THE MICHIGAN DAILY THEu MICHIGAN DAILY. Y a ~~Pub]ishdily (bloys exceped) irn 8 " OV.R '? STsORY te ollege year, at 117 ast 7Washingon street. Bell phone 89.S o me 07 hone 7 76. Attractive Styles Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW jNew Colorings Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS FOR1 FEDITORS. H Exhanes ..........C arle E.Winstead Womsen ...........Effe 3. Armstron7g Largest Line of Woolens EDlITORlIAL STAFF. 11ugb Alten Franklin7C. Patks. Shown, all at Arthur C. Posnd. ASSOCIATES. POPULAR PRIC[S GeorgeN. sborn Harod0C.Smit Perris . Smith e ore A . Balts Full Dress Suits a Specialty 1). F. Steesone italtet' Metzeenbautm GlenID Br'adley 1j1hn F. Wurz' atoy77 V. Luoll Floyd I I. Joest Cx. Ha Wild Coo RATES: $2.507pe yea, or $z o i paidlin v LadingI A' Address: WALTER R. HANS Business M~ERCHA1NT TAILORS Manager. 236 S. 12th St.. Phone t49 L 311 S. State St. b\M11111k \AR1CH 1,. 190(6. N I;Cdr 1 tr 177)1 I INR17 F. PCI 1111? CALENDAR. Baseball Gloves l.(7ktvood, ian1ist11>. kniveri' 1h11l1 Correct in Model 'ae Dependable Quality \r9Nx o' 111 li~ 1771 Strongly Constructed -_ the 711717 771 77117177777, 1111i11u 11171, 11171 til,(1 717717yild ts 7f o 7111.11011 lite a111711 71117 1777 to teach1. \\ 1117y 7,1111 11171 17h7ar 71s1a7e1me1ts 1we 7117110 apprv 1,t1il1Ioi'77 hilt111he77'onceited711wil contend that1 th 111ma1111n111e(1771t7o11 hi 11171 1111111 11is 1at 1all ' l. 7To17sav71.a1 ,1t 7771 171711in 777t, 1 a 1class 77b111a1117111 them o heicr teir deal., ofth 1171ro is to lay ourselves ope to1the Se1re7 117 rn17 of11 co1ndemnat717711ion.11 o"it tilt' 1oh, 11N7717771171ri 711 ant 7il 111P 7oito to17 ex1177 i771 77711171111711111 art,1 7177g to7111 r('.777clas1 7or1d1p1rt1171 ta1 77777'' 7\1-e1fil 1to :sc limy 1111117t call prop c 7t1hei171as711o7171717111117111,7 177171171 ((7 1711 171 77' 17177ethi1s, 1i11- 7777111 117717117771e1711anthoug th s m''1 ethics17 are, The trivialit117y of1 11777 7 7 7171' ('11177r 771'. 11ogeth177r 77111't77 Irv771o77make71a71 1mlt1in out of a mole- 17 hill. '77 ~r. 7 7g1lc \s The ,'7j7(7Predi771d.so1n7af1e'- for agedensani7 'is'withte17hope1 7 77777 n .7 777777777 s '17'llelits succe('1777s 17 If '7771 7how hch way ile(17'17177 17 717 77771777777 177771 '. 7' 777' 71171 alrcad}has broen1themagi 1 11cle 11 177717ing7'o771he1ld 7'ondition;; an 177117777777ing77colleg111are7 (t.vari('7e on7s1ver11p7int that wi7r1qu'r carefu '77 1177 1(77(The 17'i ('9 ta 1l ' 177' be rc~tin~l; tt(' lispo iti 7 of (pof (1 7ina coce and177177 the77717 fate77'7 o71f t Ile", ruls for 7.7,he7777177 (in the77 1'7'7777'( 7.71.71he on 77ri1l7'woul 177prohibihe 771177771 117' (77.71 ae.W.hoe o e hetan ing ' t ''ble '('1 77( 77'' (7an ' the7 177aching go7 tio ' s7 ttl7.'. in7. a7 spirit 7 of 1(117 rne77 71177 >77i7'etal es~ il 77agree 77oil7'a 77 1717' set(of7ru7e77an 17777u(7717'>, for77i',tercolle7g777e 7C1nte7(ts11h717l71(1(7l701 or von tvi~tut ith r ((i'771 7(171han77- cappe1)7h,7s(71ial e 't7ic 117on 77 If w canno 777777777177717w771777'the'philoso1p(11(1l motto,7(1 7777(7771fair for17one7is7fa1ir(f'r ''other, 71 's7a safe . 117'le 11o17con 1duct. 1 717777777 1777 171f 177i(7(7 athle(7e 177 bee'ifomedtht 1e7'ul nt7 om pete 1t77he(1c717e7(11117t17 1acco(n of 177777777771 i 1.77 7studi,, 7m11( has qui 171(717ga77pictur77es', ,7 1(1(77. tf iISN"1''1O(N 1,1117.1117' 11W(ORK7. .71777 1"7o777 1. 1)co1. 7director7of 1117'Trainig17School77(fo(r7Cllidress7 71 7(77(1 101' children'7(ini 7177 7(r77rs.7of1 717 1'17771' 7777717777111, 1771 7(1l(7'71(7711 a7 17111'c(77ock. 1177e1training771sch1ool71w(it1 which Miss717l'.17177(77 7 77171171 7(1 (,77or-7 ganized771 in response 77'to 7171 117177(117 1771 librarians (11711.771tra1i1ed 77(77work77711 children(1. It17devol1, its en171gie7s177 th1t specific pm-'os '(7171lo(17no' c7 mpe1 11n '7717 77(1 7(with 11(the 71genera 17 librar' schols77T. To quote777front1( the'circular7( issue1d(17 77 1177'sch1o1(7(1 he 17b7' ry (1.77 71(d7's not11 ((771 7for'te people17'1to com1(7t'77it77 it goes to theta11.,'7carrying77 1book1s711nto 771777117s(and 777om(7s..\A large' 1sha17' of thilew777k5belo(7gs77to7the children. l'(ib1(1 rarian771. ((11(s7'f1un.17io11 i17is 17to 7(a7aken all interest in11 7 good1 ('e'(1i1g7 i177as 77777 childre 17's7-,lie earl reac . [let('7' r 1777 (7777177 71'ldren are1gathered(to- gether,'7.in7 1117'c1ild(1en's ('(7777771f 1177 Hlmr},l' in 7 the117'school71.t117' 77177'1717(17l the 1tree , 'a1(d 717' 1711(1' 1S 17' 77777 also work7hnd 7i77ha 771i117777717t 1717717 7and1 social77settlement,77a.77771ther orgnied7 hiantroies '7lls or sh1uld1 app1a'( to7 he7 earnest,.b1oa minded17'l o(7777' 777(71n7wh(o7wi(71hes17to 'lc ('7717he177'f7o17117to 7117 1orala1d7177 - 11ctic ((% a Ml(7a7777177711777 77. 7.71777.7 117117(11children.1 It 7is 7expected1th1t (7l1.7 o177 l7(771' 77\v 77 s1tu1e1t7,17711177b171n1t717(1ed in 1 meeti7(g .1711>7 (177717and111n7tal'k1ng7ove(((''7 (('he1 th177' s1 iil(7 ies1o7171 ru 7.17r 77 as 7 career771for1university7 gradu1a1(7s. Intercollegiate Notes. 7,77(17. ''bis 77c71c (71 1'i (('7(7d 7117(7 7717' and7(1he( s('ec'ion77is7m1ad7(1rom tilt-7 e - (7-fiv177'mbers of the gra1uating1clas of7 the7 departmen't 1 of77 mdicine'77771(' 77177ha77 7177e1highest general' '.m1e(777(17' m7 717' (777 of the third(1 77ar1(of 717777717m7 :1(7777. 1117se77'ose17(7.7 R. (.1To 7'y('te (c7p 177' lce t 1777(117(7 \1)\1Wh777. on1e of1 Michian 17117me profe1ssors7, at7a York Cit1y'recently. Il spea(1ing7of71 117 said71il17part:1 "I (117(177 hesitat7' to >7(7 1(77. Whil1 ,vasat7Yae 7tw 11f77' Thle Ann Arbr Press (177rm771y Pr ker & Etyder),11printerso te Michigan. Daily, 'Ihe Alumtnus, Inlander, Yot'b great ook011 foobll, te T1ecntic, S C. A. hantdboo, etc., ec., are print1ei to te stdentttb110717' 17 C \a7it1- Ion sreet. tf _x 1 1 t; 1 l t t t l Just Received Our New Stock of 19056 TRACK AND) B3ASEBALL GiOOD)S WRIUHIT & D)ITSON TENNIS RACKETS $1.00 up. WilA HR'S The Blookstore That's Never Undersold. Prices 50c to $3 Baseball Bats New models. A good time to get one before they are picked over. Shoes I's early yet for them, but we've a good line- Glad to shoe' thema. Sheehan & Co's Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal proplerty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at resdence 331 E. Liberty S7 Ans Arbtor. lours: 8ts 11777 a. In., 1 to3:30 nd 5to1 9 p. M JOSEPH C. WATTS i I _ . I Alar(. 17)-Vasity in1171177 17a71k11177. liar7. 4tri-Ferry'lectures by7'Dl.t'aton, (of 1Hart'ford lTeological Semttinary,7' giv7en itt New bet'ry11711. 17'.il.Wslean1 Gildcoure' l .t.171tt 1";.717' 711(1h771.7:30 P. I1l. 17171. 12-Lecture lby P7717e77ck 17a77e, oil7 S. 1, A. course;7Univerityt ha1(711 1717(1 13-Addrtess 1by1't'of. 117. 1P. 1717(177 17)17(171111177,1171017ette Si7g1(a7\i room117309,1'8tp. l 17a177 4-Concert 1by( Kneisel quarttte17, Af.17 6--Un'tivest aoi cal conte707177. 1909 lit 17117e. :fila.t'22-Ern 171enefit 7concer7t, by17'S7y17 phony or'che's'trat assi>s717(11(7y1717illiatt ](lotwlan1,batone7 717, and 1 1717('7' (('(7 23--1an171e1 7(1 1779itcrlg17so- A (7"te 71e7tin tot-s rein 17 77'ten the me1i7al and(dental7deart-'7( D r. 1,((7tt177('l adv(1e7str117e7>u(s>as7child-( 7i17. \\hile' (7' 7would71 777t7deem7(7u1- 7717v('7lit 1(7 a77(11ra(1' so(weighty17a7(1777- i 1 i c i r 1 ""0AT SHIRTS fab 7111171 cl ht 1r 77vse 17 Ihtt $1.371 and1.more. Clo7ItEvensing Dress CLUETT, PEAEOdV) & CO. 0. lML Mar till DIRECTOR 0711 ce 2(091S. 4th At'e. Phone 98. Rlesidence 3172 S. 5t17h Ave. Phone 114. AMBULANSCE SB CALL U You are Not Fair to your face unless you sup- ply it with the creamy, heal- ing lather of WILLIAMS'SHAVING STI C K LIMITED SALE ofS. L. A. Tickets About 200 Reserved Seat Tickets, good for the remain- ing nunmhers of the Course, will be offered for sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 9 a. in., at S. L. A. office, University flal The price will be $ 2.00, Irxchzdingi Reserve The price of seats (unreserved) for Sousa's Band is $1.00, and there is always an insatiable demand for seats on that occasion. Those who purchase the course tickets on Saturday, may have them reserved for the Sousa Concert as well as for the remaining five num- bers, including Frederick Warde, on March 12. UALE OPENS 9 A. M., MARCH 10 Z3. L. A. Office, VnUiiversity Hedll Ruzn to the Co-Op. March Sale. Immen~se Redui~ctiorns Something Off on Everything, almost Everything Off on Some IThings. Must make Room for new goods to come. Here are a few of many items : All Stiff Shirts,------------------------------ Discounted 50 per cent Medium Weight Underwear------------------------ 25 per cent Handkerchiefs, Regular 15c---------------------------- three far 25c Sweaters, Gaad Quality, Medium weight-------------------1'S 7 cents Neckwear, High Grade, special after-------------___35c, three far $1.00 Stack Lisle Hose, regular 50c.---------------------____three far $1.00 Night Rabes and Pajamas, all styles------------- Discounted 25 per cent Imported Combs, Brushes --------------------- Discounted S0 per cent Ec~arcilrethe Qu.alty ansd Coasalds.' the P.-lao." i a l ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. T.amasLa,ea Atvm Arbor' Goisg North 9:05 a. in. attl4:5 3p. a. Goihng Soh751, 11:(35 i. i. an&d 7:51p. ttt. J. J. IRBeY, W. T. WILLS, Gel Pass. Agents, Agent, Toledo, Ohio Ann7 Arhte $11ich Hell p1ho115 117-15, Homeephone d9(5 Chicago Buffalt Boston New York Thr'ogh TrainsiEast-8.18atai., :2.40_ p. 17., 1.57 p.ia., 9.30 p. 1i. 11.05tp. ia. Locals East -6.67 a, i., *11.10 a.i., *4.05 p.m7. *8.36 p. 1to Throgh Tains Wes--7.07 a ia,, 7.58 a.5m., 7.18 a. an., :2.33 p. 0m. 10.20 Locals West--x!247.1in., 18 atin., *1.40 p. ( Except Suenday') Connections1717 at Chicago for St. oits Kcansas(City 717117177 West. W. W CASE, Agent, An. Arbor 171 Dougas Shoes W AI D. T1- Shema 218s.ManSt Gym Shoes H S.Man L