THE MICI-TIGAN D)AtLY for Art and Skill in 1diloring MONEY LOANIEP 59 "The Whole Dafflu Fal l" 59C Calnor llc H i i C sc c tl liir.U.B. Damm,'lMrs.1. B D miii Lizzie Damcn), The and Col it alieity.Daim SportIThe DammiKid,'IThe DamiiBaby, The S M OUR CH'F IELD & CO. . . ThMDam at Te Dam Phnojl op 59 OrptE Hons;9 to11:3; 1to 430;And a Splendid Line of other Pillow Tops and The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City i ;i:ui toeii -30. Room Decoratins Shown Exclusively by :106 EAST HURON STREET iiisiiiess Strictly Confideiitial MACK & CO. SIALrDIN01S fOOT '*BA LL GU ID E 'FOR 1905 Edited eby WALTER CAMP Coniiitinii ie ne:cly irevisedi OIiiCIAL ILAYING iRULE An'id piicnires ofi leaingi icaids. em ioiid6g ovet' 2.50 playeis Price lc lo' sciiichealii Neilslliiera. Aiiileiic Gooiids ilcaleii atid.ieporioseet .osu. SptlditA's 'caoilcute it all acliiioiic spcirts BILL lA RDS ~. AND S., ROT I'NST>~IN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. H USTON BROTHERS Suciessora to JAS. W. REED), 312 S. Siote Ping-Pong Photos OLD MORRIS STUDIO l16hSo. Main St. Ann Ailbo' U. of M. BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. The Man, who Pays $5.00 for a.. Hat whet el for $360 Pays for somnethterx besides e, Hat. Come in and see the Yoxixg's thena yous will know what we mean ALL EN St. CI, UP TA \KI NGI 111 OR Fl)V )i)MI'llCIA\NS *l'N'i. 'TlI; Il. .. i cleii lii' eIn all 'ris Cli u .p clubi asiraclntsfiarl cry had to b l ack,bu C'' ,-i s leadii ng ii theii ruii s ; > a linlbr i liup jg fo in i iit iijiiiii ciiunt li e courses' mead s ~ iiicme into iin The qua iliiia n n Iii'.z i:11 fomiwich samec good t m ill i ca sIi ee a h r rush is ite iman ipiic iif lthe iuiider- clsm isconverstion. thei iiisophoiici rces po)iilicaltalk.anliteipoiiiansrcc al-cc readyicpil lin i rescl andii cc i icitc deep'cc pccl la ii:;. iihere icis an ciip iiiiiiiiiiirc anti- a l ] ticc lii iccc icet io 'ccciith mahice ic-h ketc cccatcisccsaid to haveHaydeniic ked cci The. c li cc ofii ad .ic.c cccin icethe lwIic' ldicisin thi hansi o the decorators. The Winiisctcmporaivy located i the lliii ccf Scretarcyc' God-i i i c I Reais rebing miadeionithe'univer-ci sit cfag iol. Newc liciac; ncable ccre. icc becaplied. .Studens'iic lampisic atci I l.'cc il C.'i",, 21 S.Al in sccc.t$1.50c accii$.0. Post1 amsini city. tii icciciic'cci.'cl pt~icai I ic1rc me5 ccciii - civi'sJi.clccc Swire'. ii illcicci Ic, 'i rc Mainstreec ii.'ccl-intcei'ciCincciic' cccaleat AcI s wccci'c..12 K. Stace'sinreet. 2id H Stire . \ain'cstreei. if Studentsii' cccmiii atcDeanlcci C.'scc.1i S. A~laci c''.in tee,$.;o andcii$.2).o. i'es l m s ini city'. f Do you have trouble with your Cuts? Try the "New Process" Plates of ihe CHICAGO ENGRAVING CO. Send triiii order througii ui A. M. SMITH Oer Wahras Dowinitown. Bookstore SHREDDED Wf ALWAYS IN SEASON Thicie viio enjoy to the fui i Ccii cc the sport and recre- ci~as Of outdoor life realizc cimorttance of proper ifl The apptetite is keen, I the need for foodfs ticat itify and strengtheni is fei Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit precisely, ils sicserequire- mentss, ice thereascoo tha itci mae dof h eeewheallbery, wich cootainsorne sic'engthen ing ad aphoilding preopetiec thaccany oiler toad. Q[iti co-- cctiisthe chniical eleetscc lie arcenu. e-e LA M P S No combination in Lamps-No advance in price. '1 li1e(icciicStioi Lamp.h 2ici' ceiss.50 Thei No. i0 liii ciamp75 'i)(oaedcc iaiiiis ic ccii'itecio i fu$ 1.00 o 45 eacc. We sell the best amps made and for lean money than st-y other house in this market. 21 out DEAN & CO. AnnArboir ainSt.. Mchga \i. cciic icl catideol''. Siccic pre~cii c ; tcttC- :~iiler & OIC' l'cicicc. Iic FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of An Arbr, Mich. E, D.[irm.,. PrestiaticsonccSucle.N'. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 320 N Fith Ae. I N S 01 R A N C E Geo. J. Hailer ft. Co, RANDALL PHOTO GRAP"HER f a Mega The ficest clear Havanall 5 c. cigcrinii the mcaikct. -A- MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. [bPENDYOURYACATIO0 ON THE =GREAT LAKES VfP~eA ( ° I A~ato fyT N Bif~O t'Ca 5 DETR0 lT r CLEV E E A JLnt ETROI, dal 10 .M AErrine CLEVELAND . 53 .M LeoneCEVLAD, daily 10.15 P. N. Arrive DETROIT -.- . 5.30 A. M. cciceclicci)witii i..&&C..STEAMES flit' Mackinac, "Soo," Mrquete, Dculh, Miie aolis, St Pai, Ptskey.Milaikee Ch- cagi and Gerian lay. cio ith ai ii -ci 'cicclfpi Cccciii aciiMihiga accciii lii . c SAY TRIPS (inluingySndaybewen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY except Minday. lULY aid AUGUST MACKINAC DIVISION L.TOLEDO, Mondays &atrdys 9.30 AM. *Tuesdays & Thrsdys 4.00 P.M. Lo.DEROIMndyi &-Satrdays 5.00 P.M. iWedesdays & Fridays 9.30 A.M. Fnne~rp Per Week iCommeningeyJlne 15th Yi r-,rcicacueoiociDde t ACciciACSciLDai wiilc aiccimic toe ins Northc a n dicciiW ix,iacd D. . S. & . ocd3-SueLinnc'aoiS. IuACEi. Sad i, Siecic foeiiicccicoicd amphletic. AddenA.'ic8iciN'1"Oci i.&i.Y. M.,ciiicioli,S1irii. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NA. CO. Get 'Your Room Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, 'SOUVENIRS, ETC.. Theii.'tci i cciii'in abrPes(formerly Parcci ihcr & Sccgicni iciccprinescatcle.lclcvc cc Daly h h', 'liii' ii cccic , icciccc ii.' Yosli , 'renttook n fooIc'ci ilt,1cc 'I cilic. i C. A. icicl cccii Ic etc.. ec., arei' printer to thei'studienti icicic. r 17 1(, \\'cccihI1 toil street.f WADHAMS (t CO. liiC cc' c' iitilc'cc i plyicif"cc - .s -Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes c11 the Necve-t aciciiup-to-cclacie'Styles nntO 5faiiilio.siecccl' lin, ii''cccof New Fall Hats and Caps Thecc'g'c'.aii.-otvaieyinic theii ClcI ity Fall Furnishings Ne hicc-s ucci inli da'idlly. Newc fall Shirts, Neckwear, Gloives and Utnderwear. 'Tli- 1,1-igicci cd lust -showc ig of Meni's'and Youar.- Men's Trousers. AIsoci inccc c cc e clofcc 'p est. A laigec-'i--itit' t cof Suit Cases at SEE OUV P. SHOW WINDOWS WADHAMS (Q Co. The Newest Clothiers. 121 AND 123S5. MAIN ST. CleverP Cllc{ea- F mcclekoeaditisues. til alwaysimcelyecase icae prepaed inchunded of ways-- sick silk, cream, frut,,vege- tcables, etc. Q Always ake it withc yoa, cad prepareeitaccord- icg ia the mny recipes isn-" 'Ice Vitad Questioxe Coed Book," whichciwe sencdfree. Q Inpplace of bread use Trieele. lice whcle wheaicracker,cowhichis fic eterethiankreacdcor'tastc 1Iisccowpctand eslycarreied. Qt y c"Tasted Triscuit 'ccani THE NATVRAL FOOD COMPANY Niasgara -Falls. N. Y. GE A LEXA SAll Kinds of Photograph Work. \ XT n 0 T f . C'F ( /I n A XT Vr'I' PORTRITUREDARLING & .f'IALLEAUX _______________________Both Phoes. 224-226 5. Stae St. lic x Special Attention given to 'work E I O for Amateurs. . ED S N y Pfhopograph'atnd Records HENNING BLOCK, COR. E. HURON & FOURTH AVE. " S.CApEERLe&'O - -. i14 W. Liherty St. ' Aee Ai. ~Mlch UNJ1$_RSCL P-.-GO OD YEAR'S DRLTG S TOPLi - . 11? APE NE VER