The Michigan Dailly ANN ARBOR, MICIGTUF. VRSDAY, M 'RCII I101 g 'Ots XVI. N <. 105J. FRESHMEN HAVE F AST l DEUTSCHER VEREIN ONE-LAP RELAY TEAM PLAY TOMORROW Four Men Chosen All Run in :13 3=5-- "Die Jlournalisten" to be Presented Will (Give Sophomores a in Sarah Caswell Angell Hll-- H-ard Fight. Financial Success Assured. UNIVERSITY SOCIETIES FRESHMAN TOASTMASTER SUPPORT THE UNION TOO WILY FOR SOPHS Vote Shows That Student Body Is Be- Steals Away in the Dead of Night,- hind Michigan Union - Grant's Sophs Believe Banquet Will be Statements Contradicted. on Friday Night. ices-lFitzFlptrick sen1 a large patt ~f 15 11 sc ittyitaftenn holig te t ia: or the all-fre'sh r110 tean. N\lten lie was thro1ug1h11he let the track iwerig .tivery0satisfid tleI Wheinased if tlie freshman r1e1l1ay1te1am1wordl]iwin Sat- douiiillitand itlo "een" smile he >Iid e wa rum l ostateI. Hoevriisvryeidnt that if th-op m~rs wllit ill 11be lby t le iis lea is Compiiiiiisediiof one 11.11niho i~to 11111 13 -i ndthre ho ae I"c-Milt ofiasiondi slote.Theumtet t, ho m teet eamli lii are11111: 1ito so : 3 :,: lar, 1 3-5 ('tto 3 35 iatil tIii ini :133 1-,,. ftir ti I l t itad lti-ilhosenirecio F'itpatrick cacihiel dv iten liiisomtie111(11ouch ingio f1 The1ophomor t linnt IbeeI pcedbut it it 11111ultfulif foit I e t;1111b1found ho awillaveae biel :m rcia l iat e eait. asthelid the track in 13 23 thtesr men wo i eli (; ood itac I of1mkigthetieaImll arc hu 0t~y 13 -; Sltik :3 3 -, 1111, 1,3 l l ((list ilt l 13 stt2-3. ol Th ietsy lanksilfor ti0lte ti rsit gymnasium, iaid ll eitries i' t e i 1, ticl oc to nigh1111t. Judgtting fot the ise athleltsititeto lweritciases the meet net S 11urday ight will b ''e ici teterii eino ee ssthet T(iicoutl sot me( t i s els ii Ite oca ion iof s]lettr Ind1(l ifeli ro tilt t vc (1surpssing i thi Ies et Ithe xir- sity meei litiadtloes foliowiithothcrt ((tltgs.liT is yeari the la sse tilliii 11111ate lo rder b sto g ieib tsroptptotl 111ledob 1 s xpess siltohethe Coethe litputertillofrepreset 3the fresmen ir littloest.11111lieg thtei exmlest i naiiiatelllhtlst yier, Coe ist ilaimed bity both1(0(clastes.lOe tin- terist s ig ft ige n ull tles-ultsf his controversy, oti hers tsintte p ibil-e iii- thet is tet vile a e c1 tsist ide t e tiu is (linteilfete tis l If het reprse ts t h ote 551hnx s at0(11)1(01( i gh setitihc wsilt ib - huh-igibltiote ntefehitr itthtltstsc ilttilfoe spigilvacar- s i wou(11l ive Iupthe o e (tilt p" tts haIl ice to ob1liitrate IsxR tee le sx ttilce t e s it lelv 1111nd Ite xi IftCe s e 1tr ll g ito enl ttiley s-Citotii st iescoeO the meeio tl ftttsi lettmucol toets eoll if051iseitelxxpointsieence sntipenough- nto ie t c cxthield.I thcculetite evxuuens tdwiltdn hopsdtfo rttepfetthix earxit 1reshmto onte s alco t , te ltl eri lot-rx-tiitt0stiltreadssfor flthleiprlie senttion os"iteItsJo111 irinll ip byte ASit fin sit toss ieeasol xxi le held tist 'Tle saliofsitcetsse ilcesITuetsa been inll e (ee txax(en0111u(011111ttte undertaing.kotslfar5aIt fino cittlt succe(ss. is conce rntedthaisareaItsstod tlie uti11111lete1ae-tifosrtieYp11i- Thte c1111let e atofIchrclets as annouxinced lit:lObeIst Berg, iurret Sh itz. lit; Itta, enisens1M ito Lowcnierg 07 litt;-OldendteofTicardts Scitottota((st 0 litt Blst, IEsdxart -~nr it0ohlitt:sIklto mo J Eed WXootd- suf,'S lit:l'K ttmpe FssottM. le.is07 lit; 111 ihie t I (torn t Iaii tuu Ix itt Selit s i10rtz eIs--r 07 dentxiPien ''is 1,KJ. tewrenf~l it; SMrs ieplenink i (110 stus (111(1e. tttebteur n't litt erthabitsIepeninki( \lso Irete Stibgel, ohlitt Kleinieoochel Asthurt Coe 07 lit;-Fritz KlintttticlGeorge I.Dentlonh'0,litt Jsiztte5Scwxar, Imaul FIrantk n03 itt Kotit Beehet 's) lit;tKarlIn1 seclBttierild, ttfllitt Thetcommttee ht ae,httadt tlte llay il chasrge is cotmtosed tlof Isaculttesr icli, isIr~eeStrtnger (11(1J G \exuotsrhir. SIIVISI.IPROGRAM iTION IGHIT I,' FACULTY C ONCERT Th irstsf the tmottlyxFacutytconet- Iers f this semtester takes tulace tttxgtt i1 11 oclo-ickinttFrieze 1al11 - Shkes esrc-ul sogcycle costinxttg f tuetes Oh1(1ndilnrets is the fettre of te rogemtwle (i tstrtttenttsl timier .%i lesitserehd bypHeri Ernt sndtiAlbert Lock (lis.The iiplrograml lis as follows: SonatainoD I)aj oe-hdagiuo, allegr, l ro , allegrio ... ... .... ... andlfl Sl etLokwooadIHeniri IEr. sets ltte tandl Dohuble; Gsa-stte sande Mus elle:- Iretise ttnslFsgte- - - fch Alert tLokwxtodt. 'ycls IIf Sitakspeare Songs: Quartet C rbtbedi Age sttnd 0Youth-1 T as iot lrim)1111 Alto solo Sitces Brst,(or Sote (11(11(1 1,XV). 'TI io toass 11 tteno iad opornto)"Blow, Blowixo u1111(1 ter Wind" e As SYNo LiketIt). FTtnr solost.WhXitsttDti)tsrce-I(Sn-t net1 \\lX) DutsI(alts antttslit), ItXWasia loxvr stndii-itsts" (As Yot Like It).- Sosprantotsolos"ThtenI tetMceisXhen ThoustsWiltI(Sonnet C. Qutrtet I'Tll ale Where is Fncy I reti I lert t oi(f Venice).- Duiet (soptlro and ttieor)- "Oit a IDatx Alack te lDa'y" (Lve Lao(sr Ios). lass so1os (a)1"T1mitt s S son of Sylvia I'(Te- Gentlemen of Vronta). 1111"Wherth Oe lee Stcs" (I'Te ITempest). (c) Sw-eet'ansdITwetyp" (Twxeft Nigt). (td)I"Soie rs Sotg" (Otels) - Qu-rtetlUser te Gretnwood 'free" I-s Yon Ltke It). .MitssLeelaIStnston, soprano. Mitss Nort hot, alto. Fres ilelenteor WX ilanmlHowland,bast. Siss Minnte Dvs, accompais. 5 slTR t sills'iHD.5 WALTER RHEINSCHILIJ LEAVES UNIVERSITY Right Tackle on Football Team Leaves Vowing Never to Return--Contem- plates Going to Yale WalsterI Rheinsehid, rio-it taclu o1sthet i stcuo nrig le pct seassnl thIastt a letter of honttsrblec di sus sl romth~e' lawt iie1(11m111toand1lest for histomist e. at 1~o AnSgelso Caluftowing11 n(xecctot r etsirn. Rheientohlduffilserdtixitehtfrot tslibtisding1 th"elipaslotsemeste. Twxxice dntingutthis ool sasooishests confthieditohis bedsiIthth lis(uesot Ilet us seiszetdwihi t (ag11ain srigChrist- 11ma sellatioil (1111 retrnedIt ite (li- rsbit c thr eeks at. s sastlto thist it colee'wxork ittturaly-ufi--sifered. Tsetlaw If(sillsy (stits i t otak te allosties xxiucs Rheiseitldthotuglt teyxsoldtian-dtubas-ares0(111lieide 15o lakus e ttesr itfihonourastle dsmslltthb antu-eI-elMitsga ItoHilanslorlstte future ars untsdedlsl tbhousg hitscin- tempilaes enterig Yalcitst flll Rhkiseh01ildisetetedlt ldep asts- m t ((inltheii alll hut 4.un lisbttfres- mtan yusasilie was ustiosttebendindfalls- isc cb DIutrin tpat seas 10155~on h le wast given areguia lace as.I t iIackeiadt ws ated Is onsie sottie stars usf tt- eam sIn ithibisc osinxlgameite ished hisow (1t-i(5tilt"Slam"i liste (llui xcis intabushlesitndIisfots-suit tint was(thlIogest gatoutsitbus'Micitgn. hOltOU ILk AY XVtllui'cr XX 11151;'IF soil SIll T1 Theli"lid" its een laemptelo(lustso ~ tgittt sI ts ibridge -uwhiist sitd isi- 0t'cste pedroisaieostshut stenlbroughgit If yoniait ridebitstand re1 ltw abiditu citizen1,11tipit. iiIt, 1dange- ous 1 sseesulu Sawyerhut e shusbu )intinIyst-erdatha ltsithit gamte n-it tnlueittbsinutheuprusestios of tecccup ordibn-lnce'rettigto1td(isrderlb son(sls. 'A ectituoIthusorinaniobtuce do "Allypersonor pul eshlt, gamnitg fuse mtley or oi ter propluey usertig wit hoadssiy pubulic o01-rivae pae' in saidI -n esonsou esousspuer mitinlg anyl gmetol tbesi btpled fo moneylsriosuer lt roptety rl sthngi any bsuildlit"g01(r((rllom suownedi, ocuiuse use conitroedbcru sussi hi ts-it or the t sibl bus punilshd si hereiafte ru ied'" put1u1 or cuardtubparsties sre icludits the teti "othersproetyoerbuethitg."Th penalty~ it a inett tbexceedng $on NOTI'CE. '1(3 SENIORS. 'Tle seiior re-osdsblansth~ttlsthe' fillel ill at onlce in orter to isure getig in the 190. MicligtoentisstcBlanstray be sihtaitteshn tie crd caalosgue in te getneraltibhlrary atthe(lwttolirary, ats Irom the departmeutal -repreettatixse in engitneering antIneudicite Asthe recstut of a stbteeht in Jutdge Gras t-ier ittthi ls-tAnus1(1((1e(is- I boigthes' suitilsus ufitie stdettt iosi towardasu clsiubho us, a sscssielet ' in utberiiofituities-ip-sctis stiud orgn-ti nainshveptssethformalis Ivutues of sup-t provxal th ie Uisiphrojece. '(lie knitinuti e -l itusDeistececuassa resuthouf thu s llif ittudet lthuy lula lub chitoxuse.Varius xinsietts liave occuiredsl t ouswstdeittsocti1et in IIl thue mattbe. -At notim hav testheisons directorseltdbthtthe tsctentsbodp wsst lut behindlthem.t SIttesf suct c-! set dts5te actonof theicsenior isawt cass inl giitgovenut-ceitliehonorutued cstoobfl(eaIisng 1(thus postritubof stso e proesori sas tisclass lmemoilt, il siller bus endorlse thus ciusb uselprojecth,'t wusld u sen tohuhebus utissut tft ihigen-u erat atib d Stsuden1t osentmct(eun it on bate, hss- s'serbushavigthsusbencalledthisn to (hiss-s tion,1 lthe siretrssts kedb lurhaudefinie vsote of approvasixfrom ( l111 i tuteisup iior- gantionuhs ittode attusilbhpixmigtsgui t te -lutmn i atndtell themthlitstthu stu-I den it0sterecthoirsotghtly usfaxvor of te clho sse. Alr essdlx-resouituiss siofhconfdeces atd fraternI issinsolegetiabutsuigncd111reseex ltolf apprsoval, anisimilart ot sies issu en stakebeyIpthus followsinog orignl- iati11n1: l cligarthx Baritrsr, (Osi, Stubsinxltubdagsar clutb. Rockehp Moun- titclbhiKeysone cstbKnickesrbosc- ers, XX s st c [Debainhg socitup Jcferssst- ill soisetylx Adelhi sity asdulhelsen- ioultepycass.ITe shi os ihave tubsadvshowtnttheisitstittuislullthe at hir andiu it s e'xeedehaIt itholer classes adsoul ieties willtaeihess irst ttuoppor- tunitylxof etoutsuing thlbs apuroal I 'Lf(C l' IC IC -hiS OPN CHisAklkRS WXORKS a itap~er befonre thic Phiiolosgicli sciey sui "T his lales tof kitunerst 'ale sof Xlhlihus andituof this C stihrssTaIstes ther Talscktu hs owednuli thtthis Tale f Sbeibust itlst isasceiben witlte tfter (3716, fus, e0slietdChtticrs stinssi of ai passge in sticteh ieIFrencihli(rig- iusl of thus-'I'ais of NSleitisitwebs xii this-misery ofsalandtifwthouse kitg isa chil, howxis iiitle wassanxlus) t to s sotf lusiharstIiI.T'rforefuicthis'tale iust haveie sen wt tenhiafie137(, whni Rushardii lie ot le(apparsnt.ulh(lie sc- elite inithi sta isis etriotecal ies. whicehise aits i ctinipoesus ofsthn e Froiusit tis IigtisTal'I'esusdxceWife of Bathi's P1 tju"s hosfit htit imtxts havcesiten stritchn tfter thes fpoms. Ihelecsttrernasituol show sdby a isitosr- uscal reericto hle Desripiotsnilfthe Squoire initie Psolougie i that ue Pro- gic matxohtelueetiwritten istr ttant 133; andtat i Chace'sucincepionaiof thst CatiterbiurTal tesittaivdtte frt his resssitsnceintorInitcixbich hbegntini 1385 05010 ffhi . SOC'I'Y PROGRAM leet ing ouf Maisrh Curreslt- vnts-XlcCttiip. Readhing-(;ae. Impuromputdebate Deba te~ Resolved, that te [Jiitei Stales governmxxet shosul preenltihe e dstlui enm of Niagara's beuties for icsistxnecal purlposes Aftinoaive, Scot, Va WtXinkte; negative, TFinsly, Clark Croitics reiot I This meetinig is imipotanti, as at Iis ime p1ces will le drawnxfnrte cup debate -- - The(sre isonesorhss usingof uil- icetnsedl t ewordsiiesophmoe cmp for tx-lip- yreipuKleenits toastster ofslu tse freshmtiantchishoaso decampedu-ut parts slitktowntndt llsouh sits sgci'ty esan- nxot tiethhlt i. Whlile5wilhuhrotostof i to-sir-cutting lwsle still shutroadsub e ttsay moning; Reezisli sou oopublas tout sh otysaftcr onie o'coctobole ItotithiesSi'o vsibs plice. X'Whliss los wensoushaust suly sophooretouldgve tu trtseisys nf col-egs' workhtosknsowandsouthI he will gel basck utohc oenieoil thistbanuet is asposibem sowIisIst(buy daoheticfbis iihi ts It isupret'its-ene hip- blsielulsdIshbout thir hbnque ts o rib eitsn gsb ofth isle steels. 'Tesopihtomtoresoar(1m'intg an- rsuuige-tieoo hforlihstrube hIt(lht ltie atd te freshmens whiltheybis avouisosthinug tosait on this mattet, stilt dispola y at sit wtonitedlintereisst itIsair Ilaissoulddres As onuie disgutsdchfreshmnuiesxprsed himitself, "Were' itnfoshhueoise bosominbg coedus, te sosisiotuldtnevse-rhkow oh sur bhanqut. We5--eobessshsSeIof keixng tlis thing sid'. FTe storp is thatb solue yooug iLoch- near sdesitlng saddhed o r shu i isloadusy's eyes mltihertebite lsic hble saipproch- i11g banqouuet:-, itsstrict confidenioc. lut te uisnitulstsed heri serul tosorouority sisters, aith thusoitoh s oshait"hybfriiesnu buats afindisatushthushoritud' soothenda friendl.andh Ispfriendstohe worldisi madi."wai cxempifbitedoncu~e Io Amiuog the s-aris scrowsonothusesetc umeutiwanes warmait oh omorsesasec busy salrandy wsih bxthe idnaing uof o 0og men.Ici t i sttuorecii o sWhtuis sills sideretd goodt oirtythuat thes rsh mieinttaveoteoahustmsb tes southio pnuxets siceibtsyso tioshutsvisou- ment Thieyhbegno booloive tsat lisp muisst captuoreeey-mninstebloclacts wchousot tilonsgce-thd 'lucerehtchuves-itehi-slip-storiessalloati f Keena' s capureiands soul lumh'roo uint )articulasr, thu-t he ws tt enbslhst een- in1( wilic bording at Vpsiatsoiicre au Pasckardane Satestesgsied con sislertibe ceencoe. Noe f these sories 'lausdeehues t i iodup o une Oils'figig bus taress. If te frexishmesicrtot ging to ae temir banqet l ntFridasy ight, they art- putttigu p a goodi"bluttff," oand te sopi- stisuses must acknowledgebtsbchoc Iact Onie tagreeable feattre of the situatiotn j5uisht nuo ar-coiing has trantsiredias v et, althoughu big hiodies o oh uxomoiores are pahtoling the steesl PAST INDOOR hBSEvBALtL GAMEJ AT GYMNASIUSM As usual, Coach iMfcAliter suoed is spiti or genealsh~buip iicbiog ao ixudoor teaixby dlfeaItsi*sa sospeedy bhitteiof youngsterso1a o 6,Cu_- lcdtus hilt tuwntpichinugwhih sccountslute th decisivesvitory Logigs nd il igsod btuntst were prealentIwitih boths tems the 'stquieze" shy buing Successfully workeud many tnes Sanger stppeared it he cage yesterdayu fo hsn fiIst te in uer auwesk. --is wsentlinto lte boxor hbaottngfprcice- andshadthuhe new msenu borttscared adh gitessitng at hiltstitch cuives ansd speedh Thtere are onxy aboust thirty cndxiates ou1 at hreset, tnearly all of whonm giv promise of ndeeloping itoufsItsterial Harviard's itchucomue durigthe past seaxon Intum uontbal illvh appoximat $6o,ooo. The total income from the in- tecollegiate games at the stadium will reach $ioo,ooo and uay go beyonxd that figure.