THE MICHIGAN DAILY Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for GeIntleten wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. G. H. WILD & COI 3t.1 S. State St. j IN BOOKS If yon would save tmoneyv bu soot ooks .t the Students' Bookstore 320 State St. Books for il Departments of te Unive sity. THOUSANDS OF SECOND-HAND BOOKS AT HALF PRICE Medical Books Chemical Books Engineering Books Latin; Greek, French and German Books HEADQUARTERS FOR Drawing Instruments and Engineer ing Supplies. Sheehan & Co. Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal prvoperty. Waetches aldiJewciy tellired. Bargain, in Wath"s&Diaunt. ds UTIle' t resieince 1:3111 ilet 'y St Anti Arsor. tia s:t 1:30 ts a tm.. to 3:lw adto~ '5 JOSEPH C. WATTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered an s cund cilass nmattereal. the Attit Arbotr tktstffl.'e. ttttlislted daily (Mondlay eceptei)il tanythli colege year. an l1' E. 15 astinttinti tt. B~ellPhoune 8112 Hotiee liont'it; Managing Editor. CLYDE L- DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS EtDITORttS Athl i i-------CLAnaEN CFE. EtLnatiDG Mews-----------ARTHURtiU..POUNan !Exchlanges ------ CHARLS sE. INTsonAt Manuic --------------A. IH. ORTMaEYER Woen----. . .---- FE'.lets. AitssittOil EDSITOIAL STAtI"+ Hath Allea Franklin C. Ptarks LoussDi. Stiettiey. it. A. OSSORNlls ti DtnC. SMTHn' J. EAttle Utl 1,KJ. tino. A. BlANS ttmlT lll:5'I. IANCYIIEnnY A. 1 Mtoulls f D. F. SnsrVNScN WA'ATtnes t'EmTltNBaUri RdATES; $2.5)'irroer. o $?.01if pull in Address: WALTER R. HANSS Bosiness Manager. 2386S. 12th St., Phone 849 L FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6. l 0;. Editor i'iday-II AR~IlI) C. SNI11111. CAILENDAR. (lci. (-Fresh-1((cult ru-lh. Oct. 7-Michtigatn vs. Case at Ferry livid. Octv. 7-Oprit hoiuse by the Chiristian l'tilcttror sieity iof the ltresbyter- tan chutirh. Olci. 51 andisto-\iss Franics Bridges,. Newbierry hail, Sundaity, 4 p. tn 'Itic-ilar, 7 ip. Ill. Olvi. I .I. F.Saice., Fi.n., I).5c\ ii- liiihlt.6 :30. (li. i12-8 pt. it., recital. Fricze tall, by '(arie Schadel, Iiatisic. Tonsights thcecatnual Freosh-Sopit rush coisoff arosud "FreshmttantOak" tit te siedieccgcvii. It is 5atite wisesthsie. swolrer clao-en strive for te access- denucy. Tuery tre sit features sif thc rushiswhlichn arc objectiotnable as planniedl this yer, blisthscwhosle effect stay lie spnoied lby uppetclassmoetn"buttiengit." as trey diii last year. It is for the uppeclassmntci to see that there is fair play. Gisete sewmets a chsasice. If isisto aststo 'rought houste a little wait uil theclaito games orit'looktitp "Tits Boll. KEYSTONE SMIOKER SATUl.RD)AY. 'ist iite s s' iwich tile Keystonte cisb hastschlidutled for thinsi's-ctill1 li itslslest'irheir cluibhousesSatutirday eu'ets''. isteiaid if this eveinsg aic au- nounedty mistake comle less'days ago. .I Al tic.istusdesnts (visis Pennsylv'anias arc srgesdby' tinecluhoffihcers t nt'me liii and git acqiuainited. 11R 17E8 OFFERBO. 'Ie isv iv tserstys'of Micigant Uin offsristiii i hiti/s Onitsof $otutu one f $25; forthIllstssusblst ciii 'I osgnstilt- sitsd ts tine onsitt tt, on str ibefore Des'estitlit,5 loIThesursit ocits tff- sringtheise piszes is tin .htais-a Mich- gallsonhsgtt iwsill v',etadoted s sie slltsanitm. iTe worstcshutlvile serius isnsitu(tll f lmaly to iste almna mhatcr. If urigisa. music is cwrittsr the wovhset o c1ioeseli kosntair. it soutttldve stipl .tad ctaable of bingst sitng hiy'evserone. 'Tsc Usinsasitoa snisytie Studen'ts v . sin oilsi the ails licvhlds, sitstie campsndsin ithesir roomsss. lie fsllss. i is aeite cisndi- hulls f ie cssse-s I. Th in 'istest is tics to everyoe. -. 'w'sriescairoffered.ufrs. $$o. 'ndsitu condtt $5. 3. T'he t Uni vresrves teright io 'oyright sr pubitimsits' itsreject all 4. These rirn re sofferes primaorily fsr tetorvdsalosis': ihmenr.siller vsigsbeig .qu trefec'CCsolble yss'es tsostorils set ts oignamus isic, sr acomanedbya sgestiont f omte tisse ts ohicl they maysbsu'ivstng. ;. u.llnisongs list belisbisttdto5 te vchairmtatnf ts' aaringsscomumit (vs on sissr besfors' Descmetlirod.90.hlii -gamie of teis'' er''smvstot sotpiaionss ad1ressv mstin bei enciloisdin i c-ic c J. I.lBerryCatirmaits Prosit alinsiroma'(isit IP I'f C ne Mcagln Aaditty Coussusmie Sendilall commnssictinsttiictot J 'I Perryn, PFillRhio Sgmashuise. '(ttu 'r- str, Michligatn. PIPE AND) BO\W(L.CLUB. Smitecof tssitmembenrs of last yas'ss Fresnit ar cts'lucbiiiiatv'e ttenstsci' toi inretctste tiir organizatiotn sitsel sisttithecnil it Pe t andituBitw'1csu. Last yeartmor e smutsevserv beforethe smensers of tie Frehmsan Crrtclu werecisleadrs of te ctss tctivite. 'CThe perpetumaionssof tesldiisociety asoa s intsmore cuisuesicmluch nssfit sophio siotre csntrrsebs. The osject sf tie luvisiolisvsocil us it wtsbo cvr. Plansnoaretdy hve lies-inde(sr tie Fresh-Sopin rsin't Fridtay igh. Oterthantsthis n ls have an yet bsecsnsad, excetinge t theatre party os Deroi. The enl of! tie torch sil liststscisptenisstvorgiga-it STUDENTS. A lire insiu(ranceepoliy' coting $2.ain ticy save yous $40. Sec W. I, Smithi rom21, 'Annt AbstirSavnsgnkiuibilock ori-tll up Bleull titie 24J,. f it Knelt & Nicholts' (sr 2C. S. to Anyshinisgyost swantsins 'ynn spplis 'tt C'ushings'. 'o EXPLA'INS. As the prcssiontsof dslss rcfrs- mens firI tp Stte street ufs/v teir mneetng of erry iGel ?Mondaytt1night all uperclasotsmn uho wno o lowis ic slies overhneard ti fesvremanrs whiics furtnilshed sitim coniserablse amuisceen, "'(Via's stihatplac over there " sal onets of tienatuigty iles. ointingmto- wsard tie Cutting flats. "Hos~pital., I gess:c'retu(rne istcoisit ''Iosspitl notingsnee ssrdl ftiisty Wise wst nts arhngu estisy hsno thsetm. "Thlat's osti of tciii soviit' 'iierst i r tie siller Iso, gretlii iascil iy tie eposal f te'siri~o- tnter. relapsedi into silence. WEBSISTER (((CIEFY FRI)R( 'I 'fine ebcstr scity' silimetinSatr da~y eeinsin lis ruosuisnste site rud floosr of tie latics inisg. 'The flissis' ny~ progriamlhacs ects arvrtangdsifisthtcs mieeting 1R. Roatchs. i. '1'artinii, Crnmne luarit. Iumuprompsitu spninecv--J I.Sinittis. Intrsuumsnta Its1imcivAC B.Svott. Unirvnteenetts-C.CrlitBrisktes Debaste : Reslvdi lists asrational Iisiboatdlof trbist'ationssbe iapsiintedstovii ett tic dsputscblensw'entla iosu and emnployer. A'LPFBA NC' SOC ICIPIPROGRisAM'( Tie AlihasNo Niterasrsin cieviti sill hatve tie fsolosingptossamSinastuay evississ . (ctobei i t/ :/30 is'vlock. islisic. isowt tn'Res'dsits''I' vi's1sti r Speechi. Stsinti isliv ii 1Kv (1(st, H yatt. Debastte : Reslviidlstshat iseIs ccii Siiitriss'it tel n abl~t t isnel.ii '(lutis atills Wamb'oldtiii. Seinbestr';s'egts-' ie. Datvidsons. C. l. l Genieralsiscussionsof thei isi lst tfirstiv. 1II. Bels, visit.Gln . R. Triseniegasc"tive W(G.U-Nimstpsiy, . V. Hutchinsuit1).iiFhi sibbett. PtROF littSSE' HA'(S RI IC RN Eli Profesosr h tiss'arried'lastent --ilts tndsisolhis'atintins' physicl lbraor thismonnsg frosmnio tovi12ochtck to cosnfer wtstil lcutns wo sisiire ts lke it)ste witfn astrooy'. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 'liiril ear gyitiaoutuclass f(s irlyvs swilleet Tuessdayitsv a nd sTur'~sdvut tatu Satsuday atit i. 'There wsill his' a mseeig f tejno enginseerssiu sroomu24. tush en'ine'e'i'g titling ty at 5i. u. Iprat Allthstin tterste'iiincsviosnd'us chekers pltas-ntet at4 d u. , Friday. Octobler I. at tehUnivesiy YV. .C. jA. All nwmnsn net seciallyiiitied. Shiet. GYMNASIUM AT Reduced Prices We furnish your entire out- fit at the lowest price quoifa- tion in the city. Gymnasium Pants 50C Gymnasium Shirts 50C Gymnasium Oxfords 90c Supporters 25C TtaI $2.15 Coliflation Price $1.90 Textbooks Athletic Goods Quarter Size CO LLARS tutua iz er} qu rte r fsanisuu't. 55 it Sim s e a 5chance t e n lutha tst pre i t and itsw ichSut'nun-it ItI the 1 sh e tf.c 1 vsc-it Arrow Cltuett, Peaubody & Cot. STATE SAVINGS BANK 'utti. iNmonldt t)r. 5' U.:.Vtugnytu J .. 51 ane 1+: 5', hunll N. .J. Kyeve .11ut1nI11I r it'ao: i 'hii et Ch5trsiess 5tist A Fair Face- deCyol\s fasirts u ot. Treat. it fair ansd u it i trea t yost fair. Alwatyts've ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 Faaiiy Gsrant.ed ..i , ut seialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 . Main St. THE FARMERS AND MCHNICS ANK MAIN AND HlURON STREEiTS IICapital. $50,o5, surplus and Pesfit;' nOS DoUGeerc ut'tlmnt usissnawlh ttn a tirrent ini'i't ni'l'tcime utanP viti., Dnepoisnt,,- Stil' 1psy ivtsttoxes to tn us'- nt f'lit>Dnu ad steh i. Esuitt. tee. uW. 5. SICnne tn iV s'-le. P. i. Bn.Str. Casi. II. .. tils tanAinc. . \\lCHI(xAN CENT1W TaO? SH^'RT.Lt ANNAROR lo ICAGO "'OSTON ANNARBR t rNMWYQRK with ditect ceneectit ts at n hicago dune St. tontis. Kansas City. St Pauil amid the West. For information ansI thrttn..h tick all on on'.iao to WV %W CAS l A at,-Ann ' . ,OPE4 I \Vtrrauntedh alartmnchocks. $i.oo. ninis's jcwelry' Stoure, Mtaintstreet. Nr- tf Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 SOUSA 'S BIAN D ERNEIl 01THOMPSON- SETON INattralist,.athtorand lecturer.) JACOB RIIS (Sucial refornuer and attthmor) JEROME K. JEROME (Enmglatnd's kutmorist) LORADO TAFT (Anmeric's greatest livitng sculptor) l;ELANI)T'I.POWERS (InspersotaorI F. IHOPKINSON SMITH (Autlhor, artisi, aind lecturer) HON. CHAS. ;B. LANDIS (Eloqutet'politiciat, aind. orator) FREDERICK WARDE (Noted Englishi Shakespearean actor and leturer) PRESIDENT ALDERMAN (Utiversity of Virginia) ORATORICAL CONTEST (Opensumbher) S. L. A. Oficer brain Corridor, University Hail; Hours, 4-6 daily l(St- ueday excepted) Michtigan State ehone, 552. OtCorso Tickets. 02.00; Seats reserved 50c extra; single admission, $1.00. Tickets mayble obtained it S. L. A. office or from student sellers. co-0P UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Co=-operative Store SOUTHl STATE STREET C. F. KERRIGAN, '08 Law, Superintendent S. P. WEAVER, '07 Law, Asst Supt. Liberal Discouts to Members. Supplies of All Kinds. Ia few days our stock will be complete. Eugene Dietzgen Co.+ Engineering Supplies. Join the Co-O0p atd Help MRk xtalrx Low Prices I I Nvo w STMPSONV&$STIMPSN