THlE MICHIGAN DAILY --- -- -. Spring, 1906 OUR STORY Attractive Styles New Colorings FOR ME'1N'S W[AR Largest Line of Woolens Shown, all at POPULAR PRIC[S jFull Dress Suits a Specialty at G. H. Wild Co. Leading MVERCHAINT TAILORS 311 S. State St. a r ij 1 i i r I I f f f THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ill ta eilatoll fatr outweighte aaood. ThtDily has alrealt-tputlisedslatte- Enteed astsecond classmateatathe Ann Itetieby PresidlettAngel l eanstoe ol- Arhor Postoflice. ey and l ian d t Rl epresenattivte Be-ti, shv-nthe Ihaimttht m ot e vittabtly Publishead daily (Mondays exeapted) duringcome to tietunivecraity if hatt-ettttg is the collegeyeaar, at 117 Fast Washington stroat. Bell phona 892. Eoma phoea 76. coetaflo cal this year. It sld ltwieays lie ket 1in mtintd that people outidte of Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW the unttrsi ty e olotantttlnetve ao Business Manager, WVALTER R. HANS v ie'ttecuttmatin the samie light that --- tudentsc do,atndlceer tanly college ttetn, EDITORS. aboe all othiers.shltdttItble brada-mtiaeda Athlatic ........Clare-aata.ElIadridge enotaghcttc revilect thleviewsa tf othters. News............Laais D.Stickaay We sitacerely bteliev e thatt itt view of Exchangesa....... Ctharles E.Wintead 1lat eara tawell-taigh fatal stabbintg af- Masc.............A. H. Oataayea i ti alliettetertitcii lit Womena...........Effia J.Armtrongvairi odh h wrtpsil hn tat cotttuldiapteeti leeinitterestof EIDITORIAL STAFF. the uivicesity shldtlihair-cutting lie re- Huagh Alaen Franklia C.Paaks titaed.'lTe asophomreTlils avi-e it Arthaa C. Pouad ASSOIATS.eith leith leie poteer to performo a great ASrg A soCI aTEd .Smth rvice dicetheutitiersity. They hate Feeris N. Samith Gaega A. Barnes 10otentile proper aspirit in refuitntg to Evhart It. Cancy FeankJ.Car citiatii itemitater, alidilwe aint- Hlenry F. Schulte Heanry A. Montgvomeeya ceeythope atrusea t that their patirioti- D. F. Stavanson WalteMtzanbaumt tie landtieaofiotlti lictigiat will enale Glaen0DBeadlay Johnt P. Watt tem tic sce tiletmattlir ini ivtsrotter toy V. Call Ploy0dti.Joves RATES t $2.5t pea yea, at $2.aait paid inialice e digit cer andthtil olvefrevititat advancea. clacesini aboiilsinitg laiii-cutting. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 236S. 12th St., Phon~e849 L. r.tavleciii 1 In Our Circulating Library You will find the newest hooks as fast as they are issued. CThe charge for read= ing them is 2cts _ _ '> INFO)A , lFERURYS 27. igoha CALENDAR. Mai tie. Ohioub anqutaaet at Cook l-louse. :late.2itsteation111of '"Die Jouernal- iseli"ibylienatslier tiereit. 'late. 3-Juntiotrii litessiarty at Oar- hotir gyemnasaim. Mlate. 4-1i iFerrytlect ie )ra.5toil. aid iHartford iiTheoloigical Seintar y, Pc VilitatN eat act itltl. Siar. -T.iA I :t eaedoch, oate re Si artateite ii SaahiiCaswell/' aag- eli tallat lap. m. elubtianqutet ciat Whlitmallre Lake. ileit Proesaiir I ietpto aLelandttlSain- ford i tittcitet alt) ike tiletieptuire ad mlare thiat te f uratbilest proafesora 0ohrsalasiof learing in rii ras tilt'iato adtillriefI tile iiiaiia Itnee f hy Uierit o ii ichigan.It. is idieattnimt"oiisae 'iur ticofessotra leav Alchiallin espnseto flattieritag 'fcstfIoimiabrad. 'lTe ittampusties lino e expetedii iltoahldlthrmiere whe lie hleu irinaneatIlevantagesdemetatnd achtanierutfI acne. \S ectuldlwish lin- tecal.dithatwe'coutild alie the saalaries 4 atrtareroe-ssors vsthigh that they old urna dla erto atthe temtptiteg offers fromithaearlcolliieges. 1111twe can- teot do li thtaitiouti a highte appiroplriai- lion.,etian ituriatal tprayer fair the retean- itaid tfaru title pressorsaamta titt h le aiedattihe'state legielaittire. Sieldomitil araledathof adaMiichtigant gautcatlgreater gi lo alter tile caiaamut thalastile piasinig adfHarrtit SENIOlR 1,11' 7tLT I NG 'TOAY. Oweitng tie thefdiethatt vatfet eiet- i erswtereetat at the mteeitng tadthe 19011 lit late lastelStutrday, lno ipotanti bustites at ranstaareud. Farthtrea- stil it i tad tile utmosiat imttlranceeett eveerysetiato li litildl le preetttat tie mteetinthie aidie-eoitt at: t, it Roomti C, Laiversity hal. Imtportantibu tsinaes tail1lbee 1brouagttlit,iceludeiggthe cap landalgoewnttarac. Thlere re to dcl- peing firmsatilltuhe le andttie is ilt- perative that elis matter le deciaedl soo'.Tesoial cetmtateee aill aso miake itt report. $175 STOLFN FROM ThN GREET. \Mystery strrounads tier disappraratce aid $75 elotnging to tier Betn Greet eeae- t pag. Last Satureday ight Matager Johnsonatadleth ie tweklyvsaaries f te playerseenlosee at elveleoes, rpery7 miarhe andtipreadaoutailniithiartablle. Thtere ateree t nutamber of pecpla inttie roomailafier ela perfrancaae, tehile lia atcompatay taatelaitg paiaaf.While tie mtanalagers attentieoteawas ivetedr.three ad lia'etta elailteecontainlinag $175 disiap- ieared. 'aTeei tea lie asto whoii taokttleliar eytar, to tifly ta-atthe riea terfarmtaed. Te mttter teatbtentre poirtead t liarptile. NEWSO tNG CO 'Hih 'i'G IS SELGC''GD liar eatsonlg cotaittitee oe t'e M\ichtigana lUiontthalt teat seletedas a follaws: raofesors Sitaley aad lil- landante Earl Kileen, wavitake liar palert adfPraofesaor H-. N. Baeyad C..avtint Thoasa of Clumbedia, atadl Ga- wradalPatrker. iBesideses re getalemeea, WS'iliamla Berrey atdProfesor alebauagi- lii, oftad la oIitaatie. retait their plaates.All ther songs tae beentasut- mittted attea the coatmamittee will avajug ameit ini a featlak-y. i1ITFII.RY CLUE 1 Ci ISI'I;N Gil 'liar Gooese-Qulli, athtiletwitliterar clubiasetaelaeta caled,.matrinil Sealtall liestighta. 'A papter oalitu'rgetae. lite Russtiantanov'elii'stalasradIt ie aSilliama IG. Sieitar, matatal antaHtuInettsce-al wotrk, "-Pre-Rapaiela-itismand taheliiPre- RtapaeliteilBlrothearhoodaaa,waslarevie-wtt-a lay H. . lsien. F~athlerKlal eiveradcitaspleniadh- aress itt St. T'oast caheatrea Snaeit nihtl.onattier sutbjet. "' oatltRcmte.' Hr is t ataleedvspeaeradtsaddres wtiareceiveweihtclote atettion. Srs. A. A. 'Atdersoataitrntee cad Blaaarad collegeCateluia tnierrsiy. tagivenl Barnard $tooooo wilia awhicha tat entaowat tre sieerctareaintltg tat the adegree ofiathelr taftadciece. Staes ae eli'ing taenra t liar Uiver ity tad Viscotnsinto atorgantie a atier- ity rees clviiiAll of tliaryottourr- Mtin theliar ittiontjtttaill le eliibple tt mremehrlip in tetrgatnizatiet. 'lThe clubltt-il lae vsoil in aatture atis intteaded that fomteta itte to ittermaet ight inthlarprofessiotallwtll1her brotgt itto ltdeliver talk-c before ISterclb. Spalding and Reach GL~OVES: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $3.00 MASKS: $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 MITTS: 25c to $4.00 BALLS: 5c to $1.25 Our prices oH Athietie Goods are the Lowest in the City. The Bookstore that's Never Undersold. C. E. BARTHELL, Law and Medical Books NS' AMN) SitcOlINTTAND I. DICTIONARIFS PRACTICE BOOKS QUIZ COMPENDS OUTLINES, ETC. Cash or IEchange for your sll books. C. E. BARTHELL Phant 76t 325 S. State Street, 2d Pleat Ann Arbor, Mich. per day per book. 'Thee aecotaloiaaer ifi aetreda ly vi. Weksca.'Thoautghtcife aetwtre Come in and look leatatinglengtyft'aflitte ato dicitauss adieuhokecat ossl mishat undaergraduaaate them over. thinkh cuer theequerstlitheof abising days, cwlcihe'iheulted tile great i901 iatier-cuttitng. Not illtyeatra heatsauchantaeamteoatthe weatealcit hiamionishtaiip. atll ipor-tanutest avionaac-authefoureutehlce tt knowhiatt hy reputatiioand lahitslatett- adentla deertheir dlecisione. Thureachtu tio0ofo ye illaautohtie to ea honoueared husheh liar sophomoaaares trtme amoerthaiti doee s attoiea ftallaaic-ttenties'tohoete a liuhad liarhedreshmentafoe tier reasonthlatepar amoaunaI tuolegespter. Noatihligatn Shthey fleehan' iter-are' thaier in eaxpearience.Andidslhqaterevaer shoedr ecatier skailltar ~~EE'8 EU U ~ tie ewetih tea commiaendatisdeliearaiont couragea tntthee 'ridhirnat.dutohtaut nttara cat ewe sinerely hoeathhat thiruit imatec elcoptedtinittgreaere degreethe Maiele- Stdnt'Bookstore decattcis iioilee tea vacriide iersoalaigate cpirit Itat udeama'ald dertl, tot plauefrtile'teat intlersatedofhe rderaafromae lit ossevssor. unv it hiere is tautdouabt hitthat-- ithpathair-cauttiteg hea])cllteat- lIEN GRZEET FLASYECRS Football Pillow taieofmcit goodta. Thosar eiiu-hocon-ttIAY RF'TURN IN JUNE ae t sb ut adegradinag, tawithoti____ a-a'le edeeinagdeaitre. are ill the' IDuarialg their italyi nAit.rborategoe- maad~e Op comlete for a caswthalathee aoldlfaogicieu oiiaahiaa awere tatde teitha tieIheatenGreet ci005tactea titbolishe fooutbuall. It hiattcrecil- comanaay dut-taratutorerforancvte ill ald univearsty tpirit, it hiatttatte nherth eatc l. Mr.aGcet prtomis elaedtcomeeif $1.50 lacibttracquaitedwtttleuir classathes;t aeheaes cntu le arhranhged eith hsmn this week at it hate]treatllariatciieeoeeattchinntet tages. Ie eate ttereycollie ita roale funeavwhlciatahahilpedtearelieetile ".SWintaera'shale"andtahtie "Tempert"' DARLING & 15A L EAIJX aaauaaoatansunatahhid tutleandthakte cciii hue ceeif laeaati. hiat the' evils wih________________ 224.226 5. State St haave tattacedaltiheseveasttteectomi, ihiagatipictures. Lyataoen. if Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS;REMAINING; Jerome K. Jerome Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Rils = .- Jan. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith - ___ Lorado Taft . - - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - . Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman . -..liar. -- SOUSA'S BAND . . Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Big Clearance Sale Smiling Faces are those that are made happy by the creamy, comforting lather of WILLIAMS' SHAVING ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trasins Lanra A,&mm. Arbohn GoaicgNortthSaSS a. at.cod 4:a5 p. mt. Goinlg South 7:20 a. m., 11:35am. and 7:51 p. m. J.3J. KREBY, W. T. WILLS, Gen't Pase. Agant, Agent, ToledoOhio Annv Arbat tMihu Bell place 13)-lar Lvatom eato69 ~AEuiIAN CENTIRA "t' MNiaptra Folio Pak;% Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Through Trains Ea t31 a. at., 21.40 p. ni., 4.55p. at., 9.30 p. at. 11.05p. at. Locais last-.05 a. mt., -1.1 a. at., *405 pe. Through Trains Weat-t.0t a mat7,5ta.a a., 9.18,2.33p. at. 10.20p. at. Locals West-2a. sa.,* a. at., *1.40 p. at., 06.00 pat. * (Except Sundat.) Conctiacs at Chicago fva 01. Loals Kansas City sadthletWest. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor Tickets for the Entire Course or $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Cents Extra-at S. L A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 ItIN 1EADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phone 552 Office Hous 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec WE MUST REDUCE OUR SURPLUS STOCK. If you desire a good bargain it will pay you to watch this space or call at the store. Don't be fooled; we are the cause of the present era of low prices. Bray a~t the Co-O~p. _l 1 mis M WARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS SOUTH STATE ST