THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MIICHIGAN DAILY. '~ '8\ 777107 ( 77 '.778Il(.781 77 77W i~10FROM 81(17077I (7178 1 .(7(R-AlI~I'( 771. 7 77T (;I7,I. G HoflWI[D CO. a4 THE SLEADINGx Talors Makers of Men's Clothes. !All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULJL DRESS SUITS A SPEC~IALTY eAries Arbor, Mich.d A- For Sprinlg ^ays A Spalding Jersey Well appearing, comfort- -ib(7le Eas to slip onl IEas\ to buy, SoIi I) CoiII~s. $2.25--$?.75 71i Sheehan &Co's f 3 ;r2tci \77n classmatte1 at t Pu(blislie7d Hail171 ('7(1177,1(77777 (1 &Irn th 7cleg 1eaat1 (77 Eat (7777777770 stee.1 el7 oe 9. n u (1(( 7 ' ((7777 1ph7ne1 76. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER' R. lOANS (1(77(7seniors (('are 1,tall 1(777(111 77(1upward1 (C11(1("novel 11frown 77pa7e' o17o. towardsi1'. 717 717(11(77117'1l7 In1(1111ard \l 71the 7excep17ion of Professo1) 17it, 71771 end of(1OR11g'i17(77(717Professor1 1t7'lgill was 1orn 'Al 17N'e(7 1c (o in e ( by1 th11',17'(1t1eam1.1 1)777)(1K((( FI)l 1(, 1812, 1a(n1 7717 71t'A7large11(117 wines17th 'd.e huswel eyond the177-f1u77marl7. I I Ii News77.. .... .. . .. ousa l. Sticknevg .L.... oCa ls 1. Winstead ..... ..... I . . . 71177777 .. 7 ..... . ( . Armstron i i I I 1 f 1 (1171 .717Allen7Franklin C, Parks7 7Arthur C. (Po777d. ASSOCIATES6. Geor7ge A. 0Osborn Harold C7. Smith PerrisN. Smith( George A7.7.Barns Robert I. 7Clascy (rank7J.77Clark 11(777m(7,.77Schul 117He(nry7..I1(77tg775177y I. 77, Stevenson 7Walter7letzesbaum Clean717 (Br(7 ley(777. n 7. (Wurz7 (17' 7'. (.ull1 Lloyd I(. Jones7 RATESI: $2.07per7yearor5$2.0o ((pa7is i 77dv0nce1. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 236 S. 12th Si., phone 849 L. "'V1'1'177'. NJARCI717.)(7, . 7O 1.7 o ()li--GlENN 1). BRADLEY.j CALENDAR. l. 17 7-:address b117 ((7 ('17 17. 111111al. 7 7 7p . l 77(71117' 1la7te1banquet,. 7717tmo1re17ake. Mal%11'(8-A.711117(111 sof t 11(1(1hisianAsoc'I7ol,7y 16 I?. 1? Ch(m'7 8(1171777. '1171Rn(aissnce7 1)1 71,17. 20--177111177 of1Cosllopolilan chlb,7 (177111 1 17h(1,l7:30 (1111. 7177 .22----l( 171,1benefit(7177cer 17,'by7771 111<)11.7orchestra7(, assisted71b7y 77111(.o 11.v land. 7baritone7, an71 Alber7' 0.1 11 .7(oard77717771777i aliste:~r 1117. at7 72770(712 (77lok (sealp. 1717(17 77isc1X 7177' ml7(en7'7it(. 7(71ltthorirow 7f177 (7777's 717'd111(77 7177:17777 offs71111fl-c~l in( our1 (771(111, ((7-e17'are (lld1711(17 1(1 77iffer AND70S7(707717HAND. D)ICTIONARIE7S P~RACTICE 7BOOKS QUIZ COMP7ENDS OUTLINES, ETC. Cash or [xchange tor your old books. C. E. BARTHELL Phone 761 325 S. State Strert, 2d Floor Anti Arbor, lMich. JLIMITED SALE of S. L. A. Tickets About 2001 Reserved Seat Tickets, good for the remain- ing numbers of the Course, will be offered for sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 9 a. in., at S. L. A. office, University Hall. The price will be $ 2.00, Inxcludinig Reserve The price of seats (unreserved) for Sousa's Band is $1.00, and there is always' an insatiable demand'-for seats on that occasion. Those who purchase the course tickets on Saturday, may have them reserved for the Sousa Concert as well as for the remaining five num- bers, including Frederick Warde, on March 12. SALE OPENS 9 A. M., MARCH 10 °:). L. A. Office, J University Hell Rin to Zhe Co-#Op. March Sale Ends Satur~day Ourn Stock Has Been Greatly Reduxced If y077 4771777to taken advantage of our, limited 7sup1p 7117, l y o ut call at once. Special reductions on the following go01(s All Ujnderwear------------------Discounted 25 per cent Banners, all sizes --------------- 5c to $1.25 Neckwear, High Girade ---.---35c, three for $ 1.00 Night Robes an. Pajamas ----Discounted 25 per cent Handkerchiefs, regular 15c--------Three for 25c We have also a supply of Toilet Articles-Hair Brushes, Imported Rubber Combs, Shaving Brushes, and Tooth Brushes, which we are offering to everybody during This Week Only at Co-Op. Prices. 11,e Co-wOp It Feels Good on your fatce and your face alwvays feels soft ad sinooth, if you use WILLIAMS SHAINC ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tresiri.Lsasr.Ann iArbor Going (forth 9± :0 asadt4;35p. m. Going South 77770, 11:&5a. m. and 7:51 p. m. J1. J. KIRBY, WV. T. WILLS, GesI (aass. Aget, Agent, Toled7o, Ohio Ans Arbor'7Mich Bell pho17735-1(r ((7om(e(757iII 9 \\WHI6AN CNTIA Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Traias East-8.(6 a. in, 1.40 p. in7., 4.55 p. in, 9.30p. m. 11.05 p. :I7. Locals East-6.05 a. in., *11.10 a. i., t4.05 p.m. *8.30 p.m Through Trains West-7.07 a m1,, 7.61 a.M. 9.18 a. m., 2.33 p. :n. 10.270 p. m. Locals West-21s4a. m., *, *.0p m,*10 pm. *(E'xcepi Sundlay.) Connections at C~hiago for 0St. Louis Kansas City and (((7 West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Aan Arbor C#- ARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST