THlE MICHIGANi DAILY FILAT MEN ATTENTION! ~:,,. ,.,..>+. .Qr rr~*I+ "+ +d4+oc. ~" FINE LUNCHES (,)I 4o000 t 4, '44feu ('I4tr 04 in 4must be Sth ee+ )f I11 -0 I 1,4)4141 '[area tt S [or';, 03 I [dy tetr(, .nohr (., New Spring Suits and Top Coats ;(or:, ..0 4454I~36 a new Pt tt^ 0t(44z4fo' ( l c or' for t. , t 4,,, l if inter- II , " nl(- . J.iALLE'f 0 , lR. E. JOLLY. Stte St. CapsBrbrSo+ We take pleasure in announcing the opening display et~ ie Campus Barber Shop ~ of the New Spring Fashions in Men's and Young MensOi eta ae p.A O.75N n'est v ~Clothes. The showing embodies the very correct designs'IRTLIE-1lOAMO,75N n estAvSinutToCasadRinotsnthnwwae, "__________i utTpCasadRi ot ntenwwae, ,. ~ TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Thelorings and effects. From the very ultra models to thePalrCsonllTis TeAnn Arbor Savings Bank = alrCr nalTan (,,,ita stck.;to 000 ,urlastio~ro '. quiet, conservative designs there is nothing lacking to meet isorr$2,'000 . every taste and fancy and to fit every figure. f,-o BARBER SHOP A Gieneral Banking Baainess Trnsacted tXrTrojonowas. Iki Statee St. r ___ 1,__________Sping Suits and Top Coats $10.00 to $25.00a howsi MtS. dry, 1 , l~fB'1\l[I SSPALDN'S Rov' an ~ . Sreletions made now will be reservd till you are ready for thm m. . . - -..a IhasoeProprietor...............................-.-------------- ........ . .-.._+r..."... .. . AIII 326 N, Fifth Are. r, '+<- '' ALMANAC Noo 400 407 tol 114444 137L I ~ ij ~ FOR 1906 THB [RMR AND MECHANICS BANK ~ediedb gme . StLLA MAIN AND HURON STREETS . PRICE 10 CENTS CaiasotSrta n rft,5000A. G. SPALDING (51 BR.OS. porsit,04 (n400 Depo00tioxean sorut ,\ ga A \ \ SF IK\ C(.01113010 RO M'ANiC. Watch, jrwelry and yr glas> r[pair Ft, l"i R4 1 4'. Oo u [1. Ktaslr I' wCrro ( V.4.'nroNS.Vio-tros. . ,3\ Ok 1::T (,1 1 3 ('4 0011'l'"1'rig by skilled workmen. 44t ooc 4 44I j1 }Vsti l., F'. H. BOaib.oaCash. U. A. 4Vt~n4s oAss. Anohercolegerg 014orn 141(4104 IIAL.441S Jr0v441,Y S50440;, M;In0144 n heansburr('OanOlon .. ig 3144 uo f 4h h 4nest i '' 144t ova-44te, 144the o unceme440044n 441thrrengag- - -- --i 0i44treUt440dr'" La140a I'o [ I [140e ta100.4 '11140 li4 fratrrnty, a444141 0 -,[4t 4 414444 n Al'.t Much'.4 4(4 1444144444 144 niht l 4ss. \ roto i lt114'Pi 1BetaPhisooi ty444143'. r 1444' u11444> .444t1 44441 C0:'444I4)4f4 4444444 :444I444I M1ANN'S D RU.G STIORl < cniey.Si444444 -oci 4tn0da,(her- Vste 44y oring Mrl. Jne a lw ev esfrJc10''41. 1'[0('44'4'14" 14 . 31.ay['( . , hoa[r03 l((444 to44 0 o 4. 4 213 S. Main St. ligan alomalit 40hno.0c srrie,1.o444a[11end1ing on4440 of 141s at Ye'Su4141044Sh'p.ol .4 11 33'oal~rieo~al~in~at~ nt(lt"Illt ly(,r nr,,4 of44o44444 444l,s 4 o eceive 44n1ne 044140for hmself11st1404. F t [p;1., G ra n d O era 4e414414441ollk 44ili1dandl4a1d('4nc. 1144114of the(y0444g7prople ___________________ Y y '.4004001r1,al04lp ar. Socos rfciycice. '1140college rewelers. __sI Victor o snRorrds , 141(4((144 SCH-AEB3ERLE & SON <04(44(4ic 4 4441 314(4441444lco lt;IN FERRV 1.E1."l'VRII 1 14 W. Liberrty Si. ANN ARBOR 3 (04 ( 4444444 Emvoch Dieter'le l .l14444.4I . PaonofI 1>4 110041The'ological Sein- Embalmer and Funeral IDirector The( imt4 4ay 4444(a444444 4(f1all444ar4. when04li10 410110004d4141'l101t441 111 Aasbalance -Calls at' eaded day or night. e r e the h4'est made' 44'444>4If vou11 044are' no4t particular4 go to 3444' 3.Mou(ton.,4of Chicago44un4ivers'ity, Aproiil for[te44~e4444'. ("[44e0w144cli '[44(4'444' J. L. Chapman, 20)6 S. Main St. c4444'(4to o.e[a1'er& C(4,IHening1l4-t block__________________(41. eo41 41 lTre4An1 Arbor Press (formerly Par- - -- ke & Snyder), p~rintlers of the Michigan (444kRI N ' 1" 0For444 4444a 1444441 Daily, The Alhbnntbo, Inlander, Yost's J ilk, I, t 1444 4 4434, (44047'b(4ic41r4444144444 w4411(I 00441 bo0k 044football, the 'rechnic, S. H o u ch ri 1 1 1 [44'.pleasantly. siuated1 .444i-1 1.A. lhandbook, etc.. rtc., are printers I 4 44 1o3A1-,(tothle student lbody 117 EX Washing- At TsuttI.'s, 338 S. Stace (tt4.iftlon street. tf Establishled 1858. 334j(j4(44 'Arnol(d, he (044 '(00, 0044110gotten1 ou0 som041 e' and A tractiv desigr il14414744'.f< .an s.otivenirs., posessig 1mre tan4te o tinaa rt44'[itc ert. 'Il(4 unfo m 4'4'11'444' of4 4444'1.44[34[o(44[ an[d441 (4 4 4 144 deta4il sh(44)44(41 l to( alt40 41 plating specal4 oder441k 444i Ie0414(0 tc3. joc3S 4444141re. 44i(f Satisfactoryot1i4o(i4g4440 34 -;facto44 4n price'.. Fllter & (3O'onnor. 4441(Wi33 lianl s10001. tf Try Phlps14' Pefcr'tion c[oco [(((f4s and chtips at CushIing's 1pharmacy[0. Glasses repaired[. ryes carefully 011041d44and1tested. GE1ORGE, IIAI.1E147.Pla4. St. F I i LA i 4 tf 7 IItV i ci ! 4 e 4 4zz rc tr i o(c ~ FLAT CLASP GARTERS AA \ i,°'.77 Or Dealers > ' yMi piner. ' n4r G. 1 a V ll 4 0 03 J 0 G) 7) -V-V-M-w A b.,A I.-A A A A - A - A A -,A A b- A A A biLi: HALF-.TO0N ES and Lits ! Medics !IHomoeops ! Dents ! and Pharmics ! Z IN C E T C H I N G S If you wane a copy of year large CLASS PICTURE. you will confer a favor Lower in Price rKTC M rRTS R E Better in Quality " I S O E F R T S R E Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block Phome ,Mich. 895-JALX N E '& C OH nxg tK WEAZTNELWER UNDIRSOIJ%---GOOD "IAR'"SDRUG STOELh