44 THE MICHI1GAN DAILY locking Valley Ry. NUArtTS SFinest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. l0c. E CONIUSiEX LL T Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleabhed per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c S YEkNSRIE~Peanut Brittle per lb. I15c. j__ We buy Peanuts in car Iota of 25,000-lbs. "-" You will find Doing our own roasting, we give better and freaher peanuts - for less money than any house in this vicinity. Four Trains Daily 214South.DEAN & CO. Ann Arbor From Toledo ~~. The distinction that comes from - being a correctly dressed man is yours Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains -by asking for my mark. And that Sleeping Cars on Night Trains does not mean being extravagant-my Union Depotsvin Toledo ;and Co-T S~IPL MOONST NUIL creationis are reasonably priced. llmn N U SePress WAISTCOATS TROUSERS 5. B' CLRK, 2 SEF-FI~iNGPEN ar MACKINETTES" TOP COATS Campus Martius ofII tn ico teinill ii cm ircu 1 Detrot, Mik. 1 iis il einkad tesx"' "a nlyn ' the Reasonably priced at my representatives RealyFills Itself. 1it SeeF ills ri F. J. SCHUH SANITARY; PLUMBING Gisa and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington Si. foceiot iagsai.iThei, 5.ies,11s p cii , oto eienirof 'u ai ei. isi, s a tirlyrchth. in1 andrygiireti'a'iiim stiisisositi' '5 istouli trhe fed h i i n ithrim 'u lene 1y heStn If yordae le o adethe CONNKLIN PEN 514,ii516, 58JefersonAe. ToledoOho r . y l/.1/ark a ~ Judge for yourself by asking BAILY &EDMUNDS Lindenschmxittt Apfel & Co, / 2 iEasstLiberty Street. HASl ENTSHE' epeettv called upon You yet? R AN D A L L Toucpo crfrmhmacuoenilnyotooedzn$.5 Cabine Photon and an exra picture tr use in the Michigan- ensian, all for $300. P H 0 T 0 G R A P H E R I Suits and Overcoatsmme(thiu(nmnr Buy Direct and Save 1To Measure $16.00 t 2.0Comr t"h~U1AL11Jk 1LIii1JIIIJLH Mne. 1820F.Lier from Money. 11-120 E. iberty, 1 I Thes Eiht Pipe Tobaccos Are the Large.st Selling, Most Popular, Highest- Grade Tobaccos in the World Every pipe connoisseur, the world over, knows one or more cf, these tobaccos; and knows that higher quality was never produced. He knows, too, that a good pipe, il I seasoned by and filled with one of LATA K It these tobaccos, i3 better than the best smoke of any H."ioWI other kind. LATAIA Finest i rfi on Nbsia.O 3AS ;i de hevil3o matic, t'ti1oI $, Ltond { :ine f o rosxtures t i ii 4ns. Stins.lK-tneiozi, 30n0, 0o.z.: 60C.5'CO diooland ull.Theaest di'and in Fio n- ~ CU- 3 3.n 5 G GdARRnos-n ICI i nes imn- opn~ns 5 e orted ixtursn Turishen, St' n in vcum ins. JO O zi HE oa~- UNIVERSITY NOTICES. ,Siiisis msssinsrl shoe- ill take' llacs' Mlarchi 281 ndsl21). bandIieissyihomeopaicsmedui-'l il buildling at 7 'clucksi; igh Pesnssldiiing laneulty osr 11 istoissssli re'cital ticketssislis be is dittedlssIfrses i toightils's reisa is1 iIshu song', lbs Earls l~illeesis m seetigsof Is;IPoliticalsISciece.s cishbswill ibe IseldItIis asiirisssi t4 :15, ini Rooti I, Usiesmiiy hall. All of lasi yiser''nIs embr,, s wills toserissli' s; interste eepeilysi.etd oh I:tieso'r ang s i ngui sbstlsitute' for hai'- Istt'ng or ba'imse p lati ssior asub- stihute'isruste psd io iiifoirim, Ibynaill orsi'ispeson~i. somei member of the'a sub stIte Coil mm itte bfreSmd oon S()h\(.S TI'I'l,\T ARE WI IISTt,ED. Iti s said hiliiiatuwig Englanuder.ihi iiiimical cssompos'r' of a Ilargreiiiuilbcr of iAs'rica;'s iii'st isuscce ssful comiiic soicras, iha css vr wr"i ilimore' catchsy melodlies asilsoiigs itihan ini 'A liadcap Prioncess," ill wh ilch SopierBrsisdti iiiilhir cio- pany' sf- sixty sinigirs will lie ieairsdat thir - Ypsilsan ipra houisr, Nlondasy, Masrchi ig. It in thspromsisresifihe iiiaiiageiiieciithaitliritt'salz aid marcis spm, ill aiboiiini. \Vhe i"A Masdraps Princess" was playedl ii lieKnirker- biicker theatire, esYork, the 'allis, "A Dashiog Cavaliher." "Lovely VWo- men," "KiiigsosithelicSea," 'Happy islatnd,"' instother hit swrecpaid- ihe specrial comiilsimeniiiof ai whisiling iccrin- lsuitiriii Iby the lboys. Prof. LUaska-thie Hypnotisit d lug- ic'isii. Ysilatiioperaihuise, Itoight, Friday aind Saturarsy, March i6i and I7. kslsionui0sc ted Soc. Conv'enieiit car j 'srv'ic. i8 'l Tiheispriosr quiality aiidiss'orkrni'ip osf pis fiiriii'shiedlbty Wiliamn Arnold, thicerjeelr, appeas to ithes'particular biiyer. tf tt i'sI ' 'KR EVEN A CHILD CAN SEE larger folks appreciate-the slei- ority of our pork in laundering ae and all elsie that makes Icir ii si's comfort. " It's 0 way we0 I cc," Shirts, collars, cuffs, etc., havs' our best care as to washling. starcliiig, ironing aiid deliverinig-to say isil- iiig of fair pricing. Telephoe. ,928 Varsity Laxzndry 117 S. 4th Avea. Bath Phns 928 1 01)_ii.\;-l( ltss i'lIs's' iiin, 4s1(1il G yousr 'is ii work--potisupeis iih liN l w n est rI snlis 'as is i,r'iioliis Pho'tosi'rsplis's. 72) 7N .'Uiiiii TueNn nerbor Press (formierlyPair- her & Sny der), prsictrs of tI icitigiu D~aiiy, 'lie Al musi , inlander, Ycoons great )look'osiisobacll, itie 'Techniic, S. C. 'N. handblooki,etc., etc., are printrs to the stiudenitibhdsh117 H.NWanhiig" ton street. ti COOK HOUSE Opp-site Court House Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.30 $3.00 firm Cleat and Elevatior All sight.sorrie SUsNAY Dils iA SPECIALTY. a0e Eso'S 'Vansderlip ftea l. Save a Walk Down Town Get your Watches and Jewelry repaire~d at the Right Place Buy your U. of Pl. Pins where they keep a full line at the L o w. Lo set prices. No f S poor stock in our store. 's N oth i ng charged Ifor e lk.'' looking at our goodo or g ett in g prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right place, opptosite Law Buildini. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING S. ROTTENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. GAS STUDY LAM1PS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1.3 Cent per Hour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. _; 15e.; 3 oz., S5n, irgitniaKnts;;; sod co. 13oz, 13C.; 3555 Some one or more of these 2 famous brands will just suit you and your pipe. If not found at your dealer's, sent postpaid. MO0NEY LOANIPD OntitWltihes Diami otds.Jewieits atid ao igh1111ClassChiattieI an ol siteial scurity. W. J. LOVRIM 10 4th Are. Opposite C5ort 1011; Two door'.saout of necwY.1M. C.A. Oretee HOeRo; 8:30 to 11:130; 1toCa 7 to 8-1a. Business Si3ricily Confidentinl J A THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York i 'ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR TIE~ B3EST OF EVERY- THING IN TAIORINI