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March 03, 1906 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1906-03-03

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TIlE MICHIGAN bAII2 _____________

HoklgValley Ry.
SON'lI _"I:1- Fls "1 ItILPNTI
Tli' I\ S;1"I1VII
You il insIItd
Four Trait-s Daily
From Toledo
Carrysvog Parlor Cars on Day Trains
Sleep: i gCiars nNight Trains
- l(Sn I i r t I ttlo and (Co-
s.L E A. ,32-
Camr pus AMartius
' elSopx isngt and
iti r riterest to
do i{xxh i tht ±xe may
xcinrefilm and
swir K-dk
z. I-E

R[6A1 SNQ[S1
College Meni
A motevery 5(egstyl-Sits xdi-
S S-lycied fr-StSoSIS new di-i
thattas aesrdi cedSS yst heS os
SndtliS HSS l mes that, SSIais
5 ISI" I S- ll.in t lesSS-esS SSSIS-
sir o li1iSwher -S i- Ibexa ct and SSSSSS SSSSSS
bprSo-uctSSio s of 5ertiin cstly mad SSe
(ill, xi c1 alb il teRal -
iii n ssy iSS 5 cSt o sSbSourSSnewSy
r xSShli SISSSCo SSc s e SSSSeaule
ex- VlS dil Satitosend aay t
Is ; $3.50 and $4.00
S t rei ~t im 5 5 T 5nl
Ye Studeni Shop
6i1 E. William Si. Ann Arbor
SCHOO FOR iround Floor,
DANjCING 310 Maynard


The Right Stylecs in Men's Spring
1 s sr\tiim p P1tha t' s n -alidrigh l xiibe fotind ltere inowv.
All Ims grea iter IS i ii N-ar ic~ i id ow riiST(i price thaii e(tial quali-
lie- s ii 1w t i t i~i ii (i Siti Ster sto e.
Men's and 'young Men's Spring Suits $10 to $20
Top Coats - - - $10 to $25
Rain Coats - - - $15 to $25
\spleit 1 51 5 1 'MdcI M ii'x Nt S SIig Slitsti eckweir,
(s T liSi ir S ii ISiiti5 Sit ST
lT o xx shleii psl 1 ii ItIiid-o sti are1 toti le seediasx tisual.
I Sto lItc1 5 Ns s(r(liii iiy iirc i de5(50551 list ii.itoiit.
After Paying Your Tuition Fee
The next most important thing, in to avail yourself of anoppor-
tunity and let us show you oor vasrtotus lines of merchandise select-
ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Every thing is now
ready to be seen.
FRIHE:RS T 1N r adK e

HAS.. RENTSCHLER'S Representative called upon You yet? R
Toss can procnrr from him a coupon entitling you Sn one doen $1t.50 Cabinet Photos and an eatea picture tor use in the ichigani
esaaill or $3.00. P H OTO GRA P H E R

Expert Jetelrya-andXWatchS R
I rnoTi~txs eery Store.

COK. OUF_ tititrethi genine velveCtx-tkis!
?z i Ii N Sit Ctushng's.
$0 $20 $3.00 - -
Nt a ice Sutits prresred, 25c; troutsers-
Varid 5 ~ocia n~iFuller & O'Connor.


iii lit 101Ott( IS 51111 1,1
cot-ti at fit ntc mthe our.)
Ili iio C ii-i , hei et o ithSli 7
1 i ilby th, t ii Iof -I.to ii. If the
- iv -( i% -e ql-it willtild u tc y

rTra :


1;;' ffor 1c7lmdI I
j 111 s,
t ll .

17RL flavor of the Murad is
naturally rich, just like the
naturl dryness of fine cham-
panes. This quality in
Is lacied, by bringing selected
Turkis leaf to just the right point
ofripeness. It took sixteen years'
exp erience to make this quality
perfect nthe Murad!
10 for 15 Cents
BY miiil~tsaiad-IJ 5 oii eootge/ t Is's oi/Cigaees at your
delV rsed.7c frel5C c . LiJfo t, C r o for toneC hundred
ALLAN RAMSAY, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City


Igoe r=.I ier2- rc~ n Stlc 1
{,,lI~z21 : tarte t elf
er{, K leEi ri :l tllu c r

' _' '


T I PII;i Tnig ntal It)= "ithe man ini the
tioiir-" 'maii cost huindreds of humoan lisres.
E)/ ar "ie mail in ctetots-Cr 1o guard
iyouittwn uiomachi. INDIGESTION is a
Wart-Mtng signi I ofCitdanger ahead 1" Keep
1i :odI It Iblockxsltesy sltmagainst disease,
thei -toaswith t tban(T slean aitd te Dowels
- aid i aiii t. It is madetlC tf the w5hole wheat,
-ookedi andti trawcninto ine, poousshreds, pr--
II t1 brain-mtakinsg, ibody-building elesments of
iieit berrc}in tigcstihlr form. Stupplies natural
!to 1tie Itodin aiia taSl iway.

and cipis a

nri--a liich l l cis u -t'i
N721 ti-~t i
- terfIn iolu chocoatr puffsj
tishigs phtarmacy. y


- iii blicd, h eler, hasiri -
'.c .;often int siii lsi-newitanittit 1
ieI{: e ii in i hiii anii ttuSmid
Wi -c c mci i i
wnht,pos sngmoeta th or

setiiC it
the wrt

) :t
, .

Slightiy toasted or warmed, and served with hot
milk or eream, the BISCUIT is delicious for break-
fast, for every meal for every day in the year. It
may aiso he served in hundreds of dainty and tempting
ways in eombination withifruits oysters and preserves.
To learn smnse about "Shredded Wheat Cookery"
send for our "Vital


5as,--it tilit nt atisatifalctory

Iieie-I L ? ' It r ~ iln r.b6i) I;. ilu- Question" Cook Book
ll: Iti - i tf TRISCUIT is a Shredded -
- _- ____- -Whole Wheat eraeker
iid ib rit r Iesx (fitrunrty Par- better than bread for toast
.1 k SB ti pinCt rs ofattie ibichugtu deli ci onuswith butter
DiC I -l tti1liiii5tls, tIlaner, X055 O cheese or preserves.
z I :r '1)o siton aoitall, the- lechinic, .
C. 2.VI hindbook, etc., etc., are priniteri "it's All in1 the Shreds"
t the titileti colty 117 C.XWashiss, -
lass street. tf THF NAtTURAlL.FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y
XVatctt. jeweery aisd eye glass repair-
iag 1sy skilled workmns.
IAlLRssst' JEWELRv S-xong,, Mai St.
I sutton JEWELRv STORE, Main St.
The college jewelrrs.
IEstahblihed sS S.





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