T14t MtCl4t( AN DAILY SSp rin11g, 1996 fOUR :STORY IAttractive Styles New Colorings jFOR &iIFNIc LAFAD ':J r w . ', 4h' A F F; w M M ' A r. * lILl1 0 T Ll-K ILargest Line of Woolens j Shown, all at POPULAR PRICEIS FulDesSuits a Spocialty. PulDes atj G.H. Wild Co. Leading L'MERCHANT TAILOR 311 S. St~atLeSt. r r r r r r r r C r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Running Shoes Iiiulor Shoes-fine kangaroo leather, well made strongly sewed; rubber sole $2.50 Outdoor Running Shoes A Fine Calfskin Shoe-solid leather sole which holds the spikes firmly in place: strong- ly sewed-per pair $3.50 Baseball Shoes, H-ats and Gloves at Sheehan '& Go's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds tOffice at resideece a31 E. Liberty St Hour.: S t 1:30 am. t330aed7to 9 p. M. JOSEPH C. WATTS I WA i THE MICHIGAN DAILY. IEnteed a ,secnd cesscmattr atthe An: rAror Pstclite. rPublished daiy (Mndsex cepted) during: t the clegte yer, at t17 last Wathcngtcc street. Belt -phne 89z. Plume phcne 76. Maaaging Editor CLYDE L. DEW , usness Manager. WALTER R. HANS IEDITORS. ,Athletics ......Clreen E. Eldidge rNews............tLousitD. Stikhey !Exchnes.et .... Charlet E. Wited IMuic............ A. H. Orteyr Wme........Efie J. Amston EtDIt'roIAL STAFF. !Hugh Alren Fraklie C. Perk ! Arthur C. Pund. !!ASSOCIATES. Gecrge A. Osr Hrld C. Smith Ferrit N. Smith Gerge A. Bares Rchert It.. Clncy Frk J. Clark Hery F. S:hte Heery A. Meeteseery . F. Streveson Weter Mtebmnst Gennc 0 Brdety lctinP. Wre r cy V. blltI Fltyd I. Jenes !RATES: $2est per er, r $.te it pid is Adderw WALTER R. BANS Duateses !Mnger.21:38S. 2h St. Phone 849. SI.'Nl)AY. F~RUARY 2.- ot6. Editor Tdy-ROBERT H. CLANCY. CALENDAR 1(lOuse. iil::r. 2a-Ptresenta~tiion of "Die Jou:rnal-t lset," hbyI ettsler\Vetein. Maitr 3-Jeo1or lit class prt t Gta- b~oor gymnasitm. \lar. 7-'1. A. P. Weaocek.t Pr Moarutte." it: Sarah Ca-ccell1Ag- elIl hall,. aRp. m Lak:e. lTere icone fe:tre::of lst ngt:' twco athletes cwhoe tPertormancties ers- th~e illst c erlil lle :are metew:oi' I:: tre om leteiteat: itt yar pist :chatii faithful antil cansieil practice will do:. Frest:men: who c:: ompteiid ad failel ito maegoodelat ight csholl drw: a less oil from thle recrds of tee I:::: SUNDA.Y lilEl NG. 1. h;-tBell, sale screttrt :of1the Young :Alen ,tcCritian:asscitiont. till giea treopltieontletre a: iVlei~ila:: tall. Suntda-eetigtte. i6 :30. 'TIhe it::: ler:0f iws th: Sr. IBuell has in te imossibilitiy of cutting :1:own:hi'. lettire cwill nteeitate tbeginintg pot- ly:M :3. A large atendanceeis de hicseicitoItDIetroit, tvi pi-An:. Car leavescnA::eror at 6: p. i.: letirec DeItroit a:1 to ri1 p. tm. Ruitnd trill. so centsl. Atraction. Joep: antdt \ill at eJrfercon ini:"The Ria. 102 U FPIP1O.61 t 11:111~-(.'."RSI~ ((l'::tl tiednlfro p~catn.) :1: :1 1that1hadimtpless-edl tie. Neither me ay, bt sitey is::::1:tgel t tett Irme ad i\t :1:11 call lFridev~uen- whic thy- ece1edfromt: President .ingeli lion, Jul ius Be l r f.\. 'er 'tadelro 1:1. 1 1.11:11 -Tcuiversitvctin'elnIt:dt:of aei veb- lage apro ri til tisc year, is tn~tt I:th a vpoprit:6 tis 51o lilhe state :' isate I:TeihathiCttngehurt liststeysty '\% illt ive money cattle nd wil men. n itt I: we ll' :1:;:s thir :: :liv.' Pei deti ntI: Angc tll il meal etom ittec-'i:: :::tlbusliess cin- to th u ivr it.t he:1 iv 1:11:: upo thit's'rdar' :l~ y romthe, olay iit iaIti'vetin sll till n la s Ctt oftetle~i aitnd frvislicli, itdtcil ittilt lt:: d icussttet ai r-ctt g mate. ihu putresiets i te heslcl asses :: imme'diately:: medate andrtch::nittits::atiilenthe11::: :1:t11un :::ha caued strollstI it iii:- chilesnti entamo lite mjut' cl: - men. The ctio ofthe oph lltitti its probbly ad cnsidrabl ild iii t ed ts ssi tue wht is vriul kno n 1s hit "ba th: Istilt"wt r Io''I Gear." itertoills: vsti~iii, h Ilclst der:l il ht::iswas:the: hest timeat teir.dispsal. The Coui l 1is atic and huh vs :1 i nc it etsil t hal:lt ar OH (! vl in iir ei ated icno bu pov or ppua, ineteOr Spalding and Reach GLOVES: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $3.00 MASKS: $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 MITTS: 25c to $4.00 BALLS: 5c to $1.25 Out-prices on Athletic Goods are the Lowest in the City. The Bootkstore that's Never Undersold. 1 sttc i ll:::o - lit t k ow 7, mc1g it i ii' Ida each 2forcs 0. ta~ -' af ti ll utNE-R-L ::.I5l Icsi ~ln tvstti I. Don'tTortri~ Soapc. Avoid oirrittn a shc thec liasist 011 ANN.artinRRILRA DAll:: ArrtuIe Chiciago Sulfate Boston New York 'L? el5''rei. m ,X1.0 c.h. 11.;) a. I . '~~: l. Locate East--60ia. sii:., 11:10 a. ii., *i.04p.11:). Thsroughs'Treins West -'l.07a :m_ 7.58 a. n)., LocalsWest-2:4a. m., 5.:18 . n)i., *elt0p. ma., i6.101)p . lE-ch"eect Saunciy.) OutmsctisatiitCcag or:i. oi W. W. CAStE, Agent, Ann Arbtr the Case. it l..; of vital Importance that of ra5 i thr c etiti; whc lhsiv I 111 provediiaiarm'::li to:- un 1 'ri i.' -Pot.etc B I a is lars and cnts tesoiisrit te duthe of o r cassto tpe ithactien t ill t til ivrsty. \Ve Shllicose iriette Ills of each itand every memb'itofethe ,oo8 ngyinerin clas to ltac(]b. e imatrker-i anliinvlu be: t(r i -tin Rtchearls'vtit v af lltrnoon andt i it uil t- i tofthepefo mane.Ne laxly , itin aniavisng Th e of the la i s -inth pa: rgad hi lii: It:i i its play intSaiatoligitls prodct ioi n th:is ie T e ivtation .o citc- ..11li: i :: til X' I Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 NUMBERS REMAINING ~I Jerome K. Jerome Chas. Battell Loomis - Dec. I - Jacob A. Rils - - - Jan. 16 F. Hlopkinaon Smith Lorado Taft . - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pros. Alderman - -lar. - .SOUSA'S BAND . - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Opnfubr-Tickets for the Enatire Couzrse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. 0f1ice or frons Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Cenmts Extra-at S. L A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 '11NOfLEADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. P1kows. S32 Office Howar: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Big Clearalle Sale WE MUST REDUCE OUR SUR~PLUS STOCK. If you desire a good bargaitn it will pay you to watch this space or call at the store. Don't be fooled; we are the cause of the present era of low prices. Buiy a~t the Co-p Douglas Shoes WAH ,=TlIS homan* 218 So. Main St. GYm Shoes H~~)iJv~~I