THE MICHIGAN DAILY jSpring, 1906 OUR STORY Attractive Styles jNews Colorings FOR ME~IN'S W[AR ILargest Line of Woolensj Shown, all at IPOPUJLARICES1115 Full Dress Suits a Specialtyj IG. H. Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS A311 S. State St. THE'MICHIGAN DAILY.! dci i1 t lice )pitera ifal w~estern1 ste !I a ; a iv. Y tsiix(e .itie'., pr1taps the mota 4 t~ea listrd as seond clats mateat the An Icr-atne ittitt tilt ofihighier leart-in; ArhbtrPostaffice. ithetNvorldi. Publislted daily lontdays eacepted) durig All the teeshnlet aIho comtpeted 'n the college yeam, at t1 last Wahalington i eststl ee lati aecai tteet.Bst phse tatims ptat 76-atl eater lhe v-arsity meet Satttrd,-~ Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW tiilil Nocimmaishtouldtlase teart lie Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS ca-selie ha-. failedl t spingitoa rtrv - - taca c on is flet trial. atte fatatoas EDITORS. Athletis...t .....ClarencseL. Eldridgs Newss............ LaustD. Stiakney tEchanges...... Cliarlet E. 'tinttead' Mutic ............A. H. Ortateyer tWomes..........Effie J. Aemstrang EITOIAL STAFF. Itaglt Ailett Franktin C. Parks Arthtur C. Paued. ASSOCIATES. George A. Osborn IHarold C. Smith Ferit N. Smith Gearge A. arnest Rohert II. Clanay Frattk J. Clash Henry F. Sehulte Hentry A. Montgamery It. F. Steaestata WalteMetzesbauset Glenan1D Bradley Taoat F. Wuea lay V. tall Flayd 11. Jaotet RATES:t$2ate peer se, ar $2.00 it patd is advanes. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager. 236 S. 12th St.. Phone 849 L _______________________________ 11. .2-1 C. .6 Cr61 N. 1 6. IN' E ditar today--FI.OYD H. JONES. CALENDAE- Baseball ma~r.ig-Faealttscttcert. Frieze tall. G flovesIttLockwoodtianist. Itnitersity tall. N\lar.6-towatclttlt banqhuel t't ittore Correct in Model Lake. Dependable Quality liar.c o-enirlate clatss oratorclcn Strongly Constructed lest. Pries 0Cto 3PotthtpratttatGrattger's. Prics 50 to 3 Nar. 9-Nra York lttb's ttirdl ata Bae alBats bautttte at NWhittore Lakes. BaseballlMar. to-Varsity intdoor track tmeet. News models. A good .'tlatr 4-tt-Ferr lecttres by D~r. Patott, time to get one before oad r stford Theological Setinat~ry, they are picked over. given itt Newtberry salt. Mitr. tt--Address hrytDr.Edttitt Hutghtes SIhoes ittnWesley-att Gud ctttrse. .1., It's early yet for them, Nsetrelt. ,7 :30 p. tit. but we've a good line - Alar. 12-L~eettre by Frederiek NWa~rde, Glad to show them. ont S. IL. A. cottser; Untiversity.htall, 8 p. in. AT Matr. 13-Addtress bIy Ptrtf. NW. F. Mlagic itt"Applicattionts of the Theory ad I100h2NProbabiliies," before the Sigtaa Xi ShelUehanU o& sttciety; nest-etagitteerittgbuiltding, roott 309, 8 p. m1. Studens' Boostore Mare. t4-Cotncert by Ktneisel qutartette, itt ChtttalUttiott series; uiviersity tall,8p i. itt. i lar. r6---Uiersity oratorical contest. n s 19oa ittdance. F ontball PillowAT NhIr. 2 I a bettefit cotntert, by Syat- P~7R5.~~5AA £Zphony olcitetal.assisted by NWilliatm I loystattd. bartiotne, anttlAlbert 11tMide up cottaptete far .Mart. 23j-anttqutte of Ettgttteeritng so- $ 1 50ciety at Ckola oue $ 1 0 5 0th e lli tf te C sitese co tttt isst att tiiseel: at7yesterdtaywsas a sigttal tribtteto lNicti- itt . Intteir louftteahiis couttry eve DARi~LING & IhAL LEAUX 111115etratics 11avccbeetn ittctuteti, tttt Ittttse thte greateat atndtamost retteesetl- 224-226 S. Stats St tive.a Michigantxwats rightlyirntcldtd, At cltigana ttlttes of it.thpact i we. woke ingadfaithfltfttt before Illsn realtttoriitht-es eccogizied. veryfdeceit- ittan ho thes indicattiions of ltnt abltysoudtn t1.NWe tMtlst 1teal Cthicatg,andtif ev eryonte boes Itis i t it 1an1h1 dtI- It wtas feaeduth111:11etile odtttttit : ..ttttt-wouldih no:1lottgeritt able It re- when cillCit intese tvisittorstarrited ioo8 1,\\V I'NANI)l1 FT .N'UIt ) 1. ' the irstwear law elats. ,to 'ite tteldtt 6611111116 I ti =,Stu~ttt~rdaeenintg, ate lit 111 1 ttid ii teot-s tdtidteationse ir htitwitlh lion ltauoflthe steer I ott'by tt Nlass. uuOvetuoneihundteldt ikes t: ee sdtnitt it s istprof- deirs all N«-h Ctish i tten oscr hit ticets tdso hattr. inl r Iaget: I sycyaltttbeiliiase.'e iefo lie epsar l t ittur lift : pe ilti t as 0'ot las titttbuttilIltbe H.ouHed th te tiradI titeters:IeaiTt lTe uettg CasPesitSitJlatticet tita l tie ssitt t nt Is etL.ttd ecu ta s to h hti la. i fethett loro.. A. WStat.- Shystiers -t: Fti. J. CIIs. iteM.hy I lu'uelus-luauct tr. .telal,~ i: Ni e isse: e Rttittg PoltttiIics-. tl ofvert. ThetFacuty--Ja.lirI' tltie idPet The I Studtuett atd tthe a li- Sitott Ad Ntsic. ttlis- 1iieacur I: s it Athg' -llet rspt s--.t.tele If etttIeal rietmarPgofto site Iiltoltrattr;ht frii r t lebl block. eW.1)" O-tf. Ali tiat theChrl ion rehearsalt. Tfes ic)U NI VIRTUO.IISOI PLY I ICIA Terettwas a str pieis: tire forth°it- rots-ti tat tetonged Friezee halt ester. lily afterntooni to ear te putilsrecita. Ai the1 midlttti-eiifthe programtoodiit \'ietttelttlsFatttsit Calrie, and1ter- 'attle fat-tiaedto liundtittakie it Ia thg tl a tilleectethe lttrying itorkcti Ilttitles tha ht olititt:ceetit to at adult. NNWit a 1t11:-tattwa-is ceaer, clea andtteaticsue m: iae V~ieutnip mulaytiialtile asttitidIlarge :11111ex presalte at feeitig. It-slier foceccoi te chuteal it t litshis laitfteill r ~earsi Mtr.tErn. citto disctered thei boiys qualit:sidelares thtu tuthmoit taletedi tsltuettloadthe v ioit iehasttl seentiitn lmeica. .Altoghiisitti:It beind tehimtNta I teRbrJhsni ihntlltlademtinalh Utrini.:th yotsuthltk: 0eh ite-er.mayiytes lleev e tewl eto iterstyito locyal a huhloveshillMatci 51116lii lciiii iciptiRRitits h )itS ictt. Na('1-stlt.Ni e Inc eterollegiaingos. Itts for alhot: tatii/leaslis ly- n, yII claimsthaoftisoe Atonite stoIlait-e:beetti' froamet isanydi pesheold idtitta:a', book :istewertie repurchalsedite.111 ItIciga hisicheck tutu twol dollarstu but lat, r Sheean brougtenit tirjusticelitit corttecoveritealuetif the titeittisit L idttt the igh rturaett ldiii-terd itil Ithee eorgantitteion oftheeNlartitii a 'i; ties:r eeofllthe alinseteeiDakililill slit hilli 'ertettiig the giatcibes ad sittl; es ilersbthitigaftera victer ittthe gyi- lgciat of11 theCty aper-desThet 1koige- teb fietiersusiberstita te ptapti. at fa it:nestConiearfthielarootigh statNda it scD holVNoriite~sbt ips fein oach Fritii.3.11 taciqadtSie-li Itivigthti muci of:i461. ii 17 ea se lti inthalbst tetsOf aiigod shot cuttelAtre ailliete&gat, alessntt block. Cnbardvloe otI ........ , P x Glove Spalding Make) Oer Iniel der'sfGlvestdat $2.501, $1.50, $1.00, 75c SOc and 25c WAHR'S The Bookstore That's Never UndersoIJ. C. E. BARTHELL, Law and Medical Books Nh:W AND) ShItOND HANDI. DICTIONARIES P5RACTICE BOOKS QUIZ COMPENDS OUTLINES, ETC. Cash or Exchange for your old books. C. E. BARTHELL Phene 761 325 S. Stats Street, 21 Fitter Atnn Arber, Miach. i Men who Shave run big risks in using any- tiitg butt the best shaving soap. That's the popular WILLIAMS ' TSHAVING LIMITED SALE of S. L. A. Tickets About 200 Reserved Seat Tickets, good for the remain- ing numbers of the Course, will be offered for sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 9 a. in., at S. L. A. office, University Hall. The price will be $ 2.00, Inicludinig Reserve The price of seats (unreserved) for Sousa's Band is $1.00, and there is always an insatiable demand for seats on that occasion. Those who purchase the course tickets on Saturday, may have them reserved for the Sousa Concert as well as for the remaining five nunm- hers, including Frederick Warde, on March 12. SALE OPENS ¢9 A. M., MARCH 10 3. L. A. Office, . University Hell Run to Che CoswOp. March Sale. Immrxense Redxuctions Something .Off on Everything, almost Everything Off on Some Things. Must make Room for new goods to come. Hlere are a few of many items : All Stiff Shirt,----------------------------- Discounted 5O per cent Medium Weight Underwea'r______- - - - -a____ 4 25 per cent Handkerchiefs, Regular 15c--------------------------- three for 25c Sweaters, Good Quality, Medium weight-------------- ________7 cents Neckwear, High Grade, special otter.-------------- 35c, three for $j.00 Slack Lisle Hose, regular Soc.------------three for $1.00 Night Robes and Pajamas, all styles- .---Discounted 25 per cent Imported Combs, Brushes_--------------------- Discounted SO per cent "E~are th. Qetaltty and Orsdnxanly Cesasidas Ohs Pre.'" r 0 0 ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Tre. tlras:.'Le..veAs-n-s.Asrbeo Goatng Nartht 9:05a. maneta:35sp.i. tioing Soutt7:t0 a. ie., t1:3, a.i. andi7:51p.n 3. J. KIRY, W. T. WILLS, Gen'l Fass. Agent, Agent, Toleda, Ohio Asn Arb,-r, Mich tell pthane 1t5-is Dams diana 698 ~A CHGAN C TSw ,tes..I Nagtra FalNut*s Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains Easat-8.18 a. in., u:.40_p. mt., 4.55 p. an., 9.30 p. m. tt.5 p. im. Lecas.EIas-6.t5ami., *11.10 a. ma., *4.05 p.m. *8.36 p. at Through Trains West-2.07 a int,, 7.58 a. itt., 9.111 a. in., 2.33 p. m. 10.20 p.mi. Lecal.. West-MO4 ai., *828a. ia., *tiesp. in., * ,i. *(Rxept Sunaey) Cosnnneosas Chicaga for St. Lous K(ansas City and te West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ans Arbor. I ..-._. (j ARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS '334 SOUTil STATE ST