TIHE; MICHIGAN DAILY flocking Valley fy CONTINUES fIS X'EC'LLN TRAIN SIEtCVICE' You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Nighti Trains Union Depots in Toledo ;and Co- lunrebus S. E. CLARK, 321 Campus Martius Detroit, Michi. KODAK Finishing We do developing and printing for amnteurs, and do it well It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell niore f ill m and more Kodaks P~RICES REASONABLE E. E. 1CALKINS 320 Sosuths State Streset MYI OFFER: The Boston Safety Pen or the Standard both Self-fillers and guaranteed for tlhree years, on trial for two weeks and at the end of which time you can return to me if not satisfactory. If satisfactory, pay me the regular price of pen. Let us show them to you. R. A. H. THOMPSON, 611 E. William St., Ann Arbor. i k i i f I t i t ^. t:..,a P -The Right Styles In Men's Spring Clothes 1i'ers thing that's newxx'anil right wxill be touned Iers' now. - All inrs gr eater in v'ariety and( lowisnritpsce tita usl iqulitism-b band nayohrsoe Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits$10 to $20oCat, - - - $0o$2 Raop Coats - - - $15 to $25 Rain oats - - - $15 o $2 MEN'S FURNISHINGS A splensdid showsing of M'en's News Sprisig Shits, Neckwsear, Gloves, Hosieiy and Utndetrwear MEN'S SPRING HATIS The iiewvshapes in black unitciilors are to tic seciias istitl Up-to-dteness, sure quality are ev'identtil iii uc iii REuULE, CONLIN FEE After Paying Your Tu'ition Fee _______________ _______________________ The next most important thing, is to avail yousrelf of anoppor-F 0 OFFICE: tunity and let us show you our various linen of merchandise select- Groud Flor, ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Eve ry thisng is now AN E SCHOOL F OR OFFICE ANIG 310 Maynard ready to be seen.~ Street TAILORS FURNISHERS 709$711 N. UNIVLr'SITY AVE F HA~S""" RENTSCHLER"S Representative called upon You yet? ' You can procure from him a coupon easiisagyoun in use dozna $1.50 Cabinet Photos and an extra picture for use in the M~ichgan- ensan all for $3.00. P H O T 0 (iR A P H E j ipent Jeweltry anil Watch Repsirs. I A . <, . 1 .1' Tn.:.nl r.r C +nrc. Asrnidss sjeeryMoe COOK HOUSE It ilsiret's geninte svelvetIisis: OpsNsise 'isur' t House' Sqiuare' Osing's. FIRST-CLAS Is ALL BRtANC"Ss________ $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Seasm inH ea dflivoi' Aul ightsrvice Swis pressed, a5e; irursii Sissis#.Y OtENP s S ectI T 'Y. sic Each Pte OCno Variderllpto ~Gal. ulr& 'onr These g Pipe Tobaccos Are the Large-it Selling, Most Popular, Highest-c Grade Tobaccos in the World Every pipe connoisseur, the world over, knows one or more cf these tobaccos, and knows that higher quality was never produced. - He knows, too, that a good pipe, S seasoned by and filled with one of AETAri these tobaccos, is better than the ~4.best smoke of any ~i H ~l ~ other kind. .ATAtIA SFinrst p si5&'4O't; ~GA ne fine o iues -inss ln S~n., / s t~e CAtTA-ildi ms, 3Y oz.,450. GARICK-Fest in- Laaiue's Ce Vrni,t -- ss --- delightfulk aroinatic in acum in. 1t Voz , cj PĀ£issit issii-UT UNIVERSITY NOTICES. sicill (f ls hi sit; tday,4:'15, i ssOOM C : is us 7ut Cai~r ,ul lets WCinss ssis't is l 4t si c ii iery sudent litcetei l t.i 111s m Cisihes;.'i.,111. 'X T e.purpose f t1c' m~eti, Isto stke ictisnisorith'e 1'Iclsliy t Isis is ttis'sssntery tisiss't as's lill mlt.l ris .tu' C 'sss' ss I )lit) 11111 ca'iytibanqssus'stiktso stc clC utrI~lm ss, l l s ts la'w5 de-' )a tnu Iu i, Ii' I s it e, ' nss sit Is 1,'s ii is'sss fr th, I isinsi ii c 'ni lra1. U iiyeitsci rmai n. clsc i ii' RCi ";11? s ' I'11ssic sic ssss ldii tu; iota suitsit t s ito b tytalis'- lunh. rnet l. el o ut Sc~alist'-'sir' sto tsthe i--ssiitfa et cifriecs. Plutr Oigttorva. ftpC.Wil's c'ie \simat'rieslePrssg(oistlyPar Iir..NoSeed)lrir of the Ih olielto me. Al. kmA. psurchaiose., ecarepritterst iiiu<11 the 11 stssctitwsyuit i7hulWastidlst' sit stre t.t. o ydol ht- to lp lsledwokmn o hy.c aes xt ieas 11fxoas. Ma St coet'oAies'fxnder &SCo., HMaingt Eblishedcsdl-t. THE wrong signsal bsy'1 the titan ints it tosser "may cost hundisreds sif humiatn liver Yoci are the mass in the towie" to gsias your own stomac.IND)IGES'TION isz wnarning signal of "dansger ahead!"' Keec) kes thestrack sleear isc lah td ie os helhyad RcieDisisucED cil ne steatncookedand dawn isto hu, pru hrdle amitlkfotborcramkheBsUtessdeliciustforibeak', faes thorerytomalforeev ndeayindthe bear.-I mealtydalsoesevedIinsundesof ditye ande ept wtaysicombid ndatnituineoyeros ndhredsere Toarn oe aboi u SredddhetaCokry Sedhlyfor sdour "Viamd n evdwt Tik rcrTisaSheddedI s eicos obek betterfthanvbry ea for eetoastheyer.I wadelicousbithatiwte risoser nreevs 'cse afropreseV.l TRIt'sUAlliinathehShreds I "1KING T06pr.' S Y YALE MIXTURE - A very popular mixture- Havana, PervineTurkish and finest Virginia selec- tions. 5 west-Slayored, in i I d and aromatic-in vacuum tins. I?.g oz., 24c.; sf oz.; 40c. THREE STATE- A Virgisia, Ketcky sssi Louiisaaser'iquse l'c oz,2C., 5. i Some one or more of these famous brands will just suit you and your pipe. If not found at your dealer's, sent postpaid. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. 1.11 Fifth Avenue, New York TME NATURAL FOOD COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N.Y :ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE SIEir lOF FjVlfY- THING IN TAILORING