- THE ?MICHIGAN DAILY Hocking Valley Ry. CONTI'NUES ITS EXCELLEN TRAIN SERVWICE You will ind Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depoto# in Toledo and Co- luimbus S. E. CLARK, 32-t Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. P. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. VPEANUCTS, Finest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. 1-0c. SaltedVa Peanuts, Bleached per lb, 15c. 2 lbs.'-for 25c. Peanut Brittle per lb. 1 5c. We buy Peanuts in car Iota of 25,000-lbs. Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts for less money than any house in this vicinity. 214 St DEAN & CO. Ann Arbor a o l ai Prki' iess 1 (!y 5i eiill~itloili illI i iti-.looeooeioiililtido h. 7I NowRed a', *, , 'd ' ;d o f f . , r! . . } a+ A r t ' ^'r ', I f ' { 7pY ~ rE~S New Line of Spring Hats Very Fine and Dressy. You Must See Them. Lindenschmit, Apfel & Co. I~EY &EDMUNDS ,sporti noGob 12 tast Liberty Street. HAS..." RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? R AN D AL L Yos can procure from him acoapos c-il hog you to use dozen $1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture fur use in the Michigan-a ensian, alt for $3.00. PH O T O GR A P11 E R 1 Suits and Overcoats Cu ~ rCohlgCflal Buy Direct and Save To Measren $16.00 to $280 nu es hn 0 Money. 118-120 E. Liberty. I r These Eight Pipe..Tobaccos Are the Largest Selling, Most Popular, Highest- Grade Tobaccos in the World Every pipe connoisseur, the world over, knows one or more c f these tobaccos ; and knows that higher quality was never produced.;_ - - He knows, too, that a good pipe, seasoned by and filled with one' of LAT°A Y I these tobaccos, is better than the best smoke of any °'' other kind. - / ~ EVEN A ClHILD CAN SEE- 1 larger folks appreciate-tlse su peri- UNiVERSITY NOTICES.Y t1,71 t \/ ority of our pork ill laundering linen - and all else that tnakes for mad's ii Liicr510 ullliecomfort. "iIt's a way we have. I'cct-iIi;ltrj.t(lrll oi1 Shirts, collars, cuffs, etc., have our I %hrdMir-rit m icassembl lbbest care as to washing. starching, party iti liiheiheldlat(Granigers in 1 is.-a '( ironitg atnd delivering-to say nothI- 4111. 1)(TrY 51-I iii. lairiooe. lug of fair pricing. li-ill .\t-rcli>> t 7:30 P. 11101,Plof. ob Teteplhon. e928 1Z. Aleni 111 w iek (tnil,unoeiii iVa...sity 1Ls.izt~dry I't~ csersarei~t itc" ! f!117 i. 4th Ave. Beth Phorase 926 Th sk c lubl t i nig u-illbeiw _ -i ccc: istad 4-7 :30 Thuresday Tie AnniiArbor IPtess (formerly Par- t- ein it~ntl accimt of. ithc mass meiet- ker & Sny der), printer' of the Michtgan inilt-znmcs iiillmeect iniihe Daily, ITie Alumnus, Inlander, 'fosl's ~~A din rii itiilt i (of i the ild i neerPingI01 great book: on tooth-ill, the 'technic, S.I lii lii- i -iitciie iiicc-tit cc C. A. hanidbook, etc.,etc.,are printers > ''u f'~ grd -eiyatsromatic, 1 WI 5o didumiandlfull.iiheilest .navy plug cut in thre tItERIALCUBE-CUT il , meium it full V Q I, .' ) Y .ed~ti0 iso. 6 7+, ao let otn' mxtre -i ewoa K. andfiestVigi ileci- IV~i~lgld11 20. :5~. 0c . wt 01ith HavnaCTrkish THREOSSTATS-A 15C.; 3 o, 05C. VrgnaKenltcky 101 LoiianaeiqiueT ob,,- c,1?/5 oz, 15C.; i15 Some one or more of these oz- 2O5e' famous brands will just suit you and your pipe. If not found at your dealer's, sent postpaid. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York ii\V'tk, --Cotnics-of last Stinlipi' Da.t Cliiltp11 ttsinies Nhanager f L il \. 22-24 Sl -i S Y iii cxstiis s for iae c-ir made bv li; i h'tvicccliiwork th IiS ir.Clilt onc-.tV. 1. Gil OIii ]l -ou--e. tioo -iltlit. l 22-24idi - e) tic liis d(a Itlsat\nl' I-Iililcetlis genueine i-rlvet kisses at Ccisliiig's. ShirtNvaiiisttmade. Prices reasonale. jtob S. Stte tc reet, tf Suits pressedt, 25C; troutsers, tOC. Fuller & O'Contior. tf FOR31 1/ NI P-coiicne -car, frotm Juily- I, iodi large brick residentce, well attic for a s-urottctt Addtres, Box AK, City-. -tf Seior laws andtl uior engineers j littlea itre ordlers for J. M.i closs pipes ait Yt- Stud:-ol Shop. 61t F . VilliolO } streetI.t jSomtecthinig lie'.-a Michiigan cordl. -Paidl oolir, 721 N. University. ed Ion street. t4 tIfSTI-(totld -lick pill, tilStoic strccl 11111ee111 fysttide 11111and1. 1'. depot. tIniitils AP GLldetr ptisroi n- till iiii to' iter1li11111nd cucit ireward. 21-'3 COOK HOUSE Opposite Oourt Htouse Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHIES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Steam neiat n Elevator Alt tight service SUNDAY Diasiats A SPECIALTY. Site Eseb Va~sderllp ft Gel. ~Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Busyyour U. of 1.1. Pins where they keep a full line at the L o we st prices. No 3 e poor stock mnoor store. a No th in g charged f or sI loooking at ouirgoods or , g e tt in g prices on repais, etc. Alarm etocks $1.00 and up Call at the right plae. opposite Law Building. BILLIARDS'. AND BOWLING S. ROT1IINSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. 1 IULD)Y LAL1P5 $2.50 Each 1005 Candle Power for 1-3 Cent per dour Save Eyesight, Money ad Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. BRING O tUseNsRAMEDPICTRcES eO 9UfRIES ART STORE and bare them franied with Cihoiee Moulintgs Only the Best French Glss3 Is Used. 223 S. Main St. L- ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEsr OF EVERY- THING IN TA IL