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March 07, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-07

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The Michigan Dil

Jro1, XVI.

Noc. r. .

Will TCake Place at Chicago on
Friday--Disagreement Among
Conference Members Possible.
'iisiileiii .Aigellhasicled aote
licig fte confier'ee colleges lto
'tTh aittititrepreseniviiues twill
I iii iitiimornig tnd edtevortoisetl
'[h eel igich s'iwai sisxtresseil
iiteafe t i at conferenceivi s ti ar-
,trst i of ll tie clleg''es tis g
that lise: This imploimiiniisii uS ill-l
,iona~l coacst 'wh tih heis cos a tis-
pnid pintincehis it s decid ieltht
}'lu'ctseiractie r e isgoodt h le aieptji-
lceorurepeiationiiiiiiihe Iling rte
ru s nu iii lii ihiinepaiiingii f
,hslreearlurlii ltanditheidisioni
There is a po i ii i tte gm
stvhle suspendeduulentieyi nlssthr
:linereeis I caeliofe adisareemetuui
iiliieh will fireiieali college tisa le
is itt-itdeisionu. I h l e r c e l
ithisiiii huldroaliihelt'plauid as
Ifterles recently aoupetlrcfon
tooi lose ti o ilo iies'tihe' desiredl efec,
drftauewitsein k leeiii ith'itiile
Chlieiagosuwillin isis Itiiiiiiainigtal
Mliiiiisotiia will siulsifor t oli cntti-
is;s 'Wisoniisii iill o Ii lly ivoe to
lispnd t e ielts i i ii: iiind 'lMich-
llnis t> RonP retiighr' a
'511,FTI; N' \PRe'' P Fl
Iris fasi Ithletiisuewi t irulayr
uui5'lui. 'Steiiliiis, ssfternoonand uill the
eii te riemauiis]rso fli s iiiiek is' p ei-
paaionfo hevastymetk.m
Ciif n ltbein i yi tot i itttitist' ight 1a15
:ix t iisi tls ii i sskt il ole
itustcoil.nutmeetpoitsses t e onieu
ofi'ihestriiitesal\~siotl indo mti
luht iii] i isare irwidy e icitingt hatltl il
more ts'anln e trilitrc rd illtso'I
per'ifoaneiixpctilsdf iltsnyotilhseii
eulire ms s ittithati t hetsfiisi
ini the il isisatill lhes stextrels itsi
utto dg esiandiitisttidtit be. 1 sur-i
prsisngt s iii i s tcemo e l Itsiltlitsuts
eeordltimeosf :04 35 1 tih.Fits adi
Atlamsswtill h is' a ll 'iipiportitutuit it
demositateit sistilt whetich is sp
oporutytoirt e p ohnntyxx arlll in i
Besides s tills', ii tie nnt
awill ratlly le!I'letuiiieei tw, lPosIte
itill bIts tesdito ts l ise iquiter indoorstt
and] if lhe iltssnotthe sli t st wi sill lit
Proal hSlit t ties en s it f Sic
imieti will biteSlit ile iiwehiusle isndit

Rowe xwilsagsaiin ighs for suipremaicty.
Bfeginningexith tie preliminaiiry iteetSlast
year thlsisleair eS: ini sll if t'emeets.
ano "ept ini the meets withl.Putrduse,

W v'CO)N FERI E NC E I til uupit iiilttuiu
it iiii iionters lutf China w1" il]arrilit gl)
rig'si e avit at 2i:'40 ilis 'ftel fiti. T p s
1leec ne. Coc neac tise suceeedstleitlsiixxill soittix eitdist iiiguisediiCcsit-
indfai gR te hn s Ile l stii i al s aou h eti cami us tiid will eter-i
upclttn a spintwhih h (fgs il t i
caioth(lmcec tetasu (li out as T lepIstl consuls o f ilt Impra
Or t .c, S oo s tilt]rtue tt PrFitce. ]si Itse Il xe ll st'eyShitea.
bean oi'ee, he firhard aotil hi ' elt-tliu ]GvernortolitheC risnil es' ofii
fro t aue 'rc ured tlitle stSn lt t I lgiaiii siitlacouta tilite s c.'i
the -itt] i: sltherscre stahsoaitu
1 t na a p iials o i p i ti lt ei- is iii x hs eitltsitie itl i
l isii sut t Illi i tl-ilhuh it Ihiro
(ieteatiilleMicsetatog ilti sisotierstiltviiit of iheIlan
it tell elih cuttitet ix lii"pent1i l
that 'tutu y i ll his yer a'ste asibii li' l caose eSingi theP its i ncldi ng Itel iIIIli i
stc xad adthesili -eS itl f Ci- i
.mey thelitte Irsh srappr wh pu
the aceandis spetedto luehim elf reofA titan esidne r dan.I omptas t self iPI i,'
So thti theillhenlso th ote par ni ttey mpic Gtea ed-Big bw
qe by toeCins ln f Ccagog. sftChancest aril1
'Theitiieary o thhparS itcldif e t I the ol lieha t
sot IC RE it 'L t Voiskit i ier c l ou" t'il lerii'n Sulan ndIraneI hRu t es dio
lie I MUStCillSshrtEtTthe of ttctltlu;eret Slur C ii
Thti s .iteo oI t d Thu 'usip-itS Flute-igRONJINTe DIUTIONtod DIE S 1 1'
p pl'rct ln i zc al l. itselttpro-u So he i Snt tiiix e t~ lii " al"'ar''h;
titit rieat il Duuliiii ii istane -un e s ~rW iCo t i s ,I t, .BL'th
S h sit r g h.. .lit ... .....i bo in Oxy micxi G alt ms - S i'iitiB lw '
sli PuStiitiittt ile5]~'ii~. heDi aeuther Vest
Med15itttuteiti I..........e...uu t"e xtu i x ip hut' nouncess< d it c cesi
115 'ii ' ... ......ti .lt liii tkv hi Xru~trlits i s it hutpecp il= n (iti d sre
i its utu/futiftet croftteir ieor iif a chle tic i ttheL iii u- 't" i
Tho At l S o i e F ow rS h ad i cktiil S tiiiis l et eof ehihia o J ms iiihit i t iI U ~
_______arie _......__ iritirh wiice iuted wariheMurotcol 'iici
hi]I s teIr \FC e lP SPNCT orsill wti e r.ulinti hitS )lyit xxii msini
(i\ hi IC F'e.... ...... .'l tt ill' ate sr eig hce
i -i cel tuu uJo 'uth ut'cr51 itl it s tlul ilweeinxcvus hiltad
hiA ihr th tia,- o etentuli ht' l Ftu ttllesllttlhtGttloe ii his~tttht ii till iii I Ft
thu uu'itu if ut i' eis it ties t niti onlxii ahnthitiist extremely doubtfs l AedienceuineF
C- ti lt) hiihh fhecod h v bcore lgiltiiim
I cNihus/o Ioi.in1 Ntutu i .......tuu uI'ruhtit shoos] iteist xxtil t m rtee n ieee itiuDeutscher h
Preluduiute 't..._..........i' ' Fix i u th 1igielis ssh i c Ih i s us iouhimtuis t gs lic J Ph i lii
Ph t hs Ii hu h. it i't huS/its idhecis~ion xi huteh reou ansdxs gtoattle ilt liarahil ii ell At
itius s u'i~ii 11h 1ii tu stI uly iite huuuu~ht lx u i en eta ul
sitti N ut u elexrJonon)toi taei hehe 111othewoldreur its u slit 0 0c S<
..ttu ..I ito Pschol r e st lbt isfrenduhxs c aeotngn I
01T ?~ I)ut thsFAC UL O C~tti tx oflt th piionte haxiitewl steer s t1ii u I i i l'
'N Put) I IL 11)I.HT ltercolege. H weeasarlutf Ile ais t it if te tc
'hiutle iuut hiii t tt hu~u su I ea is iterieawi I w ithuDr.RFu crtta e l cansles s oiihr
uttid fere F ciitIco cetticfrs r tu netu fa lutund i e stulus e Io gs.tutu 111cm, ie is
i h is't-- utut illta e le use tkeup t e u] i ieenc iein eehxilst]s tu is ma er ith ta p
f-y it ofIhu i tus tu~It ~]thihuS hn I tx sai. ecilohieigblttcm tt ir197 te co" hi ii t nulll i
tle rigram'e fotil ths i i: usaexgi ioiitc itxep aofuueia tiils u
SoP t mutut jr.... e .t-usi- nt ex' l T h tts ugluthaul Oat. S Wit hraw ltmi plet ii 11111 andi' li
ruh ' I Phacidsitatl;itS vitste)and iiy.I naisemuch s lthertug i llo lue epi hl. lis il
IMPusI-- ;(P eludeix nhut is t u I ix tu in t ls f s i i therp rw ic tovy i Fiip tsh I ehueil-fit'h is usli
Abr Lok od it ofctitySuit is hout by manl Oliltitlis t i lii
Cl e heseaeSwags: it Ilsiti ii t utnelsfu ce mani sy Itser"c-ahuts 'illcu'eeiii i
illitet-sei"C itt itxit itei lt Sou th" lThlstorieslseaut i io S ut t] it]g o ind thattics .hI t- htili it
Passtionai t' ci hull ii it] i ma i epsin cer i ncs is ahot-li r] 51La 51'a
'(P:iYtnt'ti'lice sIte. C if' peh o i ip o Isi d: s ]cras ssut 1tat iutuuuuuui s ist

"Steeel tudth xxsuts" 55 xxi ftiNiht). rednuuedthe western untercotllegiatle rec- ito c 1 1 hlillugt
y"Sohli tesisn"( Othuello).ordus for hoth exventi, thxeutile 1o 4:2,S'tatue-ccellit'' h
lQuistes' SUtuiet this'"greenwxxooduthiee." itt]dSte talf haoI137 2-5. Conisidheriing Phntay";sieituri
Lesutettiietimoperito;Nora llel , these fuiets, iitis xverp proabule theat liii]best e sututuhee s -
t uatoutpieciiKilletnite1no101 Williamlieut 1b euei eligibule t rnn ext Juieuie lit 's-- sutut'ss atti
l l ixitlan luts.,lisPAfitiucDacxise, nwtuli] agasnlhose tonnexedl lenoitsulthasut ther hlts biia
accotmpanist. for the Mar-oons. j preettscaet.

Dr. Lombard's Explanation Did Not
IPlease Them--Declare They Will
Press the Matter Further.
'Those titho it ldIi -.it itt ii'ii'
chutess ii uhiystilogy e''u5serai'i ithe hop
tiuuts:uuzhlhit"hattuo11t0tutu; se tsa tio a hwuh ld'dei'et-
tutu ini thiettsutu issttu lii't uitht htil
S potitedh. hush td i o uth epit > is1
didthall thast tutuatntiould do intnku
sut hoittesh.t, lncsest l a iiuao uf ts
ut fI lutpoit ion, \hick h ed a
lt'e 1wisttiitu ofi ths- eiod. Th dent
tuu tt'e ' tfd i iap eited d selky, andtiht -lue
delretithuirtiltetcion of pitraessihngthe
' . 5' . uuuruumat ter utiter. its utresult a crf
ueu' ut-sus hlhu wa ith I Pu. I is tiitg', lii
'110 l SI thu-uit esteritulup asfternoon. ts PThit-ti sksedl
lii it; if FGFA NI'abuletithiestiattitde'. )I ueitug tmtirely'

c Iw' JiiuigsC raut in t1i
clici 11111 lug'etst, it
t rt~ hi~ih -,1t
iltl l- n l c t n- I"
the :- 1 111 iltlslie 11 11 l
nonrc AeblsexpesePro
Befno r11 e nrge
reytag.s layilo hl
lii h 1 111 ilthit ii
l i


;1; <11 Pie
eiicI s(IIuP

,:uuit l thsa t t icisattcer is ntilt : et
u'ulsupmorning'was tutu isis tel:
''t\1,heluyputfSiltedI ih to pua t theii
citsutioi lust P I' u aht' I th'u it-h h aiit
thet' titlst het somettit t utu etitiii tl utuiii'
:ould Iav tisin htertedtsilly remark111t
[,etle saytit hent tittsh f ill, 1thati hu
site au tighresctfortdem1st iii asl a
profuessionu. Thtsrutpi avacei wic
ith detacul 11111festimi ha" maiide thave
kgen ]itialarge t meiuu ire iii oths iheteit
dentist. 'hitsetuuufssio it s iltran
broaudler, 'slldIthi stettofidentiustup'
lust hisse aget lo echasn iusl
abilitey. T' hedanger is thit stetstudetu
if liatblestto'eu cati ed itiii slit i his lo it
and irgard'th it is a tu -tu ;t ileis ll1et. si
if as 1ahbranehicif suurguery Yhu Ile
gra otesuitieuus oferedci tii
instrucetorusu Soi tth s dental ii tutillitto
thet CUnivesity of P1t it" sgitas ect's-
tutud as uiut'uuouShtuh rn-ts iin lii upro-
heion Youu Vhilr'it lslivens's-t itppr
:uuuu it suto tusmein(1111ntctith someof
thei lhest111e1blure uS ths itctltyu iof1 t
tar ths, t hinuustu pre illsourelvsi t
shoueh oro511 111e utuhlttconvtrsnth cuw ith
subc itsintueetutrtatihi/i eduiciPutt
his~1 itphsilogytut tis tites nthiSmean
that ith Shutudesntis 0 to oess torug
worsStir thi setandtrdlitt l ot11 he tutw-
"I leslut i sh pto sa thut faru
Strtmi butitg 111ejudiueduagtist ysu Se
ths actuuitSlof theasI like' yuths
hute ist it.usIf stuuyo i'u rellyttughts that
I i I astingestutuxxscuoneur icisen
ur fstuuslut] tut vo te h re jstilul till: atlc"
to tile..xxi th urm 'ris' uits-inustesdsoa
apelingi to his slut l facSus tle', ss fat'
'SI asitonere d tsl it Sthefieisat ant
endtu. 'Ills- curusu e-will "i tut it'eth us-
ytuten or u noh tlualdsitu stu'e'itndIof
thue p-erp-tuuwxil hutexschuss it khut
upsiiiiegt''as II 'it's-give's- t .u''
TIhet'senliorerecordtIshillslull'tht: lich-
S"aeliii 11must he i turned in this sweek
lto insurte "gettin" thetmttito utths' ok
TIheIttttrtdxxii linoibhreuspohnusibleu'Stot
Slipus turutsdul in tsesut- uhan tshis utetk.
htthir tsipmaittbetobtiined-tl t ht'lussk ill
tile huaue and-tlt itsu'ery lbais sandi u-til
depauurtmetep 'iresenathuiveus.
tmtnuthave btlluchotstentfruttms-i'ghhstilt
mtelu ortunthur S. F. A. cmeistiunuuuuc
Xituarch16: P.FR.'Peshhl, J. Ph.lDe hiutyn,
K. S. Itto, P. NV KirkhattutuA. tP
Pesarce, C. E. Sisoyr Ilus desionueu
wiatIsses]oasthoughst ansilcomsitiuon

l i ls hilt i the i
, ites The111 pltisi
i u c i episdes,
J itelf uco mlyt
Or imprsnaethe-
ulbcds 1and piit
sld i i iic ' soth-
Ictofil ht'slit: uth-
r, %vau sa oosuitbiftlt
hut ht t inlt ti de- hu
thi 'u lth ei resustiu

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