The Michigan Daily' ANN ARBOR, -MICH-IGAN, WE-,DNESDA Y, FEB-RUARY 28, 1906. ,.OL. XVI. NO. 104- FRESHMAN ATHLETES 11HIGH CHiARAMFTER OF CAST WILL BE ORGANIZED I\iFT~ C E~I Of tie iersons taking the leading Director Fitzpatrick Aims to Develop par ts tin ihecsssscinir Verein peesenta- '[earn Work of Freshmen for Meet to f"i )e jotirsalistet.' several Ihave -To Elect '09 Yell Master. berst scet in past s-ears andI somte are itinmVsetsmslts. hoe-of gooad prt ac I s-turdyiclsi liss- I st 11a1(erilii I-sies the lciii sits5it r cthtisisistic ovet ici itannter isissrle, is liseber of tise i -]ch tsr er's ftes ma clss are spi tltttstti litttr ls . S eiiv r irtctofSatrrla m fi. t i t sicals ttsii isiis ite t - m e etiiit ntt eenst ( iettat si ugtesi -ns-it ie ~ tac ly rmtc rdciontttgsItreeor ii s silrthe i t asnolist clas sitseof ii id ha cled foi t h s tt li 1'11 tfreiss1sitan trat: a s: ac t sIststtrotei oft I dais hepaiisae siets i -ti turophyiloittsioft-ile gun I- y is st\ilrsit Si sh is a louts t it sitime til stmleartn ats il r ii sitsyear s ti \V~r, sethts Itiken5 i(rth t.4 isriectir t itissi isiart tenssit itsamteurislys fi tessshiime iitnsis it istl iss st its, ra d apdsf issr tires lista sher t aldi hey exit h at ss iss lits tr fiti i1 \rr tus t cice of sccestwil beisaciiak- emb illo the 5juiorit erasisryclss. st iegthned t rig irti tistlstesi Fdwtardi Lattr sitftPeru, liiiplai slorait ttirt -ti a ingtt iis 5pitt, irstell kntitwn as A yll asir 5 1 e ;it ced >ii si tsor a555 l t the i tut sit tFoe thse list an h siefeh a otesiitrt-carsl stlt ha s slaedi lesominsentl siurts st tiir ers.~stwith parsi st'rirlasl.r In te iessrssls sill-diisstssi hesli andrsit ngs Ilad i iif I'lillimrtit al5s r 5isit lsrI di tli t ilirto t i etures t iiis stansi t te car,- hetllayedits heils title ls e.sIs nt t still liscts e tw cas(, std 55in rscp- Jo l s tc epa stse pat e o(f stile ite oieits- sls t te eli wll be i e is aimmbssofthe sir liter-ire list icui zed. isi/st ( ah Fitztr~ i i ick adtu'' f\la - ishaiird sihtttstildt, os litptayrste a c ostil1 feel tastheills- ral i s1rt I ll titlstI sr sLaist r e plaied the *(o las s ar ab tie he avra e t ro tren prtl it liii \ssess tlts. an slitnts ii lltsaccount55woresi tteti on 5s5 coest ronl t i l ssills it Y siwrh siishui ie- ai tit s desl-silt list Slhitzw o p1a555this past iofl mew A terth trak tort(r-o%\ fesh th coonlis a ssssmeme iofthIl iiitsr rttct wll e tken n cupls a d corchcl -1:s of[00. 1c. to, willlbe recitit stills thits daiois teichingsi-nsitiams3-uedias one ofthe pltilts is laitsytilt iior; i Ii ct li se ' i-ill dli e t a s d i . possble toinales them ii toiieatersthits tlls asstill pre arce or liii hullO Cii Il XWILLI t3 sNQFt. Freshman Tloastmaster Still' Retains His Locks isis-c wre i-jl rnssss afloat i list ishair At 'hiss Dasty wenst istorss tight ts ite sffesi shats aicrisi-t of it ests learethfat use stosry w-ssfstlse. 1t 12 atelocktstsi*nightKEnetta -tes soulsosssorecisis hd tllt alne ii. -Deenss afestuy etnesconeth e Sigtsa Phi Isittise fresmstoasiststs-r, list tight tutu s-sit asidIishas aletssstill intact. RABBI FRANKLIN WILL subjecss is ofifnsterest tsill ltose itter- TALK ON GHETTO POETS sstrdintosoilogy, piitileti ecti 5andut Noted Detroit Divine Will Lecture on .NWrPRFtlFSSO)R A _N-iA-X Sweat=Shop Literature This OF WIDF l1PFRtENCtP Afternoon. Rit suisoIsit .iFrankinii.of Detsroitl mLssil I tess M.,citois sisb ieit ti- ill sitsak15at 4 is'clocs tills aftersnoonssi iilso i stsfiro issrifirscssitte, is < Saisasi Caiisel sngell hall, oil tse stilt grasitsatse (if IItsi s it. His Irsa l issu iedi jessl "isom IPoissosf PFtsiy-., The-it te Massas-etsettrsI ecisi ingy tush- lesctures sill Ils fre if schartge a asl ttilts sid tu thet I sisi s Is eIassits ts, itsr t iild isHecostes iere sutter tIs( Fais.Besirsestnsives saiese ill a spi hisCoslisutits'5 Iiegiian iva st at rchiseturall itt e its ist still tusbhsily isesal rstic if theievlis tso terts expieceiss ss isachesrsiis- if the sswets-ssitop syasit s1stem i practicdyaas asitstanit itsaritsectuiresit Il- in New Yus1:itity.tardsaudanothsrtlDrexel Inlstsitute of Tseipotry Its sell treatsof is te Puss Philadstislis slurt (ifJetsiis Amicanisstss is tesiet-'Iadionhhshedhorbep- shopt i st rict atdsitu s it t sai o b o ey i lss its stasy aistsestuas oc tieties. high Imertit.aSoiisisicothpesof slits Fur ltsreyeirs Itsiews ipsrsssesidnof te lit ischtsha isen es- isuuI,%is-isedIDti tAcitctrslclsub, irst sice- bsy cirs iti ts. eioftin par iltiulistiresietif til lsCisssusXslArtch tittrl Rs 5f5 l istyna ,s aated faor-shub fortillsyisis fur tsoes coresess- ahis stits i ii Ca d abi 5 si list awil ssssslis e riets ty sitf tse A schitetuual testisl lilt vstseis ctston f~s tt t-sitrblXtietttLagu o 1Amriasand now hIlls sits suiistil lai uusmns which-ife sIsns ssssssu hlssit ls tttitus meicnirs ltsistsoetry is 51ritt5en5is uulilirli s tirdia-Asoiti Ionsof Fates. IHIscosseslto ste lsst if tse JsiwiisITstils seterties essy is-armlsysrecomimenssaed tbli- De- is drani r omluisesvetyihsisse sf lits intrust aitts. ths hto ht iito ewlok wiuliis sit it Isisrin t etrestig so the ANOIII lts BOLT IPUTc ieeage An eien. tINT10 THEIiLID It is tils ists trit wichtit siha s 1011p-I snai-is lai tilty itb itm-a-gacine tritlet-s wtlJ Ntsautisid witha ]its Ilsssisos i spts- -reait suceess-stse iounusic f little 1-si tigittos-n ste lid osit studenisstsi-sir Goot isros situd Ikey 1 itti is issltonss adddiathstserhilt tostrlu- lists is lihe hots sfsit isstiianduitpathorsssientstistsitsn. Yitrisayisfternoouuun 05 rittislitan sitadnetss s s it er isttls Nuts Isii iM-sisiten, ssroeyi edwith uof thsi stinsiit ofti5 tn s situn lists iyssopses if tsite lissresilwaurins if slteitvo s tion iaidsefsa rifisue.liiiupouusrusa ks-ities'~s andsisgar-si-t ds: swesho atndsu situ ts vl ii hre li"Thit g gsis-forsditssr srcigars, Iseristisc softlissdistrict. esiher st-tilt i rs, is ceiss billsirsittls' si RfabisFrasikl50isn s isall situandfitsce- enisnsatllessisheels iffitunsie, itbles, fisl sitsasir anstusill ssssdoubitedly Irsat isllallis, titlis mliiesosansx-oiller lis topusits in ntsuiettitlistg sanuner. i li e icses, is foits desn." rivals } lie Fitss 5i-t'eal meti si titl r alie - 5t l, hioiss isis sill Ihosidia ti le t i p acica Isll lsth stil tti i ist t io l: l- I siss t-sslty it i-s tiltst hit iiite t oIcasss, ind fr titu(ite s planniintot tr m ha 11i l htt soud '-5o i c ,oL,,t stt shult li-an tsi oi- f limbytntush ini 4 slits ii i g iht's luisc t s lits us sit us fromsus ails si-ill ki-es in n th rshnliii vtit l i attnda t l 't- i- t s itse sits ri us is its siit t meos is li il ru in sti6l w 11 pr'pscith tl s tiis itsushi tiolts J sts 1-5Ptitls isisitilus h slet thiitl ii ts}ea - -loists 0iei vry de i r aItuast.ur e X iit I u-i-stily- flits'glt contless t u i t us ((us1 sich th st sill i-i« t-h o usa t tickets still lutint pits m o tltSen. lusts Iltie s sos-stil s upoussile. ftr t titi in is afissis to Conc (lit5' a{"ii' anit -iso nsit Sr fs It gn hi - u-s)tl Gy l~,at -,sii Pr o ae . icture i of th'i f Xii imilc list all X iiic batn us still lt- he uts- o l: i i snu;es- ciSlsteri is auth upishsti sutit slit I the 111el arsi t edil y '5 155555 ii iii sits1? lit s ts- lite the re 5)1 t r ts st~-d y iltoor' Its sit ll \-uss <,"ir 10 tutu cIlCAullur andtus cht iii -te rs an te I l)ei'tsh le igest si-rsitio- tilt- wa5 ts uu in ii n ig , h uc rnd1 cuss t ea tnu ialtbi scri-it--of t t su' trcc i at itls sclit thSle itall tsi t cr litnui Is lt putinto silay usluistC ite atr h ft \vas qites'rus"" r A1RI1i ill-I-I i is lii'III 1GIF I C I Xciii- ii li .ts e s it ltttlespltit l I si gym tru-- ite lust frus i isa haiyrbetin Sits tussthe ono ofanii ( ttu t t te flitismp ''ssric -s is' It;) be h usdIinG r 'Th-e Isis-lickrlintseliii Xliii i sit hoil ati e to5 repre snitheUsitd55M555es yesits us-yusOsit iii s-ardly- extuct announcedi th a i 5 lts us111 s us to uits int hss tecoservi vesits hitusta ft too-sit-rs sits.t'so-sirit a s t's isilisss ItsCsit.I I tis fli tits 1gam reshats 1bst thus lusts truss1tuscreate distinsguished'sI lsursi vey vet se-logthuuse- lists's In sie Xpr] entieredsuithits mstncrediitabhlr'eiseork sossuitseirish a pictusri- of t- ,N-ss osnesits' it slur - mere evn, si ts- h isvltetrsistho k hbi es wichalslieesta'lishsilediaunits IOly-mpics lu)ca d in tiii'libiriry-bilidii reco-rd.Iforeegrosundu of the ciii sas banquetls at gaeist liii iftie yeir- ouf tBuckeye I esrect a skein lhuts set is tts- s sigified tel stiltl-aisa ttee dsires stusldtget PROF. HEMPL GOES TO LELAND STANFORD An Increase of Salary and an Oppor= tunity for Work Along Hlis Chosen Line Attract im. ttrtf. fGeourge II emupi sroes sor of Ensglishiloloiuiugy us theus-nieity, halst accepitedsatsitsionusaut IelandsulStanufords as headi sf the departentssss sbfasteusaso His presntba nl-rn-of1$''us is to e eduiths trtsclus s i9 ts- ileuahge ofu u iiihv stll its slursB dersit l ~ ri n this (satteisisyr ts h ihd posiios utas prsin ipa f saitsus fch, iasdi Ia IPousttuse.,highlSchs,-iand' Ifrulno1881 listtsrf GCru tut s sJlius Hpkis. In 0i o afiter Sitaking stirisdtotsirt t Jiena, Germatsnsy, his wautadsirjiuirptea fess ftnis hra t Michigant usidi lit7-tiofessori'of IEnlis philologsry aiti generltliguistis,-te plutinluheliinow Ilis formals Iresignastionss sill pobtiliy go heftier thus lutstdoufirugens-isitusits next5 iss's-titt.Acrrus to his-r apestu plass le sill syhyerei ittil iJue, and thten, wus-isishtsfasuitsyI go ahroad. fTs seconss eest-he f uextasre iswill taeU i tushatLelndStanuforsd His failuy ssistsits sa aroadutuil 1307 triestPrlesso rss iii ill resusin houtru foruth li tsumui.The his o sslu-isty sill this eus rnlsstsPaoIthisXliiCaiforiasui ICSI Ill s I XMXciCAXii 'She rrt a igs'uteoit ta rs ietheis Asngel is asi tosi callsu , footbllliconufe-rence.- Te usssue si r indeinite, lusts this slurr limprft i i ussis that (suithe o frne \ l ~ : Allii.thiscllgesha e p - tipll-t Sir c'hanglfe, psttros-d hiythe is-rst ,11:futlithi anutist Ilsus-tlts ihaie blustsc~mu-ssssss icaet tt irehi- neli l.iru Vtuh ius at is thsoaugitthis itesnesessy l o is-iis farthie sll toscou-fruithrsiurale Presidhens tigal 'T becOtsi155 t tiosv enstrc its 5535 usills regardutothisproosed-ref r-- lte abosltionosauf this puosinlcml stn f tSluraiS instasis lesi thi sslit nist f the seassstashan hitsethis-er uea appiuliedh t athltis nisiss hool. 'The rersilt is ofthus istsi -fessts' aso rovdedu i-itha-t itsn'sase thusAmSliitns ruesrcomsmss its rsluhdid n tu, tush s s ssfaset sty chaunes is inteplaig sth westerut contferencei uiiiliidrsit up5it trueste.ts is still n fopin tquesltin wheusthesr thussithanges Simade 'iarcit 555511 srto ie swres e ttferecc. A: iE-fCIA vRO I 5fT ciliaS A NEL. Pikis. ClhiasSlt i s it e rof asciWo stat's BilussrhosuitseIei to t hiss'm tair stepf sf.Jame- s l.Anel,. anthcaledh tire AnglribleuhSchootl css Nelli- Cussrell, a younsg itolist 555ouh-sislutsid lasscdust's'of te swore. Thue buisldinu'',ts' utisfwhc $1r50owastnts iuteds bhy Dliu us-usIl~lsas if Peesidensitudsh.ilAngll kai n eectes- uau lfits'--eoil otiI< Stigelil beiausei ifilist stll inoin te r rensiteceinsssChtin hsitu 1 dntAn_ eliwsambaisLsadts heisrie. itiiSi- us-Isi is rtrilstif of sheXcimnssFoas- eign is Nsionatury socfiet' of tue Esusgs'- g ationalsuleuiss-einsisa hitgant, is stso Ittny esallctinsg funsisfuserte furtere I utmaintenanuee f thuse. An-hl ibleuicschoosi sfor twomen. f Steiensir cress-wis hSie itiecass sregautsuta eldiuerste auuspicessof thus W~tomten's Boiatingugbisast stetUnivs-ity of California. the Alumnus Starts a Romance' AJX11I I R, \ICitto haok tsf suits'oftshe in statmin"gsof the fisUiv[sits uy IBook Bindiery,"tush ex- ur rtomanasse,suies tub the is- deryusisstiff, Muss 'lrue shutse'ithIts-thSie curdtsswere liatentded tial agentcy, Seeger, fuse the laity whsetpictusre appieauresd in e suispieios t ile tussedtsiataysitudthe widuely sir-j I ts he pistAlumntust1905. The postals ril -lhuussacuslated -Iftus onnittu srwsay to thss rphettssied afuture acqusaisntance. ,e employes remtte Phlipinttes. Somie otis ntanila j hu this smeanstime the laity officialis oh ,ry, ws-hiehis suits-sie picturesets 'conqrs edsansuietnt jtheslbaryay sre nakingagrrantgemns itg. itnstethree isouvtenir soristalcruts tsAssiae-wiltshstecantera oanisanth engagintg ad- the pictore They weere addressed to "Mists ventsitug space its the Alumnus.