THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I On IUm WILD CO. THE LEADING Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes.y All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. r LULL DREISS SUITS A SPEiCIALTY 311 S. State St. An~n Arbor, Mich. Fountain Pen FOR REAL SERVICE tInithat cmine it i tity ith irood looi Sheehan's Leader for $1.00 ,Vi Sheebha & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned Dii Watches, Diamionds or other personal liroperty. Watches and IJewelry repaired. Ilargatintn Watches & Diamonds Office atn residence 331 E. Liberty Sti Ann Arbor. Iears:tot11:30Sia. in., I to 3:30and 7in S9p. at JOSEPH C. WATTS .J " ' N N ' ' I Athleis....i....tlarencer.Ei dridget Nes............Leis i1i. Stickner71,F (ITR F O I \1 (; \I INCI l t' AC- ilroioiiior........Chalesir E. Wiinitesd ti-tiNTI'INC BY AN BXP I T Mic i......... A . Ortmeryers__ ttoii ni. . . Iltr S .tcioireie Ol1 IFridayai fteriiiiiiii thiis weh, at I-A Ii Oi AL tSTAFF. for oclick .,ta liii l e tctiire oili iiiiiic- let b Aln Franklin C. Parks pal rct,[00. \ crian i i iiiiiis;1( il"citiA-tti -i CALENDAR te-tigcilt iiiii citi iiit ii io ticth e titbic lin~lncs b te citiz is a itycrs. lit uiyuiuMr.urcttotira.ccttircirillithoXeltimito THE MICHIGAN DAILY. iiiiiilda.trseciicisiimteriit iie,\it t tin i'titiic fititihddily ttiionlay xct ed)ii Ii -itti tie coliege } er, sa t 17 iia ttVsit oniiu strt n. Blt itotir O92. faimei r htier 76. Managtng Edittor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS1 pi it. 'Thet pekeririctice w tllchoseti. han ticas re c rt idt fetic X iveg IX litfil it )ociltuliiiAoth ichigaini n t is ec tanno ttconiiv eiia n x csefor ItKE BAtlLt I, l Gt XIC POSTIPONC fon and secrnitoas-.scledorrfniih troteeio ndfc incitel ostpi oei. Asirti vitaionit tlrctdisuedrrrwiill hr gool for tegwhr enii iritisiliiialllyd. Tic rcaoniifrliostploniniiicihecgamiicit ht itia thoughttiunifir t10sedtei i jiiiort intio a camiipionshiii gonc iuntill ihecy hiaiiechad imiiicto nsufficintly rcorc liomtheffecrtof ilieir hatrdconitest-. writ te frlinei ilMiony igi. PROElIOSSORfSCOTT ILVII (0 ON ,l CIcC 'RP ProifettsorScot, of Itic Cglitd- primetiwill lrovc for aiicfiveoiats' ic- tuicglirip throughlh t i ulirig Apri. Ie It- ben askedtitoiletre atiaroios eastierin cleges taind till levto ospa at tr1-im .\iiwrr colleg oi April 5. Ic wiltllirecatilClumiialitwic oi April . iit~ichetuiversityiandtotheiraduaolitelt clib.liiiApril 7 hrtill tsptailbefirer kecptir.,tindl before te (Ohio Sateui-i vrctiy tudeniition April 9. It nih- jcci iiill lieiiiithr rduae stdylroi 3 CXIV EctROBINScN )1 I. Yr-titrilttr woridwatitrcetiedIf t- welikow fi i-i iurtitheiiaihletic ld. htaving-rc.XiidtaIc-ccor italofth a dgrifi- ti-cllgli t iiiiimeu tie ii islongt orteion theiiflitl n iccatdtoisictt Intercollegiate Notes. Iun Si.teirwariL. Woodiiford, o f New YorktCity, ther well-kotn x-cogrcr- maii, till dlr te icommneneenitotd- dressihis yeroatortihwetrnitunier-r st. Mr- Wouofrwtrotiteiicplrin~ii- centliefrethedirpblirci irtheioutbrak of itie Spnih-Americ n war, whnrti triiicenion pasedl by the 'lg nine" iiitrid ofi cimtro. hotsrcivedl thi tfficiu ialpprotal of tiliveoicrit f CafterontheNiarooniioardlifli hyicarlo cfltriianidirtltitcionltrl afepiedirty , unianimoiiutitle teentirr otly of recomendatiion. No tirathltic hiari woo empowrrrdltoitakr finl ationin i the nmater, Coictotwillitniilfim for the nt- rules, Satifactory tailorinig atsaifactry pricrs. Fuller & O'Connor. 619 r. hWil- liamistert. f latser repairrd. Toscrfully fitedl ad tettrd. CrEoRIf IALIErR, Mai fS. XX tiiiiirc° ae The Ball of Durability A iiiiiliieiicn e tl it al idspriceid in 5c to $1..2,5 A fiill inie i( I e, Nit tu- flats and IOther '-'applic Sit Loweat Prices WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. C X l 't Xt~l li IANIcCC'l'i to inig t ad littu i h x u rtii it t ic'that '1apI ti mt 1 lst-i htto comteti t he--~ tt-li t trowd t-i that ti ing uouifo tiii ittballtSITii ut lit I iioti new cam r lb ci-uttuetingsttartiiotitcniitifenceitotu antiTic uuua stitt 4 ls i gndadts Mcesiiian i cicl icite cce if.iNA 'tati- itere given te membrsil th-tiii e beiv ut the u rtila eal:Mihign iatt- uive cut-utr tiw i cmencitandtut hei lunluthat it uffci i.ii Xutcii tslf. Whn teiiit-uit't -n as ec ive t iti-th iproiper tio-ccas io i-.frdthaX t sir it Xnewt uuurgantized Ntit l Asso- iat-o1 t ill man iifettiittelf tatsupptul Mi uiician fIUnver ity Ph togratph icC us ai- iit iiinIe t idrf-ti udenituacivt itt iPer- il;;the Camraii cuto ujo fiin th i iirg n liltin teupatitetmeuwhohavere- iza t w ich toruginted tti lt-e i ver-ifai rectietiv it lncuragement.XX at d aippieil ofii clutu s eattt oft thet it issistsippi riitrt iiiitinthaiit was the 'irl(nc. iSur l t lit- Theut Camera i ct ub decu-iiidto accetc tihie ig tn has no m re honoraii i ht. Xoc- itt ionto t tuuu nd ial i le.. ifita in tiucrto a nd deateii .. We si ouiinoitr t i onalitclu wh uic ti t i c c r c the tia eite te ipritlickmitftit rcl gi a ftic re. l lt lu um- i ltt i athetcsitu o r rvary inintllcttl s rrageifr u ui lteb-rlawscurthei 1 Iuly t ense. iiii'IThetr mtit- metic- gu ti o-i thettusinetu ot heii ci i atiutu tarIto' iiern tON AND OFF LIKE A COAT TELLS THE STORY OF THE C OAT SHIRTS Madd ifselrctdieokir of h gahcermntis as pr fetats i madens rdr $1.50 and mr Cluett, Peabody & Cs. irc..iest akeiriof l 0. M,! maptill UNERAL Office 20th S. 4thi Ave. Phioiie 8. Rleidece 302 S. 5thi Avc. Phone 314. AMB5ULANCE ON CAlL Safety and Ease and comfort in shaving are found oniy in the soothing lather of the old reliable WILLIAMS' ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Laeva Agar. Arbor Going North 9:5 a. inm, and 4:35 p. oM. Going South lu:20 a.ei.,i11:15ia. Monad 7:51. M. J. J. SIlIBY, WV. T. WILS, Gen'l Pass. Agenit, Agent, 'Toledoi, Ohaie AinsArbor' Slihh Bell phone 13:5-1hr domne phone 698 ALRJGAN CENLR'I 5f77,& Niagara Fallis Pauto Chicago , Buffalo Boston New York lTrough Trains Base-8.18 a. ai., 1.40 p. in., 4.55 p. on., 8.31 p. mn. 11.05 p. mn. Locals East-6.05 a. om., r*1.10sin ., *455p.m. c8.36 p. iii. Through Trains Wet-2.07 a m~,,7.53 a. om., 4.18a. m., 2.33p. tm. 10.20 p. mn. Locals West-2124is. om., *8.05 a. i., *1.40 p. M.,tm*6.0p,oM. * (Eept Suanday.) Cosnnetions at Ciacago for St. Lomus Kcansas City and the West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor LIMITED SALE Of S. L. A. Tickets About 2010 Reserved Seat Tickets, good for the remain- ing numbers of the Course, will be offered for sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 9 a. in., at S. L. A. office, University Hall. The price will be $Z2.00, Izichisdirig Reserve The price of seats (unreserved) for Sousa's Band is $1.01), and there is always an insatiable demand for seats on that occasion. Those who purchase the course tickets on Saturday, may have them reserved for the Sousa Concert as well as for the remaining five num- bers, including Frederick Warde, on March 12. SALE OPENS 9 A. M., MARCH 10 S. L. A. Office, .( Uzlversity Hall Stationery at ZChe Co-O~p. We hotve just received a shipment of brand ne~w Crater 'itt', Seal, and Address Stationery from DREKA & CO., Philadelphia W~e invite you to call slnd exam~inle it. YouI will tic pleasedl with the quality and price. Dho't hue fooled. W~e are thet ca11e of thle pres- clnt era of low prices. Buy at the CoO aim Louglas Shoes WA HR-DTi-e Shoeman 218 So. Main St. Gym Shoes'-'I II u