THE MICHIGAN DAILY a F'INtE LVNcHES frAtadSkill inTaloring Carr tte ia~ "'ofI Art Cl~s apsandGow sDomestice imi.orte Ciartte cod~~ line of all .mox og articles. Wea are ageo for Lisato & CO, LINKMAN & CO. soIl Call OnL A Full Line of Samples of the W. C. Ker Io an ;o % nnsrcited 1nPPenSe, also for STk0-JY &c sCH3A1;IIEE ma and will bfriobedthe Committees of the d56Y i t clas e on rue t oe chR lt INB ° IE r ay be sensen at thio ore. . L. JOLLY. Stat St. SAM ~ ~~~~of 19.13, and which were most satisfactory.OiCetaLns The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City K ~ C M A Y TL DRET CLUMBU 106 EAST HURON STREET Parlor Cars on all Trains i 3 i i\ T t Try Oyster Bay FOR OYSTERS STEAKS AND [16111 UJNGN[S Everythinlg FIRST-CLASS Open Evenings BOTH PHONES 467 Youngs Hats, Spring Shapes. ""None Better Made" - U. of M. BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. SPALDINWiS Off ICIAL ATIiIIIJIC ALM1ANAC FOR 1906 Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS * A. G. SPALDING en BROs. f iR. ii \S I IS AN inth ie ecttlntils of te Citinese lfttpire Senlior laws ai jutior enogitteers It, Lotis ilititlo tiilitoc C INT'IER E[STI NC1-iI ARACTER is esidetie thot the letlttrgy of Chiniais please leave orders ftor J. 1. citls pipes Blotimore Pittshttrc tashttgt om tht hncforh(mder idasNews OrteasMlontreal.Casn. Lchtt1, 1lig. it e tlt I~tI lettilrltttt dr fotsat Y tet S hopi 61Il'.WittiatttSpaldioc's catalogtue of alt atleti:tport-s Oneithuatnd Chiitese studenets, prtttf of htittle and 1imtprovemtentstill perade ci.eeif saled fet-eolanly addriess. pit ie ttf te ataketintlg of the celestial It140 liil l lewrt.D .A .J AL A ti: rom ili stody int Amerteanit lvier- -II tt1tetts J> teotos SeTORt, Moaint.ISTANiDATIMEtt sitiles text sette. Thtis is the statemttiIGHl"ICFOOl, GRADS The colioge jewelers. Spialto Cars to listrotttt5 a. mo.,t cnc ey of A. W. iittsit of Settlte, terailwray FORMA SSCILETYEstoatlishtedl1858. SealCr t. c It ~wa ., and etery prmtee whttwstsselected by the Dose- ____ __________ o ite c1 ~ t De o 0 t1. Y.iHour lical sertveitceett it ilS . tm., ier i,ttpress itl tttt ttsofficial guide of The litest itte list ttf untiversity \\iliiamt.:ttoliditftcjewseler, itts ce- Stio. ,,thrit I15 te cttttmis-siotntof Chintese nobles twhtesocietes is thw AntsnArtor HIight Sctool ecitti gtott entt tIistotte tessad tttl Ttt- 11111 iS p. n.o Jckso treettsttintg .Itieicttt tttiversities ot t .\fittiiisociety, wih wsstsforitally traet c tic'.igttns itt Iicitigatttftils ttttf wAits iiOOO. OttittlO st. 0 055 11 vt. tirwyttt Etteope ..Aithoogh tese ectristenedl at ti tmetitg heldlatsOyster tsouentirs, tptsscssintg liceitttteitoit- roacisititr-,twill ttt beomse ottofficial Bay lost tight. Light refreshtments score ttinttry trtisticttteit.'PTte-uifirmsest x lobss ttttititer reatih eir diplootatic served antthle followtiing toasts respottd- celciiettot' t tt n1ttttsititattttatttettitttn tttttt ~c1 nietsit eterot, ttttdl Ancetit sotyof A.. 1. i.S.,''platng -fteti i re worIkein tttins, Brighton tClscrts uwreer chi itrest is stitrc to sentd tmany yotht- Altsley Morse. dcc ier - etc. tf PURE SILK o' ntrerece ottl~ac itfiCistassestittre lot-ttet- highetecolit Old l'Tines,' A.. 1,. Iius. - -cost bit cai'."lass of '03." Fretd Evts. ,1181' St esigiss stc t-ttt eisltchauma ntt long wear-inituo tt agur f theaty lnydtrtitetrt-- Class ltf '04,' WilliamtPatrry. ttiptt, itt Gangestritday at t eessssss S i iretiontttot l\lr. Pasittetied Ath.letics ttf '03,'"Atdi tisen. evensisit. tilceti rtttt Phoe 1;[r.ULJI \tttt:Arbtor yesterdaly. 'Tle tmost itter- "Thse(Girls ttf A.A. I1. S.,''Frecto-ti ("'il- stttiagt-was thte Prittcess Si, \Xliittgltttt. FLAT CLASP who isitoniher isay-east. She called ott At tatbtsitness meietintg teltd -trlier itt Sitrt ist; mad1 e. Pice esGal.ARIERS Presitdesnt Angell intthle afternont, attd tcesenintheli followsingitfficers stee- 708 S. State street.i tlitestalkedi m-rccthte affttirs of Chtitta elected Piestdetl Iiter I, I alls; -- -"~ fice[r. Anigellcrepresenttedth ie Uniited i-p~resttW.s'sJ.Belknap; secetary,-, S ttttc iisiitewtt-t .'i cfiottte-cerd. States titer e. C. B. Belkinaptassststait seeretary, Cites- ititsiCottpfer 721 N. V titlersits. eti All Or I tihs iselsffis a wsottderfutl mati. terTaIft;treasurttritArthiute Henntintg: --- ----....____ealersi4cBy Mail Iliefhts p rottett t-t ursteetilways initthle soctal eorimttec SC. J. ligiitt, W. J. Statisfactory- tailorsig at satisfatctosry e - celestitalfkitngtdumtattdlis the doswager's IBelkitapIH.IT. Wessitiger. prices. lser & ODCoItltre.619 F. Wil- test adleiser oiltthle imtprov-ettet of the It is hsopeid to make thte socetsy otte of litittt reet.If PoneerSspender C. Moter cc It-1otat cioinithter extentsisveidomtain.thelstsrontgest isnite ttivesrsity, sitcte -tt-°-Ph18adelphia,-,Susptcdees. lie is atitAmsterictsan, ifndtis fttct ledl to mettetts ars esf1 so wrell acquatittledlttttf Tir- Phelps' Perfectich locttlate pusffs ___________________________ htis selectiont as guide e ft helute-hloodl- hate so strotng a tie amottg theimt. atndlciips at Cus-iing's pihartmacy. ed lcelitis. itesiill see the ptarty - FIRST NATIONAL BANK safeuysnioar te litters for Eitrope, Wath jewelry and rye glass repair- Gltasses repairedt. Of Ass Arbor, Sigh. an itteehre taci tot China to take lng by skillrd workmen. -Errs earefully fitted atnd tested. E. line, Pres.Harrison Scale, v. 11 alod g inIsHitss-tt stattinitg -ALERs J Wgisv STOsV,, Main St. GEORGE HALfER, Malm t. I S. W. Clsrkson, Cashier is Capital, $i00.000. Scrlus sod Profits, Sottist Save a Walk Down Town get your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place 13yyurU. of CI. Pina N~ew ~PLLAA Goods!s where they keep a foll prices. Nito - poo tc in our store , :,.a," ' Nothing charged fot- - .i itt a prices on repairs, etc. Alattm clocks Suitsdu al tte ih pae Coats and Cravenetts $10adop ii tete iaw ui ti lre J. . LSHED stes:'a Hatsot ~, Caps, Shirts and Neckwear STATE SAVINGS BANK 'V 3' J Biooth Jhu V.Siteseian Wm. Arniold lit VC.Vaghaut Jas. II. Wade VI'v.Stills N. J.Kyetr JtsnIHaarer 3jno. Koihi Prof.His.S. Carhtsrt I OV SH W IN WS llan F, N Tmmertmani Christian Martin SE SO WND W BKILLIARDS1 B ANWLD WADHAMS (&+-I CO., 121-123 Main t S. ROTTEiNSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave._______________________ _________________ and Lits ! Medics!i Homoeops!I Dents ! and Pharmic s! Z IN C E TC H IN GS If you want a copy of your large CLASS PICTURE, you will confer a favor lay ORDERING NOW. Lower in Price Belier in Quality FIRST COME, FIRST SER.VED Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block Phome Mich. 893-1 ALE AN ER & CO.HeirrigB 11k. GEORGE BISCHIOFF FLlORIST Choice Cast Flow.,. and Plan rt. Chapin St between Huoronandlller Are. Phone 5oo 10 r tDV > 0 A O' Q ran N r r, ~ t A r pt4 r -mI . WE ART NER UNRDaLRSOLD--4O0DY1$AR-'S DRUG STOR14