The Michigan Daily
01 L.XVI.
ist of Subjects Which Hart, Schaff-
ner & Mars Offer to College
Men for Next Year.
litfsuciitsttfor11te 96 Hart,
tiafic 1 ri Iar ize essay 23cotest.
Lco aethe sibjicts for 1907:
Thepraticlis ld oiiof reeing
mnris e escitil to stilsetueti
,nciiiilclte 10Unit1ed 115ilstatei.ei
Ic helst Ithosoftaiig'a
111111111rrnc11int111111 pic111.
Toli it 'ex1ent,1111 il what111fom.,
ar11s1cil1s1110enettlhld iltie Unlitei
ililiti hu
liinihatreetl and llllto iiwhat eir
is ill I l imied or mified tht 1fl
efcofcmeitiof elit' 1111
Th-lotthod111111 iced i tle-
7HIM far doestihe itearninigpowe
I sill obtain nd 11 eea egiiie ioftrade1
;; l\citti l ililiofimodiniiicocii-
o. '11e1 lit cloptitito f etniciiiithe
A6 ist pliltofi1,00Siaoei asecon
p ize of $o ii cash, ireoffeeti lii
hehes lstchies tiitsentedithlClass611
lhate reeiedthelitba cloriis uiegee foni
art Amtteicni cllee i utso iiiriteie
ater: iiila firstcprizuet til$300 ianda
lii tic priz f$iso i cithiareioffered
ilme ithe 1paper. itt-csitt ui itilne-
graduatof anyli A1111ricant-llge. Noi
iole in C6li-s NAimiaIicoiiiiiicIc'in Clauss
I: hln -nut i Clas(s 1lily compilee
ini Class:\.lTe 1111mitti-retsre-s lo
itt-f il(- ightIto aiiwaird t 1-t 111ries
if the melitst- of Illtpe5sldemandl Iit.
-YN\IfII 11 6116IIISi RA
Theu ie 111 iiSmhoyochsr
ciniig, I itcli 20, i l iirsi i lt]111,
loe llteitellitof 1ofillenr ~til-Vrn, tilt
The admltisionii til llb ift ents.
The orctra Iis 11111ofiihit motst re-
cetm .ial ogizauiitiis ftheuni
t r i i I Illa ifounded1clt- hushr li
his 111116 as litadi 1oiteiceslal I-
liii licll ilo te 61111 t tleSchoui Iot
Mui. Te limtembersip cnisiss o
lbu ity lxsudentils fllitheuiesitttd
lilt Sichool11iof IMusic lTecntues gieln
lilngt hiltIief careriof tiiiorchesta
liicI een iesc test sful
lie lta111115 the1le sillt iconcert-IIleec
oig1111 i i lae ytellmember s ofll thecies-
tra ini reelslgiiil iof it-e srceIcs01
ProssorEn andl all fIthe procieets
wiltel-liploeditossit hil illpaiy
is euieln111t$pnto.
NIAKISS I Ni l-OVifN16518
Chaedlafie lew Iilliatab Itile fr11n1 a
- - 511111 1111stay enjoy the gm~le ill
ltheir o1wn1clbl ouse. Nie Keysone
Chill ha1 b1ttilio11-0illllrleuImellles
cullies 11 file homle 1111 So11111Fifthl lee-
n11ue 1W~i in-htentyc-six fellos ha101-
roomjls. Albetee Stenlger, of Johnstowen,
Pa.,is Ipresidet-tofithe cluib.
No. io j.
A lege- lulolier of trck cndidatesi
wece aseit froml te reglaewokottl1
yes eday -afternloon t11the gyttA utilt-
lie of lthi t tttold e eet preet, evi
dentlytingl 1r"eatdytforit 151v111ity met
81111111ay niht iiGarrell ook the ittr
dlesi1111 lght pt iscte, 11111Arcie 110a111
ral 1d1o11nlthe lone sel eime111s eit
ililt tisi tSt ils teIwa15butttlttle
-ing Goocdw1011111a111 Scettituingtt t~tie1
quarte Ir a lte ttd Rstmey laiest lttar1tge
s11111t1oit half-mtilers 01t111 easy paee
Coit-11n11Roll to11106a1fe11t iers fotr-ir
teenlaphs lthought"itlli11u1 Mongomnerv
Drill a111ni MloneyttIaricstill rningtlo
tiore itdoors tits seasoi, tiless he goes
itt Satttrdty ightIftr t ttheupsecof
sctfiltg plet
DEFE~iATlS MAROO)N -VIII TS nido me hc a cic-N'
itt} a1repettlie icliti tiscotn111eetrlatetc
ea.Illintoic tseou011tthicgo Str-
daiit inningtlttlyt a 5score of 451-
o 1 12. t the cis of the ely1raee
soduO ti,381- o 81-12l wittie
pole1111 csiill t Illdcied. SN ikits
bigtinlictblttctd ofrshatttt Pst3NtI
hillse1111fromigntillness, litGrearofI-in-ti
oi- cullthe et-nti'ltteit tfl 4 i1clct
cago tied1forsconahit feet, 1 6isch.
'Ct betc eriCaptaincarroyseWilt-
kins1an 1115 11111 taingeatly O a3i-
capped tt I'll . hut hadttlc onfiden-i
ouithity-yard igh ttcurd~lsictI
re ci-beak iitguutitei:ff4lIttl r-
sal tovertu6nethopeliedwleet theit
ift t 1y1r11clash il5 65 witte 1 titt
fiih d l ot 11 it E ki. h
Chlittoslied;CMerrlthcagilot scc
41y Icin ti hirt le 0 -
Fiftyt-yard hithlihurleNs--ttntCtt
cagoirsIt:liDepuy, Iill i ilsond;rMc
tityit icgo -1119 ite, 36 -5
Oicte-tilceortst -ichardsonfeetitoiits
hitiodsergItitllittl, ec3ond;
Folt h tilleftcandifor 111111rdirus
tie :it i le5. ic
lie ituSistehIllenoistioeti torhfirsc
- iteet ueoicttisostsat-BurTuehsar
1lisf i rslt;iciti piterit alioi s,111 10111-
-t leselor6 1-5ichstl fus oi
Parins ots Chicgotie rsiteimCIl-hu
cao selot ntil li-ltet iis111hird n-
-Sihommer,"hicagitatiedfisrenirlytew id
tied thesuis aen i-heigoing fet oinhesor
b iy a large nutmnber of 'the -sophomores.
Medical Instructor Will Make State-
nment to Dents Today Which Will
Probably Appease Them.
Te freshitacitl studetctstule takei
ecepcitiont to suoeadvic-ie gil-ci theis in
at phlysioloigy lectre 113- Prof. Lsnmbard,
andiin at sblsquetitclassmetieng te-
tcuied litha I th-nthadbeninstustlti adu
r eftud htoattend the Friay secion.
Thieyudrctw a ittition111existessig their
iignal11ution lndrferred it to thirfctt-
tlts, it is rumoedthalt te tetaltfo-
111itytkthit ldti ts it Fr uarl-
1150 tele-Itt-lit ti cthlt irLombsiard,
anttIan c-illntil Oill ie 1maue
before t hitcirhte ciassltoda13
Somucdiftftrece of oionttuue xtscas
toi the intetlotf lDt.Loibarhsremact rks,
butu it is thluotght ttat lteihd tic fttttre
ill thicenulcttpirofessctuioni i nt
Inlltukingoust hitmetil llpofessiont
Itlargegt he saidtiha ut10n oS in could
knowutcmoure111han te geteriilrnciples
uf the cetirecsujetanuttuhitsa ttman
titlsthe a goud studetito knowlutottr-
ou1ghly3 -s-cita secil ib1stancht
I"Detistry,"le sai, sthul litetmade
a proecssion and not a1111tradeliThFit- can
1111l e uaccuomptlisilhuty rstituats front
suchu iustititlioss sshus koitngisoec
thhowluouingiiuuteect. NT01o111113 tmen
it tile husitccrecu-uru the ets that
comintolithucrchist as tiec eceptcles
frtoe hteectsdtudheindi iual as5a
tingllt that itell1paith tilltiforthe itte
iHt auvuiscultheudcits tbucoe tchior-
ouihty ah cquaitedtcw i tiltanatomty atd
lulls sioty itt short to becomte pro-
festusilrathertuhanitrlaudesiusc.t iet-
istylilt opthlmology,111 i s aseciali
beauncht of tmedticiie
Thudns lsuu takee'teptiontosthe t
fat thatuth1ley are quizzueuld isrately.
''is is itm~erely uouutut fahis liatecthe
wourktsinia lrgecsectoi.T Ihec proable
outcome ouuf the affirtitoday17s15xcieilng
unu1sual interes titutotg mueduicalsudents
Prouissor Lmbardsl tatd 1last cel-
lurg thatuthec -wtul muthtilttchss tuday
at nite tclock andtiulain ithus ustion
He satcd thautt eaitt uo lulltherltt
troublehcovt-rtthe-mtulte steie hItad11
uxplinutedth is rectt remtars.
Mhichiganusuttlsitires hatteihatutheir
itar teefucritieismutof lte liir tiurial-
leged rowduhiness aitdlcrutchlaindtg Nhe
follosutitt cliig rottt I) DalySlu-
entUnitulersitstof Inianau .ioItt hat 110
Ii ue ttuuuiu tc iihtuoiuthr col-
"trtshman ttscrers ws ueectrowsni
into1a1m1l stomtif01cieteetitthis
morighe it wasi dsclsoterculthat the
innoceentlookintgdicht beiglog a t te
sile f tii tee tratce wlkwasS uttder
theluc pertisttl~ion and direcctintof the
suphomoturtsitwhouitnetiulu nse 1cit a,,
a utumuorary3hrtigg rounduIfor th
freshman stcriapiileader
I"Throught the crelessnessc of oe tf
tth 01)itenit11as Ifountit lthe s ohou-
11101ecshluvl obtatied the see-ces of
'it 13 S 1Viii;; ii 11e31-in
ituitt it htimad listht he htatnthowe a
iat Ifrumu tuui ttseteni 1135s titndthat
elt. It-ias t iitentitontof te soitho-
nioruecstohutavte ir. SWikisihypotoize
theleIauersef tic frshmsain css, sw-io
won](tih enietilcsietd 1135te 'o8ieiaid
sturedl01w13 util uter thie scrap
"A~gatin aumtostitgenisiusisplait htas
becenittsraicul by the ary first year
mten. Suumte of the most cleer tricks fo
wtininig the scraip eler atemtuedl 0t
Idiatt avtueheti sprung tis 3ear, ut
echitonie haslenit hwaretedeulbefore lwel
Itunder cay. 'The freshmitetnare eonsgrat-
iuatintsghenmsel-es11p011this itchy dis-
The imperial Chintese commnissioni
whtich will vsit PresidenstAnogeil to- Defends Michigan Union In Editorial
tmorrotc sill concist 01 thircc principals, --Many Interesting Features in
seviente secretaritsittulamanuntses, Inlander of March 3.
tutu eseensetrlauts.Thle paety itncluttes
liis imperil hiigihnessIPrine Nsi Ise; n aiteuditouri-al uun ttus MVisenoiutl
it eceecy,3ShangsoChtiIHenogg ,oc uuilditig anmitti ightUnt6ionit is thse oone
cirtoe of hatuitgtt andtulhis ecellenctyitntthe ildertotrNils ch3. Itcitfeutuis
i Shentg 1ToCinese mitttuser ho Yl the NichiigaUtittonsandtdenetis tiu fctu:e
giuiut thatmthe situtuls Ittre11notuch of ltuat
F romt itunn ehuterthe patiyeusillgo orguanization. It 1takes ussue titihthuc
to Dletroitsitu thence hto NigaraFals.tiemtuls of Juduge (rtt onuithis mat-
IThiselsrie is intAnAroe at 81ifleac' tee. "Wetfullyibitche tha l tJudge Gront
thug ot t hc Womlsvcritinithe aft enoon.s 1wrong116ito Iis councluis.tiu We have
ticser itheurd itstudent uucdemn hc
SN ISE 'S tSOCIETY VAltiiga ionors 111 aveuscst-sheaurdlthue
1,A\QUENS SNTWI IITNMORI peenut officers criticied on tiny hut the
miost irisiah grounuds. -this oub-
Tithebut of the SWebstrsuociety, secs-atiotis ae touttuc of tile east maj-
hldu ItlteIbikc I bust SNWhitusore Lake, ority or of the ssorking, itlligettminu-
Satiediy eveninsgswislargely attended orily, swun haie given thistimue and
an aut sxim altugtehierotueof tse nuost sute- enoergy-I, toh tUion atnustaitdulready3-ts
cesshtul affuirs ini thiustory of theoers- do so againts
gantuthot Ioruse t-3sevetsconscuttise Othser articles of noteuuapearinsg ini
es, orslice usescesy fotutdting of ihe the last issue ohf thInlanttder are, "Te
cocity,3 itet aqueujts itaeesets heild Pict Greet Playees,"by RonuldtCratne,
anntilly titoutou n teriutiionitndicots- disetissinthehoeitsouuthlistIrupeucfrotm
seqiuetltherutecorulhissconmeliitobe aott educautuonalsinut of shewl- antul"e-
mtumteeruof pride ssitls Webcstee mnt. hind lthe Scenecsusiscwhuch C.J. Ligntian
.Abtout eighi-tysenbeseee rscent atsiessthnYe l euct plhaters troutoait-
tse siureamd Satturda-yevenin"' ati attendm- utther atugle.Its the linetofifietin Jules
autce laeger titus for sesvealyears. Verne DleVoignels is liteuiontriut~or tin
'T'hee swus ian infortnal recepotioni mciiia clever little sluoruet e "hut-Sild'ts
at tse lake House, mter ssichlsthe hats- Misunderstandinug." ithltiuchut-
ete toos plant. Attet the duiner, F. L.uLder foe Alurehits1a1tery interestinug
SVarnserpesuident of the society, inutro- nmagazine, keeintui p to its fourimer uight
uhuieulthe ftllossing tidss:standard.
Dlanoiel kVebster-J.iH.IPissnmoe.
Chtoocingta Pirtuner- I,.W.Care.
NThe I'reshtotan-J3 V. iurd.
Th l t mi G.1Berkey.
Oue Socety-W.55G., Autupluc
Atletie--R. 1) Jotucs.
Iraft11.i C.NMontgomesrs.
Mhining andulIrreition- S.55W. Doswney
The 55eclster Cup-H. T.St'Martin.
Shikespeasreaus re-uiutg- I A.Gere.
Resvcries of -a Senior-G. Ala'Macolun.
IThe present offucers of use SWehster
society are these : President, F. L.SWar-
uer ; vice-presidetnt, 14. R.Nrttsier ; sec-
retary, C. .Snuoye; treasutrer, 1G. K
Oshueut; critie, J. T. Shipmoan; tsar-
shal.h W.G. AMurhy.t
itrctfh Freick D~unlap 'ace ti lecure
itn u thuenemicaliuiding y-esteerdaly after-
utonsu b~erthe Chemnucal Coiouiuut.
Ti he suthject wusus"Nhe Cheut fetulCout-
stitustonsofIFiidhFits tutu (ilt."N'ite
Chemiceil Colloquitum meets fortntiglye,
alterusa11106 ssithlteIPhy sicilColloquitum
int a meuetingcs-cryMosntiay.
lil twno organizeationsare-muaduhlip
ofi the intsructors ad anst cceistiudeiths
iin thinphlssitcal mitchchrieml depart-
theists. Papers arcecead 63ythe s-arioi.;
ismeuhrs bearinugon the special lins
alonsgswhich they are sworking. "lhue
leeture yesterday uafternooni sas of a
tchnuieal unaturec oumrehenssihle monly-to
adva-nmucted studtents ini chenmistry
Hion.T.N"A. K'.SWeadock has scull sorch
to the Catholic Stndents' clubh that he
swill bsetunabule to fll his engagemsent tere
ou thue eventitng of AMareht 7. Out that
date Ale.SWeadocks sas hilled to speak
its Sarah Casssell uAngell ha-hi.Ileswill
speak hater inithoe semsester, the exact
inale to he uanttountedminii te sear futture.
A poste on the bsulletin hoard at thur
getueral lihrary- shosws thseuAusericanlatud
Biritishi usage of academic gownus, mnd
illustrates the several goswns foe the
variouts degrees at theutiersities. Kach
style represents a degree. Amotng the
tivmersitiesswhuose goswns arc showcn are
Juhssf-opkiuts, Prinsceton, University of
California, Cohumbtuia,uMinniesota, Yale,
Pennusyvania, Chicago uanud Western
S. C. A. NIlKFTS 511 tLBE
Next Saurday, mu 9 a.ixii.,teSlu
dents' tecture iAsscition wil1111scll Iswo
hunduuredl tucict ut listuhe o fi ce iniuse
mouth conrrioriof Utiltersityhill, it $2.
Thsese tickets null uincludeithutremunitsttntg
six tnuhbers of tse S. 1,N\.ecurtscc
Thle single adiuussiont forim sts ctns-
cert without resersesa ci t will hue one
dollar, anthuere loas itter hueeni 1enought
seats to fi11 tu heiemaitdfuir this poular
numbter. If a psesiut,111ys tile$2.00
ticket, swhuict inudtces rescerved seal, he
swill get the Souusa ntltuberumaidifive-
others, itnelutuiitg Federick Waurde,
Shuakespeaean actor, sectx it. lumdyreen-
its ahuel 12.
Thec Jcffcrssuiuusosuciety if tse last
departmuenthlucdthueir ftest anutuial hant-
qiurt atliteClhiftons Ihouise, Whsitmore:
tuike, Sahturdas evensinu. Haee, 'o6, was
']hteewssno set peugeamot tuttuasts
andh A.-Hahre caleudtutu Blantchard,
Btrasley, IHufinumis Camulsont, Warnuer
Pennuy, hecilce kissA13auyuland aginer
for imtprontut toasts. Louis Katmons,
'o8, of PittsburgI Pargae ItuItohlet's
soliloqhuy in a hoodssmressivemtatntue.
'lThe Jeffer sontiansupresenttumembnhrd
abhotut thirty-fuseuumaking mitexcellett
representtatios fusethesulciuety. hey are
indebtecdto bte eourtesy if :Air.Wells
of tsc AnntArbtor roadui hcu ouadthe
stpecial trauintaeudicibuctouu heiistaionm
for some diilatoey umcmbeurs.
As thse result of thse actionut uf tHlmes*
livery in seuscinug a negro uatied withu
a hig wvhip ho protect a isaek eontaininsg
freshnuwsho wee gointohoue banuet
IFridbay night, aun effori is binug -usade hi
h oycott that fntrm113-the sophsomuores.
'Fle sOoomore preomtenadie occurs Fri-
iday nighst, aund yesterday- u bumber seas
passed amntg the ioS nwo huuu suslau
signified their iuntentiusus of amttetuding.
fThe paper conttaiusedismutageceest ii
engage no hacks of this fle nutaeeont
iof their recruit action. It wvas signedi
by a large number of the tunderclassmnen.