THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hfockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Siteping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots~in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32, Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing We do developing and printing for amateurs, and do it well It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell more f i 1 m and more Kodaks PRICES REASONABLE E. E. CALKINS Druggist 320 Sousth Stt COOK HOUSE Opponsite Oouet House Square FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.30 $3.00 Steam Heat and Elevator Al! night seesvice SUND1AY DIsNNR A SPECIALTY. 50c Each Varadertlp 1.t~. n Ag t BEST ALASKA 1RE1 SALMON Per Can. -- - ~ *10 Cent Per Case of Four Dozen, 1 %$460 lublLp ~ In 5 Case Lots, Per Case, = e 4.40 214 SouthDEN&CAnAro Main St. DEANchCO.anrn y4\p~w%^0rw^, n.. w . .... ,. . ,.,,Mtchtgn,.n,. The distinction ta comes fo being a correctly dressed man is yours r -by asking for my mark. And that I THREE SIMPLE MOIONS TO ritl does not mean bean;, extravagant--msy TheORtstNAadL..nsstGENUNE 4fcreatiotns are reasonably pred.{\ * IIJ N1L1 Press WAISTCOATS TROU LSERZS ISELF-FILLING PENN D a N/ArlINJFTTF "TOPPCOAT -nndall ina few econds ofttinme. rltoopressure o the thumb ton tsmll iroeot_, itti tit- /f ) and presestaninside elastic. ink retoottvoi w-liNOwn f -ith relensed, drawsin theinktotandltthen iinsaty filedeandyfor use. 5o s~iplI is the piltiottthe FILIN Pe t'OSNttIPENi NK Really Fills Itself. 01000R010 Fills Theickilyleadjusted liockintg preventteink frlomten Isl foreditouit agin. 'riiosimplesct, mott i ui t olot iil- tnienoetl dropen1s. tOitpenstidt tublyith ttthei o Loeoiot-odrotflye. lo iomplex pii ;to titit-i ohe Latgtone denaity.hoIsnkttlows titttiir t tilktlllet 1111 andgulatity: lwp sredy otoot -it. -ii toeli THygoes CsfilngmaingPENCO.ti\LI E Use . PullSormtionswite., Tttrad ts Reasonably priced at my rrepresentatives Jly.iPatk 11 r « .y! P 6 ,; , , Judge for yourself bot asktig Lindenschmitt, Aptel & Co. HA..RENTSCHILER'S Representative called upon You yet? R A N D ALL You can procure from him a coupon estitling you t one dozen $1.51 Cabinet Photos and an entra picture fot use in the Michogan Iesiatn, att foe $3.00. .G 00R A PH ER f Expert Jeweley ad'Wotch Repairs. Arttold's Jewcelry Store. llildrellis genintocvelvelt tiss il custhing's. Soils peessed, 25c; tresers, o. Futller & O'Conntor. tf UNIVERSITY NOTICES. li t-i t lit ci-i. ot iilittmtitI iit tutut 1>,- l iVC itti 1. t - 'l ck- l n pl-k- 1 ii 11111 liilit Th ln i t lt wil h ldt an ilt- liitilt L tiltec 5in Ro m " Lii \11-uti i n- u .as ca sis i tti l li mtr-c 1 6 t~ntoh ten. iutiti T1 ),) en -t t ; \t- ill- eet at o'cl k I tdI v in n el ne ln 1)11111 iIi . 1 11 1;1 vI Ititi)tt acton "01 1,, - i 1 1 0 til 11nl sotuldti he z x ; _ d E1 \ ^, . ! i b l = , ly, r. ( ' 4 - '} k :' o r ; , \ ,/ \\ i , t 'fi'r , ,, ._ V. .r ., s - :. -- _ _' Q c J U° THE W'ISE ONES Lttiokn lot i t11 the"aeo til lii 2 )1? thit . - that it5 sohy 0111 011101 o1l~ s talti Iby 11s. 11 lire t tiave hi~ll 0111 worita i ir trial