The Michiga n Daily
ANN ARBOR, NICIC(A\N, HURSDAYM-ifk('ii 8is tol i
('or. XVI.
\To. Iti.
Football and Baseball "M" Men to
Meet Saturday--Ent ries For
Meet Close Tonight.
1't' hmeet next Saturdayenigtht wll be
cloedbya ne-laplyyaiceeIteen
woteamsl Chosedtfrom thet-Xl"base-
locosdrdlikely that ayrcr
\will be bl-okent in tills eveti it is ccrl-teta
that tiheintlerest will he at fevereat
byithe tite of the race. A simtil atc_,
%y )el at yeariani owcasionedi to~
sit.h-ttone of11 ntitc h-tserhtii e
to trtitatoUhe touhdoftth iw-rbI l
tell mitt aded tto thiitgskini artists. Tl
teamswhiteitt t 11yet definittelick11111
ilt'be thit' tll, tite Itt Ct i.
atron-111(11 eleCntesterdyat <r:
ttegistteretdontthie blantitin tiegt
tttttotfice.T heilt tltites t It -eettts It-
tIICC Il tmong 511s1mitsotf thne thIt
11l1to run inI the t sit Ittee Itt It:
wishtes. aintdittot Coatttit Lilt tcl- tl
onattictilt h ae ly.11a -ttttlls ilithI .s cIt!
fte w ttitI Ior s ll t i ttt . t lt- I
tlorkote-iatnti igtian ticayaitso
tt'tt-( tttts itl e i ttther m ttly imber111) I-
,-Iyc IwayII fromlttilt- "t'tlllstll lt l-e1 -'-
'Mlle on l l c tileitill tll tesu dy
its ttt't Ittinthelettiltf
11iliE wiho1111is uteiturtne d froiIlt--
til. 'tttt tit whei e hs a t tten ete 11
\I. I-I-I- on entelite-in ttt IIt
l-hif1111 111111u t a ee ttlitsnot n
ftt i caale otelItet ape I tm
fortyen-arddaI 'siSturdeaty. --i'
ttbiiou-t l te ll Itface w i wsit 1 ttlIt
did -as e tn a it it tte min111 ar t i -
Aroul-il te IcampusIiti i l oed ever:tl
11Ii .\i N\RITiES AitTIClt L0t
Tom rro m 1,11l - s i-csnc of lie
Daiy w i l tin111t article ity Arciegi
Ilahi at t 111 tone tne wecsternet intercol
teiae ac niho sit ert at d innertg of
a lrgenuberoWSoits or I iiii i
1n te ttte stte ittson tteen tc Th atic!It
wldeltil te prostil forist chin-
, 1 11111 a k e111 at \iilil t-
dut ik t h ould baveeSdyniPost-
ponsed Untpeil AtriMet ,ingof--
butwer s t akenlt tothir deCit--m on s-
Thiks ttoitdttavetteet fot-11
pone titUAntc'etilteMeItatttl icegiof
RulstCmmite etoix
I itt tilt I lttelltac tin i t alinite li ta.el
meet g (} tte fotllt coittference ix
1. malt lwlol il l tb ae Chtiiag i' I 1111
Itn leait n c11te accep titan e r 11 11
to tofi th.ic 111111itt oset iti dite a"1111tlc
byte"i' t rst es hIcomtt-ilte e Ill-s,
t plct 1c igtt til lln t sittoni
Will Try to Get Senior Annnal Out _
by April 24-Book to Contain uigi eue rm;n roIe
New Features Ilt.T olt'cdo and1111111utitn i hiotane'T
goli ting t e g'ond i ietyitd ori mk' ttothe ttttt-eites acm ing tt int o 1 gre-alte
tiit it otse" is te mtto tf te M ith- .'tttigreate 1use Altthe fraeite11-
tgstieti aitofficersi te ofc fttfeihave111 tiltesttitc ' i teibokigiin
tt ne of th u tsicst pla ces il town,11 I Itheoca l th ptrs itsiti te eclas
afternoeoitn tlnd fountd Ihalf 'itdtten etit included. i ThIyIt rIt oo1gitt vttesa'Iulilia
ingu it d ei tsing tsCiia xliit i tr 19It h s t te erostee tf te xa - ti
eteit urawngictuxere, txwilt eer tnd ions t lt s tandt iei es f i lixie
an nteisstfin t tt sethe telepitho titsty ' it ttit it cttl i t
gelti in eutedteseayz f t hhoCTmhxx -tel hin s igalllt1111itlntitstds ittnedtoltbtil
tpwriterl eriif itheconrIfthti ' i-lle rod fthe i (Sea'il rii ale
tool tlay aifthis dstytxtbotksanti itety I t o ciiy.adarcodo o
hoots ceit lee is tqtrtg I i cti\lssamt torganiatI I 1 ton t e Cile 1.
"Plffee don'~ttiasxxe etr e hiri it gte Iti 11 th1 currtl l ar.l' I i i s
aginxto g e t it esiielboko t,'s ixti Ix Ya'Itst-ellrtl-ductiprmesixt t comellieti
ixice edtott'Allenit hti a n lotherpi t-t the tt aittititcithe a ii is tit i t
itte alme 1of11care tixri ue iliet n t t eItiwe/e lR H L R N' , ll_ ' I t A lt[ti I e le rti 111111 i
titls e te the -s ttby inttquit i uttmgifg o te b i I Ittlinee iMott, fro m ti-titlr e-Il
mfitt. tim e erI wttare-itilet fiturilt g'test' t-tt ofitt etmemttsburgta ske tmtart-
ongtin tntsy ithekotoaoutxii thesriitt t - Iience' ttymmteayiafternittle
'tl iteoutioit i ialt togfa 11111t his for th a is shilren' t i txar i e andt hel i
aitmndeatte ulets t retomiga ong biet- wor11lotttti thrctiltret in I t ext tes
ter now and cit esmm wett x w1h ui t e a 'I'tit puiese ofrtmt e r<ism e specially
tiavx tie laoitmsmreadtt for li et~ti 1111 tttm etrticatilte: tt mmfore i me ihi imen, re'-o
wht he e t uetsm r er hfoma tt Itt 111make 11them tgotd ttitiesils-111 it eitcer-
iln. III'i, f e1oothae1ny setin ithlptperbook. th ce ttaliir
lime botklitsto ex sttis te i twobt immm le iIIlltle lithIbooks ian tiltse 1111e1c tir -
ani emm orgtthera ln otim eterxafet T hee otntlist I aoIaCt mm 111111
itcrf a s yle T h t e b estwly lisphav em's llwo tk tit oo s frtt te end altther
inn aettlotsofs ras ngtex saattothittyear work 1s siel t otl drawt m tt ntion t o a
t ist atatgee eat e titI te tsrs li I it teIntit-by men ']hertisit trann c o lin coueg - mc
mto- em' fam-B'ilsi ith I tthe Icoidition' t i with he 111 IhaItt fort wichmttmli thee
mimer mute taat -ihia . Tait ixo mit are tose l l ict- Itt r admasinatiethei' ime Iresuiarcltalwayitts mepoitinto'-m etrl
The 8 itmi ti e niic is em ofm the otit i lid tanthertetiire p itantme andriug,-
fritdti ixip nderxtakgitngsjtamony e r slitt ally onllC te tiraIs t tar-ofmthit t e i
sd esoranitiors101nihettcmeustopa it--e . t Aim h teokist e n
lieu a-ia ss o mewha i tl mt e u rittsin ;t ood _hanc _for __ _idl_ taents
appeartimdnce attleetou t i eg uy. Rhts C I1INC at isIf i c-t theb eg'ltOinner
were fthem aln ad' intsaex ern mtitt yet t im r n $)tt 8 e ot o
hoge indmxk i tthe re titmi ilsntimpne' ue e tt Imeel let B
otiman.eThil'e twott re cime sit ed o it it i t ts ixam i t i ttfo t rancumemm i l im
beni mprvigtil uaity evr inc. xtoe-ere smitit tamkemuplthi ced as
I ts lesebbtwl am e rit thterl t h i 't- Ierm i 111111worklevivtesio tx -l ionc a ie
Iuccess tltyearloottt $ t, w en teprpSi I a md r m tt'er 'te- Koch. ~ it
book. in T nkIs no/veein Usrtetls ek a
itpresent engineeritig departmet't anti itmitels tilt ttotl thirouttg e Iiwalter.
Iis itt thxe tost improtveudpatierns. Th.. Tasi i ret:stite invsetigattintotf
Imanxkesis z-o feetltong. 22 feet nimde ini formsmf tlleCat resisance, ec.,are
in feet deepit Alongth ie sidet are nat- asreadest nigixtade. lTe first modiel
Z eriesa for thxe special conlvenience of lte xias complxetedthlis week atnd is tosw
nimen oxaking texts, and a traveling trnetktunder tie experimetntaltlest.
he Chinese Commission Seemed
Much Pleased With Results of
Yesterday's Visit-New Med
ical Building Especially At-
Itt qtie o f ieas lilt1stggestitta
tiiebittay tie ittedin tte ormtiton of
tmuure ChutesatetonsiitationimB'ie
semi lseimperiI itth cmm1115issioter of
'hiietaittndiis suime ix'stedtiAtntttA ruo'
ttr seeral ihomrs yssterdy.Tie h'ie rtyt
memty- arritedtiniiAtnniAbor Ill 20111
ith speil cari"Sierman,"xin iing tdtus
etly froxixiChicstt, -iter' tey xer~e
titertaiiemd ate CnivertisltyofCixi g
They'wert t 11a tie slaiton b ly Pre;
mett tAngellPrf.l A C. lC tightut
ittd Secretary hadtie Nfterisimie liti
elaiy at tie statioibithbie ceetalis tere
sheredinitbo a tio of cltsedl errmgs
tnl rapbidltydmivn ctommPtresienm tutnei a
esitdencee. 1rottitPtresittent Agill
tmttse te oretalil parywxstshowntt
trouig-hithe vtrirous biings onit'It
camps. a Tey eeatstititt1atgotgets
pecitcle inee, ein tetg clsdinsiutsabu-I
ments richtly litedtithtim.ITim 'hey wtee
ctoas fttinxg skulli etilttdecrted-I xitt
oloredi bals wthithtmtay hatetbIeetact
idicaion of tiermraimiC a s smebbi'ty,-
red, sioe oraei andesmuoaime Ibltck.
In thehnmtou ftie Ibuiigs vaiteos
aembters ofblueettommiisinwere itr-c
steed ixediferenxt thintgsITrey seeretmi).
al-i ignorais ntlfocciental idteeas iy intS'
means;in ftac xIttitw tt'upary wt-es
college mcix one a gremadute tofte Sel--
fldtu Scientific schottt, tattitieotiter tat
a Lontdoisitrgicaltinisittte ''lsltter
genleanasxverysuchittakienith bt
the nexw tmedical ltitltimm ,esteemll
wit ite hactetetloictaorum itmatv
tihere itt spetbsetvemral hour1s xwittDr
Notvy. Itthe eninemulct bum int
abut atllte e ibtchiery bipossiletwae
pitt itt niotoixfortthie itspetion11of111 1
visiors. Ihebitg btaCkit tie nattl1,1111
tratry seemiedtotetraclt thiratteton
cbtdtibtelith iemthbirtamgotut tie etirc
builditig te draswingroottt hopsn
exventhielas rtttmsm bing ictide it
te strsey
Wnte it imsemas recediet
diersity omit merest ws eveitet;the I
thinlgs alwhich mitt te suppedtin u-
terest the vssitrsamostatwere itpasedi ta
almuost tumotmceemiTh[Stealhrs cllet
etittatatateuntiouxn-ile te Chinese ex-
hibisented swrtsyofte otleyiixbte
eattsc ofita petsence.
The libtrry atutebitt lgalerytwert
vtery tacthixappreciateteattlber witr
the party slopped to rest ferteiby b
intg especially enjoeut
lit NAaermanittgyixiaasiniunDiet
Fiteptriek ixatdiianuir tutitehiititt
t reel ttheir "roy-s ig itt s.
wetling mtchetteeenu Jut C ittins itt!
Johntnty (sitrits tleattditegests ee',
muhei. 1 Ttegymt I tem asoi gavet itte-
hibition nitttut blirttiaadmtheit twitc
ast < ew Iti he siuandmutt le ces
f~rommxxll th gtt i mm te patmey lertu
ti-er bum the Isis imeayusdfmmm etuthee
xwertettonutedue o mPIresitdent Angella
httouseishrethIey iee refreshtetd invi
tat Ameican unlimi
lime-whlitle attiudeeofliesroyailear"
tilts eehtof osersvaton 111111ibtiritsI
lilt-eyuumttee tinstatetments xxhatevext tin
waet ltxey sall,'excepititom epressiter
et an1lthlaesure'eitnir toiiiis fluauh
puurpotse ohfetbsourbing tll lies- c-itt !)
American institentiousittd life Contiaul
Owgany King, of Sao Banstc:I
aethiority- for te folloitniug saeenut:-
lThey are oix ux e tist othlie euxutal
tuionx that the government of Chiuxahbets
decided to give the Ciiuese peoupl,
(Continued on page 4.)
tuee ci owemver,er t ltutbtowxmnmm1hit'1III VtI01'
lyItz andmut C tal o ot i ll int 1
itsbyArchtue' Ilthin a ethel lii 111e111
inis al os erti n m thmtn tlth ilt I1,
Inoo rcod ortime ti-tenemoh Te itSt sm11el tou hue madne-anntestedt
shot tinobus-thinI ttteoaut exs tinat j- itt thechVy i i~tletiltiavat taat thble
Sr~x awitthA 1-s AN'.Coe rasu tl~M nie-rillgbuiltdinmg Il-is c pettaedt thlis
thtsactes.lie tin teen tutu mm te e. h em a cb iii tu avalttta nkuis nowcxxmu-
mtte tin'itettntiluttermformIs'evxn let ietitid for'allphrattitallpurpoilses. It tias
sum n oeitccaesion recentslinhe slit 1 Ieenin thtinpirocess tintcttunustuctolmsunle
-I exceptilsll l oo ptb nitltouj ilt:e ume-um- littitg ties sttteindbte xetars
tDirtt'ii Ititzpathehkhdin nottakea iyt'.a talthe epense' incurire-tihits bee~n
..rt-hii(i otvil'tforltyuseven fee1t"1 r1 Titer'elate'itll- va1 expueritmenxtal
asmuctuhi as thseet tuerdtuswheittitby It limitnstf sucatteaintepIt' or~btionus atnt
Pose,11 is 47 feet fin t-2 icmu, tnlsowel 1'equtied tt tilt of itt- Amerticanu
probabtly he'effeaceedatuthilie-linesity'all..tmiversitim's. ibm' t1. C.Saerethils beil
iTe mdrawsings hstint heinlute mu mime r inC thuit-l-t e lorkfinee-tacoinsiderablei
time elass 'elaiy- uace sbut-i it lt ikII tumul'etandtiehatbttmitetdeeta gurea tuxtomit
111111les 107 eulgineers ti-itl hueseltl:tofinesesrhre k ait helontg timesthunes. Be-
igetiste ie o6 enlginieersuttilt hm -intforte u hsiniing touchies ver'e pt upgon
ella. Coe eand Bartlett ran hutbitahi eltimehuge structure tDr.Settler visiteed
againt timliacytesterdayitei-itt e dingt"Isont o nthesttanxks intlthis kindetihu
13 3-5. Coe wsatcautghti ly'onetute chIcit 1mm
ill :13 I-5t autdlauothter ceaunghtth~itsittileTe mteainuery usedi intshxe operationx
it, :13 2-5.oftuhble lest usork netsuntieechtiefly itt the'