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March 22, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-22

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Th..el Michigan Daily
AN\N ARBOR, 1I WI fIICN, WEDNE SDA\ NI \I{A( 121,1(106.

v'0L? X71.

_\ci . 122.

' 1

Gerald I-. Krupp, the Iall-s art-
Seaits on'Sale Today For Big Meet- Friday Night Hialliday, Sims and Hold= back olast fall.,iiied at ltiii hom in i
W isconsiln Will Put Up Close Con ernman Will Represent Michigan hiiaw .Siiunda niiriiii- I is et
test--Relay Race a Feature. in a Doubtful Contest. 1ica C(Ii 1)l ti heart ifailuri, ni l-li-
- <lcd in illniess5 icicclibegaL i th LL iii
ic helistiofeii ciia act iniih a lit Iiiilli Li i i i ~ li i n La i lccca i i
wich u NichcLLLaliiposs ac- Siiiiiiighit lbe hel Iidailight Uniii ivritya haill. tarit aeria ~l lby ICoail'imrad
ill techstonerthn eo ne i- Jnd-tin--frt thelicctltiiandaii dv- ciii ctocinig here hadleldi t he
tici hu NichiaiidefeaiidilaIt a r.i Ti li cu iiiiianions;n he cmii Li cl l aL in GrntwitriopLyiVciiii foiiall-iiriiiind IatleiC
listitl tica i c1 ,te -t lit tNisni l the debat, th-c lI-- t clvcil evr a- ihilltyin the iii Iisii holt lasIs.
t aves i illi:clet<1171t I c a~bedtolitiictlctiuc a i-otestill1(110(-1kl I~O
h~tyy r racls 0 a lii LuLL ff pinliitd tuoixii Li t L aiL eli i s i re iiii- hlca i-lt- m
to i c heth n i-iaticipaingbae oacl i(nitei l aftI litt i l a lt c danyii ciii i
ti minuteI a c detiled stn of th s tl 3 i.ti ha al a eiiiiac---lit-neitiiofitie
a tiil iiiliiilii ni i t-li-i-i- oti heIIii ititit i -tt ii imi i.iiittriiaium Icy -iiu u-illIn tis- lueet
iii, \[yc-i \I a1lt e, i ll i ttiIitlttla h ii-

whehe ai xri-lar of ii heaill p r niliyoiilic!Impossible to Hold Meeting lo-
in hepreimnar tll ~iamet till '11 morrow Evening - Speeches,
u-ill hei- iithe icgrlarntou cirnamntneiit Songs and Lantern Views Will
weekclaltelr. This itamisI cnciacd aoL Arouse Spirit tor Wisc-onsin
iirrc S. Cradile, Robhert C. ScaiiiinIContests.
Karl "(ilniv. NWhen ihesa i-siiein ii _do__

liieitwieen cll tiiide iandSadltairoi-techami-in
piosip, Gradle-bainug aiiitiltast-.sar.
-lvN cmecirming tociiier thiiI tournma-
manm liis()iby sei -Mr.mCrad mii li at aniy
1I I I III J ICANI -0111It
II reguitl i a-i-eetig ciitheiPilog
ica scieityitill ioccur itoiighti at 7:30,.
mi I-iiiim C. miia-i-siii-litll. 't'he aier
byi Ittl. Kia y ilIlibeI 'TheI ettera of
Th li nliji ii will ha atiutic iiat-les
ehncliiand iwill hei of iiorieagneral
iireal lcin c thea )i l iii iii .c el seyL's-r
talli:-iIlappucal toastidenisifa i umihimr
In i-at iaitlly thosec il i areii iii- i~o
Thec aale ofiIeaits othelistctnini
mica-i beglinaat10thij)lisafternon.ea.cta
oni saleratithei.NAtileti aicsatil(M

Thii-gigaicic tiaa ntei-a-ig plalmiled Iil
kWiarcoimmi' a half llwiill bei hld thI i<(ti
aitatiiofiitomiorrowiight ashert-
fore -miiiiiiu il I I The I i F il I ti~ i
coi t-Linliatraerd wci t the firs at a ndiii
liiici liaidtlia aiig Li ei L iii ii l lii~
L i -c- iill hec r INa I irLf ia NI-
carred ut. he ricaiispieaeriof
the i nn g wal i i aill Pri.l ai-a - M.ti--
viesas elmila itaongs on ati cen
aiii promt ii iaise o c'slrpii i i ltislne
Ni th aumi til dsi res.tlt iIOip l at iwh-l-
alou a ofmithe it el iett ramel
has itti-iprovidediby iihewittia ittit
act sthatly it ali h ixty-miiu te alittiii
Jimmy a tilila he at sity t dtatearil
will act a lasLier--i fLii I-i L l ittil atd
seth-caitmeeis i-( arthof-sirit:al ii
inihu ia .I l s objec atitif Course, t illi
ieutaros iiiclnteret in ithucamingldei
ti-s trecedet ul us ice. iti liii lasti
el etil iet f li it L iiltttLtby Lilga
lil1s tea- ia ii ) NN-ioncaanuet ts
Lu ul iuliiiuuluciun jut beo . th
itaLaeNIove fes. The wLull il an-lt
din andat leeliltu as esticthant heili
stu ent of atithe t wo a tiul ha a i itcve
aiaw l iiii i iitt Lah otert-t-iiifelow iptand
muI a admii ir uIttatn i. iilt tivilr
LllThei-1liuaiiai i-illin illutakie athe
thin avma-Litmtomuig iviia lit-ia doationsa
ortsitcrLiption wicirh ih-abeninaitu
foriithe ciua hiumi iluid. t nu iinder
sto tiuhaaathel (i ne isveinn cingwill
lacg iiiaaal1eadyciand n utcvnsidma
imablnusis wlne ruedwe
Ih ncoragTingpropcRAfr h cu
Ios aese orth.ENI IlleCof e

ch m io aliteiii of thut iii t thuiiyear
Catin %u t I h it antt heru t I ari oiiithat
out-ial,troub leifor iih ia a aatura
I tl lilluit i: ,II t tutun theu e enin i
LL.the 111thfereici-<ttyeardeitgingI Gro-i m
Of, Nichiugan, aidl Iitti tlt tu hfuhndtutu
Iii teigmuli"t, a ht tul Ittur inithu
s l ii h w l lustplceatnuhLi it w as
therehetmade titsihet attimn 4)35
Nichalinu mtm-ualIhae h-i-i-Lt iresaect
tutr i llertetet sinath elii ilitia hthit ti
ireisiithi r -duce uth hk ecrdto :3u-
sic last111 LI ar LIad whut- ii iiLila t t erii
ale ti uhil t-a chga at Lla
shottlateasteat is te rcen oa
ai wtihlt ii tcii t in tLila halfmi le.hu
saidto ave iumvdlrt]m),ithistyeart
II it Illon-Limit dLit rtt odit ionum m itm
isinot mat ll improbaltha t]mIean, th
WI ittcmmn mu mileri muill ruimit coniu t o CoLu eut
l mum has mamrecord of 4:37fmumthut is-
iance.ianimlthtumthent- m-inmumgoodilusha-e
;alNI v comtaauuhlmuldundoubtedly defeaItim
Iihasdown. I han maymmihut Lbleto reLv-
illseutings mat uuivl mu nighlt.
In til:le muvhu-i--lt SpingeLLum a-It-i-mi
doliteism a aN icniaii entruiy-, Lndlini
the iiha hi LL Im t te)ihae ughesith~
reciordmofm; faetIImintcesa.
Ih l ayt acmit muill be onu-itt- he lii eIa--
.tuitiveso.t hunme me -cChi, ev aulwichi
Cunti s ivetutu ntsmiii ta he wli nneimurv.mitLit
deiiide thet ultui mtemitova initheidalL
cniti-vi. asacLucordinotuihea-tira tacin
thin imeet is sureniticharcvloseuv. Wlis-
cnsain's a ~mm miill tiutuh tlt hut Walleri
Woodard , l.Ridetn and uttVrnelnttiu.-:,at
goodiuar~ute-ivumiersand-utiracicallt that
(Continued oia page 3.)


Club House at B1rohvn Unibaers ity Is Highly Successful

A prcograum f unusualIinterest lana
annum arrangedml for thu I-vim benefctgcon-
certi mlicti oicurs I limit atnight. MNr.
Frum awi-Ill p ay nm iiStin aduivarius, anti
Iii- tfohtlowinmg des-cipitiii it - - - c -(, min ate guill room . The- I i st looruuam is timditsLasoucital -mmii-otlahirimco m mitees. Ninsara. Locmkwooduml aud l I ut tttmi wiltl be
felrhiall. thei r ui on luba h u , ili-it i ntomm threeut o ms, th rea mug 11mm-buidinug 'mmclthen organmizationmm oI that soloisasa accmmanmiaedl m- orchestam-.
l t tiI? LI ii il oi Ign-luuluma mm tmum Lu hy u roni and 1 m t amum i ul mmi mi ilta lmuaam tmc ucia ii 1I i u ii mmm a
by ha- mmi a afi>rown thuren tiLigratm Inttu--is t mmmgiI nmmi mi mt h oamumm lmu ul. th aintti , hom w mcI rmat a nmciiliii t h Oe aT fu lorulaa mii is sfla l muulutt:
Illrmutt athem :mmi a- n mi amI l te ecnlanila I mmumug ariocn mwhiuchgtheauben iiiits a ac- C i Icc-i, LaIliumtam mmmac t hu" mum ahucatv m
a ma mum limitnhueIwhen t-ahuea mm umuc liuau uti tcaImatmptuaigacmnuta uvmu'l utocmtm amumaiu
land -co l it-mue ht amopttiLL iclubii us i ni hi li 11 a. _ .hea quaterusudy H t is.Au nd the Ia pia- i re ofatmm h ama liii T wl a ml ati r " . . .5c~zrt
at cl umlilmt acca uu il ~a ii I, madmi mm I mimt-hic ummit teroms mtki ng roomici ha t - ilrhtth a-lo s tsIii- lull iiivr woFaas te ,rthr S ng « i rsr l a c cma nm t.
hum umummu m tuu mcmliisga-r civtits l m an i - 1 everi Li- al m am ltu uu mi t mii- 1mc euauammclIhuimm liiiand
a all mm Iaa i mai ittml aml mt amlimi i trmes U n aill--Isula tm iamenefit iloi Ic ltlleu -aI lilinter eim illcre, uince iia ium 1m umu Ou ~ ihai
-m ii mwmmci.mi m m il mmi um amma a lauIi mu mmi mmi ti m uaur a s amua-s hm gua iveuin ut i en-l Perlii lau thu m iku (tut..Scala.hut ....tinim e
tutuo lium aciii th spo ie h m haemuls tun t u alumnmmi andi lau tmu omum -hi atill-,1taeatamnhu nrc-hiliuomi n-u at I tul
fr th in iimr ta t c lege humanm Liza ium l-ca; um- atomnmunie . lvrml oneaolvii hlia eers au-an heum au ctlathu [ ethan evimuua hm aass meer-l-feum B I tnaitumta
lmuo C lith r vided a mllace hg reafl oretaut itIa lau ialehtohimellmer aunt, thai mii taar hha b foeamid li mporitu a tm Nia NI iuta I It uLa ciuiitui
tutu mam oit nm ineir catlul amet an all Ieul thi h a mllannutalta x I f h ut doltutu is mm umuuv- tIniact pramlthcalv-ai l f lae J-imli a1mn B O lamScot h) l uta anu
footimung. atm-aa;tmc cl mu auim leim . taut a- i lmummlae amansfre adtle-mu ollmum-aim fhm its tw eic gnirem udear ppum toamammi aaucauthueuuui
coam-ca iii h ine cg tof la the o n Uiona. mle mumuac the muamummm-to muncrod i tiendsumutol cur omnuec te -ill the niny.ili ii l hat t e I n t ill he as" hera i~p r t Ic Inlm-
itmisa c lag e, h rmcil storhebhivdieg sitp-lg< t h ay' ualafthem bumldihg;nacnbh feveryveih ctluascaud ia eei sect i mp iss tl n iov

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