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March 14, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-14

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The Michigan 9 1
ANN ARBOR, MICHiIGAN,\ \\ 'i)\l 'I):ST,-\ A R \d(II r4, r()0()


c I, E Vs.

Record=Breakinlg Crowd Expected for
Indiana Meet-Four=Mile Relay
Team to Be Picked April 21.
The reserved seat sale for the Itndiana
imeet wil begin this afternoon at 1 :30
at D irector Baird's office. As with tite
exettionof teVtisconsitn meet onet
~t k 1 ula ttis will he the only chatnct
tosethtvarsity ieamitin cotopettiton
agist anotsitletetnt thes year, hotht
te Chieca0gotidual n oferene meets
beingsititdudto ethelitn ttChicago,
ittstecedl tittthe eapaity of \Vatet-
Inngy ilhe crowdedsletiet: Satttrdiy
itsetteiswio niabettpstheiitttdoor
iea ittok 'a lestdssork~outyestetrday
ateteit -Monittsi ynloatfitgspell. Whiett
CaptaitiRineytsustrsvesyedhis ihand of
follosersialirece'lintg thte"itlftilttets
it)" esa'itthtitbestides -Mcuinneys~
reguslatrs8'o-sit iintthie tad ntatrlisall
te statridistancettett iniscitool.Rows.
itsoiletrt ittil ootdwi Sehetnk anti
suit ld el lnics tin"bstt i"itt a use-laps
Sesiigthe cotndttitinafiswr n
slowe. aildit ts ilie statrteidottlie tore
Off teitrst lap i t3 ad fitnishtedithe
lire latsin 1I.'4Aitte cotnelttsiott of
lie 'itacticsesseteral of ite stairs.,withi
tongue tihangin isout, retmarkeid that
hemnsefistthlileni-itotildistieck ts their oswn
lng' liiithe pretsentantttititil aftert'hie
imeeit'Saitutrdayle still work out eaech
slay' isithi Coetisnninatgnimte. Pssi-
ii iii iorklist Satrdias' nightldiss-
lroves ite escmtttsm theiity that outtsdoiot
Work shutwsiaitiittforiitdtoosirrtttttttg.
"Ami tseoffiscial rttbbetwsvt l
lie gym itersayisforthie litrst itiaei thts
tpringittideasit tight the svarsitt alt
setesstill le ien~e a rtib-dossnt a luxury
slieiihtnt not treceitsed thits year.
ifipresetinmdicatiotncatitkena' s
rtiitnt hitfou-ie teiatmt which
till reptresentt iilgainat iPhiiladetphia
this sptring swi libe iassordd-beatet. I lie
"ilites twillibe htelcitisyar ApXril 2t1tte

Coach Yost Becomes a Benedict. !MONSTER MINSTREL SHOW
liii\ I \l \ n .1 s lii' Miciga Unon Behind Project

II. N. N(, i m h . ) hCt'
th liii liii iii c lla i>>th 111stil c ti
iii s, tiq ns'x'sih n()- t ]
Lih e l iii s sill '' s il t~l
is()1c t i55n Sisi ii -4111 ll iii'ar' e rc~l
\itm rc~ l~lirn iclbn cfusl ill ti
sl i~ till e lit' cd

-turk Already Began Com-~
nmittees Appointed.
1"()- te hlicit ~f helisligani C iii
:to III 555,15 111Im l istr lsh'o 'sissi titli-
s's t rti'iiiii' 1 i ll ''' e tis st t isj
ersit hall(m t\-(w vc~m s lite irst
~c l<li \a~. \\()-k (m tis maii oths
1111111: iiiii in 55 ii h y i l ls isis
1'!e etliiI~e s ip I i s ill sare ino
CI-()t- to 1>>;lce it 1 li elie t t ii i lit

[ ,

All Arrangements Made For Biggest
Oratorical Event of the Year-
Outcome Doubtful. t

1nitttl y eesiing et '' rrv 'I' isoane sgnIt hes o
Isis tieilit" i N nt ssisssi ist sit wa55 s til ii isi t tost ihigans.si bst
'if stse ittisiits. 1sIici itwats maul'edeis'toi
Mis fuis siatNnilto issisandisrs leip ng- CoiahtDanssti un solsine
I,.t ssIs I;.F t,-f N shilleiis5Lien t s Ir,. u 1 anderislts' nsa vesity lis t b l
'stDfan tsi sii Mc n i iif e rit,'ws si tene-I n nit 5 iiThe ima iage f s thisc
ritti ofihonoi ,Whilesas Dia ils's' "5 til 5as i unii iio 555555es iis fthen bisde iatdded
oni sf te rbb herrgstillsiito sli ialtouh ifietnsres i ili andLiidet
as hits bhserssn i's Istimars. ' uisssi'' thie' snssty pgin tiers'a sile
Ftollowisinggthts' set tuthereiis was an5I setsim t's'vasity'otblsl teaim
r'ecepitiot, itch it 9:30 io'scsiscisth ri dei and5tus aIsiler thiter sromt he groom''isst
anasigroom ltftfist Tssirida ad t ush (ilts is it i islis te 55,i555(Chi.
toes ha i s ev'is lstem ises. lilte iirsrlists is'itheir ire issisfr sithes ei ng'hsi
tutu this's sill '"is ohis 'si sit i i toit ip us \hs 1't sis I isis bies' sill se'tile
vsit "Yoit 'sfaiti'ly ioe.tits is t oi t


Th itsi 'teenth a l sisoatoial al
55nistwill ishe lhld is-xi Fr5iay cu'i n'''
i ' i ll' ty hiatl. llsnit' Ow' a spice
O eln M a . lie5ilal so'i 55 iii Ci
elan w sill geitfiltsyshillarsill old Th
ctit in iim tt hisitd Sttes. 'i i ii 55
Sntorihasits . ut Sis cvRe
Statseoi ue, f[tnkit snil
liii ittof t 's us i~iti. ii l r iIm
N's hsp I ti tus slu hes ujcsae s
folow : s T's' lis its itso \c\4 'sapisi
sits te~ryI ts odrni coniast, A
iine (mutsI?. I s Sily r;ls iti sill elIii i
or sitfthe is e ar asflo :
is. 5S.Iui itsh siltrsn snOil seno
ltcaswahoin 188.1_ nearsKok
japa.swsheres hisreceivedsihis igh -"chii
prepartin.15 etre5he55(rst
it ths till o g? i o h m r
tyear lit tittutteondtinthiiclaslsn
tsandihlis juniori year' s econdtuuIin till
varsity isiso 'ss'Fo l asttw yar
ite lis t kn lcue tur treo
fouts'ousandt tilsh each55and ap5555arid
upo Ilto ushdred ihfuils sltsuits la t-
fior . m us isl us'' Chiasll ttu trNiwus V ii
,IntiFsil hallhhinithe'sWorl"nhF'iri''t
Si. iLim.
A'islbert 1). tPercet repard at Pent
wa'ste'r. W :Nil rd a dIsi u si
its (fill ofITlS t3 Ixsilthe pis ssssss Vcs h-
s1te' teamll ini ths uiversli ity5 tip desi t e i
ini in-t i'a. 1 Isits il ii 5.5lisey d part-
'titi tiin 51554 itil tta c 1minedsit-la«his
couris'. Alterntie stn ''sIists sirlts easms
istoy andtsh o sths Cesntra ii ctem
uituuiu.ls'iiih sum fsiT'Iosts tes'Wil
FilydA.hiDeahl prparedss iat ssiss's
Intl.. sigh sh o.I h i i th sschoo ch
Wonti Iis sts'tshistscolcotsan
aloth'essco nist hd at Rn k us'Ciit'. open'l
his schosuu of' it shimsis Msihissan, (lii
a d Ilin is. l'iss ''' imaus'slar

I ti

in ca~cts s c't e hitissin t tis th
i ; ~ s. f he[trc~s o ce his e iitoua
it>>>s i act in te club lhuse hits
my or to supply''ng s~uchasunduu ita
he im dretos li uon this plani
)f a ninsrel hoe'.;su s a ipodscioni
ril Am tl ss lac iian im n s u cess u
'555555o es hese hi~rs arcsintlsy
)lg n ii usslilsu el s toi il dis f
lo st ca ilCP' illc cfii c rig ofi his in --t'l
his' Mm itihe mist' el's' ht , i i

isast ii'ay oif spritnvacaton.trecordi of 18:2,;y3my shousduhbut'shattused.usohilts ceit ilhitusthisarsissIwuscIsisris
hKttieI'Fizp'airickshiss dmitdeminsstg VWihithe conimmionlstiaslte sieres hut su~tstrp" quars i' tilt" sitanitn-
to time ahbundatics of good imaterital, thai er h l eodwsboe ttetraii)rptto sesml ly
eserusma ens' cm hueitetmers of hashtawr ieodof rs'eese3-5t.1ha1gsupbisa5lt tils pariecllence. Thsilseipsumsgrssie fitr
-eami's5isamitt still tavto rs utuinithe try- Rosse finisnhetdthus lutst intils of a tonI igihittit'snet'is an fnlws
outsian uswittlsaplasetime samme as liegrelnra.QuttIlGmtoUp18N.
JM it et.tu Ati this hegining if the .e...g.sts hi sit u I us t se lu a
yerit wa s thmuight thsat itswomuldh be --_________ ~its
muncesay to hiaincRoswe, Ramune'aldINEISEL Q roUARTET 'slts's ii: 115o55 al(.l Schro(algo
Coctie irs cth tim eamtinuasnmuchi as it TO PLAY'TONIGHT t ii)'sda i I issu1ahcummiim . Vise/sc
wa'ss thoutitgthulemirsworiklast year shuouldsi( i 'mllsnullsnls lls ioltuhin alone.)
ettn tietem toa a plice ommiielimetmodteam.11rF azhnisl
Tim ew mastiu havetbsetshsiowing up Interesting Program to be (iiven byIu11 ' isi
nuteruit" Gn inrsell tha t Director Fitzpatrickbfinally Noted Players - Last Choral Union (a
casmets time conusinuatihat it swouldshbe Concert Before May Festival. (hii 'selstiiftr'imiItussrteitle in 1)
iunfair to theim if thattomnlyswere tiade Allg 1 ' kit/h' to
to ru miiimmhsstrsysutsfor the sue vacant 'the hfial Chourail CtUioncne eoe 'ssssn iiodirto, aslaht"'tiitiiiu let'
thaee mittthis isesmm.IDuhlhooks ike a time itty' Festiv'alhtaksesplisce ltnipht1'll .
suitntestamit.'i s ehums shown tgreat im- wen mthe Kiaim'ss' t rin tstai'ltet still 'i
psrovseumentuotterIsisslst sear's sw'ork. offer site ilfte mosst tutmenistin"po
'hss'only racssiehatis 'ran ithis year grsainsiheasrdieetl ea.Tefe
iteneit thisptreliminaraundmimIfresht-sophi qumentvsillsto 'nsni lists us tils famou 11Ni CNNI I N C IIICANt h I shiI,
mmeesm insulitchi he st-mithlimuile and organuizamst ti itsha s'e tcteatedhr'a deep 11hI.1) ANNC'AL,
tutu l alts materesectivelhy. BHe has appreciaionm of tile strnit' retan
bmeeni ruumningnall stutter wtha Maloney, titmy' le cdtubtted itfsiny contsest oiffeed OlniiI ilts ening of 5thisxut-eel' i ci-
msh thsetwtnso men unot oniy stride lprat- this seausous lisshues-sm anticipated itIIusilt 50455s "C hussetel who -see 1octed tsithn
ticalv is'lkehut on pant form seem to great plseasurneas mihatischedushutdiforunto- huts S Chican"uswill hiold sthusruansuit l
hue abo'iut eqllyigod. McKinnuey, 1tc, night. 1 tutu uet usinsthat city. Pessiseh nt sgell
imymaks good intshss mile. Nitmiethe Frasnz Kue iel. this'orga'nizesrs'a'dtush hutNsIll St tush thisFutlionis ndshit is en-
haluf is hitsusgular distance and hue has ector' oflthis'rgngmizationibea1ing--u-us ettedithi t i SI'russ u>t as- ill hue
never baen usstd inithe nile, his strong naume, stansintsthes (itremuossi t rakio peiii
huhid should maketutu a valmuable oatnusiciamns itsAmeicnla. hitforensithus'
in te lounger distantce. ansi extracut iiRumaiis Illslitis'NshVCI s5h
tOn a mudytrt ack anduncer admverse land),lit hias enjyed l iitue isisa
sesather conditiuns~,the thsree mnsof Iagen of tse mmusiscalitraintt is f shredsy 'ss\ii itit I ii t sui hit toInvise i sutun-
tush year's leamn still in school, ranit Europe's leaing sit cetrus ti iss litnde the ayinihis 1)y 5 iiut 11555swholillsci
thus rauce mt Philadlpihia hut the (tollow- insruti t f Cmriis 'mithIlh-ues t's' gehluhanta t theisis IslsuiltsTh
in=, time : Rowsse, 4:34 25; Ranmey',Sir. Knisel sam sootgisne ecognssitinas disiplesutf I h'iesussshe i''s'msudhue
4:38 4-5, anid Ccae, 4:39 .t-5".;e-ry oune asiaoliunst mf ucommon pat s, islring tiCerice hofI' te ssos s li' is' hiimtahssr.
of these' umeun seeussto have improvedsucsisely as conucemrtmisunter ositihe ii sithi ut tusd hoiiuimpnisononts g te
this y aand withi Malonsey',Dull or H'ofbitrg theattesorchestrn-usfsVuesushis Clhasstsiiueoseunes
- icintuey' runnming eveti no faster titan Bulse's orcesstra sithutrlin, smithofithtsfIsosits 'sitiusisKesnr isk, Prestn, Vales
4:37 tnder good conditions, the world's Boston Symphomnymorchestra. tit us ollshuoiothsilers

tiIll hie hitlul in teShi n i niisu un s in uis
ver"sillsha l ti c gAit"AMhi Eors
'seuliai on h lmingiiis'i it 5 i
is is 'sti W ltr i li , W ,B
iWt)e lus C 1, ets,Jtohn Nets
uS. cr m'i -uii usi C. 1,.st:ssuss's . 1. hi-i
is-li, Aiu tsg usit sus Smit ; uan'ssci'', N'P .'s.u101
sit1 NCl)m I h'h' Nim" sil' tillp's :i
Junio ]its were u i lut'si wsest
st-i lusssHn ml PieStn esssu s th N mth
C'lul's S yl I ." sit the sto iichi
its's' hn r n <rt y isnutsCeit lsnI
hish slt ii inethre Shnsnt ihgn
conv ning the lass t'l h is tti liii'
aisubr i 's is ithlthe ins '1lusius(0s17"
inw is hecls deied 'Tuiuisity iof

Ship atlisp111ith tush
nuitsy I lutis, t atlt cttius nitsii Nuiuehis
soesm tysi ehbstislast ysarm anish e is ouh--
uit'hi'tttttss in51 tih n u lo atrclc
Cest iltsI0?;s ttlui th 1n Ici tutu )C l[us hiZ\ fZtFls I uts .
h le }?.iutt5~ti 1) iii yr,'sutithvifo ii i is i ll "us I "us inn- s e r
itsdthis-hsstsosspokhisn th is' huuMar work -with ish-us situ i lt ' Norma'stl
contt at M ic'shiigin 1i005o. utken ill). i suilets hss slsateril ottusoi
J. Ws'. Del~ruyns euteredh IIIIthtititiftutu sirrttuseminuspiiet sueteetty' ('infon
Hope college. a itrngupNormual team.

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