The Michigan ,Daily
vrOL- XVI.
No. z113.
GREATEST MEET IN YEARS' Roh'e-Coe Race the Feature of Tonight 's Track Jreet MICHIGAN UNION
Annual Varsity Meet Eixpected to be ______ Subscription Blanks and Booklets
Phenomenal-Coe, Dunlap and Th1e prmi1e long distnce rners1188 of tie west1 ieet I oligi ila 1 8081118 Are Now Being Circulated
(arrels in Shot Put. tln lgglefoir8superioity. 11n1888est iiteni t l oigt'st1111ace 8118be twee lC e a11dAmong Alumni.
_________ 1~~~~~Re e.1 c 8 ides,11 h8ying11biy all ods ltietr lattc t ill "f thill 1181 'Iliy ililgl 110,
tit118t1ie1ct,11tie88811 t~ 8 181tislace w811ill linoledt) e he motclsey1 etile 111081 810il811 8(11118818an i 111 l after1allowin
un ht i l 'aiertnt yugt'l iunl1 thll^llvetill held in 11th1e 88es tt 8Iiya B t 1m181are1 itttie1pik of condlitionlill118 tlliiiilandil itettiit
it881 181 1 l i osikli ht 1 t vst y i8nd1o101reecd oif 419 twii 118u o11111 111 Act811111h11mpt~nofth n moia
i r io II re188n;8t118Weer11' (('111is 11-8, .: ..1qests for .uh ciliptilt 0 1Along
'8 8 . . . tll t 8111t't811l1 I'll tie temi wtichi 1881tsIdiiana 118x1 Stt&Iti'll'(w i liClle x ttslttt'Of111it1jti'ii 81t tiib itnk 1118 tittltet
pt it' i 8 imp ibeIit111re1111i 11ct 8 1inI i adivtta111cec eiwhici1h8 11111ovetrsili 8everi}i s8ide 11111111of tittheig 118 entireif it
188811it 881h 81ttu s l t hts rae wilrerset tile 8ri1t lt litudy tiluettescetiot, 8c81111111 relaion 1180h
lie tit] i t eoltan count.rbalantidiWi the ('mileis tee 13 tr d icl p aio g ,8018 ie8eve 8t )8 88ee e 181many1 8 it 1118 t ii8wh1oi (8
b thtetfct t haii ii tit X it o nthe1111 vent118 it11 1thtl l it' ll e rdrefd8111 11 helii li Iin t ont; 1 r1 1e81 it 1 1 1 e 1lyi
s11 tll8 81 111 111 '(t 111 i I'ict i i ng w as recet i ve1118' tithile a s et 11 i n 190 e 18011tle 111C 111e 11h i lts ho l r 11 bj c s, a d h t h p o
te ai ty 111 1tii111 i ldo ' it trl ilt in altl uuhini i iitti at tte p1d811 tile iuitithoutsei i 1118 iill1111ttcontaitn. 'TheI il tlt~tt
1(1111 ehrle. hee he s oed111 iii b111yii ii iliNedI itit't ' i K181ieloggt thu liii edcesottia8 the 1118r81e11 1111 8 (18 lttil ait'' ''1111 f1 ct 11at 1888
agCtteiltd 8 wh8eii~ II 11 it111 i n e iiw 118ea t d oby t f oe tin ite 8i 1 (13O 181 8 ii 1111lat 1r ithe t rat tt a i c u s illn the a h tetl o - or
nteriittbt. lit itthtilots liof11 Ktieettie180(1,t4.3 1 104,wte ii(18 hi ft. ii iic8lub11itthou811sie ciitnt1a1in:tee itli iA)11lameliii t livtie ierte
and \mai, spintr:, urd icol htrd~ei alcdiFng sliiilo8111111c man(tnttii owtwonite 1118t88l
1111111 rm oos uc trongerli i'l'tll'1111it ttiii'ltt8'~(, l ittleg; he trcor the d in'eeoedteeotto ui tititi.iiiait8)111.itl'it'iiet
th a th o n atit e a r.ititite nt11 1hittn i( (rsiittitieh etfa leio ft 111g8's1uc e 1hic11tun e utif'utti
,+ aii tt 811o81 '8 irate .X eg ttiie o iqiees tt .SCI'111 lit t.l t'11188t11 'andi pttli aftionlutndfor t-i
811 e g et sit .t'i ta ttu.f1111th1a11r811- s . " Ieadl' mo v diuiI('llatete p e s 0en n1 (lim tiit intfoli t here ' isit 8IChO i.) etti toi',auu liitmantt 818 1
ond11. t'ii itiiit Idy" (tull ititi. 1h(tll
(((ig111 ie expected11to t ilet'rif his
tri w th dnti inteferd reyI
it 'sh it titittttng, n . Ilc tt'ttr
olii 11rs 81d I t ItIttm.litn
shou'ldl hai e atilt l argum1 enii i it t i n8' th1'
him l 18kit innerilit weveri i
defetigI lii X 1h11witl Chavte an tevln
inn1 ('; task811 is hands11111 I ttt eart i
"Iiti defeatedi 11 S tfnin tltit ttitiit&
teor tin1(11(1lio f tzlitan asIle111hasI
1111(18 aiifnil. 1111 aith lii (tis t 1(811h1
[III1 1 118t I iat'cll 1 ' 111 itt lii i (8 lIt
litt' than t h1118 i g"ien11111 1(18 o1(8t(1
fo r hm , wo cugt t heX iti i n l
lil AmHt.lalo gte11- 8(81(18 toie
t s ilo t tiewa i it. uttherebyi ( ti
d()1i (I''1 l i ftuI I ttuut I icfth tiecord
litf I~ vI1,itt il(18l tul rtwo 11tts il
Ioo< It' X'tt ''1 and t't Valdeckit t i 181
ih 111 o tith111811'ft-rehit ed scli a111101-
nighi t ant att'tIt''i '1111 s1eems utco888
1hccimax1111f1"hu t i bein 8 thei
(htb 18r1t it'l'the pe tilfthe two tie amtii
8he Ont.t'upilti' ho'.'iu1118win. tuti
CHINESE MINISTER ttiui it t rtut lull t ,tents 81888'ittile
SCHEDULED BY S. L. A. there'were8nearly itvet.thutattnd dele-
rae rsnte.leia tdnsSir Chentug Liang Cheng Will Ap. 8110(1otiulestithe crof11iitdh 'etytwttr1888
pear in Lecture Course -Date yelwadbuar bdgsnd er
Not Yet Decided., 1distinctly3ft Ill tibitth118p1181118 111Nash-t
(1188811111probably ittc3uIttoftfineXgooin,- ,it
Af~te i'e'eralweekts01fingotiitonsthelitouth.t Xi llt. he ihigai n tI'e(dele-
tht StudetsLt e ctue Astociatioit 881 gates 11111111hit iiNashtilte gielt are
able 10amonc 81(that 111thueyitave 8118811d beatiftul tintd8charmtiingIbeyond11c'mpartiue,
tt co80se1t1of tie Imnpeial Chtitnetead, efred811 i 11w(11 hait tilth11183htilt
:MiniuteirSuenlutuung[Litng Chteng tt (88 itstill fiends1thips wih hfir 881118
tilr t ii i \i:iribotr Xii ithatiit neede ttf 111111ennctute.c
ctnc lustiontisithutsetetuionuof018te -tdit"usng"bttotewr
suitabe toiirututgiof tconvniotng Ttuestec'enions'
hhs ilbeit ra1118opptni ty113for aItelitldi 881r18fIour1ye881( andiconsitu1118
liht studetuuboutdi,811188 foreigit tiinittersthle lareseltihluotrehrestat ive guit'-
totin 1'to theirudeictetsituatiottiar 818rittgof icge 11111 tttin 0181811 ini
811(83 hitan8t abtout appear1'ing 1811ptib- Nitrthi-Attr(111. [ith tiltde (ifolt'e8011'
t(i l tfo fl Tit it esetciat1113true8 of vninisto10nticret tiheu den~l~ tfit'
Sue Chientung ILiang Chteiig. Te Chtit-tlisstiei (10118k
888 mtinister 1s a vetean 11member88of Xiuy of tte1111181 Ic i ittl uandteil'
ktnighted t it glaiteiIlit its ldh e ry 83coutryii 3spoke.htthe dteg"tehs. (3118 of
tventfiul life tiutd is creediteianal te tm1181tteigapptalst atiruutde 181
tndienuteesttitg pultie speake. 1Robti F..I ISpeter, iihtttspoke 1o1 tihesb
C iThlecotnteete iisitoftehut e pesete1881 Ari thtit'Noit igutts Ctuuuut
Chieseminstr rcals te isi, sverl 8c(11t fh tt 1hue Needs iof gn 0
yeuetago, of WX T"'itg Fang, whio won
to mutchtpopuiliarityfoe himself dieing ST' I 1F,01' 1IANJ C 111()
tuft uipomnuic service inthtiis couniter'. 11Y'1'R~ii1,'YCAR
COni this occtasioit Uiveesity tal cotuld
nuh eonttain th111getcreowd who desieedl XXhiuie wiiting1"filr8itwestb otutnittearit
to huearteenentlChtinamini. 3-tupuilaiii.(8(11r8' Jouhnsotttu stuent,
r hutassoiah~tinis offeefng at the peets- w Is(intred in lian nuaIi mantner. tic
enut tuie1(80 hunidred esheedt'tseatsttiuus lto i t'e freiughut hiuste wh1eeuca
gtoodi toe theireomaining nuimbees of 1118 wasoheigtunloatdtdi "Xithitu war1n'ienig
etcure.Tt Ihit will include Sousa's bauid 111t" 8 188asihacedulut -if thue builtiing
anud fithlernuuimbers. 1118e111ice of ttuand tilt f ll iii it 8118urv e ttac
' htesees eel seuts illb88o008do01188 int10thu treet, it catughthnsouttnu, pilt-
Th hut88e of these seals will lake place 11111himattit ns~t the sbt8(1idof the buuild-
sthiltnoernitg 81 9 o'clock, at the S. .intg.lie nut baedly squietzetd.uatdhtas
SA office in Uiveesity hail. Monday biughtbaci tho Xutit arbotrtutualatee
3Inight, IFrederick XWaede, Ite famous cur.e i intuieetauieInottuight tho
Sbhaketpeareean tragedi an trill appear. prove seeiouts,.._
pieefoe til et1881 onighlt! Direetori
iBtiidanniouncesthtatt tile priceiwill 118
twenty83-fire'- centis. us is uwtauu foertill
vai1"i8tteOreltassme et.
the Nattsthit'eStituitut. XVtlunhteer' 811-
('1(11n hlt'S 1_11 til to theitity-ithli
11(11t o~fficialti iezttttof commuuunicautuion
bte en ifacilty tutudtstudets. Iht idea
tf hau'intg a retauratatdutcaf itsitarmit
[3' edefenduuedh, atitthut'atbsotut i 81811
ito th.e'eturn'uingtaltumiuuuofuta ctuubhuset
of tht'utaturetct.'uuemplautedtuisit tuih It
tol 113 thet'atuthaliit m"Im, outhe ua lumntu
tat' un'wiliuug'toii ttirte t a tl lut Inst
(If theitac.k tuf tttu'uuuutuouitituut hatihuey
findi in .AniArorit. AlidthIuose utho duo
gamsliind iitlttitiimos ietot any11118 t.
tuf loduging it all.
Thii'erelatiotutoflthe CUitut o hthet
Miutuetii iiwichitsi ''iten(a1prominnt1
placet hrughonut the apealis itteu]
lit fotllows : I hut ihitug iUiottit
autu 1(111a88(it beein iihoully itttym-
utiathyitlt ht 1Mtemiouilcommuittttet's
prouject;th1(1at 8 tit neve uhas een'ndhis
nut idtietfucis it hlteicuuuii tuot-
milleet' hatitihe Nicttutiialtwitever18it
isto ilei, istt o hue achli ubhuse;ttanti
the club huotusics18tt ito Ie °Lt801111ii
C0INIV'Fi 11 NCF C 031MXIT'f'fU,
11 11SAl''S.AT CI ICAG(()
Chict Xliicih 9--Spiecial.--The8
iiuemheit ofithfeii.fuooitball etnftrentecomt
at tt' Chica8go 188811huotel yeterday13
morn81ting a11o 10 o ctkbut us 'et lual'
girtn out notinu on118'ning any atuciotn
thteytave takeu.TIhue atihitde of the
ienuiuet of the totuferece. somlue of
whiomn comt intruettede xprt t~esstein
ibeief interews11 befoe:t ht'met'iing was
culled, teemed holbe thtat tof econcessionu.
''The coinftie81188 ilinueter uct 1(18lihe
11)(1 i8layng1retsas811883'h11(88not ye,
beent toltcdiuind it twtis annouinced
thatt thecommnittee will itoh1t'et again.
Feon iintmatioint droppiedi by tome uof
themiieimbheis it istholught tthatthe80111'
:uiitee null rethttpreofessioinal ctachtts
ibe uhho~ved to10filicutntructs. thatt ait
itteretdiate tine he seeleted foteiegin-'
ning football trainitgaind thtalttherules
he nilt retroactive.,t wai ulmost posi-
lively stated that stuspentsiont of the game
will not he considered,
iet (08 fiesthplac wet'niut'81I lt.Re, t tt 113'it'tuudicap'eduuI utonigt 1(3'the ituts
huntii lootisthits ' ttasoudith t. 'tilullttt'cout outtf hIs reenhtutu's'y.
'he ue ( t('11"huit' tuilil uu ihhe 88Nbe ttw ' 'u', fCta're'ls will bhut' ed h it tte
CouttihurdletatdlSchlenuki w ithchnesfa- rdlieshtittut 1 an1d(11fohohtallelauy,
ttu Co( ater (ii thuinIris hut8018
Schitenktictonfindi 1181 1(1 totlsii 88
Seititi titufuitil uuiuuc F lt til til tLow811.1cCan hardutuytubetexittcteit
ihut it the tiuot tutue u uihic ehatstu e-lit ace \11 I t tiili ii u tttu
vo8tedto' qati er hi.h(1(181 hutslltshowntex-1to(beltutoutit 111 iont11111nithe t t iakntict
cellettfourmtibterithani:(3 4- (ili.11(88t he ithe tiad.
Capttain Rautet's hul inihi hilte81811, It.' s11(1ou oruuuuu't' in' ersut haleiat fa1181
te hiatt-mileibut in ding s o tue 1118fait teattut witChuandtlieMcRaIth,
1110iuhitstClilist yearithetilt uhuueert uttentemetii8lvestnight.tey
tilt tiuloo 88811 s188 :02, hhtt 18(111111thuefet.iiRam11888andtiGoodwiin.
Ram188y tt ile in 1904 itwhentlietrhimmttted t t hltmiltmttiutsofth8 eonmtot
"tX~olhi 3811 1.8h 3(1 18 cuiuecii tt 111( to nhrut ra1818befortete class
lime. eecoedtl o 8 00fit whichisitaiso a clay,11(11thut frtsh1lawstit88 ihtwo :13
weorld't retied for 8 fourteen ail track a-iimti1118a8'noe thtein out at lime finish,