THE MICHIGAN DAILY ilocking Valley Ry. CONTTNIJES ITS EXCEL LENT TRAIN 8ERV 'ICE You will ind Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsin Toledo and Co- tumbus S. E. CLARK, 32- Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing We do developing and printing for amateurs, and do it well It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell more f i lm and more Kodaks PRICES REASONABLE E. E. CALKINS Drzgist 32o State Street P'ANUTS Finest Quality Roasted Peanuts per lb. IOC'. Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c. SPeanut Brittle per lb. I15c. S We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-lbs. Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts ' for lens money than any house in this vicinity. 214 South DEAN & O Ann Arbor SMain St.. Michigan SELF-FILLING PEN BaNLCED Sr -ad i n fe seos of ime Trccss Pe Z n RSRORFills ToredsontaiyudsTesitpekee osp-t Blunteli certso ot r eses )sp0l~ e. 1 e s ei e t t1ee o ld-sror. The distinction' that comes from being a correctly dressed man is yours -by asking for my mark. And that does not mean being extravagant-my creatinss are reasonably priced. } WAISTCOATS TROUSERS "MACKINETTES" TOP COATS Reasonably priced at my representatives I/ y .acrk l Lreink apac-iy. Inc iii«sr«cuiee rt1:, evrenns1 and retiuairttye ea wayss rayrisiespiii o;e frs h. Tho eeedichanels ure- thorughil e- 'icy thesae easy procecss isfiling ag.ciiig the ((,NiKhiiN 1lENa Si tf-CleanereOasrell. Fly gssuiir iee. It yor denler itos not hne reirthe (CON Kii I. tEI, let us makeryouior,sp5 e(ic fer t tee n-rrhe e Cher. lllinfrmtieon, itui i 0trutesle irs- E gold by BDealers 1Everere. PESP THE CONKLIN PEN CO..,c~~ 51s4, 516, 518Jeferson Asr., oledo, Otis. f % Judge for yourself by asking Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.* HAS...RENTSCHILEROS You can procure from him a coupon entitlit pert jewelry and 'atch Repairs. Arnold's Jewelry Store. 1 ildIcreti's genuieelvtet kisses at Cuhting's. Silts pre-sseit. 25c;triousers, iC. t. Fritter & O'Connor. ti I'< SolnetIII 10 1 e11 --a icIIigieiiaii. hiu Cxar 72I -iN. teirccisiis=. it htictiiganeiinits, fotsasndstspooiis. It sLoii'S JESshtsx-STORE. MoirnSi. T hese Eight Pipe Tobaccos Are the Largest Selling, Most Popular, Highest- Grade Tobaccos in the World Every pipe connoisseur, t'he world over, knows one or more cf these tobaccos; and knows that higher quality was never produced. He knows, too, that a good pipe, seasoned by arid filled with one of L ATA ' these tobaccos, is better than the -i best smoke of any c, ....°..,,other kind. LATAICIA-Frnset s *51'&H"0is iLapt GA 050 fr ixtures APTAinMdsr- -. 30c. oz.,ri0C.Cw".7. Seer ie . sss - -sa etO an ul. The best ~ stto nrrvd plug cutreiiorhree strengths heav.y, m e- anium,.anci mildedsnsdeeii 3 l oz.. 45c. GeiI,, iinest em i.._ portedreitiris.'urksh LatakiaIinAP5Oirginia ssieeieoTherioriginaltcaubo-cuCLtB- rseieirse eroreercco. PstriqueoeHavanae r'se c o Vso.rginisaViTurkisohsilest an 5)eec40. re~ tosse.Ts vacb ul tins II2o-a -oAllrene. t- t. iiieoeheeefri-es foamdofeu rndswiljutsutyo adyorpie - f ot f ound atuyour dealer'swsentupostpid THEALMXRC-AN OAC O Havn1,PFiftheenuuNedYor Representative called up4 ing you is one dozen $ 1.50 Cabinet Photos anc ensian, all for $3.00. PROE5tiSSOR tFti Ploti j t (Continuediiifr-omripage-onee.) betsny ssf t rench-iicseiiicd ti -Ya iii if , ~tsais ehei _ fsle seatCe eers ito the reasiei faiyits terfiiut Sipthy illChee i siddetitiiitisriothatiC eiralencttcemiiii eiiiitstihr k-iCoiiiiits irerid thifsmiiuitie ini honr oif ord riir itedColeaeieaec isee Tonigt tISitahlCaswel.Angel hal hredistiv iref. hnry Se. Carla-i. Lst smieeieu tPrfessor Cl-aiti isas tic egustrfth tiusti Assicfitioneefinrthe advsnieeiieee of Scieiceisi a tuic rf Soiiuth Afurfcai. Ntaiiyiif tiseiositisniote icetst fthe diaiswecreciiimicrs of the a iiiifffereest fioissoilthee trpteei i-ciiilecteril sirtiects tiat eifti ticbeof jite-esti at si ciiirtain cclity. Cl lacire; Of t teresc ntSthtifr-sita Duiirigtie trip ProifessrCahar tolsexteiil nteegs i c- seithIircn 01 eInsii CI!). shoing istere-optticone sfcsss.; ihelctcursewill iiundouibteditthe of if err s cevaue- fromiiiilredcaito enlssaic- 1tEFrontetpitStoetn..thafRbltckf)rolm Cthtielyfoir twoireasonis itisfeeifrable: tes icaisii5riosem wiorkcibyiifrtgnitcraela in taesumer. H ser th(is- oes ifiest fraI hiciiies stiudi iesad is inibtir mencital 1 latttu e asrbtha ltericiin iii fe. Anditrfuirtihe re collcgeitcyss ice his frccst ilcis:s for wse-t hes ases school teic scquifte capiito tcb eccoiundiiioiis by hIis tiisiiicssior tproferssion anidi canii ellct afforidttie- time necccsscrystoteavel-c 'ttl'rIiif5 creeis Trlticdcacshoiiutlap- cciileetosturdentrs cspecically, bccauec maciecxiiert gidscnice in ircivec, arid in- striucioni ci oitic ly uivsersityinissrce tiers ancimeiiihigh iillitieir tarticulrintei of stcidy. Lioradee iTaft, for cxamiple, lecturecs srisculptue. nTose ircstcd in Ecirotaairtravel cormmuiccte owihS. 1HIRoticrts, 437 Hamuriltoni Ptacc;tthoine SrtJ. if on You yet?9 R AN D A LL d an extra picture toe use in the MVichigan- PHOTOG0RAPHIiER -~ ~ EVEN A CHILD CAN SEE- rj' i:~ larger foilks appreciate-:he stsperi- - ,-jsority of otto pork itn launtderitng littnn atnd all else thtmiakes for macis Shr test coltars, cit/sr etc.,ltaveouttr -, ns aeas to washitng. starchineg, ' i I i , (, I II I I I I, i oii I _ .-' I " . { r- ' _ iroinig atid deliveritg-to say nthl- iiig of fcsir pricitng. T.Beplnaxa. 928 Varsity l~ek.%ndry 117 S. 4th Avea. BSth Phuorts 928 I- i I' c BttINGt ettOUR sFtnPITel ES TrO a IiTRIIS ART STOREI wetto iChoice Stoutlings , Only the Best French (ilas3 is Used. 223 5. Mat.,St.1. COOK HOUSE FIS-LASS IN ALL BRtANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $3.0+ Steam Heat stn-IElevatosr Al! right so-Cone- SUNDeAY Otos.eno A'SPtCIALT-Y. 50C Eese-i Vauradarlil ( rGaul. IPeanut M 7 r a M R d a e J 1e J J r i J GAS STUDY LAIPS $2.50 Each l10t Candle Power for 1=3 Cent per Hour Save Efyesight, Money an~d Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. M1ON[Y [OAN[D ntcuhsties.tDirte d eet l rit anod alIIItothClss Chttel atnd Col atetral securtity. W. J. LOURIM 10tth Avo- Oposiote (ot Hiouso- ,roedooarssouth osinewY. Zvi.(C.A. OsF cr Hout s; 830to 41:30; I t o I s oC8-tO 3 BuasnssoS~bnstly Contidential F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH-, 207 E. Washington Si. is 11 Brittle 10c A BOX AT QUARRY'S IBAILEY & EDMUNDS Sportinlg OOs 12t East Liberty Street- M i I t -_ i LWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD , THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERIY- THING IN TAILORIN(e