fit I ICPI ANid AtLV ISpring, 1906 OUR STORY Attractive Styles *New Colorings FOR ME'1N'S W[AR Largest Line of Woolens j Shown, all at at GH. Wild Co. Leading M~ERCHANT TAILORS 311 S. State St. NOT $1.50 As youd expect from the binding paper and selection of titles, But 50 Cents for the following popu- lar novels: Virginian Glraustark David lHarum Rupert of Hentzau Right of Way St. Elmo Sheeban & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamond Ocs ai residece 3131. Liberty 57 Ann Arbor. Hoses8 tic11:30 a. mc., 1itis3305and 7 is 9 p. M. ALL BSINSS sC OFIDNTsIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS r TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY. Enierdasso nsd clas maiieratihe Ass ArososFotoffice Publishedd ii(Modaysnexcepted) during ihe coliege year, aci17 iFasi Washigion stri. Beli phone O92. Hieephone 76. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Aiheicijs......Clarense E. Eldridge Newss............ Louie 0. Sticshey ilschanes....... Charles E. Winitead Musics.........A. H. Ortmeere Womn........... Effie3. Arnstrong iDiTORIiAL STAFF. Hugh Allen Frankiin C. Parks Arihur C. Pond. ASSOCIATES. George A. Oshorn iirolid C. Smih Ferris N. Smiih George A. Bares Roberti H. Clacsy Frash J. Clark Hlery F. Schulte Hiery A. Montgomoery D. F. Sireenoe Walier Mezenbausm Gloss DUBrileiy Johs F. Wors Roy V. iLull ilsyd Hi. Joner RATES: i2.50 per per, or ic.on if paid in advace. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 236 S. 12ths Si., Phone 849 L. S1'41l)aY, M41ARCHI4, 1906. V(ditor 1today-JOH-N'F. N44'I. CALENDAR. .Aa. 5.}-- 1(l7'Ooo 777 N07v1 007 17ha11 at 3 1P.7m., by Rev-. Loi. Palos. .\leolingof 777i777770ty77me170at 7\Ic- 1111lloo 1lll. 6:30 p.77I.l.44407'' 1by lxev. L. 11. Pall7. .liar. 4-11-Ferry lectures 1by 1Dr. Pat0on, of Hartford Theological Semin ary, \l70. 5, I )eutsch17ooV'0001777 a.. Mar0. 79 107(7 01717b17banquet1 (a144Whitmore 41'r. 7(7N (771kvclb's thiridla0777770 71 71 44at W1711770701,ake. SMar. 70o-77 '717 777indoor t0a1k 7170t. Mar7. 71 2 0717770rIIbyFrederick 4Warde, on77. I,. A.777ur170 University 1ha11, 87p m star. 74-(.071 1 77 byKneie7 l quartette, iii P17777 U1 1. 777777 es;707 777777'''.11 17ll118&P. 111 4\Iar. 741,67777i7e17s77y7oratori1c7777contst. 77577(7litlan.777 1)7711 77177 7170 77n70l1ap17i777253.,7wi17 Malon77770 (71777777abre0ast. 1170half 7007 77777777.2 :2 and77t71e0eighth la1p7707nt 0777- sid1era71)y s777707. At 717077777771 (f 7170 07 717t 17e717777777n 771f7t0h 1(last1l71 turb1ance00 177fronlt of (Gia777ger'7 7u1on77the 7770771707 (f 717e classof 771 )05.'t'here 77777711h17e0 17777 770 777717101had717701 a liver f0)'m10 employed77 a 0 bu0r1701ne77o00t0 accompany a h ack and77p17777107 71e0fresh7- men7 nsie7b7 hitin hi r w17 o77 uld7'777-ble cap177r7s 777erlthe 1heads7 71117 710e17777 77771 of (77h1i1. 1Had7th1e7firm7deliber- (77010 7wished to77s7tart a017o1.1177)' 777717 have acted07 7777differentl. We 170v0 no77717ire.0 to7r'(se0 7170r70e question7, 1777 it 77ay7h17 takeil7 for 70077707d717(71 717- dents77w7711 77777tolerat7e officious7 interfe00- ('77001by'a.770gr7, (and1(7 1blac1k 77077771ho (771 pt ('77 places(70 himsel70f 17n(771angero0us 1777077777. Thle 1aily)'has77n7777107100777 cause0 171- 7er feelingsor77to1s7ir110 l)1 1r0717s71011. 11he 77(7 1etween th1170cl(7ses7 0s0777107, (7777 777'h177170h71t77it777111 n(ot17 007707707. 11777 777'771717 t7o777ot707t(against1 71e0e0- a7ggerated'71 (and( distorted'(l accounts 77 77 Fridaoys7 affair07717017h1av70b17007g7i707 genera(l 000710770. Aside0 107777 117e17w7 l77inident 7717107ch (7ca77ot7july be' 17called a7 17(707 th (I s trfe77 .0(7 701, it 7was7 717 tamest07 (717(i7771 17he1k1771 1n77years. may 77(7) 177077777 a7177a17(n177is7 (7t(77 ('777 for luio 7707'. 11771ha7ing is a0 71707 717777t77a7 7ec77rs07007ry '0year,(77771is (at aIll times a qu07717777of 77ost7 1777777(71 77770007770to 17the 1student177771). Theo717- 7777ostratio(n 1 of (clas 7171i71t7171s yea7 17,777'blen7(77e0 07771piritless771in 0077 parison 71wit 77070ose 1of 0p7177777s years. In 1(7c7 these demonst0rations1have c7~om0777 to7 170amo( tm1777 gl7s77 collegeg10 77077100 77- 77777o. JBut717erigor of 1170 0pp(7si1i07 ha,,7 not77(7177107. '1170future7'0o71class spirit1 (77 M1cigan, 1007770770 171771 77 77077,Imlstl 7seem 7177777)' indeed7. 0770 1thing.7 7'7771ay 0'llay7down-77s1indisputable71 facl 7that1t717 7777710la77777077 wh17(7 l1- 717777' awle1s7sness777of1 '777'kinIi the717 17777700 7711 1f7nd717077771707s0cru1shed 17- twee t777 170p717177'd07n1t701170mil711ston7e0 (o1 7170 1(7i71i)y(7771t170cily (7771170011e0. 4777y 0ol11ege0cu77777 717a7 17777170s 1077 lesns cannot'77( be7l ret17 ained,70 for177i177'ill e'017177u(1er 777c177repression77117at1it Can7- n7ot reta7in77a(777 valuable71 significance0. 44u7' the0 170 ssing'7of 1170(71d 117770 b7717 we70(7777(7 recall 117077. 17t77000 170- 107' 7to0cast(71777t11f'r7s7om0 substitute7 117a7 77i11 170tol1e0ate(1.lest c1(77s sp7rit beome7 a0 th711777of 7170 7past 71t41llhig(77l. '1his7i7s7177'7opportunity11'f11r7'1170s77771077 Counc7i7'l 1(7177777777(710 777770r'ally' c(o7- 710r01t70e00177077. We ar00e7not1prepared0 777 s77770s7771f7w1hat 7701700 117e0e7707 ('17777777 1shou1l170. 077t it is 0077ce17- (7171 thlat 1177') 771h171b17held(oi777u770170 7i1) 1700777707 777(10r 170 007771701071 711- 00117777(and71co7771l01o71representative7'0 177 17erclassmen 07. FRESH-4IEN PROVE PEASY 1170ohoor c71177lass10, (an771i7 is lunfai10 to PFor'similar 7reasons, .it 17s7unfair7' to thr7~o(all1170 resonsi7)77bilityfor t117 is all three (71 11he077n1t7771rs 1put77up ( terrific sprint17l. Justl (as1D11177was (77(777 177 17reas1t1t77 tape1, .\1 (777770)s17u7107d(777( (717777t1p177s7e(1hs77,77am--mate'. \'ool 7was i77 717e 17077h777o71 re0lay7), 7717107 7177fresh- In7 the 01(ass00r(l)'0(ra07s170h 779g1I17. 7906 1117, 1907 1117, (777(1 905 7medics 770re lutlut77 f(the17'runni7ng77. '11717 1eave7' three0 engineer teams an'd the1177177e171(l7ws. Fortly-yard dash17 : Prelminaries10- 1F10s1 1h0at, O() 1 ()(08) first, Forshee (7909g) second ; second heIlat, Clark ('o)) 1h0a7, B\owman7 777('09) f 700777771 Coo loat, Cotton77('09) (7771.44any(COS1 secod; evenh ('0(71 ve ('0)(frst 6rst1 1h(at, (Oil, 0:y; econd1(7ea1. ON ton,:05: thid het, Cark, o;; 0ourt 1ea, Lwm1 , :off (77. 04 1 7Fin71 117v7 777(777('07))firs,7 707(8) (s(1nd Clark1 Coos) 1717(1 177777:04 4-5. aries-First 177(1,41717(7777777 Cog) 1st. Cotton Co) 7)i71t, Ilg 1 06O) 24l,:0; y third71h1at(7 1o(t (08) 1 177F7nne7a7 (095) 21 :34-5. 6777777771 '-Firs Pole va7717t-Bishop7 (77o) 771,SMarker ('09) 271 lotchkss 0o07(7iern7 09g), 4410kr (COS),77ti 1(7or11hird1: Three 7lap,-chenk1ChS)os) 11iv time77:49 o'0) 2dWest('09) 3d: iho,2:;3 11ig1717777dl1s-617aw7 Co0) lst,(Mal- cones(09) O2l,1(os1t(C(S)(34d 71t(7, (0I9) (.btn ( ob 17.7(09)77.7(7 0.')rr', for secod, hight1 ; fet, 07inise. Six 1, ps--\alec1(08 1011 Rch ards 07)4) '71 T1=Aldridge(o).1(1; 1771(7n17777n(1)7777(7ph(71(777('1tec-0 1(7771 190.6 70 2-3; 7097)8 1-3 -790(7)077777777'7o(Kern,7 J(7ollll 7). (Goodwin77) (defeated 7730(7f171. 1907 engineers007 Rlllnlloo. Bartlett (G00001s. 5707w(70) (defeate10 907 tib. 790587777177er07( Chandler, 41o(.'ath, 1Davey,. Schen7k)4 defeated'71 90, 77707110. + I Just Received Our New Stock of 1906 TRACK AND BASEBALL GOODS WRIGHiT & [DITSON TENNIS RACKETS $1.00 up. The Bookstore That's Never Undernold. r-1-1F50 l~icI qon l's o n si177117e. bre work ash; fo25 Olliobee011u.l411 Aoo, P170n7 can 11 i~ki mode re30 . 4kAe hn 1 AMBULArXshoes otCAtLL blamed7for ' 7'7'a07acts ((or0w77171t77y were7 7in 7(o way)'00e77777 71717. 1Two7fresh- coun(777-, and their hea1ds07 7smeared'0 wi77h11 1.7r. This act1 'aroused considerable(7710 17 1 1 I- 77ores0, (7t700 11avm777(lp,000l 77o sto77 hair- FFO)RSOPHl OMORE .'THIE''IS 7961i~o o( 7777laws 110(77777ron, 'ilii,111" cu71t77.g,(7h1d77777711774ed1in(1act(77ar7(7orse. rk) lef t l l909 I1 t 1he7Da)'y17s177 a position 1to7(711'e7w1117 (Cotinuedovlfront page 0one.) posi 17(71n717s 77077t77 17(7 who 0t(1rr 1(7slow0r117tha7 7170reolrdl, 77171017a7707a777(7717' esult 077f1th0e7177'ctionld ill177el the7 freshme77n7 7e70e'7not sophomore7((0, 1(17717w(7)years (777o17)'Captain7 1ain7ey. Slorse senior7 1777'cl(777 yesterday9, 1or 0lass (1a) uperlsse wodi'heatinre oeadsapp77'1071( 10(0 7 0 7'70l( lointment,777707failin7g 7to171a70, 7officers, 71he'following7774 n 7777 re77'osen (v('7770for what th710)' c7777i71r0(1 (777777- 771711017777o1071777707, Richardson anid Poet, 11. N. 'rlo71 pr7ophet70. IT. J. rage committed01777upon (7a sophomore 0 who(7Eldridge, 77711071 otit 7077777d(7a7( 1third1 .7777(7)istor77ian, . .1. 4) (i'7 v7(717 was7 11707'r fr077n1. 'Theo 711 has 17007n7777- 7respective'ly.. 71101771.777J. 11. Sloisiord. __ - F--- . :- i air ((N') ,(' '7 S. Bew4ar'e c deialer.-,47110 offer you substi- ttes~ foie the fatiiotts SU5 SHAVING LIMITED SALE of S. L. A. Tickets About 200 Reserved Seat Tickets, good for the remain- ing numbers of the Course, will be offered for sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 9 a. in., at S. L. A. office, University Hall. The price will be $ 2.00, Inicluding Reserve The price of seats (unreserved) for Sousa's Band is $1.00, and there is always an insatiable demand for seats on that occasion. Those who purchase the course tickets on Saturday, may have them reserved for the Sousa Concert as well as for the remaining five num- bers, including Frederick Warde, on March 12. SALE OPENS 9 A. M., MARCH 10 S. L. A. Office, .0 University Haidi Run *o ZChe Co-Op. March Sale. Irn~menvse Redu.ctionis Something Off on Everything, almost Everything Off on Some things. Must make Poom for new goods to come. Here are a few of many items : All Stiff Shirts,------------------------------ Discounted 5O per cent Medium Weight Underwear------------------------- 25 per cent Handkerchiefs, Regular 15c_-------------------------l_ hree for 25c Sweaters, Good Quality, Medium weight-------------------I'S 7 cents Neckwear, High Grade, special offer-------------__35c, three for $1.00 Black Lisle Hose, regular S0c.---------------------____three for $1.00 Night Robes and Pajamas, all styles------------ Discounted 50 per cent Imported Combs, Brushes --------------------- Discounted SO per cent "Evamsaie the Quaailty anad trad'%.eiiy Conasider the Price." m ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trma~soaLe+va Arnn Arbor Going North 9:0)5a. m7. cand 6:35 p. so. Going South 70a. 7.11:35 and 7:51p. so. J. J. ictIRv. 7W. T. WILLS, Gen'l Paso. Agent, Agent, Toledo7, 771770 Ann Arh.7r )ich Hell ph~one 135-1r iHooepo7ne698 WILHWCAN CENTIRAL r 4 A.iaogaro Foll?.yPost Chicago Buffalo Bosston New York Throgh Train East-8.8iac, o.40_5p. so., 4.5 p. m., .305p, . 11 7.0p. 7in. Locals East-6l0 .om., *11.10a. m., *4.05 p.m., *8.36 p. no Through TrainsWest-2.07sa,,~ 7.5, 9.18a. sm., 2.33p. so. 10.20p. so. Lncals West-2245 a. so., *5.l5 a. so.,-. *1.4p. so., *6.0 pso. tA'(Except Sunday,) Connections at Chicago tor Si. Louis KansasCilty cod 1170 West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann. Arbor . _ Douglas Shoes IAAH .he Shomau 218 So.Main St. Gym Shoes V III iI u ..IIJiv1AI