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March 03, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-03-03

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The Michigan Datly
ANN ARBORNt CitI tt'iiC Ri)\Y - , Ni \R I 1;, gob.(

t L VI

No. 107.

liShot=Putter Coe Will Not Compete-
tham Picked to Win Shot Four
Relay Races "tonight.
"h sca resh Ii-isph me1et551occrs
ita1a1111 111011 iol tic class 11attl1
(tina iffsrenit 1011m1his beeniirag-
th pst forts-ihtithouirs. te-
,s if thi s siptuoiii es wilh v
1 liiier i-yime lin lkitii iin o fiwitti
laii ar utomieitoli disapintmen111slt
*ai-liilliiitha t C t he shoii t ut terit w1111
c t comptei lt, hs no , tilltret
..o. ~ ithCoe ut. o theeve, ffcts.
11111 t holithateliittl ificiilty in i
al lno i icis tn iii So tic t o
ii (isisii3tffeit ut osset
aliuith loter co tis ils 1that1i is
111111 lit foecstti rdiii lt linug
for te frshmenist ought to tak
;itsfi. p ri ii in i 11e 111n t i T c ilorer ini
racei.':I1111l t itna , lonu)vt, o
tIlthe plt1 ;tit, o .th rsi c
lcr iomt han anysilt f 1 thiii t heis fr C
iiestanitcs. \ iiiells.1a1sophomore lii i t-i
probilyli tirestir111d. ~ il iigi
The other1c111 tCslllkCi ii orss th11ei
ini 4 i itt i b t c iii ili till/ill ti ti
1\ 111tlltcsnllgl t 11 tiisid inthetsn ie
litp s Nilifrei (ue sssiiiiitiiiii t lt i
trstmen inc-rat iii livie iint.uitii
iii itts onlyi three entrieit foit thii high
iiip giiit [ii s tld itiiiiifficu tior tic
fl-sh nto ii ii iiiisit pint,:Ai m
taiirstu Cx sco d, Ind l risi
ti Tia lera son tatl-ii 11 is1111e
to defit, C s i siltat Adamiilsiiis iiii Ic
(robab i utci ositpa anag4

Head of University Appeared Before Granger's Academy and Ordered the
Sophomores to Desist---Freshman Banquet Was a Great Success
---Iwo Seniors Arrested by Local Police.

fu1 llvs wiinsii faistIait fuiul "Tip"
his hold n an nn1ortunatestudeti whoii
hut faillenint111o1his gra sp.i "billy- We~lch,
intoctheiiireiill(isovhutot iadsibe.s
iswit oi pes set iic illy." and Iihitlaid
isu o sun dryii ii situden iits'adint
foneslicryiiaiid pioitbly i-u sld sv
able to 1cat c itl). i t lii li i
Pireisdent Angelii llmchs 111111ran1111
accmpaie1 i )y DeanIl do adP-
Ies Mrskil eyii , cs fiithii litsrary111 pt-t i
will ti ffcersithepssitdent1step11pei
ln ipi to is ankleuis, andiuisi t t
tiea stt iifewitnl ctgahrdiecl
ti-clis te rspectftultou il. P
-Now :;t ~ ither rou d m,,l frlIwan
,-null tohar ,osrie5C1mm11ttiug
vrseis offnse y ostrutin
tic publilc I Iitlsit 11111 and int erfer11 ist
ith peron as you ave ee doing
The fr siiitiii i silhave I a11igt hldtheir
sid. Al te j rof he saei at
ths v r i inti i li ii 11

wer1111 Inii tic sasii thiesIiaii "ii be"t
Nae lics lsrtisseditas awmn ern
aite1111 stirt.tRikliwas adirnidivithitt
hutiiiiiiii- eth [1111) mil wore a111 air1o11
dr111 e 111 iiias iten.
-%Vc had aiss bully11 goo ticme11I"11Sa1i r
of tie tireshmen, iiinst.b fr e m d i
it rely w sa eift - w y fo
.An :Arbor 1ad 1the ex itm n.
11111 nquseiti li asie-is ucesu
tha ite 1reshmaiclasiici c n ie
hI lt t'i
iiac siiersit, and everytultiei wasii c-
the iiis ionwsteasec fRce
and Yteswho ere o has deiverd

anthrseniorli whoii illsstaniiiig 1111 a
tunwa rityreditoInov1111 ioiisBein-
11a1 slizeditbyiitheiofficers and1111re
;aidt Nliardithtie111rinter, it iiiie lp-
oiitth Ill iii it ibu ies" I 11whoiicamei
toi oifferaisiitriservics. Justice(hiti-
slii ills s1111111115 i. 1111t tihere-1as5 a
a crwd Atran~s ad intrs. As
noi cha-r-g- hutdiblienltr-fc-rri-iagans
leas the uni i 111ti e arivedlitat tih-jait,
un i 1 30.


torts illlg ov it 11Ma 1t ic ilar leds ________________
citciiiciit fiir iiiiidiiyuand 11111sholdbe lt s fti ofiS the, masl tdis-igre-eable fea-
satisned.Iit tsill:ito you111 i a goil spirit arsri-Il yesutesrdtay's affair wsu till - li
tic. Innocents fuinii sall righti but thil lts cinert sirs ub- iaudtuat 'hastenla st
affai irs sgose tollfar. I hopeiyo miii sc niht. 11One of11the in opnywt
itsE 1111 1Xi<ii0T, iuimi y.11 Sei ng r thalit tiisht We " is o iecit-
prcsionii wo1u11d itswa fIi ow - lioni ofI tic rs ing11 oneti ic t.tiiwai s inl-
town11 uLibiertyiisteet lsioilliias gersl foirm dci iii the mashl haticcul
facdemy. Fouliiri tn frehmill araeito. T eienorpriesed btiasin
intu a1 tll sts of fan tast 111111ntinuesithiie iir d lhtifih sic anyhigior
cactisilull i blckne iadi antd5 it te h would -hwtillretced.lt usi ic ia
sturdyiisoph omore.lls Iiit uws theii 111k i c-atone sid by Mslsn andiianother-
rivedt itthisaulemyii Coinstables MaNten colctdiA rsce-oliirail
and his vaient satelites1gr1ciusly have een fattem td iiha ul the i son
d igdtoiialliw this illshmenl tleteIcii1 r, r iimseif iurgeii the uucrwd 1no1 t di t
altilholtyittempitetosarrIt oneliii sitao1theiitii ii jati hisri-
daring ophomor who itiedt el: ii ii i-inh ae the, name ofi I JihniiSitih.

At onesoecloek thits iorninti euen
wer veeisasedtipiontthemipaymoentlof ia
fins sit ca-4.03etch.
Mni wiii i icbesillpfrised to islearnthat
tha t hehad gineto DtritillltoiKatamta-
ooi oriii to Jckssoniiweves ittfase.
s Ne111e wsslie it any timtseiIin theiandcs
oft thi sophoimoisrses. I tiefacts re-gardintg
hi iis hereaboutshavc tesn niacinpiublic
his his broher, I r if Keena, form-terly
ai studets iifii:Micth1ian
tKeenaithis toastmsteri w s isclosety
urrc ini theicgma PhI ~ti hiouse ip to
111sda si of ttsicc fis we.Oesullltinithe
houe sincutllwedKeeiato iiget suit
ois si-lit.ianothecrIsolioutiisidtetilso
luiri ic-thillsprem~tis.s Tiisdatyigiht
it iii:20,tKciiaIevadeduisius ardts ty
ai(uiti. tiacutinn udrtcitt ihie frnt
doo ticftheihouse. I-is-ralltoithsrncsi-
dence of\Jr.,. Lw iiice. o ingslcy
sri nutnsillteredt by thec i-sirutdoor.
ft had alrtieady tbeeiiariatnged ithsMrts.
Iii usli c on 111 casintitfor a assy sir
Ni.Atthis Itills Keiiai icft tietiouise,
two c freshmenc iiwent iitilte deptuuansidi
bhiht ticktssfori Kalamiazoo. 't'hi/s
was toi gic~ivethes-ophomouiiires thitmpnlres-
s11111 that oKeina hiactgontei to thatuplacc.
Thctosudntss, i tsggcrmnandsic
N hihuis liiitcuff thc irait at Jaistson.1
'iwits1515 Ke-cssa cwas safety eli-
scrcdIliitief hou1sc if -N-irs.tLawreces,
<Lthi scoltisic-re lootkitg for hi/uin1
hiaills .a1 eveiy stationfromiitAnntArbiir
toi Kaiflmazoo.ll Nirs. Lawccreces-wrist to
the honeThusday nooniui, siiii orderedt
ani orinartiiiy riiutaboutgiving thi prts--
sio ttsie itndedtoiitake a ttleasuirc
dve At1311 the us-naboiut arrivedt,
an t rat tonatokth. etbeidte
Nirns. Iawlrece.cin thes lick of the rig,
udrallurdif/iaiy tanikct, wisiddeii
tfhe tuiusiiiastci NAt 1 :31 it s d epos-
itedat ranger'1s andiitciterethe tc-acadt-
emiyii 1 il aey.iiiheseits remaine-dutil
fle fbanqutwaI5s ovrci Whilets iGirang-
ers, Keenah uswas-s-itntiy vcr-ery;onlty
six paursonis tsiiw of Iiiuris hreabolults.
(Continued on page 2)

Track Man Afflicted With Bad Eyes-
Will Return at Beginning
of Fall Semester.
"Mary"' tlaes, 1137 singirer, tho
htas wns i/s1Nt, i tractsasiletcs, hs
aninouncedtti/s/inetin oflam-tng te
uiniersty et meek iane'sleavng
is ratherhutniue ini tat i inas liot
"cotnnedit."111Hits leavmigisdito tlthec
tact that tis eyestaerencaoit, tic
passedt atti/s first simestr miorn su-
cessfutlly, atncmwouldtuaveibcenucictgil
for te track team tsinsao. tie mw/ti
fil t t t is ]unic itGrandtRipis sait
rmiiiintil incxt fallt whincie tilwltre-
etirlte univrsiy.
Dsanecaite the track team ii h/s
freshmitaniyear.wmm-tie ewas a msemer
f tihc filir-mits reteas 11mm-hitch won
ite catioshoiptoftAmris cait the
Penniisytlvaia games
lilthde sitbject Resolvedthta a chm-
missiii tiion ud fhe gills-ilpower-roIixf/
railroadiitratses iiversuic1sty htsll, iin
tthe cl-c-il/ilOitiMarcii23
"Wi/sconsmiis ouristontgestrivalint
dettilng. ITihe side itteihel iniiMaison
at year bIsieen ihutiganissandi Wis
coninilwuis tue mtiiifireny cotelsted
aiffar I c-c-r witnessd. Thetsubjtct of
' Primary Refiori m'twhi ia-sodisussecd
was a tsavorite wit Goivnr LatFo-
ltte, atnctasoosfit th e fats s ms
ettloIcyedithte gove-rnours ofiftc tseir
teans wasreadty fosrte occasionisi In
dtetatisg, Wiiscnsin followus avr
tronig system of gatheitngincetclanuud
in the cdebateclast yar tit uanftaihty of
thoiriouighly cassifiedutial ha ttheuy
useid was remaisrkabile. Thier wats cart
alute. covrid Itt-fifty srelyarus ot
Thse siboviestatemscnts iiy- Prfesor
Truleb~lodmviiwill sty aro1use miuhi en-
tsusiaism s-nerthis ainua iM Niciga-
Wisconsinct ~lest whicti is tieleity
initercotllegiaite evet f ths srt tat
Mchigan studencits wilt t ictrviegeid to
scar this sesson. Further itrst cen-
ters-inis s/occcasinlfromissthe act tat
thue Mici/gan-tWisciosit duaui lieet takes
pltace in the eveninig f thes 24th, asi
hseisce the Baduge r athltsswcill te us at-
Goivero antii e/u sr hiss tei-ntseuredt
thu presie at theudeitch its niicotiing
to appear h tteditst ii tcwas keeny
nterestedt in theusiotn touscu sed i
antctthat tic was aniouuus huh utserve the
intvestigaticstsmaidet by te titeits
upn thii/siasorbing sujiet f legisa-
It is becominig a populiar cictons for
tiubliic mseis tom sttensd the niverity de-
batinsg conitest. f-on Lest/c M. Shaw,
secretary of tue treasury, wvhou iaas re-
centy ontc of the judcges if a Mciga-
Chicago debteainitwhichithte ship subiisdy
qutestiotn as discssed, afterwards re-
portedt thsa icitth adlarnei morelincIiitwou
hoiucrcthitniilieco ld have ous irinarly ac-
fuiell tiwo motithits 1f hs owviiinves-
tigationts Secetary Taf1,wto asou
actert as judge sliathiuter loccaso, ex-
pressed timtself int a issiminr smanner.
Tiie.regulainrsfegents eincig wil ie
poistponed ai Iweek imi t er tat te toari
mayta'tstdthtssiitsbute. ie iitec
city (avrsr ar ne ir wil tic eiter-
tinedsu at a luinchseoniigiveshiythe re-
gents in his hiunor
Thte Miichigaitttami wilt cousist of
I. M.Haltiitidy Crtsts M.f3tHoudermai
ansiT.P A1Simts

the Wcindowum.

N crouwd cullecuttdountsiiii strect, santd

Die Jlournalisten MONDAY

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