri diiicncr-c in winnincrcrcr thelcre-c-rrt,.Grrccs andci irD rncla rlrwho care cOil crrrrcccrrgtamrsc, gilcniu hirr cntc-troctheicr-crsir eigiht rri i C(cc oterrroppcrptunrciriy toc ircc- cic co'r cixteen-poun id sihotlrec- One ofc cice mosit iei c-rtintcfiacre ."lc the ciass rlcc- hamci prr rcriio i. Tie tch~ -engincees ccci ccoh c-ngier s ae sc- cc-crdinci defr tintcg all 1cccrhe irponentsr treriousrtocthircrrrc t cime irthe opoomore Itmbrci gc amongrrr thci-r -icimsrr iast tear's cram ionstipt1907 c-ineirer teami. iot crcam 1 hatbee iracticig faith- fulritandcrcci t h rtrc ci tc lrrreiirg off down o raie pcrnt Strdaciyttigt tic. Ccrrowccci Detoitcccill i Ireset eaci icr cin nro rre icrccrrr tamirw itir a sicc- r lovncrc.-im la t te irot te ment rirn rc ccc icrely temrs rrrcr- cr0 cccechcaustdi iy cmprreingcir tie imeet before rrcrrningcctie reiayr-acte, tie ciam- piosipcri raceiwicclcrcrmbeorre tie re- -\Arotherr ineeinrrg eetithicmeel wci -i cc cchespcl cieciayrrace whiici ctcrrricficr pointsfr ite nrwinnrig teamr. Sevencenrrrcch cin frimtie tic-crtecirs, crill egage i cin r eicp relay contest. Gcrrrah cccindCurtis tilclirunracginct eacitotherthe ii riscilap, andcIGoowivr Gcrres. Roer, itveyBowmicai. Oit, Schrenk,. ctecile crnd seeral otiers cill Icrilo iForty- Nirrir asi:ri e Ilw-a Clark, ( 11itz ettnir I + Brsa e\ lc r irirrirtto . -h Xci ccc IHod- I liig hiju m p :IIR .cidiam s .cr1111 ii Icicir l-IeCo x .iGi.c--f i n chrr]ccccer - 1Dod d s , RccRcr Icid- tinWISCONSIN FACULTY I I I.ANi tip (if ii NTI ciili ,-Iicctgrnrrcc. HAS KILLED ATHLETICS I ii\r kIi i INih iTONlGh'i I G.-Rowe.c\c (N r. WNest. I bter[ c nct r cc cc lemcci i iri t r cci I \cccc-Iirc Hostility to Football Means Death to -c-c-c c Pol al: R -M rehn . All Athletics Manager Downer n rcta n rerrcatirrcrofchis serce Theli admisiont ill he tweric n tyil-fIic-- Appeals to Director iBaird.- tcorccanizc er ancdiicrcr i s srrchledlced ecirIl aid cil p t ~ r ese--c--cricseat. oon XIadcci cc \\",., ic ---C a. \ ) g t ''l rh sr ilIhe hear i nh orc-ri Iae iho t li vn 1cr cci prc. I 1 1111 1111nno 1ncd to th tu111in 1 nr to I ilrriri ta 0a eB anh ie doesictiis tiele riwribeirncr I rcrrr t c'ta te M cigan-- ccc r cc c i. .c 11 cr111 trnre c-c-iee r rir crsuit1 rocw afternocon.w ihwac ae enhld1ct Srit -rrcc inche cR1),, BacortrerrcfINen- (Ccptain r neyrcrcr c icackcdic lacitincr iht cr1-t-c- . i cbencarn cellred. Theill cccii hu l' cc--i- cci ci r -e cal ci ccc crial icc ithoughti cicrct t11ocr r lrcr aid cr ilngcrresouton a i rrcrc cc- -cci c te1raII c dIrdc hestral wo i rindwci.chcccind r m cose thiter I i itinr i lliir . ccring icc c l ve ca re h cm es o rchestraill 'I'll(,c c hcc racl alsme illc-c ceel byicr scirce cci abrutcci ton 4. Hr. n rc cdc r ilrac tirciirGccnariers; and I cc Icccrricrin the selecticrit- lcirr i-Icc111. i drrlrl r:i - rr N iccocrt . 1111VitcoIalid its c-ic im trthciarliest ircri I t tyie-wain ian I - rrcIc ci .ecrrci t rc t cable i meandr tht e dig ucr adrliirti 1 r rc tol theselr numerscclc wci ibe (Gares tam isconedd scod nd ecsio w dclie o hzaelif ea~s heA ccc rx r BaladcndrPrri ncicsecc omidi Cox, un thicl r crr rl~rd.I icns i 1"roropee in it gou frogs ccuiici- Co Qur r i cli Ic I cr i- fir tc; Schrenkic, Mc c i gac ccn, iacc-e ln rrr- ccii rrierirwn riai i-cc-- ol 1n sii I tiikrtccii secocnd: icriggs or Seckle, thirdcr. wcc r, cr1 rrcr1 c ccd h the decided rattitud irtld Scoch),idIandn"''hrc',ancl Mie CeN i rs cc-c-. ,secondcrcic trl il' ci. ha rcc-cca c-idrcr rrr-co I NlitrI cr1Thiirrocdsc ofl theccrtc -afIc- dfis ; \-c Rrir he i nfo m rdth t re rI i $;,cc d tm inc ti s ccccr cc Nr ond; Ic 1dcc tidc. liccr-. sc cli chur11-csill docl sur lira; Shri n lirrr I Rhid I iti) N~I I[I scncdcc Pscct, thirdc. favr c ontmmng r ergarrrirrclic - Xii i N D \ \ ti-Nil crd; ccilc-c iccl-r ti-ls cric cl Ndcrrr thicc rrNid. Thecliritc ommcrrlritee, rtwh ic is cc- scicrirci Ni cierrthrrmaccer overr 1 ccc today1.N --r --ing for c-the cin rmnrel -bosw.~m Ple Ic c cr11 Ni crci first; isr1hopcc. cc cirrdlIdci1cc dcl tccc cllllcd scri e n;cliiir tel Yuidsc to cr111 I d tll' 11c 11 1rc---rc c-i --r-~ir- c~rc ondi;R eadi(cc ici iic rr crrrl c ccthl lcr cird. t rccc ncr f rcta n tertainccc- C crc-c ci- ciii ci irc dcciic-ccc l 1c ruiifnthallcrn in ccrc rcr cc c rccc Sh tp t e tt : ond.- iirrcrrr tc r rccriccc ccii cirrrt'hal y crd t ittrl i ociis I(cc --crc-rnicd.cnn di 11 tll rci 11c ccli sc 11 l~cn d recc i rr i nc nc c rc-rcic cr icrccc-ic crir-clcrrrrIliciiirrThir c c ll r n c i i ron of t e cc c i t e c-uc irlt c icr- 11cc r whir-rhic wcr-ic cciia e. -nch tirackc dr tpresentecrdcidceso rrrticrir 10 i~ncc iccrccci cci c ii in cc cc cio ccto rrcccrcc n ri cc Xt iry i cgth m n he dmc r f tmI - eencc rwarsc l p icc .\lcmmccnrrnh llnrir ci icc beIo icl mccc acl frii r ccc i n, dl n c t Ve r i'cce c y i tteirsuccrrccis ccthat lctise iVCncni ciiiMarch--c? Rcichroiconi cIg withthe -nc V~ r n cicc cii cc icinc cccmns trlhc a rtiI icarrngeinfrr thec -cie c on l i- sr ecl p rfomdtrcei i aprtcccl ir i cc ci tilt acnrinong cthose cf i cends r-icto lcm krc-c the irc i . bacladieic cnil ccgin . a riicc I ir cc IN cc c nicinal and lever tonihtdill th ee lcrmrtdl t ra " c i lIncould c requ ilrit c lit nic r aphilr- ic o- a fac lnircencocmlcdyiac nidlindc 1111 1 agred imiched plane, nd they aNrnowirr cciwartmc tocirc ir nor icrtee fourch-iINi ccairman Yoinc oflthe librettomm mi wiri ic w i cbe cinouncl -c linic, areciicc er e N cuarned 1icn cc- t i c e in cci Ic buciday's me ctin cccir lcthan lJus if i -n lien roer s-ct wco lie ase coc o ictedir tic dc-Ic cc cc n-c-n- 1c I Inn ccc, mdosi p epi c a r.A rccic ccsiiienscan furi- rue san gee dlyc or-igin cc om1cc c ciicc cian d Ci cgocac otic lt pla n , nd hatcc cccc n ccccr il ciinlt simpe ccii iceN~ecir hiry (ecil cci c in iii ictNincr rccrnshpowr in Ic -rwcinll bc rela c T he c o edy ci amc et c t ir- l ied- c cc ni s c tillcc nc ci ri ed rccc-ci icr -nc nc-- everyccccii ccrspct- ii ii ic to irc d henaucrbcatic amisc rpstivln hnak~ tng(ifchchdnhar Ter Pcinctccc rccereobatie irt th tthncr aro t ficrtobrsen on-thecs e ne-ahninrrcgaIdcto cccii In cDrec ccs bedr--csbaicreceoing t o r icie- umnolc stacre trday.t he I tli eccienbalrcc frl I Lairc d sindchathI hdc-ustrerrrcdiornrrofl t1rhnceionfa curnotteociccow Ccrle cSmith. o n stnto r g na lonew ii cnr1 d but-c waci c not yeitic rc ric cr- i e wic-cr chIc o ldrcrr llcctheciea cc tir e e- d r ncofrucrcll, ccci tireetictin- --cnt cicic c iNc Ccc ccirri Al e tsp liery weefar Thli n hI e cad cto thirty-firececntscclleg n acu crilyrwcc enr den coiwccco nird rvry strng. l f t t r a r :r a r e e n r n is - . c r >r 1, MIEETI1NG AROUSES SPIRIT OVER FRIDAY'S DEBATE Mlass Meeting in University Hall Pro- ductive of Hood Results--All Trn Out For Wisconsin Debate. The news tlit N'ic-rni ini wou lcriend nol meni i tryrcmt innStdac ccys dcccl terspo-crnrrsucb-eInfor ccthe cnieablnc rm culat m nionoe rorIthtino 11t1ress et inig woudc eeli nicrnsiy chal last crelid -butcas incriCoe ptl ,irae ,i. Xrn the icr iccimr lcc [. nincll s ac 11111 meetc-iing ur-the cre ilh u , i t d av oimponnrt a at1 11 ad1th metig ashed it avmccandcii c- cc dantwhch cii rcmade up the inn ri fiicrn-i-y lin ndrcricr cc The min- ctciv~iy o toehospk cr-crc diirced ctowaccird iicricrmor liihne Niclcigan-rcis-cccrrcrinlrdebte omcdayclc evenir inad juccgigfrocciihe-demon-r in-tio malsa lrge ndn--loyiacl crwd ccill suppcorti tie maizcen dci mmspecckc ercc mciithiatmccccin. ir"Rawricncrsc presciirsvrycccapaland -led Ictihe1cstu- dentis in cllepe soncsanche, I i ci rcntr ctior \;[, fo cc L Dunlapiwhr spokerbc mciipoln theld dieai ofl Michriga.n'swortci tcchemforensclie cc crc crc-lai ll the i-i-H cr--c-mi at colgesicrcitrcmccd icina5ccloyalc1-andl enthsiaticbacingt Inhe ebiicing team a, c to iany -.atilctic-teamc lldilim atedr thati ift hic wrdcccldherl s.cces ini th line wouldcnccrc c morni c er ta inlanmc isc mmdcccIhc cs. Edmr-un J. xc mccclog lizedl/ theitisirc ic-atn c-ry nea~tycanccc~ i irnrnrrn5 ccicthat h ii nc-iwle cccihr-n-i-tr c-nmttr-s cc-cccc throughccpa;cc ofl-any decbatableircsubject. Tlast scc erwaic rf c ci. Bcradly xi. Thompsotncnwho icmres~crsen t cciithu hinc weaclhro cclcity icc iceeing towrnnIdc studncctscanicrisdrsincerec itersccinIl Nilic nrriga N ocdtupnc therelacictionrs ofi lie dcuin-yicr thecSt- dentsc nd cimphasiedi thatinbt shouldic havnce niv nrrertcy's cclfa-rc--archartcr. Ie uredithrat tc he stud ts rtencidcc-e cccrccpng debate rncc-nc-crc, lirs te is du ftetihreem mcccc cr n claboi r hard crud rong cin cc-jprep ring toI r-r resntc-c c I-- rpcrcr Proflssr ThoIImpon icurind icmitirn ccc adc hclnicty Ortyi ccalcolnriee sirth aI line o ny chan-r--cc-ed-ifoundatcciocn criihic it dcldiminid forithe bict-ledofcc lifeI. lindae irIrn -minimclause wh~ich piretcd tiecoc n-c ic-c rfessrr 5 cccicicccaddessteiiedrntoIc iispo clcrityamong hinsd- nts-n. I~yccrlrscnewctrescrw-red-thnrwn tccn thinc vacrr .r cd provdcialliin trec- imp adamuingc cci.featu1-r Iftdc-cccaion. Nscaccecclt fii he, I adi me retiigtrpecn is cma clc v dracstudent1 setimentrrcfic royaly- lcmctrrriinNNWiconrsi'sdetrrcir acid supportlilng te lit--cc igrmcepresentac- tIcres A spcl ctcion111cciiie esrvecd Inr therootrcerscacurltcisccpmrobablc thct IUiveriy hanlcillmcie1mcrwrdedclto ic fulles:capamccity. PcROIF SSOR _NEit (-t Ni SCOREStAB OR 1UNIONS Atacccentci meet iing at Chiiccgo, Pro-- fessor Nic mci foruterimlyprfesr ofc lwinitheldiv1crercitr, Icaltr cerecly riih unriconmlahrr iioughi cchichr.Iecaserted. mny-crpieacecleicanciihonestc-mncr-i erc- tibutentocthInci11cr t of o rcganriationc cvhichc copelyresrttonc vilece an-crd lac- bcreakiicr. The spcakeur ssrtedi tatl whcct liii cocuntry- ceeds cisnn notmrerrclaw but11morm- hoincesty-,curd ticatlmanydiiofithe cocc- plinticcnn rcgardIto mocccjury-. systemr nwoulcd Ie dunecnawaycc- rihif alciicitizecns wouldico teir dcciy-byc-serinipocr icriec ccic-en cledl cci. liciigmpinn dinesenamcd reeingp cled lactlninphtIcy-PresidecnlAnugel inn takc aclt incurnliecdeathc of tPrfessoir Patten- p ill.,iProfesscor Kelser's calk ccas mot rpiven cefcore chic Phrirlological sorcicty-. jIt will. howvccer, 1cc pivencaci scme hater elate.