THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0)0 6. i.IWILD CO go ftTHE go LEADING Sailors S Makers of Men's Clothes. Alithe latest London styles adfbisfor any nd"a j I ioczas22n an 1111L DRSS SITS A SPECIALTY go -o 311 S. State St. 0t 10 f0 ^prAna Arbor, Mich. prSparig Jersey 10e. 1E1a)} totslipol . 1 ash-to tot1111 $2.25--$2. 5 t eean &Co's Students' Bookstore Ao ney Loaned 0in 01) ,he, Diamonds or other 011petonal3101property. 0.tch"otndJewelry rpaired. 1 rgtas n Watcesoi& Diamonds Meatrosi(1r1100331 E. Liery S0 A11on nn Arbor. Houbs: 8tollo30 a. m.,1 t:30m l7to ILL BSN0SCOFD. TA JOSEPHI C. WATTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I lrc.oi11101 owe )))101l-,t1kccp1 t)100 10 Tltple1 of)tllih 0 1 0 0 scnd cls0n ter at te1\ I1 Ot l bo11lt) 1 10 1 1 1 goe! lf t l 111 :1rt11101o11111 1)1)) t tiCl" 1\< i.11 a :;0 tore1 stet telp one 8,)0. 001 1111111 1ph0one) 111 o76ttnii Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW f I l ))0001 1) 1c5 Itho in tha11111o0 Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS 1 otototot cvlr li oldintttttiooto --- - - o -t :lll w - i toar toll- l lb. It is ( 1TCh \SSI)DINIA NA Nees . . . .t....... .Iouisoo1). Stickney 1 itc......j.... . . 0A. 11. Ortroooyer 'Woen......01... . . lIie 3. Armtroong 110)1)111 0, Ahur'. IP ond ASSOI3CATE S. Geoorge A.(Obornt Iaroldl C. bSoilh IPerrio N. Sonitho Gtorgec 0. lBarnes It.boot 11.C01n000 Flanok J. Clark Henry F 1' Ollte r lenry 0. Nlontgomery 0)01 II Ito otololy .1"1111 1. 00V110 tt.) 0'. Llt) 001111 I. Jones RATES: $2.5 o peryear, or $2son i1 pain in Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 236 S. 12th St.. Phone 849 L. Fllo-tdy 1,0070) I1. JONES. CAILONDARP 00 y Ito t he mt t ter1 ot e11 rloutghot to a oiti th caeo f tiProfessor Oe- I,ajhi . Itod N w is0a ston 10g matnl, in1 of thra oe horivost t reng11t11h bris hnorto :Mchian ao ad. I Inor l t heo isloa maitwe oneed.'Itoo h ereoo of th po o ithe taote to the fctlo tha ;htoohae ol.esin o t pres ig'04 the ]olosto outiltother bb iverott ieoo , no ctve bttr nowedtt. r t hreat-111 1\ hisl l o tthe o nounoemoeonotsofl is h t ould110110 co ra ed.00 Th0is disagrcallc fature0 as11 ee1 undul noi0 al at111 I,00loat h vrl y n h Inin 0ieItsthe dersi010111tNitude I Ialo.. 18 t- toI 11111a110 0 1)1of Stootlt to Ch-t l l11 o lato1.111 by Dr110 .,. 1";. AIIII tlo l :I it)l1till '1/IIIloto l0 .110I -. Dr.tometOl lolec ts t 0 11 111111 0 01111 A.1 (h {0 anger, 1. tO lo o nes,10 IIar 22A. eci coer to y SottoIt1). 0oltt (ometl Ph lps. To .1C. Whit- Il 01 vI bthito Ill I ))1))) Al)) er1t 00 nitat io J ohn R i.O.l F! o aeI . (otiuedl froomtp1age ol.) fol sprinl tiledl to terthelatootne101 s01ow. 101111 t o 6. oo fto 1110 oo 01011001111)nterest0i0g feturettoof toe 11010vototlwe000e te otticoowitho otlofel Captaooino Soottoooof te lIndiato eam10011 amloo othe settors.IBoeor ltkiog t 11y at toe bar hit, ooo laylo wnooohis ottoltito o le otdo tooltatofeoolightni1ng11 turns oar0ounthle urIorfontol hatr. (lon fallingteactime 1 af10tf iot taotoie tolootk 0000101i0n0to11t0rn a oioocfol h1111111g- thu oidooig l othewkward ftll loaobitoal too ooloovoultrs.M0ieoro iiliooadoolfailool ati to feet 16)10i101110s 0111he ,0111 1catin.t~ ilo clereoroltheI10-foototmoarok. 0101 Indlianalo relyotamotoot oli 111h01100 owheon (Garrlolhaodlfioihedtoo etouotrtlo 10101aybohetolo lmtot totaretuhe Th 00mp ooon, wh 1a ls or tooheoo itos Scootnk, oooioooo Olrot for ;lil- 001100 securedo a1 goodoleaood aotolRamoe. GoodwinooanoolGarorostll iocreaooedli 111011l itOya0 pratooicly thl to lpt. T1he0 lots la111 011f10tool teofroolh1en01)111001 in0an0xhiboion 00 1000. T01011 Shotot lot-G10 orlo Oi).flrt. 42 fot 8 0-4 ooohls: Ray (1. ocondto..37 f1cr otto o oool bI ) sol .ITimeoooo 1- 1:ol ; 00rstl Garoto I), sond.ot Time 0 - :114i- lnotMi~ollotote or first Ihat S 0ee t ogl 1101nch(, o00) I tooPol anto SamI e (boo ) it rst:olBishopt (A O, tolo lood Icgt lot oteel. toot mI 0. uts0 Go0w1001) .01sti: Tomot (11ond 101me 001 (), o:sood. lotto 241 0V3-5 lotGo~i, C0rtls) dloeatool hodt (011000 rlaoy'-Fresh loooo I Iorollo.0o ltooooooo.Clarko, Ithul ll) fettd otloo tot 00i 00 1 1. 't ):\ 40 2 .: looisot. 22 0 1-3. Co)ttageotoo ront .a1 222 S. Iglotpllo. 100 0111 o lonttriolotoo. 10-20 I ildrtlto grenuiner velvet kiseroato Cuslings. Lae it 0 t oooloboodssqirel cor. Shoirt owaio ts mad. Picsron abtooll.. Saotiftoctory Itailorng atotsatifator prics. Futller n&O00onnr 61 V. 0071- e Liam stree. if Try Phetlps' Perfectionooloelpuff101 andol ehipos tt Cusitgs1pharmacy0. Classeso repaired. ivscrfully fiod aod teted. GE'ORGE'IHAooLLER, Alain oSt. EFItALLEGUS BAaI~ The Ball of Durability 001ron plobe n 1 o ot o f o all01<1 ))rig l tOOOtdll 5c to $1.25 Abflttool]loooo OloMto Lowest Prices WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never Undersold. I i 00 1ttncil ofittf> rP tt t giloll lmi thlt he 10 l~p toodt he pelople I f thesttehehn( tem t ao lu1te 1cls- ,it 0of a ll! d itO))Ivc atotllotto et 00100 tht ili c°1 its he os fthe1 ito fesorto clt G eek a d tlr, " 1sista t ti o il 00 () ii11 to ha)c11 ci tlie olta l 00)011) Ie I 01 o m r r)eso, C sn 10.1))ot t0111001110 ol 1)0a)1)l).001rof)ssor lrl tolhe m olooboty hls er The oin of)h, 1iscusio lis tht i Seior recetion -.0.101homooas , P \. 00str F100. CN. bFt ono,. 1(I1. Strauso, E.o:Ntioto lidav. 1)1 I. ) lo~oo Ii. C01o0b. l Ial,1. Ibtolootir" C01ass t da 1.N. Oloonod. R, M0. .00 Intercollegiate Notes. Ih Iten1)1a11000 1)o)01892tto Itto0)130b~tl 1111 oopr- nted a noooormiootoryoooto Prncto utt~r It tollnid Iavooooameo tilt 1101,"," ato H l' i oob o o 0 10 f0 idott ofineooootto)on lourong Iothatoooob.I Th Ito ittotoboll season110is at neart~inlg a cose Stte ond oecioloChamop~ioon- e.lolO011 1nte1c0lliatserl0ies. 0. S. 'U. Iochampooionip won oito oroicfor Oh~io. 1110 Itot roitotof btowoa1wiobnotItoloowo ARROW COLLARS smarloo o n alsmllooincooe juot at lieo is loooking;gfor. Beim; ma11011011 (Inpc~ 0 s011otohrnk faricss, thesoc rollaors wea l~ Ioger Itontoeordinaory, stoolinl- surocorrect. QutrSizeos. Quaorter Sizini olr, ollthelothller lanod, jerfet it. 15c each; 2Zfor 25e a100 oftoulor good ops1 Cluett, Peabody (~b Co. Imt Sitstl It1om 0,M.Mate FUNERAL Office260 S. 4th oAove. ItloonlO 8. liesioene02 S. 5th 00000 Ihonoe114. AMBULAROCE lON CALL W inning Faces win friends. Von call have a winning face, and a comfort- able face, by using WILLIAMS' SHAING ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tra.inssLasevs Apa Arbor Going Northo 9tI5 a. mo. and foa5 p. mn. Going o ~t oho:20a. so.,1to3 t.. nd 7:51ottp.01i. Jo). IKIRBY., IW. T. IILLS, Gen'l Pass. Agot, Agent, Toledlo, Ohio Ass Arbo)r 1icht Roll phosne 135-Icr IHomeornle 618 I~CHIG~AN CENTROU 41 T U X-oa amPFll.; Pnt Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains [last----8.1a. sm., 2.40 op. in., 4.55 p. mo., 9.30p. om. 1t.05p. m. Locals East-6f.05a.on., *1hill a. mo., *405 patt. *8.36 p. no. Through Trains West-20711a so.,".558o.,. 9.18a. m.,2.3p. no. 10.20 p. so. Locals West-224 a. so.. *8.28 a. to., 01.40 p. nm., *615 p, . *l (Except Sunday.) Cooectisos at Chicago for St. Louis Kansas City and the Wail. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor fr .A. Tickets About 2001 Reserved Seat Tickets, good for the remiain- log numbers of the Course, will be offered for sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 9 a. in., at S. L. A. office, University Hall. The price will he $2.00, Inchisding Reserve The price of seats (unreserved) for Sousa's Band is $1.01), and there is always an insatiable demand for seats on that occasion. Those who purchase the course tickets on Saturday, may have them reserved for the Sousa Concert as well as for the remaining five num- bers, including Frederick Warde, on March 12. - ALE OPENS 9 A. Ma, MARCH 10 'L. A. Office, . i University Hall.1 Stationery at Zhe Co-O~p. WVe have just received a shipment of h-atod new lFtater ity, Seal, and Address Stationtery front DREKA & CO., Philadelphia Woe invite youi to call sod examilon it. XYott will toeIpleasedl wilt the quality and price. Dhon't be fooled. W~e are thte cause of theopres ent era of low ptrices. Buy at Zhe Co-O~p )ouglas shoes WAH R=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St. Gym Shoes