The MichiganDail :ANN ARBOR, 7MICI-IfOAN, SAI TRDAY, ' IARII'I I 17, 906. vO.XVL. No.i 19o. INUI WSINS UNIVERSITY O RATO RI CAL ( The Little Japanese Orator Takes First Place NWitl Stirring Ad- dress--Floyd R. Deahl Wins Second Honors. A thousand people Ceaned iNxiCctal s forwa rd(I ttVrtity hall11last tnightas the Right Reverentl diarles I). XV~iII- imbishop of the ioicese of Micheligant, aroe to 11111011cC te descision of the Iwill aItuncthre11innr fti cn hos rt, ThIt imaes avedecde ttseondtla e. t rdeil itheartIottor tot% lXI . Th ott-sof appltause.Ilastitig for futlly oft tse desisionuiTilItslittle Ibtrownt itman itstltom s t ttld1o s setrtysblo-stits Itad the stmastthy ofte auie~ce w tiths itu lismthetlcsalhitserissits lbegstitig of his oion11 1ttt toteimpasioneid a~peal ior untttiersal brotherhsoodIof man it ttis itlset il ityttsdpieftntstessistl0 lsstgst sge tis itattiralnetss attdssiceity- silo sof theleitstteneCs5fott thtslittletItalit sil eS III pluckysfight in tefaicsot such odds. Iis isje-ct tw-aI"TCe Its-sittest Ni it Japn"I t pk f tthe ittitini- iii if tltt ftt IatIoftttheteakiss oit Cttinalsihich tae itt the liey of thle Iuoen power"tt s. a 1IsCI Ierctdtetg- Crsitotis of the I tCOlit litpLowert ttd tro dusedl a ripple of lIugteir whetit It Sid: I"Ts-eIshuisry Ruitton Itsatstitletd itesofChit nasts ttlasts if kisess tttd oft Ja11111,Iterstiultei s treatk itay Ito oatintustraditiosnd atiltttaitXXest- silt sitilizaititn It" Ittit-r tagtasitityx itn te hturif vissitor_, li elared, jatpitshlstafodiii i anteitsi pletito 5tlhe reto h iviitzteditortisi T i tt issin if lthe itseiw Iatpait I sli socidto itshle rosingttofs t ettole sit ChIits frositIt thiitt"on sleep.Th le ':INti^1I,('CIUTI112S l1lt N Xl NDt IN BNStIt "91SQ(:\ WO NTIES.T W ithe probably th st it Iis the in- - --- -- -- isoor prisiset] s qu .t Coachs Mcsllisit ans t sabut il it t lt (IOfthes iniear lyin irc 'slt lstr thle iil d li isisny,' hilt h atii a ut sho tst iltchr lt-i ros- sil t ,s hests e mi t s t if it stha c ,. to , -, - ci ;t E . DEATH CLAIMS PROF~ESSOR ALBERT H. PATTENGILL s-i"-ores-ctslicasediss if suithans s-sses it illtifortipicher. -- 1 siti1t; ne bef l c- r i h tim t an st poit ionsiputs-nt e emi it--s- e ()fi them Its' ~ ~ ~ ~ I'i li-I rs'i-,i-lsoi Ismtvs thess thslttIssoiss551 st s lit t Gilist speciallsts s hoils wi Isnsg ao ifor the (-niverilisityofl liiiIbut ws po ining't' C(sti l Is llist telistho tilts' liot it attendancsli t scol atyar tuu ~tt~le Isi ~ls ts's-et st-e silad si t -till doorstut t leas ti ma ing list elig'ile oris Vtit'tt lii st sitis ls pii li O~ne of Michigan's Oldest and Best Kniow Instructors Passes Away A L ong and Indus- trious ILife landed. T cetiis t -isessit ostilut l t-ecity -it ai- v wesihck°d y s it lip lyt'e nc~s tat 'r4fes~r . It P tstengill is lies-is I sflt sice It less esss- ~f rsmk ivei -i ak n it i wtl deto im Nuts borsforlist si f(sitypitt-s, stili clls to this sits trittthe stile e N w g its in ilo (Is stilyl el tit 101wsreiestl iSXX lstwil11 ei- it(silt and uit 'Acadlimts Nsew 'or ie or 5ahimlts It Iicilit' i ri tep b lic-Cl ) a \Vitsit susaldXVest Xalittld,\ev Im, stitsIu 8ll3its slit-ed thesisisscinrs-e ca s fthe U(sot vcsit's oradutingsthre yalits e i ls i 188. sis csIs Itsaiito its s-si-i ec morl e s t sll famo is m it sN ttsiprt- its~- s ts i n arts ste- is- e l is s hatiat its mebrswrePofsos-ilaikburn, s itPrfs-sitrI Iillbiit'ofiithe Uttivet- sill- of Iowa, andsothsil equall~y tioted. AfIts-i' i'tss ti i PIrifess-st I ststigtll hedthe prinlitpailsipoftliutArbotrtight scholsora ysar.and situjst0sitwssmatde assst~t pofesorof Iressk andl 1't eatch Iin 18o0Its swas apinsted assistasotpso- fessosr if Itseek, wichsi sit5111 iohe held untsil 1'1, tiltshis Ivts s tides associatte lroessoro Gek.1r~51) le teat isppo intd to a ill] 111111 5stoit 1151 n1 GreskI, slishIransk IheIteldiit tsitimeo if Isis tieasth Dusrsitgthefo1111year,,Iii wh sichi Iro- Iessr stasigill hIs Is eit-sis sistisetest ixuft it tusss-es situ cii t I 1, hi>' ri," 's - t ys",< stl dtets. strvessandisi slssss's'res eni site rerr (.usssl - 11 aper Itohhsve tety goordtuntil sit prsl i. aitrgumte-nt lito Is'th e set gn"-lsi o ettcit sst it tosremint onitsth sqstil s wtt - i ts AS11I I I 'IONN I'N- lie deledist's ol liii- iitil 'siss bhisall hiis- folit e s it'slgibilitys cssms ittelist t stsiiif iN RIf i n~i- 'S toriianslisto thetr tight to play atitlist hall, X I1). earcespiteaingit onsilt MX dt rnstntesi yIsall of ii th mentcstingti" ills)ts ths Ic o n o c a s t " . l'; S m o y r , w i h " T h n e c e s a r yIe qisr mItsssite s eth ttitl e h etrtula rthisc-f t h e P r e s b te r ia Kitkam wi is iith stesubjiseec t. svlut sit this listtreetly t 1anct t he ,ofishsben sesitsan herpo tist I=lutist r1owt1 'i wtilt thet htitlist in e xtc's' sest o ftuti t ersh gym"its work I lofit msrstlst htitsattssendedths Nashvtille sptt' s-t tilsst of sthetit iioraitions sowedt this sl StSitls ii it hs i I i tiln l i tsl is h ard s e r it- sitp iisItiltl-tthosiltndcaeflitprepsrit Ii iii's-k chl Mcts list ertlt st ri thtil pa st il' si ths g st tttet itsssses place., was a smalllone. at- p isg stgun ders itisis etandtth c ot' ailsh to irterel stis.ish A sa 'til shift lst Xltigh ts itelsatiltf istsTiets uiot: is ma"it- t eX men'ahstslCisian1 11tts lndavo lsoc ty iestlts a Norsthernii Ora torisill Ie--t''ts- csitests o i tsh ir ailityt- a tsh lint he it' hsall. heaitheist tiptls 1 le l allo itrecivin, s I W sits XliiMay4hmidi ThIts s t rs tu ists to a e twtttly thwns giv'en itsld tmed stu and -atte s t ial sit X10o.itrointoi seicond.II ruts itsseun sit in I suet a $sst oso SV.XI.IC N l. tildi iii h wi ill ri veat ;;o.I l it ti sittu- wisill tk - i Iii to utor this-itseo iirssui-itsy11111 UNIVERSITY OF INDIANA TRACK TEAM MEETS VA XX'-stern nat hll ~ion anttlunderttstantheuS Cinilese ehasrsucter. sait Japan utcomles aso lichigan Indoo~r Track 'Teamn in [ci situ ldintit exer i-enicsetitsnel d iiiini -si-i ond. :tno wrl povtto tulius ldsltotrld ti First Contest of Season Should li i utstii iit~ilili Ser iiatioll.hut"ie- C hiar XX it Win Without Difficulty-Ed buit l~ssiusaiu shuouldt t u ihtiiiihogh hue jestilz tnanuidteals,"11usd the itstle Ryan Will Act as Starter. hits nttet 1run1bItteluthan :of04f ISis OraorinonetOfsitus seloquet o utbusrsts.SIClwork lihasiee i-i-ri-ossen n a ''this-ti antdlthentiotths isill slut ith ts ItsVIl)rtthi ls-t-i site thlis- ysart' lil .Sau ' 'I wn improvemt tient. tie lits I reduced nulls nturaluesouesu an111 htutuIds- uittn its wight the1 lastlstus iii hus a shisitI sshueussi his es-etu suiont Isiis OccassinltheIndhuisana ; tluckhehutnay sloutisthits reeordtohi- titigissite of theus i fic.l"e[ tutu is this' 1515s155'tie ii siiut. iiilie nig'hit. hits 5opponen5ts itill ICe XXWiliams- 1then ltioktitu thi s ubjectsIOf thu st1155 11-s i-teal". ichigas trac aIrsiets son andii lu Isle-i bttuost shomushisve C.yellweilutist icheh tseleto bi e ai s 5strting- sut tlt'ii- it itt leun-itnug fistr itori. tiits i itta sileiinorireal. i"hi ncsit o ni I titt'h5 prospec~t's 5forss chait osip the 1rase s tottr secnd itehurdlies hel mad atn iieloqttuet pailtsforlstthe is lulls111111 the msit til'nigst iive shol e o n.luss1tis iii il dhsueusoughutts vsrsal brorhrhuItiood Ill"ill.lit I asthus tusactil it issil si IichanceItols e tiltsenwntutwhit herrels istan-a st e iIucks- purpolseo f thiscsituryi hsbest thuse dtiv- who ittullhl -lt'gelysini trolliuplley-sis aI is ltist iHtutuer. Garrlsh 1511s iIion stiltsritsr."hect-test "butthe poCti-s suit 11thie oustdoortiseasuussson "egis. si1hutdhbe this choise, as sftes is Cxpert- exatlsutatiof Ci tstitniltealsait shiatt hesp-hsite t l fst titsi-otus IDulutistitsealas itthe varityllmseeltIhe sshwil ro- luist this-w111litt togeite'' Coe1,tFr-tutu Sts-arutX, isN i si lt 151stl, hi I lnt tr it ilk suithe tutudstes. Flodus Delsil, 07hattithsitwit s51e-X ule'ksandtush rtiitsill if salous stll I Althouuughs titr IndhahtutuIsas buein tush Ii lc iiisokea TlistCuritmsof IthC play imtanI-lst rts inIii110) isisac Iis- dsing arounsttits leest t i l itt ump, C'tusry." tis oraittion 1as a litest toilstill slush acusmpetethis isalullicuhinchss I tesause sif this-great oeistientcy agaistithusecrushli trtmtit of the Jew- trill resprrsetic eitiststonigutuhus unstsof hitstuerformussacsstlissyea rhusts he sit race by husteRussitugotvatrnsent.edotubtedthisotitos t sieitr5o551eCt uindoorhibetseracuanceuss nintssg. Nliller shuldh tie plaintedC lrashictpituersofIts Iare teaits ilthetsistotuy Iof theitsnstitution.tskesecond. urosaing sceessus' twh ich tsekandtush1itu As lttle is knsown sconuucerningsuutue Insit Itthispleta Itilt hIhdilta tilli prob- offiendinig peopleee m'suadete itetiminh liteasmit is iposstileto predithelstlyt vathlilt oohsks hlithseir only irst Of thueawlit uitsehtt s ud awithlshl ts us 'ithu slip greattssetree ofsacurascyItitsPlace.i bithopI notwa-itstanintha1111tue ef blood.s Ie pid suit nest'triute to ' the ' Irest o lullsmIetiter tist Inliiith hits bhut ittgpiroitsinug twork, us hasrdly Jetwishiac, altewhchhuedelsrteth'X-It lug litsishouldttilsby aIfliiily stiltsOtt I liltithlsltevtanitsaltse to taae titutvtvethevarlynatiohnuof an-' fortabule tuargin. Onthitfirstlnst-t econdth GoodwlinIan11(1Schenkloohuk tile un- tiuquiluty I laewinsch hits guvtheIwoC1ld hutlaceasstutufistpoinsthsIfirst, o co use hsrs itn t utrtesits Althuouugh hts faithi sitG(duwhosetieneCgyiand'itn u -cuntingu'sfi'ssuit secondituree.Thuts Ihomuspsonthuts ruts in :51 -5t outdooses d5h1151Caretie t mo utt5ive toweri'ohthu s'uetsotsthe fast thus ill teamssu in tutu tis udoutfsulif litcaittesveunatutroache wtorldth -leflluietdisliwith neloqueteilitsel li teSCS enes. thstoaris otnIaIfourtela itndcr tiratel appealifor symathy suetaittflesthlits icthiganusshulsutarst Ithes liles twillhliiThompsonli ]tot is I (sits Indtitiants l loug stuffering race. Deahul tiissitn ex-a itohryinthelirsat iteatsutkNit Gas- eonsidetrestaniobject of conidserablte iin- t remlyi isehoshuouss suitpoawerful roiceselCSsiutti"llh' shtov ier=43 fCeet there taresitendstilt irishb11111 hie ceusler stndis esrinestunass intl seriotuness cur- is no1t tlikly I tt u sneonte Hoosiesitatitractiotntontighhu rieilconsicsionstits then.s Astlight tesisiwIo sasitestat titu s sGarsrets Cataain Raunet us mucih belteritait awkhwarddss and laek of ease were hits us Mihitgant'a oily serusintis event, Zimmer, tudging feoiuspit perform-~ lwiit lill ustlcirce s hilhs a Ify ben ee l untrst edi ii i athes. I e ditigushd I llin basil i lswi ls RS ITY TONIGHT bae itu eamev r n'saistsin ittheis-t versity. 5t15 itthe ulst 5-aitiste out a1cs' tutnd ttu is stlt itill rit haIs e to un i te I ProfeisssoIr Ils t II i tlw s mtades '5 tutu Si1l0cus tuht1ti 5st it1of duteslit thei clsis littl tai IInl 5 tschcnthiG ttuiletantill fu forcedI him us gesig . } Ie asioa wh ltuis11 i ts ii1111gli nisnit ble.i I rsit trus es da t hof sitsfirs r a iain lus i ts su Iniant'a l uistpla ing i grettd it hutld lfo i- I tte yastu hsissacite a- us ill hib e lt t histsilt n itsna lsitisIge'iIuul 5 Stit-intsday arslau fa sne wicha fotu r iiilth.Incseiiitidoeiiitineri Practilty iIllfhs1 ttuisicthtea wilge n ndte oertre. hsbendvoe t ie, ittvesrsipsan fits nf 111n0 tits e histe hhI~cItil Its hstlu silsIht. ut te t Isa stildl by I aSe Scorhits aouS t 44 tos susPrfesorPttnilhis d51tbete sfflstout prtidtht us raylaestcoutsit forIi itllpoor-slalthifit'somtuteisme.e hTo poutilts.ya ss - "hue attmptedl lto spetntdthel XX lisets hse cliss sitastissut'his rtluysitu s r il(Colosradouist:ste sighalsiu illc s b ingt5heistovtiCUlists1st i sush31,Istudc proved ttucsutsIsfussIsitsaut his KeeesuaI utetsiuk hits irs 111151 II 1'5\-rwas obtleht ret uris ts X'l usigaus Lust husiitionracl ea luststatefrliii Ii i i s tush usar us-eswas grastedilts'se montsl eirs thu s engIines~ers, sitfislab s tunts m'ig wiit erssvalIt il Amoniisg ste ofils it IItoniht'~s met'Is attasigiiltrisaveledl inthesitosuth. art' sseeralsthohavissu e suhiittippeared ITttghtfist shutte 5e11s Professorttat- Iseretthis yeat. Amn g sst thusrsitare I it tellil ii itiiihisslusseritsus weaensedof Ryasit sf DIt roi t tit. .G llgerite ha hutdttu satsitnusuashipgoodcisprts. of Iniana. T551 htslist oIf liesil solos: Fotru 111 t s is ie had ssit sutitsnueu tohu Stsshi- 1111 ta es itit ulllst tile houtsaithssaIsligi hutoldbutthis' s1111111111cl rFrl'ssis X . tHollister. cllerk, wa s nsushiousugli Its illanythitigigssriouus, oit course.SitdXXNI lillarut: assitant isthus evssnssgbefore h Iis deatit hsh scserkes, R. SNV. ittsellsit.FtWSSSuiclirssseehl duchss)slttlitrsuit slt umbier S. X AtiotGI XXJoe('tt t II I).hut111-if fris wus utcalulet setluist tt last: tcjud suge's.I1Tischis 51115 I cloek onuitthisfllowuintg sutsruling ih- -N WayI J. NI« rlits Ifield judgetts. suddely antsui pealcefuitlyipassedilaway.a W.'I Tsur1yXXCshts idii SN.1WT ith-Prfessor Pstitesigitt 151asthaistys tpop- hewight scers.a ye L.vets' liss CII si ittitlstng te studensts, as tallas thl tLottgtusat (h-sri-tie'I'iIrsiC hetiets pesolutst1frienssws-lstktte-s'hit utssisds' . G. Cleverig'crIsen'Citzp a etthrushDr. his pssfissiounsallife thlis keentsesetetf G. A.sMay, BiC.I SaIes, eorgC Ililer, hsumosr ats it rtti greniality stlways made andh Malioney iaill sudubsstedlyt eaipryioffIis ceass roomsatsu urce of pleasuiireto bhlaheetsonthssmiletainsthlit withsosut ill his students. extending themselvsa's tsey had to hash (Continued on page z)