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March 09, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-09

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T h e Mc h ga4Dil



Chicago's Losses Make Varsity's
Chances Good-The Track Men
Must Not Quit Working.
u itt- Otttt H ii
The hane fr a vimingtrk ti-am
watnwr brigtrstitntiristis 1 syer.
Chicago. Mit-igans 0si rnet p tt
(ssdyl acking itt ertt l fotr a i
ner ite lit fromt. ttlwhich to pick.
tMichigatnt wit ttti oudtil
seicinid sittttoiti tith it;tth itsn tittstts
hhettiien if tolettot doorii wiork.t
In titt udep 'is, wtihti oi- iii r i treltWe
it its tetifirCti ti , on evi.
a iv its tttssirtiftitsecnit n ttts igh.t
Tthe tt h ig tm tr isdutsfslt s rt o at
ttttt i is b thiae in t ttttt'i ts
,ins l'itocrhi titsouitdtscoreti tis
ha" ve roadti --rrtio otetiwar
-lioi n tis ietichroign iiwitlhiit
iittlen ow
M ientis- ifl hsvfithtti in ts- tiiw
watttsithi fhr -ttsiiith Coei titsu vstap
antoGaroets- Insthevothr ighttevti.it
ti:rlt s ou i ld intihir iscusfotsttrow
tndiocfishould-develt-titn tbio itidiscusr-
itd hasot r 1 st uo t s t ite it tutor-illhi
bolsi itsfo iiC it i ou ith i trvout si
sameisrl t siteribeoritsiio i rent u
t. n oneafsitslellndto hotlierwinh

: - . ,

Arhis-I liiin,who last ursa traiinug
ill :inin Arbutofirtshiestast itonit, lsft
itast ightvit trosiotandtiChicago fits
Cincinnatii-ti.'ere'hsitis ithssixty-
to ids i'met tmiiorrotw ight. Onr
1eek l t tins it New York City,
In lientbeits i tiinforsthis'Olyini-
pic "-mesits i Athes.o Heisexpecssito
get itatck to Amitcisnittiiit to itneuss
liht sonflseisetillsiiets men t e Itsts
nevierstsli behldsecet thts fseieveitts hei
at ssit a tonsotestt.
Track Men Will Do No Work Until
Tomorrow Night- Relay Draw-
ings Made The Entries.
Intcottowith the hisyut cenes i5lli
sei-tinsueratithits tn the ipa1sot itees t,
thiew ot oiesitrslipwaittohrotame, andti
but list the ftesotmtutugt lastossloe
place wouldtii isato bissn Itrastictlly sit
sete. I Itscaseosof tistoappatuti
trc sintltining ithetscloseox imuity
otf tevarsityt i tmee t tttadh osiquent
idlenetssoof tietsrIsck othlets.
The otitsen sti t sitsttera iltodsse-tt
ated tosn'it enwhotwillItake host
sitorowtight itattoot ontthe tvsar0
sits metisiwoill los iofitrttestottittdtosr
mthl t hits penshut that it soul sits
taso ill tite5 eeletiss of itts persforsn
ances odosashing of secors theottisets
ofi att pre0iotis pear.Atthouight his
var sitiy5titit5oaitsntit t itwoosk,
sevral usof 1tsettmenitliiiexpect to exersi
themselvesitso isttesirti i t it iltru-
ierso it thioitotitexpenose
Sometoftthe. ali thitletoeet to tsihisgptm
yse lo t stedeeyttohushesrtip. Amoong
Ithem Nvato hlcKtiis itliiioat lIttsoet.
ceist br iienkitng aityopsothlbs outh,
siiss lheit ossittoo-avefolsinivioltlytp
ini lovt
Tesmi-fitnolsofi teslisossrelap
ehai tttiosipsO iwill itsrunitt omtisorro
ight attdlthe follotwinto asoistwill slash
9s0o engtttess. to9M8 etgitees ipo6
engineetss.00igof olato
Thei stitriesfor hittsestee tilseds

inth li HOs ttBti-etitutn tietraitos sits
its titotititu
ih" t o it i lot tompils titte itaIt
bee imeiwo t av tils-is-d their ablity
thng I i n t lw ystheot it i tiwhso
has ewn "pleno " 5itiltpsch ooliwho
makesttain cotIlegte.tNed IKeiotgg
Iecnd ear- ,t t tt siit utuembers o tit

trticle 0n Princeton Preceptorial University of Michigan Senate TCakes
System by Former Michigan In Formal Action in Memory of
structor the Feature. the Late Register.
hi w mtii orei -i i i int sti l tts 0s--i t heti TheI ni vers ioilthu tity e tilha a oteti hes
\lit iintititi I toenis uedithi ttis ita itan o llwnteouin u o iedah
ott1rt Cans iters ititug irticl on ihei ino-the eits I te nvr~i-i
lif of Ii ion l o ttlt Il1nI lest it- osttt calleds to tmo iurnthelos 110oittone1-of its
lat" egstarofth u ivrsty -i gve. ldeo utst istmbe tils-fsott Ia ii] ifuts--
(hlts-u ileunder hetil ad isnttgs f "Sixtpysani tie Pont,1who.1afterfintillnesits-
Year Ag tutu'Lng ifs-eit '- pnt" 1 is-i itthoursdehated ti itlie- til
liii- Cnitv--ssitandtheFritseIrsitisst Mariii1sitce.00
"Thiimth u of iCubti"o"A Soutiontti PIrofessort ide Poinlwas1horn11i oas
of thei FrterntlitC QutetoniTliihe ug- 1111 tt u h 14.Ile wasigrduted
ell Stciooliftr Wohen,~uTheFlt-News fsomtthie Coltlegsits Rlli11sintselii-
Schl o f Aschituotr." "Advertisiun ussitp uof Pils5151eivitg tlthederee
a tierisitv tutud ConcesrsningiMehil- f Baht-tr sof Arini8,6Ihand sit
ou"ar fimed-hiteitnd-pec~~iliin- Bacihelorisof Since sii 1857.
terest. Fo one uesr-ielt. ittstitilftst-gad-i
Th ometo ititi tretiliscencei ofi tstutiels in ivilouuengpinit t
libraies nd lbrarans, s gien sb poltehiandttiltitiatip sointuuiParhsiis.
if i utttutl C. laiit 1i)rtia 11111 u tuuuiuo Itneit t h erett~uponiiihitstootiuus tilehi
f theunltu tu solarei quottdh inth i wor ofivil e-tngtuitit-i t-lull-hithheits-
Iu I tiCankM.hi ii ttuo lw, as it d ortii iIx ya,
ctruted an 1 is-erstit' sugesnuouotil Thesudesth ofis outhusritis1wttumits
Mihia1111hni aUi ver uustyuts- wasdevted i-ily iiattaed; ledihim tleave
tsion" 1111 dttai mot conilttcig con - itome andh t o sk 1110 forttu- i
tniaiont ts t ilAnin nmttirsoAmeic ua Soon terfua u ii uutg ithis
ontsssuwith the ills hiant--t Cuttuiscoutriy itslen iis1110esits teacersult
tititto s sianth stgaged ii taching tsFrench
Ih Itsdtutusv-fillr. NathantitusWeIthlanitagti-ti-s-itt us111110 ost lin thisstit
46 -ie-nt the a inial1banquetiofthis iiiNt. itrh.
Whigton alst uit mntuuiIJaniuary 23opis ifn1871iou accpteduiithis positionut of
pinte titnsi futll. nher motsstointtrso tt-instuctot itt Fsenh andtdraisnotg its
mgi austic tl "Theiince 1ton sPreep- theis suvsitipf ihislgniandotersl
tusrtal Soyoste itohassusnstitiusutouts eithitos nittuk sh taIseraso-tn
I dwaiiiS. Cor1i111'oo.detotedlthutheFnhit- depsartment-i-u-uuusuui
Cne tilt 1 thhleic usNewsil sof wOhush lit ws romtsoteitn 188, 1tolos-
the ressnttrItcisietsixtheuseallos pros-1101rutkof toootsilts t ilt.prosor,5at positiont
pests, thiswoit sti aiO theiclstheiiiCaispr tusitc h uefe d thi i 1liihe tilts f hi lsi-
hitneyttrtfo111111andtvaritotsito therteseaee.
mthtsof everyttlayhpitessest ar gi hutnthus the uutiit iof 1875 he wa15sp-
Tse nutbeusius oplelte w~ ih I lagepitntedsecreitary ofilthefacsultf lier-
amontof Mihigan i notestuuaItd--ttu II I atitescie0nc1155andtithi s, 1110 ter105
isit mtter no reguosta thttit tushrtent. Te
____________________ hdutes o uf theseof tfis ohis disehargedh
KODAKph hi'. i'11SSFORMhI wiohidlithuy to thitsveuypdhutof his dah
hNIIiCSiXS1iiC Ci C' PofeortidticPot wlsbyhitatiietien-
dls ourit and byithipintut-- ratntof
hhruhtsdatuvening-- it-e -aera ubu-sltschotlariytstiesia to-s-s tf litu-ratue,
hlcd itsnotirstioIrtint luet-ing.iA-c- fottlf this srsa110 of1ms i tundioi thu
sttto as adotedutsanttdthis following tOher icnehtsats Ileous uwisly rectin
officesrselctd:iPuesoient.iIiiip Armsttiheitera tr andihiitor11111fIhis ntiveuts
susotng; c-resientui.iiKI Tuesoot c-5utonge,' andlespcally fatutuisatoiltthe
151 111-11 touttut 1agesMh 1sert-i shrtmisotutu heissguhtentcentursuy. Ao
bo r o i rcturst Earl1- i ll.hi F;i.I B. aIteache i e cathu e 111i111n t itlst frindy-
111111 1 u jntottin . hittig,- hh I. relati~os twithish- issu tsoa dtusho rueu-
Kers an1111d I,. K. T.'PliiiclubihIsootrkably genetus uiof isItime anduutat-
tutua titlrist o ~tf sotyhsandfiotstetuotooninhespinthotsest'hotusowed
theenhusas sowtutbythie 111ateuu orioutoitst i intest. jctisswthicht
phiotoaheriistsof theis rsityrttohitsrutlhehitaugt.t
toil squal ifroutusventyfvetue iont. utu While hehoever1tpubliheds any usotuk
ired beiitstut this endiiof tuis 05ei to a titsror eihortuu tt skownsutohu
T-gnrasl aimiof theusbshrte1to s o1f Iis assocats tatu his hadt beei
binghu thisentutiaottsot f theuntutrsotcenggesdfur a numbsrtohs fyparos oia
ito tclutsurtrelatinanthdtiidevelhphaFrenchugriatmartin11ithich heussboieu
bettrki-u d ft hei sis ritli ofii phositot-ttheoutsoft tiansith seflecissnusbutu whici
g5111110 I1110ysibashubset dirsctesdiitolteoudensterinatnosttstcf his ifr is
tor hsiayi iiatsts ofiiilechtus ontuuphioeft uincompluete
togirttphy andsubhsesributu'"fior vroso hunsutconnciontwit-ilkProfuessor Eie
herostictush 1 reaito ht hissubjet. It s is r e IPots devoteuchtitusimehoath
outs of thus plan10sift hitscsuto keepa sefort tIthitscultivtiotu fuusioc ii
record o uf alligoodtu pitures otkn Uiss vertusiotupyscils. Ies onetiusof thus
this memeurs. oiginalu1fouderisoofthitsC hotrl Uio.
Thr isss oa usoemenstuuout fout t fitsm tutufor stout yeaito itopsossidt
similar lubisint maitnyopof thu s tern r.les itcPout ineried friosa ti-
htitisiotieso thits ltern11nivr11 ti0 stngutisioancesry thus--s-crs andtitraits
lau-c, such ranitttiotsutto itistoof the itseoutbhrcudgntleman. Aihcetit
ii t hiituth ut ciiihlustshis Itaken form.tuc uh f tatfultito hit tmannetr ans
Flirt. is a -syt fitsIcstllegaecotveroatiu Ion.sgnial anh kindlyi
conmpehtitiiithits stotntuthitsUiive-ntausehoisprit of cisutlisp-hisgin-t
itiof hushtittn 1110soltsicitsbyPeinn-etosofrucundohipginued foi hsosts
si011111asito heitsr atttude towa1110 n- stof friends tuonsughits aso~ctehs tshsti-
tein 1111nto ush asomtton tu ns.olo ito nmemory twill itseheishedl
by all owo ass known hm suitohot of
MIHIGA G11 RANDil. IN T'.OIBI:i F 1auditictsandinteresotng"pssonatoiy
t___whoosoerpreeunce gave huer toluuoMau-

1-I, iiti uu agrusu duita5teiti at oPich- tiers overt' courteou.s, andlwovivse seart
igilnsandtissutuuu commuuissonessr at h-tick- mooasesto-turnsto thistouds if friensd-
inutssouty,ititosicharged wills drtunk- ship.
ennes,0 by ohfitseuthoruities and lhaus now In the death of Profesorts te Pont,
resigusedhio office.tie is alhegeth to thor ornate is hereft of n faithful teaucher
tooe beensiguilly tuf irreguitisnis- a nd a knitted associahe. tututhtsworld
oung teachers' certificates andc hto have of a man whso posoessedi the hsighest
committed other offenses. (Continued on page 4.)

he uprupared fits anyuting-iithtuyourt ysterdayp,-use
COC H ihC Ii h h ISTills CK- Bis tot, (Puttz.XXilsouthMout.t(ilbert,
I N I hoti h IACAhGEI-AG-I N D1111, ClirkiHuhl.CottuioRtionp.
Afterla ahenc ofnealy sCwekit Shot out-C or, imlP, Ca~u0rresoGra-
tutu omeCoacst th C iterus s eenhaomtiI tout- C utosClirk.
tctrdt ilte gymi hardiiittouhtwork it huisty-yposu highs huurdleso-Cotsin,
Ill h~ehllinn. " torsse iltts he uc lsuoosut Cox, Post, Sitai. I cut ru,
ttk~l n th cae h s-hin rtiheir sltow -In 'ies innoeg-itt
an 1a: tttutand sowsit titns of IPohe tut-h itut ifsReadI Hotshkiss
thi spe siunlltuuginugerouhichlcharttiuer-MPittr1 sihuop.Wheaitsi'Ibut.
izeysrdays prastics.(QuatrstmillsruI-tiin tonGodsu-
usrewee snlyutwi Iuu -it-s menititoit. wnI ttr~st. BenisonTwiFttchuellBlurt-
tutu thesseusweettnabled to hutliv s battinug Letti Schenko Stecklet rotito
prati esecusteif this sttnal uuuthuns i Hf toole sturunaepyXMoloneysp- hs
Tht cochgae sh infieso uttt ut uinnyIldiirdge, ichaurdonuu, 'Mors-,
tl h urs pacic hat pikig lii hX u cs s Iewis
tilner adthrwingtsto htfirt ohisase hileiirun--.hMoaooep- hVcsi. Ramoep-
Pitches Saii-erv workiehd outh inthss iox, IDuilthMontguoeryRoove, hhUrter, Con.
i ttsuuuihlyuelutriuhgstt-- eiiihittesxas ighsjump-~AudatsFersis, Cox.iop
________ Parobinl haro cointest--Bulnmer, iHaas,
IlfOI S1T\-iPif PhIINC ii i Blsr.GernaondutKiuhn,. Green, Alkiui-
Ii hh I S IIhFORCiHICCO xliii Cochrante.
_______The istsostitofficiaus : Stasher tand ref-
Prouf. h.II. itt usgilll to ut 11it ainotoerse, Keeneti Ftzpntsick; uuannounucer,
repesnt'Iihlnatthe tsC hitsa100foot- FrancsxHollister; slerk tuf course, Siud
hltfseence,- heft fis the.isnudyoCiuy XV"hMiard ; assistant clerko, R B.
yesserdapy af ternoon.No itituuattitts o tibshluoh ._. WtJocelyp, R.'iW.Sin-
uen"en-s t hiluhtians obthatite slain, Cain C. Kusterer;ltrack judges,
tiattitde at thiltcultfsuuuuu s1F. hL.tDunlapJ. . hithomnas:XWater
Fishligh fieldIn-uh dg-ies, F. C.Longiman,
II )011uh il I-hM1 -hC J. S.C utos;sorers, C. L.Detw, E. 13
_____Fretnsh, F. S.NorcrsssH. F.Schuthe ;
henit-ttheisttivripitii itsitytbseal ssn et tines Dr.iG. ' .hap- 11.C.h-turfs.J.
thus V.hi C.h V tmdowtuownhudsX -s s .(hisheo
ttssliatpcu-usiiittgthus-pshsoed iin utoito-
itah senus tul liititus tutlititl-sexpersiences Ii. XV priest, 07 into- of Fratuses-
it linooribosebatll utwtrk. tLhuseosiing ile, Il.ithus bontoappoitedlsecretaurp-
provCd a gnrai jolliictistofor all con-
coredandushthis guile.lhiough decidedly of te 07 sloos hy Presideust Cuisiel
onesied amens of amusetmnt for hiartin, to fil the vacancy caused buy
a large audience. resignation,

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