27 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rockig Valey y. bT P E Finest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. 10Oc. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. tor 25c. TRAIN SERVICE Peanut Brittle per lb. 15Sc. __ We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-tbs.2 Too will find Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts (for less money than any house in this vicinity.4 Four Trains Daily 21 st DEAN & CO. AnicAiban From Toledo The distinction that comes from ,.. being a correctly dressed man is yours -by asking for my mark. And that/ does not mean being extravagant-my/ creations are reasonably priced. Carrying Parlor Cars. on Day Trains I Steeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsein Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E.VCLARK, 32.4 Campus Martius Detroit, Michs. KODAKS INSTRUCTION FREE To all purchasers,-as many lessons as you wsant. ALL THE NEW 1906 KODAKS , Are in stock. Let us show them to you. E. E. CALKINS - Dris ist 320 Sonuth- State Street Something new-a Michigan card. mitl Cooper, 72T N. University. edl SELF-FILLING PEN OarSR A -nall na fivsecos ftiin T hli lotiissl Pane osiththm oidsan othe sm l i I-, tit i- t Pen Rrse 4 niee all) in sor,, It, e ll . 5 t00 hell rtlasts lyIdraw s tit e ni and sitiesiwocinst-is~l gUS 1 CONK HI COFN KLIN EN CO WAISTCOATS TROUSERS "MACKINETTES" TOP COATS Reasonably priced at my representatives i/p .:utoc Judge for yourself by asking Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. HAS.. RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet?) R A N D A LL Too can procure tram him a coupon eatitliang yaa to one dazes $1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use in the M~ichigan- ensian, altor $3.00. P H O T0 G R A P H E R Expert Jewelry ad Watch Repairs. Arnolds Jeswelry Store. __ UNIVERSITY NOTICES. liildreth s genutinr velvetlkisses at_________________________ Mfichigan pins, fobs and spoons. HALLER'S JtwniLsvSTOsr. Main St. Fuller & OConinor. ti These Eight Pipe Tobaccos Are the Largest Selling, Most Popular, Highest- Grade Tobaccos in the World Every pipe connoisseur, the world over, knows one or more cf these tobaccos; and knows that higher quality was never produced. He knows, too, that a good pipe, seasoned by and filled with one of LAA~ these tobaccos, is better than the c ; best smoke of any y, H.o, 4.other kitnd. LATAKIA -Fiest . .~~'tc . I SO.; ,3 O Oc. CAPSTA-Mid, me- asttt navytpluacut thSee ist ts heavt, ct - duandtt mild-int u m ins. s. . 5c.; 1OsEsiA UBE0'' S5yno. 450. GARICK-Finest imn- t !I ( tI(ts tu sstn C'hpr Pei tsl istens still mttt Thus lyt 5ip. m., i som 1i, loss ImIi i il t for thep roe o ra isin lalt-.IPtailub . C itittit ii The (lticfthecslior 11111 30lass dacei- day Mairctit16,\aV it)firstippered it-Iprt bime tiit of Sl Cmat--clubs tail itticiciat ttn'c c, OMly3silt-ncwcll- jis-ngs.heiCamraitlubic 11115 tbeS titei- -eeite nam tof theoftheircass-i ttictit itadienia-thtreeaed. eme tercsotintracticcur ititgoi-itsect thet-i . tili iis-po al o that li-t in 22 t t m$u w -itlt girli-liteiiunliss omuethings vrtyiiusua hippe$s.sNeedltsscoitsayre teoh r l li t-i h()stilthav-tl sit i nii practice illutie 111110 crsiil thearsimi tl ie it-hen i-thei tcase. rar- aple . is i'rtiiotrtritucs istinitg btweeni \lac-lktittCo.yndthesioit 15ss iiave ibelics.edutitrily te tot111sfrom Is.5 35. $1ti fo wintlg-totitcii-mmuedaeen- anLfoT $1.2 ttc$t o oilyscoiltei- uwlit hilt. l-seuCuc tetat \Vcs tis aGreiegrendeto al hre Fltiser is-theurioriypCrcvidestet oresare tbfr Arl1 hs - ~ -~ larger tiolks apprecitte-the5stpt i- 5 r a t i - orily of our puonk in laiuntderintg Iiso ii - ~ and all else Sthaltlmakes for naOs - - t cotmfort. "It's a way n-e have." 1 ~ Shutts, collars, cttffs, etc., lhave iii test earn as to washitng. starneitg, ZNq ironting and dleliverntg-to say 11111 luig lit fair pricing. Telephnen, 92$ I L i ' V2+ .rsity L2 .tndry y- l 17 8.4t1 Ave. . 1 h XPhormag9281 BRIsNGYViUitUNFRoAMitDPit---HMlS sT DITRI[S ARiT STOREI aindlitave thuemframedt wsith Cliics Mollditlet Only the Best French C las3 is Used. 1223 S. Main St. i ;III I YAsE 5MIXTR-S- ~ e ~-~ vrpoua miturlei- 0s©s64R0 Havan, Perique,Turtis, and tfinet Virini~ia selec- tsooCO- vaum tn . 11 to., finstiriniatcgolileaf anot lbj; 5z. 40C. .wth HmnTushS THE STATE -A one or more of these 0' 25C- COOK HOUSE Oppuostie mirt inuse Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.30 -$3.00 Steam Bteat and Eleviatore All nigti service SUNDAY INNastioA SPECesAiLss aseEach Vainaderllp (a% Gat. Save a Walk Down lowil Get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy your U. of f1. Pins where they keep a full line at the Luo we st~ prices. No P.~~ poor stock. in ourostore. N o-s t Nothn g charged for .h lbooking at our goods or guet t ing prieso on repairs, etc. Alariu clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right plane. opposite Law Building. BILLIARDS AND BOWLING S. ROTrIENSTEIN. 707 N. Univ. Ave. IBALEY & EDMUNDS 121 Eaot Liberty Street- GAS STUDY $250Each 100 Candle Power for 1=3 Cent per Hour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS coo MONEY [OAN[D iOitWatities Oiiitas eets and all Hilh Class ChattelI and Ciii ateral secritiy. Wn J. LOURIM 104 4th A-re. Oppit ourtoniuse Two doors sothlof new Y. M.C.A. OrpicmHOURSo,8:30 to 11:30; 1 to1 7 to 5-15. Business Strictly Confidential F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. P. SCHUH, 207 E., Washington St. Somec famous brands will just suit you and your pipe. If not found at your dealer's, sent postpaid. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR T ME BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING