I ~T141, MICHIGAN DAILY ..-d -..,,, llockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS E XCElLE1tNT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Steeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotso in Toledo and Co- lumbuo S. E. CLARK, 32'! Campus Martius. Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing We do developing and printing for amateurs, and do it well It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell more f ilIm and more Kodaks PRICES REASONABLE la. E. CALKINS Or-sgist 320 Ssot th. Stateste COOK HOUSE Opposite Court House Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHIES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 steamt Heat and Eleuvator All night sersvlee Scsttso IDINNERS A SPECIALTY. 50c Each Vnrsderlip (ft.cook-I. PEA NUTS Finest Quality Roasted Peanut.; per lb. I Oc. Salted Va. Peanuts, Bleached per lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c. Peanut Brittle per lb. 15c. We buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-lbs. Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts S 1 for less money than any house in thin vicinity. 214 South D A ( n ro MainSt.MDEANaro b~~n n.n. n. .,n, ...n. . n .C n...i ntcstgoo ..+., ..aI e :A The distinction that comes from -. being a correctly dresoed man it yours -by asking for my mark. And thatf does not mean being extravagant-my creations are reasonably priced. WAISTCOATS TROUSERS "MACKINETTES" TOP COATS Reasonably priced at my representatives RHE IPEallyON TFilsIts.tuts Fl THE COKLINSNC. -a 1d.al 10ina e seondes oftAss.TldOhe iossr IylpIfi4 = c Yol uro cyiA !" Judge for yourself by asking Lindtrnschmitt, Apfel & Co. IRHAN... - RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet?R A N D A L L You can procure from himn a coupon salutling you Io one dozen $ 15fCubinei Photos and an extra picture for use in the M~ichigan- Iensian, allfor $3.00. P HO TO G RAP HE R Exuperi Jewelry and Waich Repairs. I P )_ "-s''lT I I i (l i, Cx(i"'1Ci. Ariiold's Jewelry Store. I lilfireili's geninte velvet kisses at Cusking's. Sitls pressed. 25c; trousers, Ioc. Fuller & OConnor. tf These Eight Pipe Tobaccos I Are the Largest Selling, Most Popular, Highest- Grade Tobaccos in the World Every pipe connoisseur, the world over, knows one or more cf these tobaccos; and knows that higher quality was never produced. He knows, too, that a good pipe,i 1--- seasoned by and filled with one of LATAK 1/,, these tobaccos, is better than the best smoke of any v't other kind. 29t L , , SWtLc G COTS 510 LAAI Fist . 55, 4& . H" t2-Fsos 1 grade -heLstkittiutta ti &I . fin for mixturesIs n sot u u Itins.I I213.oz., 1111ite' i ng iiti r 111.1liiilii\\. (i\l l it nIn - terabiefI tg CCiCv -otlrlit Cvs t s ofi. iil ith past11111 t\stls, Misjs liii- 1 to l ill-a\ c an iI I llllof ilig's " Ilii htiat ed bytill i MiutJCeiIII't. Cicatgo's i\e tdefeated W'uisosji lit hl kill 1 a1tMaisonitbyia.iscore'sofi35 to 111111hrelis C n iea le rl-1 p lay a d I t i ilh r f 1 l \c11ai et is ol a Cave of is'liet()liii lii lt'r' Willi111 itt lArnldtetiti clii it're cell 'teloit 'ometlew adit t tatv eins int M111Cltti i Itfo s' and dI r rtsi e it1 lii 1111niormilix- toi ditail shul d li ipplt t oil i riill Itilttit j( lry Ic. i ii )1ti iiiu ell -a .lietigtaii etrd.l 1)a1il1'1111olcr. 721 N. Uuiet' its. CI Thle Aini Arbor Press (formrly Par- ker & Snysder), printers of the Michigan D~aily, The Alounus, Inlander, Yost's greait bllol: o toiotball, the'ITeckinic, S. U. A. Ihanidbook, etc., etc., are printers to the stiudeit tudy 117 E. Washing- I ion street. tf Watich, jewselry' anid eye glass repair- ing by skilled workmnis. HALLRr'S JEWvELRY STORE, Main St. HLLcR'SJEsWcLRvSTORE, Maino St. 'The college jewelers. E stablished 1858. DEFIEIIS ART! STOREf and hav them feasted 01111 Choice Moulains Only the Best French Glas3 in Used. 1223 S. Matn St. EVEN A CHILD CAN SEE- / \ . largerfoclks appreciate-the sulperi- i' onlty of otur pork itn laundering linen _____ ____ and all else that mtakes for marl's comfort. " It's a way we have. I Shirts, collars, cuffs, etc., have our best care as to washoing. stareching, _>s ironoing and deliverinig-to say tooth- * ig of fair pricing. } ( rTelophorve. 928 .~J' Varsfty Li. sdry / 117 U. 4th Ave. Btt Phoroes 928 Freylinig(ft Mendels [LORISIS Os-ard Rapids, Mich. Everything First-GClass At Rleasorable Prices LOISIANAERItQUE - Ale 111.\ Gntertti'sa uS R1TbtG '; - lilE _\w,. an 'ietVr ini 111 iseul c1' Ia- 5504i 1 ut.n1 05m. Visgittttet, plasanttsmota vacuum tis. 12'3uot,' titts Vioginiaeold leaf 24C. 3? oz. 40. Nith avaa, ''urish TsEE SATES-A5 Folding Pocket Medicine Cases I'D11, Senior M~edics AT I r(j s I i J III IJ1 i " J 1 J i e i i i i i i i I I I GAS STUDY LAflPS $2.50 Each 100 Candle Power for 1-3 Cent per Hour Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS Co. MONEY [OAN[D lOstWatcheosOi Dianstewe lry 011d1asl IiihtiClass Chlattel sod Collateral security. We J. LOURIM 10t 4thl Ave. Opposite Court Houss Two oors soutt of nws. YM. C. A. OrFICo HOcURS;50 to t110; 1 us 5 7 to 801Is B usinss Strictly Confidential F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. cmmo rs famous brands will just suit you and your pipe. If not found at your dealers, sent postpaid. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. i11 Fifth Avenue, New York IQUARRY'S' IBAILEY & EDMUNDS !Bportinl Goo~o 121 Slast Liberty Street. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THlE Mr~ OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORINQ