THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. eBi $ I he ollege 1ear, at117 lu \'as 1911016 1 ste. 1Be11 p1hone1 892. lb 665 phnel76. LEADINGManaging Editor, CLYDE L.. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS Atleic........a.nce1. Oslsrisy WExchn's........alsE. WinsAeadl' a er of Men's Clothes. iorsAOAE Allthe iatest London styles 111191Allel Franklinl C. Palks and fabrics for any and all Arthur5 C. Poun~d. F" Gorge A. 0s 111.14 ldC.Smoitih 'm ' eriN. Sm~ith lGeorlge ..Ilane cIRobert 11. Clansy Frank J. Clark rIJFULDREfSS p SUITS\'~iMssb~' A SPECIALTY o V. 1,11 'loyd 11.Joe (6RATES: $2.50 per yea', o $.00if1pad is State;fit Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business III1S.Sae t Manager. 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L Arima Arbor, Mich. 99llK7l ' 1 .C I I ]A, 1 )oO. i c -ity b ll a d a iowe ituiasm o rt l the " m ontets? Surely 9l ichiga. iiiWtng ,-mi o Jo irilt. flich- 1 (,eat rr trs m! d bate, w ich oilier i li m r iN n o i. iinerc lleiiate]ii d< h~tt ; rmi~ t 'e n iiieii'r iii '164. \it ul l Ali i t lile i'tiiiuioiii is P. 106111. lnlltlis: illi e faiei'oiP ile fici tha Mlichiiganthas. haldImore elihiipiiii 'rllfe'.o 1 . 1hd 1f3heQ cr delllll'lllel ii ll11'Pr ineo u - -i. that tIshe' limti lltc ' he r .) >>(i abi11ltie I''p i A ,in mi e. I liil 'uled tlie11 r' 111t< i ic s h il- ctic thc rti e,1gm~e'. The 1. e'. 61166 lPllie'.lr fiapie Ia lucid 11111 I.Ileli all1a L :it)](, ne".lect be <,ttcn '111mediumIl forI. out'i all atraton1 olowdbyvudvil6at are nstiied n tinkig tht U iverity TheWiy o (rautsCho9111 'and1 eli ill 111111. 1Yot 'wth ll the < aao w~l at ts cmman. Wewou' but 1is 1thellcoacih SWl t 11111 e th sceeo hislhubt and1reatestvictor T lle 11ll l ''1prgram 1\\ill 11 given l" ole' .61%. cOC t'iir.'riiicker This1'. 111111 ll' i held1an1 hour' eri er To II; NORIRD I111 '\. BX FIRST BASEMAN'S MITT 9 It a 1t111 b il ll 111tac 11111 iiF I I I the I I I hllt l In lher 111 d ii firrd1 () 1111111. tt11111111 116111 11111 11>>; 1 111i1) ' tii a i. wil t: I 111 - I '~i 11 al iic.'111 ' l 61 1 11 PRICE $4.00 Other at $2(.00, ,1.50 anad$1110. rh iok. fore 'That's Never Unadersold ((( . . t ' 6 A 'I ;Jpo" oi f t laksvlle111111 1111111111ited St1t- 111 Il 11c lr ie tC 1 lilb l 11111 Iliitt6 17 tcach1t 1 1c1 c1 l. n1t111 1 'h 11 11 1111 li11\Wil1ak11111 it ~t tKc. S.11 rani, 6111 611 atd it 'If. whil on fte lac to 1as 11111 Ilwhrchel v Oil the 1 ak1111 :t111 ' 1.1h lll'l'l eit tmg t ()11 11I. 1., i' )tll 1t1 111 l\' El2 61 SINl' tl 1c tI'll 61't I(I o uk 1 1411 11 11 11 . It1', l l 1 1606 111tr 11\ ,;otl11111'. to1111t1o1 l 15c each; 2 for 25c 11"1Clu ett, Peabody ( 1 Co. (1). , a nttill FUNEA i oie~t 0 pt ~flDIRCTOR Liit scar 111116 le'llfu i 'ntildel ml') \:1L) PI \\ .1.'\ N team_______________up___to_ 6166 dison.6i.\\'16'lofli 911I 1 TION T61ill," RI IRIO) J1 ratc ti illn a61116 natper-11n 6~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rwe toe9Tlb IIeoulis I i s i6l.1l h iloers'.61't91eemsbill, the f116111161 1111nest 6l6.6 1111' 99 eeli ht't e i amI onds'Iry ruothireid ort'i'66eos 'ittis ilear111'Mich'iganl shoud111 161igS 14ave 11n1o 1111't'n te iir o n e llut'ai~. ri9902.1 ~e I~anono 'il fu l n r. 16irlillei3, Mfiicit i l9611 06 11 l ac1count1611of iille'iediIroulillteso Irgisi atche~ls. Daod P ' M.6Ml Iriulrl l've'nlim,0of next1 iie'e'h 'nd11 111' '.166061 111161 11 16611 'ia allengtedth le for- JOSEPH C. WATTS a'h9e1i66161116111 .he1day'flte16lot.1alulloieand iti rbal1h. hegm i 11'1-() Leelr 2lraiii (If the' liner''Icai 1c. ha '6 1n ch1101 to1 t 96691611 elelieit 1161 u'111l e1nter' 6116166h111 61 in 7'i'uitl'i'. 99rd, ci 1ia 11rlt t0 166 1'._'9 . 4 6161 e, ' 116-1119 71 A2; BULAPCPO 05 CALL Jui i. cur ice 1 a11616 161'r ,166llii fllre (iii'. cl the JewlerI appe616161' 9911ii .96111111., o i .11. 116'llllt 1F 59, ic 71) 1 I If yto lt664'6'K y 1 1 j ,; ,., i ' of 8.'a. A. Tickets About 201 Reserv ed Seat Tickets, good for the remain- ing numbers of the Coarse, will be offered for sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 9 a. in., at S. L. A. office, University Hall. The price will be $2.00, Iricludi nig Reserve The price of seats (unreserved) for Sousa's Band is $1.00, and there is always an insatiable demand for seats on that occasion. Those who purchase the course tickets on Saturday, may have them reserved for the Sousa Concert as well as for the remaining five num- bers, including Frederick Warde, on March 12. Rum to Zhe Co.' p. Mat-ch Sale Ends Satxurday Ouzr Stock Has Been Greatly Redizeed If' you desire to taken advantage of otte limtited 1su9111y' vote imust call ',t once. Special redttctions on the following gilds All Underwear.----------------- Discounted 25 per cent Banners, all szs-- S to $1.25 Neckwear, High (irade- -......35c, three for $1.00 Night Robes an' Pajamas ------Discounted 25 per cent Handkerchiefs, regular 1 -c.-..- - -Three for 25c We have also a supply of Toilet Articles-Hair Brushes, Imported Rubber Combs, Shaving Brushes, and Tooth Brushes, which we are offering to everybody during This Week only at Co=Op. Prices. Che CoOMWp ANNARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. TceAmtsLea.veAnnu Arbo.- Goeinlg Nlorth91:6)ia. m1. catdl4:35p. itt. (,x Oing South1"r '?0 a. mi anOld 7:51p. M. .1.. 16111119', VV. 'T. NV I LS, Gxeil 1Pa6s. Agent, Ageut, 61ItledlII Oi'6 AnlnXttArb m- Mich Bl phone1131.11 6 1 Home61616ile s5668 Chicago Buttalo Boston New York Throath 'rains tast--b.18a.i., 240 .1m., Locals Ft-l6.05 .i9., *11.10a. it.,.0p't. Throuth Trains West -l.07a 6m~,, 9.18 a. 66.. 33 . 1n. .10.21? . in. Locals West-:?'u a. ni., .4'a.tit.,.40Itp. *fi-10 psI. Casonne'p tins telicgo frS. oi W. W. CAStE, Atent, Ann Arbor ALE OPENS 9 A. M., MARCH 10 3. L. A. Office, 9 University He'll 6 o -s. I r D)ouglas Shoes WA H DI,=The Sho218 pSso. Main St. Gym Shoes I1iI