telL. XVI. ANN Alt3ROR110-I I(l-A. c)A MARH1,It ou.N0. 12.
Professor Andrew C. McL.anghlin -Ili f' ils\l\ ) VaitDeasInaninul
Tells of His Services to the? O np-cfd-FilA A.Saey Meet by Score of 41 1-3 to 22
University and the Athletic ' I ii il' M, h, Tou (,rearou \ii t Ix ih ao ialmetni 2-3 -Bowman Wins Dash-
Serv ices. f ll t ih ein((11eth l iiiC1. 11111 1 rrdIii i i lt Sanmse Pole-Vaults I I Feet.
S_____tiliptII -1111 v ar1 1' ll I e it t ill turd lh i v l l te
Qt ilt -tll tel h utKilen Iti ; i ii
ii iii 1111 Nji iii ii lii 1 ii lilliel.allle tiatditte-'-eitthe thili
viotH ititit of tProtesor I'etee Ocl :dro 1111gun(ii rtui * iito te p 1 noer'te, M iehigasinditior track team
-illcm-ics e hck ver qurte of r trocr l'r. A \\ SaIkr itgr h a e itl Idianatiib1)the oer-
1111d . te ~e thni enere Ii, a lrr I , hi n mko ;i 'th-it 1 iireas ollie:lvelmig core itt 41 1-3 to 222-3. Itt
to hit wells actiit detieI iI . o rtitt . ilci illYo k "'(, rer rltttlit- tittt .it h on l neg eigt werethe I looirabla
thrhpinc e enr his iplacidltityiti. \hIv ilt I olpt 'lfhc scol rai, I igr col f h ll tixteel, wsctle pole vautitwhich Cap-
Hcieditiot Rn, -inrv Taloc;.1am Samts(, it-tltat It fee. The high
iii itenint ereslte ih i iii iii am]itiiii 11111tot titheA111,11 tutu I. tee prepaat oryiii schl ooire that til r''101 1 ire liii Mhi ly oth ae
ill he 1 im tttitt iiiprobi 1 itee tlh tr uuhh Io ii olif te 0o ihitttititicha iie 1tfit hnosl M leran amc
lwilt httti iltl 11 i onto t he riii eelii lit a , te;-irile11 ct''''ecilot hel l 11sport I Iietialre tt
hoio -(leattccedayl liito eiitLstEarhl Rte at3:0nhi Aferftiten vv11n- i ofr i-a li lt ingfl i st ith lichtt
1111li eltl'ii le eiieie let rncriioitlef tioceel te 7ii no n C cg\ienPiFEAdopt TEN ILeso lete lits. arnlth o el 1111ii i ii llcii1111tltutit toeitja
pemlce ofendn, arr. h .,s bleto i UNE AL ELD TOD Y ire cithe td efts ileto ihitga
liaiteeccos to freeitlilyiof 11111 itt11leceal e titron ven ~ne i
delreh,1vr111mig eoto t tent l it lelpar 1t e iadhti e wardtt ;liit Iwielitee'el tt Pcutllcctil til at l1 ii iit clit i 1 l uuce t ilt irt liaieit Indlini egth e lthe ie c-
ill task inthand lnd 'awa e tc 1 I i the' hthiitoeaisI o11 (le worki 11111 sii de111111 111111 it it is pobbltile helc o e
eli'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~l snc Id J i h I li iereward cantie Lasltietiti Earthlytiitt'Ritesi etitat lt3:30ceiiT'ihes iAftteert=
polingifeeling i theestudents bfore,,ihe lisl welve lie tee. schoilithiathh jle colarsitet ied etinth oeth ittt sth
him. liiin semtlithi itciet erseetil 11111 l I itily e d111ing tupeni espit oflh e nutinsin is hit , Te lipn ttt lci ico e etcnier''tI iii luingeete enie ( relbtontet h inei
tilt ite1lco ~hlos hey.itootiee- fetietitt1 the nblerte I eli ihihate t t- tifoo tltiwith t l iaittat lp;(, to\ilol 'welit up4agit the rili ta
tttttliintentie-p1rt-tile itehe-tr ct t e lef ['rof. he et. li. [)hit- ciui' u-t itl-tt' lii Iill ut e iii lttle tut seutu
ust.ereete o ei hi s. ttiuiell mt't tug t-is-i e le ii iii lii it tt 1111 th'i e bethreiu le lts ittetktte p r
l' itf h an rr.the 1111" e c tee 'c h''vell' ten te tf im il ole og''1111ii'.celtic heiii tilt I tituthte 11111 ili(aree iths iee t- th s ithtuet hotow
- n I s c ( b l a Ilon s 1 1lil ot heg m ldco ieu lottng 11 t-t I eie itc Iit-etl rlr s na
t -terl ttetici-i- e iu tiilef hi ord.iTis ichlihat to i-dii oti situer tut Ile uldite-s a nds-tthised
sectioniiiliti'h (tose 11a11 lfil hees tith tin.,. f -- e'ie is . i-eliti tethe.taenritoe- -Itt hil tl lii utt uo eitd
he i: t n--c i-i ui'ut'iideite fr tutu t h ic hee aliiteee ile-ueste(las,' th e eubetihefte llutea tlt omuitat l et eceiwit; one raee lee yulbteondrchittie'suiixsan fr t f t h oo"thit ett e Itle Iettc ttl thtt ethan 1vceiie-'-e -leeph tiallieeltutud: lit u-t's aleeituhtuuuearr elo irsty wiecor
teachingtoh(:re \ it:u h ie-vr(-lil o n t te rl a nihtitig huonton er(,et i I Ottcu-ftiiiu uu el ett iiot 114s c d ithh. lt uehr
brnea oll ,hohI tidet o e euhrdIcui e i iiItte tl eth hehe si uii eui uu tu u tlul tt
te y i pyb~~iiiihi ttl~ teh ht hi -tt ie Ieiiiittle ii tutu to e epeh ad en I eir~tm otile ihh t I 'ret Ic the u st reit rue le p u Iss er
its ,t ti ngltl i ti !,tith - s a imean to t cis'u S ltee' su l'iteet andeete lee( eela t i i sa1th e \ . l ite s cul ei pr e ut. u e i 11 u i e e14 4 tl c il ltl ' tt s g e u t t a
I o 0 -ue uul 1 i~itt-i e ieu tu ftuh1 Ileu' e ic e eel tha ts grew -
etel lit htc cliitii title etolteahelciially te dete u
fr the tullgit oe molere neli ''-teth Michii egitnlit futtu-yrd i 1c tre lere,
hueri Ittrpc h oed ic- therto- cee uuueuu u-ih' tue 0 it'A s ire- I iiteRl ,Cu]"Setcetuc e2tutuie eN t-hnl et owiinlt ill til atoedo
irro t ecess s Io tltsuutiers un-t' trn 111 setie iic ih u 1 ' i ; h iiiiie llcteat cn it u w re he e u uuuueuiee vil ahro g utYfr t ille cim Itoh, Iw hIt k'-terhhee
n idtps iii a, tee'eiher eceemeufromI te the ifree iGeode1kV, Utracul h a ielaeuof theh h uubuttuuuuh acctl --uii lcoi ngsiIe5to tee f heIthretimte'rt s
id a of H t col gelfe r aly st o t r f c o t 'nii l u'atuersona' lite, nd Shriteidt'o ld he tutuo eavlc s h ai lri tat'u rae sHtist e I l ue l t euulieg eotule e rlte niuac ee-eno ti e a sty r c r
i i t l e el o w e r s , e e i u e u l e - n eh e e i -to l l i t u u e e u i c 'iru ' l t e et o c le g' I e e N a t h eea l c l e e t i t s i teetmo r e uP h e i h l e 1 - i I t e l h r e u h l 1 1 h I t r e
th el teh h e Ithesfacli, tiirlee luhetel ~cee t iihtiewsusiheits cc-el'- t u ctettf o ie w-5, hld 'utteHahht eeratu
. , t I n t e C r c < t e x t al it l e ri lt e e A l ot t Iou h - th e \ o tns ic o f- i t ' h: II l te t l Itteeride eal sluteo fimc t c t u r e el he c t t ot u e c h e esaw u t h
litheer -teiatii euuieee l e llh e reu thee-u ont ' ase-e il 113\i h i htgH rh t l u - Se htul, \ ci lue 01ise fiterl th es otehut
I lic ist l i struh ectiuiui eeed te euh t ho it'urse-ill"etilg- lees tia clhithrae crvlse ontuheue t uheauc t ucm h esi tight's's e leua he i t hi llelatch tcuhleeet thi co
meel c dt'hich e i i' i lchir i ll' a 111cap eadu-hillct) lutoea c ast'elue'ne b teah Ap i 28. "e I i 11 cithhco c -:445 he itte lrowi timuetty it e n te otato
ai ater o hu tie itn eu-. thu iuit cc ug a dti- de o hgc e e-hdsey." I eel aa' rlu race111rnivtal iiw i e1, h,. ri el t-,eiitti it te'sell :hitch tecii lii telen he casleltefgaudisgre-23
'cde s I) t h th i s e el ans111 thauu Ie'eu'e tl ii t l'ttlhee' n (, moiiop n h sc h o'' aIstic hand cou clttet h ite c tice lleilt. 1t Ieu 11
-e t et e' te th te e u e e u u u u i yirtli te w tith e dut o flt th e ist l e' 'es, t e e I te th I heoilit e, oNe- u h rodt~ helt e ili'i i c l ith e fetue el hh h i ee e he / Il l ltl(a c r etl s r e r s e e
hi a re t ltehiu:te l-itilet h oeeue eu i thta et lew euir e eeenutwire-t h esrtr ouit iutdoor ieason in telaHzte oi i d foru te hue i rpo e o ta iuelnguhethise - eimi Itte rl tuteaug ain e o serae,
liii ieehilittlirit were 'hellteie-i te T o i-c eI this ssu e tt le-s 'i elt S ttehit hu hiiiui ici blt- toi defeatul fise-11s' uretera-
lremn d an oiahtc e' it ho l ths no spa to a1ile cls ha llp ito sif tie e lie h ie Iuiprem e eourte ec l t eel hu rdesa h i h e ee agfc wathedas
tole'douetuager Ieltt e ltt t-u- hue' iheettheitre-tt ltilt ie'll 1 a Sw rtln 11t11 t;( ied ilc oe ne-t -uttoi et f ootbal I he trih u lcout H lout a Inheet
detalu i l hue eli ot l t il acilyi utpon1 hiiuI hideglthel avth tle 'tigiieu' hencc a'hote of 111 healhfulu(,pu t foutil e tsltullent i vinill u e el ltie :,iit th li ltinc, I leer Haooe
tulle -tfaceofle tithe-i ehele huu-uiei Fteetl l;t1 hit usCOit heel eeuuoherecollegtue *m tutu lieerehia'h Sig-tiul111111bl11111o s txtee g. ttll o
tu; FIti t H u 11 1 h I 1 ( 1 1 1 H leI h hh I t I ) . h h err l s t l kus ihe i r v I- t u it i i liisffee .o t eli' e
ntrebr ieconcllilt a eeieeeuue II" ghIhisthlatter tih-I hh Ii tliuiii atulheingi teo '11f115 tec tic cuciiit lit m nlut Iea rich5 feetettai iochttwitao
til tenth t hv kloolIieltilililc nx T urda an inttei ierak. T e cIol avIasieteehis'I h )Ihtdcccferte at hdbennaie thrnce
otIk ha li e poere feteigintoig-lht'he thl eo enelit conluerh t iwiill stire lai- t i 1 illgeailthmerstilet ult~h i sh oolscfeiled to teselttiniaiwinnrctso'theIpItnit
oteeth hue tre s fri te e's, efseintihe lilr-rtit erhltThes lieu'alute' 'etu l l oh ot ty .il ol handi '- a- hl 111 ltwif lc eel duevie i hi ganc ett -irngo hle2nt
iht e asjut:thv ne , bo e huIte' 11i'3ilat lastforiteuannual:Acit l ta tli asttl-h t og leth r uceil tie ofteiiitg ca te e at lap, i ni shu ngtel oills aell st beIindth
tht o im thy vec ur ad om Im00 artiosti h it a te c tan ero se s o- rting.I Thilet icktsma e Goodwsin. geietelwhoihadeepate Rt-
h~its liu- I unut lutetetfor theitihthc uereetreeuyu
ambitious the wns encouri ngii tol' the li entt i lilt"stth e Frtht inhee )I hidvtutu i'heeltielt h l 1 1iv uiiieOf e nnyl- i, g et pogam h hi tle Ill i ifu'e ste'S i
tulleneetig o vro e aran n 1ahire theueebirtuhday.els hecah-I 'l i ciecu ile Pa.iColeeseet e c iiahni a ~t ~t-teg-'ellte thet _ re tie tortI was ilfare; ihityheaing
lics-'gre-eltwoitn t e lasthueli e a r s0 es Irt ian teuleu heelsuccess I' 11ye13011ptershn.L asI tar te bes I ea s ien ta sis ic 1be tutlhd it I h ed Sian- hu eediig ries Ie ill-mated pair
litts licenuuil the i iii eetue ofh t athletuc, lreentll ee i e a iroast iuthuciete sull qu itl h t e ftell scholc s w lieuord ni vers1ity. niethue eadcthue te-ee'lo fedt itreundttu h iiitelln l s utd on the'
teeth ter e, touh ly1 itlheiud u ld Iti programti thati is to ue hit- 11oeu tud ll iweit li itteul plig o h orst ori(If jul rus docutr I(JD.)I tei lhee co ferreelasId t sited uptilfash e tughe to halt
lithe tbetn unawti e teof iteutic fetehatul he- gelitdIte's'jokuesilt tthclse-dsult' hel'e utile ito e-t -ney satsi the seite ponjt ud cllents w heaueliie preiulyel-re a -, l l tthi o poete'iCo e hile etn-
any1 conetionl ofe h is lt tto B e'gae t p sed to apIar illthoe-pritora stt setios t l. etc idthu cecdhemuic'te--ee f baheulri ettu' etin ar ie tutu-uconvsersatione esil,
lt' subjeectu f e ner-t'a-latluetic mantagie- Tie d eiet a re thue hue eec thoeel f a t hu hr'is euivaltentl Upoite con- lull ifthle secatrs aisilapeared heo
meat eeto thle le t~termento t etictcodn-h iuitet stndthoslie e lh tedii s-li ge-I ' ttu titnhalst et ub lihe euee-ehe-a-y I ho tioofa ti e ats rfe si njioylii'the joke' r'lIy -Maloneywear-
elti leueto eethee promoititonttofeel odiithIdes, iatas t ulleveirul Anstitecmupt ssltle atiut ar ephitrtlenticthue itrrange fourent-rse 5cstdeune huethe te purtm~et of H iltecol srs eel les ttiviecatd, coule
ti te atu precliaiontuof'tsudelnt'uintees t eli e iio hl eeruonewhiath e nella i i h rHuieeune ih1tith lie Iutltc , 3 ilt eentCouaettiuuul ses e hey b tiertm -eti"goo deronS t. Pe-odr
ieewttisdo ad ahaiecee eudeh'sieeeveithe muic.ste jweeethtee midsehipmenscianittheticcaudethe. utuk and oiler uivueses. (Continued on page a.)